Displaying publications 81 - 100 of 124 in total

  1. Adam Linoby, Jamiaton Kusrin, Muhammad Iskandar Asraff, Muhammad Azamuddin Rodzi, Sufyan Zaki, Hosni Hasan
    Jurnal Inovasi Malaysia, 2020;4(1):193-208.
    The conventional heart rate monitor is usually developed with a numeric digital display. This numerical view is obviously not practical to be used during exercise. In this study, the iOS-based mobile application, called Chromozone, was developed to monitor heart rate using the universal color-coding system. The heart rate monitor during the exercise is designed to notify the exercise intensity information to users using the three universal color-coded (i.e. green zone: optimal heart rate; yellow zone: heart rate lower than the optimal zone, and red zone: heart rate higher than the optimal zone). Chromozone is programmed to display uniform colors across the smart phone display, which allows users to easily be informed in regards to the state of exercise intensity. The transfer of heart rate data from the chest transmitter to Chromozone application is designed to use Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) system technology. The heart rate data is then processed by the application to determine the intensity range of exercise training heart rate based on the user’s personal input (i.e. age, gender, fitness levels and training objective). Preliminary analysis found that Chromozone application is effective in delivering real-time exercise intensity heart rate. Chromozone could potentially help athletes, active individuals and clinical populations to monitor and regulate their workout training regime in a more effective and safer manner.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mobile Applications
  2. Nadiawati Alias, Nor Hasima Mahmod, Noor Afiza Badaluddin, Mohammad Khairul Asyraf Ridzuan
    Jurnal Inovasi Malaysia, 2019;2(2):1-18.
    BactFinder© is an interactive and mobile application built to facilitate bacteria identification. As widely known, bacteria are composed of large domains of prokaryotic microorganisms which are various in types, hence the identification of these bacterial groups requires a systematic and orderly identification process. Through this mobile app, experimental results from biochemical and bacterial morphological tests carried out in the laboratory before hand must be submitted to the application before bacterial identification can be performed. Previously, academics user and students have to refer to many references such as research books and related academic journals in order to finalise their bacteria identification. This process, of course, will take relatively longer time and less effective. This BactFinder© mobile application is equipped with a database of 19 types of biochemical tests including bacteria morphology. The database was built based on Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacteriology and other related scientific journals. The BactFinder© mobile app has been proved able to provide fast (± 2 seconds) and precise responses in helping students and academics user in the process of identifying bacteria species in the lab. This application is also suitable for undergraduate, post-graduate and academicians in the field of microbiology, biotechnology and science in general.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mobile Applications
  3. Chong EY, Palanisamy UD, Jacob SA
    Patient Prefer Adherence, 2019;13:195-207.
    PMID: 30774315 DOI: 10.2147/PPA.S182516
    Purpose: This study prepares the groundwork on the potential design and development of a mobile health (mHealth) app that will be able to bridge the communication gap between pharmacists and patients who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHoH).

    Patients and methods: A focus group discussion was conducted with 12 community pharmacists. Participants were recruited using snowball sampling. Audio-recordings were transcribed verbatim, and analyzed using a thematic approach.

    Results: Three themes were apparent: 1) suggestions for app design and content, 2) perceived benefits of the app, and 3) potential challenges related to the app. Participants believed the app would be able to facilitate and improve communication, and hence relationship, between pharmacists and the DHoH. Potential challenges of the app were highlighted, such as the need for manpower to manage the app, and its cost to this group of economically disadvantaged people. There were also concerns about privacy and security.

    Conclusions: This study allowed community pharmacists, one of the end-users of the app, to provide feedback on the contents and design of the app, which would allow them to provide pharmaceutical care services to patients who are DHoH, and better serve them. Potential benefits and challenges of the app were also identified. Undoubtedly, through the mHealth app, community pharmacists will be better equipped to serve and communicate with the DHoH, and this will hopefully translate to improved health outcomes in these patients.

    Matched MeSH terms: Mobile Applications
  4. Zakaria NS, Saripan MI, Subarimaniam N, Ismail A
    JMIR Serious Games, 2020 Aug 10;8(3):e18247.
    PMID: 32663153 DOI: 10.2196/18247
    BACKGROUND: Gamification has remarkable potential in the learning space. The process of creating a gamified system and its influence on human behavior reflect the interaction between educators and machines.

    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this pilot study was to present Ethoshunt as a gamification-based mobile app that can be used in teaching and learning ethics.

    METHODS: This study involved a mixed-methods research design. The researchers surveyed 39 undergraduate students who were introduced to Ethoshunt in order to examine the relationships between mobile app usability and positive emotions, ethical competency, and user experience. Affinity diagramming was used as a tool to organize the opinions and experiences of participants using featured gamification elements.

    RESULTS: Game dynamics and game mechanics explained the functionality of Ethoshunt. In addition, the learning flow through Ethoshunt was discussed. Overall, the findings were positive, and mobile app usability had the strongest relationship with positive emotions (r=0.744, P

    Matched MeSH terms: Mobile Applications
  5. Izahar S, Lean QY, Hameed MA, Murugiah MK, Patel RP, Al-Worafi YM, et al.
    PMID: 29230195 DOI: 10.3389/fendo.2017.00318
    Diabetes self-management offers an opportunity to patients to be actively involved in managing their conditions and modifying lifestyle behaviors to attain positive health outcomes. With the unprecedented growth of mobile technology, smartphone plays a role in supporting diabetes self-management. Nonetheless, selecting appropriate mobile applications (apps) is challenging for patients. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate and compare the contents and features of mobile medical apps for diabetes self-management. Of 346 commercial apps, 16 (16%) and 19 (7.72%) of the diabetes apps found in Apple and Google Play stores, respectively, were included based on the selection criteria and individually scored for the availability of 8 main features of diabetes self-management. The apps supported self-management by offering features such as free installation, less than 50 MB space used, offline use, automated data entry, data export and sharing, educational tool, and advice. Of the 8 evaluated features, only 11 (31.4%) apps had a score of 5 whereas 7 (20%) apps scored the lowest, with a score of 3. The majority of apps were free, required no Internet connectivity to use and were less than 50 MB in size. Our findings showed that the design of diabetes mobile apps focused on reporting and setting reminders, rather than providing personalized education or therapeutic support. In the future, the design of apps could be improved to integrate patients' needs, usability for disease management, and lifestyle modifications.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mobile Applications
  6. Mohamad Marzuki MF, Yaacob NA, Yaacob NM
    JMIR Hum Factors, 2018 May 14;5(2):e10308.
    PMID: 29759955 DOI: 10.2196/10308
    BACKGROUND: A mobile app is a programmed system designed to be used by a target user on a mobile device. The usability of such a system refers not only to the extent to which product can be used to achieve the task that it was designed for, but also its effectiveness and efficiency, as well as user satisfaction. The System Usability Scale is one of the most commonly used questionnaires used to assess the usability of a system. The original 10-item version of System Usability Scale was developed in English and thus needs to be adapted into local languages to assess the usability of a mobile apps developed in other languages.

    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to translate and validate (with cross-cultural adaptation) the English System Usability Scale questionnaire into Malay, the main language spoken in Malaysia. The development of a translated version will allow the usability of mobile apps to be assessed in Malay.

    METHODS: Forward and backward translation of the questionnaire was conducted by groups of Malay native speakers who spoke English as their second language. The final version was obtained after reconciliation and cross-cultural adaptation. The content of the Malay System Usability Scale questionnaire for mobile apps was validated by 10 experts in mobile app development. The efficacy of the questionnaire was further probed by testing the face validity on 10 mobile phone users, followed by reliability testing involving 54 mobile phone users.

    RESULTS: The content validity index was determined to be 0.91, indicating good relevancy of the 10 items used to assess the usability of a mobile app. Calculation of the face validity index resulted in a value of 0.94, therefore indicating that the questionnaire was easily understood by the users. Reliability testing showed a Cronbach alpha value of .85 (95% CI 0.79-0.91) indicating that the translated System Usability Scale questionnaire is a reliable tool for the assessment of usability of a mobile app.

    CONCLUSIONS: The Malay System Usability Scale questionnaire is a valid and reliable tool to assess the usability of mobile app in Malaysia.

    Matched MeSH terms: Mobile Applications
  7. Yusof Kadikon, Imran Mohd Shafek, M. Maarof Bahurdin
    In Malaysia, the number of Musculoskeletal Disorder (MSD) cases is increasing . Rapid Upper Limb Assessment
    (RULA) is carried out in a physical paper form which is cumbersome and based on the complex nature and it should
    consider human error. This project aims to create the RULA application for mobile devices featuring the android system
    for this move will cut down the process time by more than half, create a more structured system and eliminate human
    error wholly. The application will be designed on the App Inventor website which features a lot of handy tutorials
    and takes the initiative to create a RULA mobile app for Android phones. The RULA mobile app for Android phones
    is intended to make it easier and much more efficient to conduct a RULA analysis. Additionally, the analyses can be
    conducted by minimally trained users, eliminating the need for highly trained technicians. RULA test is performed to
    achieve accurate results and the mathematical processes will be programmed into the app so that the user will have a
    friendly interface and will only be asked to tick boxes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mobile Applications
  8. Abdul Razak SF, Yogarayan S, Ali Bukar U, Sayeed MS
    PLoS One, 2025;20(2):e0318996.
    PMID: 39946332 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0318996
    Flash floods are severe disaster that have caused enormous damage to people, property, and the environment. Despite the conventional emphasis on technical and engineering solutions in controlling flash flood disasters, this study investigates the understudied issue of user-centric cultural viewpoints, inspired by Grid-Group Cultural Theory, and their potential impact on crisis management. The study collected 351 responses, primarily targeting adults in flood-prone areas using convenience sampling method with the goal of exploring cultural bias for feature identification of in-vehicle flash flood app. Accordingly, the research investigates the participants responses using quantitative approach which includes descriptive statistics, exploratory factor analysis, average factor, and rank scoring analysis to uncover critical user-centric cultural traits that might improve preparedness, response, and recovery activities during flash flood disasters. The findings of the study identified distinct cultural biases that impact perceptions and preferences regarding features of an in-vehicle flash flood app. By integrating Grid-Group Cultural Theory as a framework for analysis, the study highlights the importance of incorporating diverse cultural perspectives into flash flood management strategies. The result emphasizes the need to apply a holistic approach that integrates people's knowledge and practices with technical solutions. Recommendations of features for future development of in-vehicle flash flood app is provided based on each cultural bias aligned with the theory to build more resilient communities in the face of flash flood occurrences.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mobile Applications
  9. Mat Baki M, Wood G, Alston M, Ratcliffe P, Sandhu G, Rubin JS, et al.
    Clin Otolaryngol, 2015 Feb;40(1):22-8.
    PMID: 25263076 DOI: 10.1111/coa.12313
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the agreement between OperaVOX and MDVP.

    DESIGN: Cross sectional reliability study.

    SETTING: University teaching hospital.

    METHODS: Fifty healthy volunteers and 50 voice disorder patients had supervised recordings in a quiet room using OperaVOX by the iPod's internal microphone with sampling rate of 45 kHz. A five-seconds recording of vowel/a/was used to measure fundamental frequency (F0), jitter, shimmer and noise-to-harmonic ratio (NHR). All healthy volunteers and 21 patients had a second recording. The recorded voices were also analysed using the MDVP. The inter- and intrasoftware reliability was analysed using intraclass correlation (ICC) test and Bland-Altman (BA) method. Mann-Whitney test was used to compare the acoustic parameters between healthy volunteers and patients.

    RESULTS: Nine of 50 patients had severe aperiodic voice. The ICC was high with a confidence interval of >0.75 for the inter- and intrasoftware reliability except for the NHR. For the intersoftware BA analysis, excluding the severe aperiodic voice data sets, the bias (95% LOA) of F0, jitter, shimmer and NHR was 0.81 (11.32, -9.71); -0.13 (1.26, -1.52); -0.52 (1.68, -2.72); and 0.08 (0.27, -0.10). For the intrasoftware reliability, it was -1.48 (18.43, -21.39); 0.05 (1.31, -1.21); -0.01 (2.87, -2.89); and 0.005 (0.20, -0.18), respectively. Normative data from the healthy volunteers were obtained. There was a significant difference in all acoustic parameters between volunteers and patients measured by the Opera-VOX (P 

    Matched MeSH terms: Mobile Applications*
  10. Jaafar H, Ibrahim S, Ramli DA
    Comput Intell Neurosci, 2015;2015:360217.
    PMID: 26113861 DOI: 10.1155/2015/360217
    Mobile implementation is a current trend in biometric design. This paper proposes a new approach to palm print recognition, in which smart phones are used to capture palm print images at a distance. A touchless system was developed because of public demand for privacy and sanitation. Robust hand tracking, image enhancement, and fast computation processing algorithms are required for effective touchless and mobile-based recognition. In this project, hand tracking and the region of interest (ROI) extraction method were discussed. A sliding neighborhood operation with local histogram equalization, followed by a local adaptive thresholding or LHEAT approach, was proposed in the image enhancement stage to manage low-quality palm print images. To accelerate the recognition process, a new classifier, improved fuzzy-based k nearest centroid neighbor (IFkNCN), was implemented. By removing outliers and reducing the amount of training data, this classifier exhibited faster computation. Our experimental results demonstrate that a touchless palm print system using LHEAT and IFkNCN achieves a promising recognition rate of 98.64%.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mobile Applications*
  11. Hamzah FH, Mohd Hairon S, Yaacob NM, Musa KI
    PMID: 31295907 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph16142453
    Prompt investigation of food poisoning outbreak are essential, as it usually involves a short incubation period. Utilizing the advancement in mobile technology, a mobile application named MyMAFI (My Mobile Apps for Field Investigation) was developed with the aim to be an alternative and better tool for current practices of field investigation of food poisoning outbreak. A randomized cross-over trial with two arms and two treatment periods was conducted to assess the effectiveness of the newly developed mobile application as compared to the standard paper-based format approach. Thirty-six public health inspectors from all districts in Kelantan participated in this study and they were randomized into two equal sized groups. Group A started the trial as control group using the paper-format investigation form via simulated outbreaks and group B used the mobile application. After a one-month 'washout period', the group was crossed over. The primary outcome measured was the time taken to complete the outbreak investigation. The treatment effects, the period effects and the period-by-treatment interaction were analyzed using Pkcross command in Stata software. There was a significant treatment effect with mean square 21840.5 and its corresponding F statistic 4.47 (p-value = 0.038), which indicated that the mobile application had significantly improve the reporting timeliness. The results also showed that there was a significant period effect (p-value = 0.025); however, the treatment by period interaction was not significant (p-value = 0.830). The newly developed mobile application-MyMAFI-can improve the timeliness in reporting for investigation of food poisoning outbreak.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mobile Applications*
  12. Jaffar A, Mohd Sidik S, Foo CN, Muhammad NA, Abdul Manaf R, Fadhilah Ismail SI, et al.
    PMID: 33946203 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph18094792
    BACKGROUND: The delivery of pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT) through mHealth apps has been shown to produce promising results in improving pelvic floor muscle strength and urinary incontinence (UI). However, there is limited evidence on mHealth apps designed for pregnant women who are at high risk of developing UI. This pilot study aims to evaluate the feasibility of conducting an effectiveness trial for a newly developed PFMT app among pregnant women in Malaysia.

    METHODS: This is a prospective, single-centre, single-blind, randomised controlled pilot feasibility study: The Kegel Exercise Pregnancy Training app (KEPT-app) Trial. Sixty-four incontinent pregnant women who attended one primary care clinic for the antenatal follow-up will be recruited and randomly assigned to either intervention or waitlist control group. The intervention group will receive the intervention, the KEPT-app developed from the Capability, Opportunity, Motivation-Behaviour (COM-B) theory with Persuasive Technology and Technology Acceptance Model.

    DISCUSSION: This study will provide a fine-tuning for our future randomised control study on the recruitment feasibility methods, acceptability, feasibility, and usability of the KEPT-app, and the methods to reduce the retention rates among pregnant women with UI.

    TRIAL REGISTRATION: This study was registered on ClinicalTrials.gov on 19 February 2021 (NCT04762433) and is not yet recruiting.

    Matched MeSH terms: Mobile Applications*
  13. Sidik SM, Jaffar A, Foo CN, Muhammad NA, Abdul Manaf R, Ismail SIF, et al.
    BMJ Open, 2021 01 12;11(1):e039076.
    PMID: 33436465 DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-039076
    INTRODUCTION: Pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT) strongly recommended to incontinent pregnant women. The Kegel Exercise Pregnancy Training-app trial is a multicentre cluster-randomised study aims to assess the effectiveness and its cost-effectiveness of the mobile app guidance in PFMT among incontinent pregnant women.

    METHODS AND ANALYSIS: 370 pregnant women (aged 18 years old and above) will be recruited with International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire-Urinary Incontinence-Short Form. Ten clusters (primary care clinics) will be randomly assigned to either PFMT or usual care in a 1:1 ratio by an independent researcher (sealed envelope). The primary outcome will be urinary incontinence, and the secondary outcomes (quality of life; PFMT adherence, psychological status and mobile apps' usability) will be assessed at four measurement time points (t0: baseline) and postintervention (t1: 4 weeks, t2: 8 weeks and t3: 8 weeks postnatal). T-test analysis will determine any significant differences at the baseline between the control and intervention groups. The mixed-model analysis will determine the effectiveness of the intervention at the population-average level for both the primary and secondary outcomes. For the cost-effectiveness analysis, expenditures during the study and 6 months after the intervention will be compared between the groups using the multiway sensitivity analysis. The recruitment planned will be in December 2020, and the planned end of the study will be in August 2021.

    ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: This study protocol was approved by the Ethics Committee for Research Involving Human Subjects, Universiti Putra Malaysia (JKEUPM-2019-368) and Medical Research and Ethics Committee (MREC), Ministry of Health Malaysia, NMRR-19-412-47116 (IIR) with the ANZCTR registration. This study will obtain informed written consent from all the study participants. The results which conform with the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials and the Recommendations for Interventional Trials will be published for dissemination in peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings.


    Matched MeSH terms: Mobile Applications*
  14. Abbasi H, Saqib M, Jouhar R, Lal A, Ahmed N, Ahmed MA, et al.
    Biomed Res Int, 2021;2021:1119710.
    PMID: 34124238 DOI: 10.1155/2021/1119710
    Introduction: Dental anxiety is a common occurrence in patients undergoing dental treatments, especially in children. The success in paedriatric dental treatments and patient comfort depends on controlling the level of patient's anxiety in clinical settings. This study is aimed at evaluating the efficacy of different techniques applied for the reduction of dental anxiety in paediatric patients. Material and Methods. One hundred and sixty participants were divided into 4 groups; each group having 40 patients as follows: group I: mobile application "little lovely dentist," group II: YouTube® "dental video songs," group III "tell-show-do," and group IV "control." Dental prophylaxis treatments were provided to all the participants. Initial anxiety levels were noted during the patient's education phase by measuring heart rate with pulse oximeter and distress level with facial image scale, at the same time in each group, respectively. The postoperative anxiety was noted later with the same methods, after the application of anxiety reduction techniques. The data obtained were entered in the statistical package for the social sciences software, version 25. One-way ANOVA and paired t-test for matched groups were used to compare mean values of the 4 groups, in this study to determine their effectiveness. A p value of ≤0.05 was considered as statistically significant.

    Results: The mean age of patients in group 1 was 6.8 ± 2.1 years, group 2: 8.15 ± 2.27 years, group 3: 7.5 ± 2.3 years, and group 4: 7.27 ± 1.68 years. The intragroup comparisons of heart rate and facial image scores have shown a significant difference in before and after dental treatment procedures. Marked reduction in heart rate and facial image scale scores were found in patients belonging to group 1 (mobile applications) and group 2 (dental video songs). An increase in heart rate and facial image scale scores was seen in group 3 (tell-show-do) and the control group.

    Conclusion: The paediatric dental anxiety is a common finding in dental clinics. Behavior modification techniques like smartphone applications, "little lovely dentist," and "dental songs" can alleviate dental anxiety experienced by paediatric patients. The "tell-show-do" technique although most commonly used did not prove to be beneficial in the reduction of the anxiety levels.

    Matched MeSH terms: Mobile Applications*
  15. Chen YS, Wong JE, Ayob AF, Othman NE, Poh BK
    Nutrients, 2017 Jan 13;9(1).
    PMID: 28098770 DOI: 10.3390/nu9010062
    Mobile applications may improve dietary reporting among young adults due to their high accessibility and embedded camera function. This pilot study aimed to (i) evaluate users' acceptability and compliance in reporting dietary intake using a newly developed food diary mobile application (food app); and (ii) identify issues and recommendations for improving dietary assessment using this food app via quantitative and qualitative protocols. Twenty-eight university students each used a food app for seven consecutive days and attended one of five focus group interviews. A 42% decrement in reporting compliance was observed throughout the seven-day recording period. An average of 5.9 recording days were reported and 4.8 occasions of meal data were uploaded each day. Based on questionnaires, high levels of agreement were reported in terms of perceived usefulness (69.3%), perceived ease of use (77.1%), attitude (73.6%), perceived enjoyment (62.6%), and smartphone experience (91.1%), but such agreement was not reported for intention to use (38.1%) and social influence (33.4%). Four major themes emerged from the focus group interviews, namely, (i) features; (ii) potential use; (iii) utility issues of the food app; and (iv) suggestions for improvements. While the food app was well-accepted by most of the young adults, the current prototype would benefit from incorporation of a barcode scanning function, customizable reminders, in-app tutorial, an entertainment component, and enhancement in overall appearance.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mobile Applications*
  16. Nasution A, Yusuf A, Lean Keng S, Rasudin NS, P Iskandar YH, Ab Hadi IS
    Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2021 Oct 01;22(10):3151-3163.
    PMID: 34710991 DOI: 10.31557/APJCP.2021.22.10.3151
    BACKGROUND: Mobile health technologies are widely being used for delivering health behaviour interventions. However, there is insufficient evidence that they are integrating theory and only a few researchers utilized a qualitative approach in their study.

    OBJECTIVES: This paper aims to identify requirements in developing a breast examination awareness mobile app based on the component of the Health Belief Model (HBM) for integration in health promotion strategy.

    METHODS: A qualitative approach using semi-structured in-depth interview was utilized in this study. A purposive sampling method was conducted among public women attending hospital services, software and content experts in a tertiary teaching hospital in the East coast of Peninsular Malaysia. These interviews were recorded, transcribed and organized using NVIVO 11. The main themes were identified through thematic analysis of the interview transcripts.  Results: A total of 37 participants recruited in this study. The themes that emerged from the analysis are vulnerability, forecasting, reactive, influence, outcome and obstacles. The sub-themes findings supported the HBM's component in terms of the requirement for are an infographic risk factor, video (symptoms, self-examination), info (metastasis, survival, screening, triple assessment, treatment, myth and facts, benefit of early treatment, support groups), features (screening reminder, sharing button, prompt) and mobile app's design.

    CONCLUSION: The research findings could provide a guide for future app development from public women, content and software experts.  The information will be used to develop a breast examination awareness mobile app integrated with health theories.

    Matched MeSH terms: Mobile Applications*
  17. Ganasegeran K, Renganathan P, Rashid A, Al-Dubai SA
    Int J Med Inform, 2017 01;97:145-151.
    PMID: 27919374 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2016.10.013
    BACKGROUND: The dawn of m-Health facilitates new horizons of professional communication through WhatsApp, allowing health professionals to interact fast and efficiently for effective patient management. This preliminary study aimed to investigate perceived benefits, if any, of WhatsApp use across general medical and emergency teams during clinical practice in Malaysia.

    METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted in a universal sample of 307 health professionals comprising of nurses, medical assistants, medical residents, medical officers and physicians across medical and casualty departments in a Malaysian public hospital. The self-administered questionnaire consisted of items on socio-demographics, WhatsApp usage characteristics and the type of communication events during clinical practice.

    RESULTS: The majority of respondents (68.4%) perceived WhatsApp as beneficial during clinical practice. In multivariate analysis, perceived benefits was significantly higher amongst the clinical management group (aOR=2.6, 95% CI 1.5-4.6, p=0.001), those using WhatsApp for >12months (aOR=1.7, 95% CI 1.0-3.0, p=0.047), those receiving response ≤15min to a new communication (aOR=1.9, 95% CI 1.1-3.2, p=0.017), and frequent information giving events (aOR=2.4, 95% CI 1.2-4.8, p=0.016).

    CONCLUSION: Perceived benefits of WhatsApp use in clinical practice was significantly associated with usage characteristics and type of communication events. This study lays the foundation for quality improvement innovations in patient management delivered through m-Health technology.

    Matched MeSH terms: Mobile Applications*
  18. Ackermann L, Lo CH, Mani N, Mayor J
    PLoS One, 2020;15(12):e0240519.
    PMID: 33259476 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0240519
    In recent years, the popularity of tablets has skyrocketed and there has been an explosive growth in apps designed for children. Howhever, many of these apps are released without tests for their effectiveness. This is worrying given that the factors influencing children's learning from touchscreen devices need to be examined in detail. In particular, it has been suggested that children learn less from passive video viewing relative to equivalent live interaction, which would have implications for learning from such digital tools. However, this so-called video deficit may be reduced by allowing children greater influence over their learning environment. Across two touchscreen-based experiments, we examined whether 2- to 4-year-olds benefit from actively choosing what to learn more about in a digital word learning task. We designed a tablet study in which "active" participants were allowed to choose which objects they were taught the label of, while yoked "passive" participants were presented with the objects chosen by their active peers. We then examined recognition of the learned associations across different tasks. In Experiment 1, children in the passive condition outperformed those in the active condition (n = 130). While Experiment 2 replicated these findings in a new group of Malay-speaking children (n = 32), there were no differences in children's learning or recognition of the novel word-object associations using a more implicit looking time measure. These results suggest that there may be performance costs associated with active tasks designed as in the current study, and at the very least, there may not always be systematic benefits associated with active learning in touchscreen-based word learning tasks. The current studies add to the evidence that educational apps need to be evaluated before release: While children might benefit from interactive apps under certain conditions, task design and requirements need to consider factors that may detract from successful performance.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mobile Applications*
  19. Ahmad NA, Mat Ludin AF, Shahar S, Mohd Noah SA, Mohd Tohit N
    BMJ Open, 2020 Mar 16;10(3):e033870.
    PMID: 32184309 DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-033870
    INTRODUCTION: The world's older population continues to grow at an unprecedented rate. An ageing population poses a great challenge to our healthcare system that requires new tool to tackle the complexity of health services as well as the increasing expenses. Mobile health applications (mHealth app) is seen to have the potential to address these challenges, alleviating burdens on the healthcare system and enhance the quality of life for older adults. Despite the numerous benefits of mHealth apps, relatively little is known about whether older adults perceive that these apps confer such benefits. Their perspectives towards the use of mobile applications for health-related purposes have also been little studied. Therefore, in this paper, we outline our scoping review protocol to systematically review literature specific to older adults' willingness, perceived barriers and motivators towards the use of mobile applications to monitor and manage their health.

    METHODS AND ANALYSIS: Arksey and O'Malley's scoping review methodology framework will guide the conduct of this scoping review. The search strategy will involve electronic databases including PubMed, Excerpta Medica Database, Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature, Cochrane Library, Google Scholar and ScienceDirect, in addition to grey literature sources and hand-searching of reference lists. Two reviewers will independently screen all abstracts and full-text studies for inclusion. Data will be charted and sorted through an iterative process by the research team. The extracted data will undergo a descriptive analysis and simple quantitative analysis will be conducted using descriptive statistics. Engagement with relevant stakeholders will be carried out to gain more insights into our data from different perspectives.

    ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: Since the data used are from publicly available sources, this study does not require ethical approval. Results will be disseminated through academic journals, conferences and seminars. We anticipate that our findings will aid technology developers and health professionals working in the area of ageing and rehabilitation.

    Matched MeSH terms: Mobile Applications*
  20. Ng KH, Fong CY, Kamarudzaman MFS, Lo WH, Khalid F, Chong LA
    Brain Dev, 2025 Feb;47(1):104308.
    PMID: 39675180 DOI: 10.1016/j.braindev.2024.104308
    OBJECTIVES: Children with cerebral palsy (CP) can experience a substantial amount of pain. Effective pain management hinges on precise and prompt assessment. We designed a mobile-based application NeuroPAIN app to monitor pain among children with CP. NeuroPAIN app allowed parents to record pain symptoms, pain duration, and rate the perceived pain their child was facing. We evaluated the usefulness of NeuroPAIN app in pain recognition and monitoring among Malaysian parents of children with bilateral CP.

    METHOD: Prospective cohort study of all parents of children with bilateral non-ambulant CP who owned Android devices. NeuroPAIN app was installed in all participants. At 3-month follow-up, data of the NeuroPAIN app was analyzed and participants were given a feedback questionnaire to complete.

    RESULTS: Total of 60 parents participated in the study (child's median age 7 years, interquartile range 4-8.75 years). The vast majority (95 %) of parents reported pain in their children. Children with assisted tube feeding was associated with reported increased pain frequency. Majority (77 %) felt it was easy to navigate the NeuroPAIN app. Two-thirds regularly tracked their child's pain using the app over a 2-month period. Parents of children with prolonged periods of pain ≥25 s were associated with reduced app usage.

    CONCLUSION: Majority of Malaysian children with bilateral CP often experience pain particularly among those with assisted tube feeding highlighting the importance for clinicians to be vigilant in monitoring pain among these children. Prolonged pain periods among children with CP may lead to parental fatigue in monitoring pain through the NeuoPAIN app.

    Matched MeSH terms: Mobile Applications*
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