Displaying publications 81 - 100 of 782 in total

  1. Binns C, Low WY
    Asia Pac J Public Health, 2021 05;33(4):333-334.
    PMID: 33938291 DOI: 10.1177/10105395211012844
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health*
  2. Peters R, Li B, Swinburn B, Allender S, He Z, Lim SY, et al.
    Bull World Health Organ, 2023 Nov 01;101(11):690-706F.
    PMID: 37961057 DOI: 10.2471/BLT.23.289973
    OBJECTIVE: To identify and analyse ongoing nutrition-related surveillance programmes led and/or funded by national authorities in countries in South-East Asian and Western Pacific Regions.

    METHODS: We systematically searched for publications in PubMed® and Scopus, manually searched the grey literature and consulted with national health and nutrition officials, with no restrictions on publication type or language. We included low- and middle-income countries in the World Health Organization South-East Asia Region, and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and China. We analysed the included programmes by adapting the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's public health surveillance evaluation framework.

    FINDINGS: We identified 82 surveillance programmes in 18 countries that repeatedly collect, analyse and disseminate data on nutrition and/or related indicators. Seventeen countries implemented a national periodic survey that exclusively collects nutrition-outcome indicators, often alongside internationally linked survey programmes. Coverage of different subpopulations and monitoring frequency vary substantially across countries. We found limited integration of food environment and wider food system indicators in these programmes, and no programmes specifically monitor nutrition-sensitive data across the food system. There is also limited nutrition-related surveillance of people living in urban deprived areas. Most surveillance programmes are digitized, use measures to ensure high data quality and report evidence of flexibility; however, many are inconsistently implemented and rely on external agencies' financial support.

    CONCLUSION: Efforts to improve the time efficiency, scope and stability of national nutrition surveillance, and integration with other sectoral data, should be encouraged and supported to allow systemic monitoring and evaluation of malnutrition interventions in these countries.

    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health Surveillance*
  3. Binns C, Low WY
    Asia Pac J Public Health, 2014 Jul;26(4):336-8.
    PMID: 24947830 DOI: 10.1177/1010539514539795
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health*
  4. Binns C, Low WY
    Asia Pac J Public Health, 2014 Sep;26(5):444-6.
    PMID: 25143450 DOI: 10.1177/1010539514546797
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health/trends*
  5. Binns C, Low WY
    Asia Pac J Public Health, 2015 Jul;27(5):484-5.
    PMID: 26116652 DOI: 10.1177/1010539515593015
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health*
  6. Binns C, Low WY
    Asia Pac J Public Health, 2019 11;31(8):677-678.
    PMID: 31762300 DOI: 10.1177/1010539519889539
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health*
  7. Binns C, Low WY, Wai Hoe VC
    Asia Pac J Public Health, 2021 11;33(8):810-811.
    PMID: 34763537 DOI: 10.1177/10105395211051322
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health*
  8. Zamri-Saad M, Romziah S, Kunavongkrit A, Valdez CA, Thien M
    Rev. - Off. Int. Epizoot., 2009 Aug;28(2):719-25.
    PMID: 20128483
    The authors analysed the curricula of five veterinary schools in Southeast Asia to determine how successfully they integrate the issues of global animal health and global public health into their programmes. Two schools offer a five-year programme while the remaining three offer a six-year programme. The core courses within the curricula range from 145 to 224 credit hours, in total. In general, world animal health and world public health are well integrated into the veterinary curriculum. Most curricula allocate approximately 3% of their total credit hours to subjects associated with animal and public health, but other subjects that may contain discussions on these issues range between 6% and 10%. Most veterinary schools in Southeast Asia offer a Master's programme in Veterinary Public Health, with detailed emphasis on animal and public health but focusing principally on topics of local importance. At the same time, undergraduate and post-graduate veterinary students are exposed to current issues in animal and public health through regional and international scientific meetings.
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health*; Education, Public Health Professional*
  9. Lim A
    Med J Malaysia, 1991 Jun;46(2):114-5.
    PMID: 1839413
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  10. Jaafar S, Mohd Noh K, Suhaili MR, Kiyu A, Ong F, Wong M
    Int J Public Health Res, 2011;1(Special Issue):1-8.
    Public health nursingis a specialized nursing combining both nursing and public health principles with the primary focus of improving the health of the whole community rather than just an individual. Its documented history started in the 1800s and has evolved from home visiting to the varied settings that public health nurses find themselves working in as members of public health teams in clinics, schools, workplaces and government health departments.Public health nursing has been a critical component of the country’s health care system, uplifting of the health status of Malaysians and playing a dominant role in the fight against communicable diseases, and is set to face the challenges of the 21st century with public health nurses practising to the full capacity of their training in a restructured Malaysian health system – 1Care for 1Malaysia. The health sector reform allows for optimisation of scarce health care resources to deliver expansion of quality services based on needs, appropriateness, equity &allocative efficiency. The proposed model will be better than the current system, preserving the strengths of the current system but able to respond to increasing population health needs and expectations. There will be increased autonomy for healthcare providers with incentives in place for greater performance. Some of the implications of reform include allowing public- private integration, a slimmer Ministry of Health with a stronger governance role, enhancing the gatekeeping role of the primary care providers and the autonomous management of the public healthcare providers. In this restructured health system, the roles of the public health nurses are no less important than in the current one. In fact, with the increasing emphasis placed on prevention and primary care as the hub of community care with nurses as part of the primary care team delivering continuous comprehensive person-centered care,public health nurses in the future will be able to meet the challenge of refocusing on the true mission of public health: to look at the health problems of a community as a whole and work with the community in alleviating those problems by applying the nursing process to improve health, not just as providers of personal care only.
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  11. Asongu SA, Usman UM
    Health Care Women Int, 2020 12 08;41(11-12):1384-1397.
    PMID: 33290191 DOI: 10.1080/07399332.2020.1849219
    We provide theoretical and practical perspectives on children, women, and sex trafficking during the COVID-19 pandemic. Process tracing is employed as a primary research instrument. It is an analytical technique used for either theory-building or theory-testing purposes that is employed to elucidate causation and change as well as to develop and evaluate extant theories in social sciences. We illustrate that a policy is needed that will strengthen the capacity of existing structures in the fight against the underlying trafficking so that these attendant structures are efficiently used to stop the trafficking and avoid the corresponding threats to public health safety.
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  12. Balqis-Ali NZ, Fun WH, Ismail M, Ng RJ, Jaaffar FSA, Low LL
    PMID: 34501637 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph18179047
    Strengthening the health systems through gaps identification is necessary to ensure sustainable improvements especially in facing a debilitating outbreak such as COVID-19. This study aims to explore public perspective on health systems' response towards COVID-19, and to identify gaps for health systems strengthening by leveraging on WHO health systems' building blocks. A qualitative study was conducted using open-ended questions survey among public followed by in-depth interviews with key informants. Opinions on Malaysia's health systems response towards COVID-19 were gathered. Data were exported to NVIVO version 12 and analysed using content analysis approach. The study identified various issues on health systems' response towards COVID-19, which were then mapped into health systems' building blocks. The study showed the gaps were embedded among complex interactions between the health systems building blocks. The leadership and governance building block had cross-cutting effects, and all building blocks influenced service deliveries. Understanding the complexities in fostering whole-systems strengthening through a holistic measure in facing an outbreak was paramount. Applying systems thinking in addressing gaps could help addressing the complexity at a macro level, including consideration of how an action implicates other building blocks and approaching the governance effort in a more adaptive manner to develop resilient systems.
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  13. Sjafiroeddin MW
    PMID: 4953089
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health Nursing
  14. Sandosham AA
    Med J Malaya, 1971 Dec;26(2):75-6.
    PMID: 4260863
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  15. Aziz, N.A., Ramymond, A.A.
    Medicine & Health, 2008;3(1):1-6.
    Stroke is becoming a major public health issue in our country due to the fact that there isan increasing life span of our population. Due to advancement of acute management of stroke, three out of four people will survive beyond the acute phase of stroke. Stroke careproviders are still debating regarding the exact period of the terminology ‘longer-term stroke’; however many agreed that long-term of stroke refers to the period of one year and thereafter as this period is the determinant for longer-term survival. Management beyond the first year of stroke is complex, encompasses all aspects of patient’s life; physical, psychological and integration into community. Rehabilitation being the cornerstone of longer-term stroke management should now focused on more evidence-based approach as to be effective and relevant to the stroke patients.
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  16. Alstadt WR
    Dent J Malaysia Singapore, 1970 May;10(1):11-4.
    PMID: 5271010
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health Dentistry
  17. Hamahata H
    Kangogaku Zasshi, 1970 May;34(5):102-5.
    PMID: 4987742
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
  18. Barraclough S
    Barraclough S. The Malaysian tobacco industry, globalisation and public health: New opportunities for tobacco control. Public policy, culture and the impact of globalisation in Malaysia. Selangor, Malaysia: Malaysian Social Science Association; 2004. p. 112-27
    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health
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