The safety of bacterial cells of Clostridium bifermentans serovar malaysia, which is highly toxic to mosquito larvae, was tested on mice, guinea pigs, rabbits, and goldfish. Inoculations of at least 1 x 10(8) cells per animal by routes recommended by World Health Organization (subcutaneous, percutaneous, inhalation, force-feeding, intraperitoneal, intravenous) and tests of subacute toxicity, anaphylactic shock, persistence in heart blood, and virulence by successive passages, were performed on mice, guinea pigs, or both. Growth was monitored for 1 mo before necropsy. Ocular irritation and skin scarification were tested with rabbits. C. bifermentans serovar malaysia did not induce any mortality or abnormal reactions in mammals at a dose 1,000 times higher than the level established by W.H.O. for the demonstration of safety. Bacterial cells are not toxic to goldfish at a dose 1,000 times higher than the LD50 for the target-mosquito larvae. We conclude that C. bifermentans serovar malaysia bacterial cells are safe for laboratory mammals and goldfish.
This study was conducted using the glass chamber method to determine the susceptibility status of the dengue vector, Aedes aegypti (L.) from 11 states in Malaysia to commercial mosquito coils containing four different active ingredients, namely metofluthrin, d-allethrin, d-trans allethrin, and prallethrin. Aedes aegypti exhibited various knockdown rates, ranging from 14.44% to 100.00%, 0.00% to 61.67%, 0.00% to 90.00%, and 0.00% to 13.33% for metofluthrin, d-allethrin, d-trans allethrin, and prallethrin, respectively. Overall, mortality rates ranging from 0.00% to 78.33% were also observed among all populations. Additionally, significant associations were detected between the knockdown rates of metofluthrin and d-allethrin, and between metofluthrin and d-trans allethrin, suggesting the occurrence of cross-resistance within pyrethroid insecticides. Overall, this study revealed low insecticidal activity of mosquito coils against Ae. aegypti populations in Malaysia, and consequently may provide minimal personal protection against mosquito bites.
This study examines the biological efficacy of four mosquito mat vaporizers each containing different active ingredients: prallethrin with PBO, dimefluthrin, prallethrin, and d-allethrin. The glass chamber assay was used to evaluate their efficacy on Aedes albopictus (Skuse) (Diptera: Culicidae) from nine districts in Selangor, Malaysia. Aedes albopictus exhibited different knockdown rates, with 50% knockdown times, KT50, varying from 1.19 to 2.00 min, 1.22 to 2.20 min, 1.39 to 5.85 min, and 1.39 to 1.92 min for prallethrin with PBO, dimefluthrin, prallethrin and d-allethrin, respectively. In general, all populations of Ae. albopictus were completely knocked down after exposure to all active ingredients except Hulu Selangor population, which showed 96.00% knockdown against d-allethrin. On the contrary, mortality rates were observed from 84.00-100.00%, 84.00-100.00%, 90.67-100.00% and 90.67-100.00% in populations tested with prallethrin with PBO, dimefluthrin, prallethrin and d-allethrin, respectively. Moreover, significant correlations between mortality rates of prallethrin with PBO vs dimefluthrin (r = 0.836, P = 0.003), prallethrin with PBO vs prallethrin (r = 0.760, P = 0.011), and prallethrin vs d-allethrin (r = 0.694, P = 0.026) were also observed, suggesting cross-resistance among pyrethroids. d-allethrin was found to be high in insecticidal activity, followed by prallethrin, prallethrin with PBO, and dimefluthrin. In consistent with mortality due to insecticide exposure, elevated levels of enzyme activities were also demonstrated in Sabak Bernam, Hulu Selangor, Gombak, Petaling, Hulu Langat and Klang populations.
The effective control of Aedes mosquitoes using traditional control agents is increasingly challenging due to the presence of insecticide resistance in many populations of key mosquito vectors. An alternative strategy to insecticides is the use of toxic sugar baits, however it is limited due to short-term efficacy. Alginate-Gelatin hydrogel beads (AGHBs) may be an effective alternative by providing longer periods of mosquito attraction and control, especially of key vectors of dengue viruses such as Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus. Sodium alginate (ALG) and gelatin (GLN) are natural polymers, which can be a potential candidate to develop the AGHBs baits due to their biodegradability and environmental safety. Here we provide an assessment of the preparation of AGHBs optimized by varying the concentrations of ALG, GLN, and its cross-linking time (TIME). Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis results in the determination of liquid bait loaded in the AGHBs. The evaluation of AGHBs' effectiveness as the potential baiting tool based on the mortality rate of mosquitoes after the bait consumption. The 100 % percent mortality of Aedes mosquitoes was obtained within 72 h of bait consumption. The field evaluation also justifies the applicability of AGHBs for outdoor applications. We conclude that the AGHBs are applicable as a baiting tool in carrying liquid bait in achieving mosquito mortality.
Mosquitocidal strains of B. sphaericus serotype H-5a5b were shown for the first time to exhibit antagonistic activities against several human pathogens especially Salmonella. These strains of B. sphaericus also exhibited high larval toxicity against several mosquitoes.
The pathogenicity of Bacillus sphaericus strain 1593 was tested against laboratory-reared larvae of four local species of mosquitoes of public health importance in Malaysia; Aedes aegypti, Anopheles balabacensis, Mansonia uniformis and Culex quinquefasciatus. The bacteria was shake-cultured at 28 +/- 1 degrees C for three days, using Glucose-Yeast Extract Salts medium. After which, the spores and vegetative cells were harvested and stored at 4 degrees C before use. Conditions for bioassays were mean temperature of 25 +/- 1 degrees C and relative humidity 65 +/- 5.0. Twenty third-instar larvae of each species were assayed in 90 ml of diluted spore solution. Each concentration and a control were replicated three times for each bioassay. Larval mortalities at 24 hours and 48 hours were taken and analyzed through Probit Analysis using a computer (IBM 370). LC50 values after 48 hours of exposure showed an increasing order of larval susceptibility as follows: Ae. aegypti (417.70 x 10(4)), An. balabacensis (45.84 x 10(4)), Ma. uniformis (18.23 x 10(4)) and Cx. quinquefasciatus (4.14 x 10(4) spores/ml). With the ability to kill 90% of the Cx. quinquefasciatus larvae tested with just a concentration of 10(5) spores/ml, B. sphaericus (strain 1593) has shown good potential as a biocontrol agent for this species of mosquito.
Bacillus thuringiensis israeliensis (BTI) against culicine mosquitoes was tried out in cement sullage drains in Kelang municipal area at a dosage of 0.15 ppm. and 0.6 ppm. The results of the trial showed that at 0.15 ppm. the BTI was not effective, but at 0.6 ppm. it was effective giving about 95% kill. There was no residual effect and treatment had to be repeated weekly.
A field trial was carried out to study the effect of lambdacyhalothrin on Anopheles maculatus in trap huts in Jeram Kedah, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. Two trap huts were built, of which one was sprayed with lambdacyhalothrin at a dosage of 25 mg ai/m2 and the other served as control. Eight collectors commenced collecting mosquitos from 1900 to 2400 hours, two each indoors and outdoors. Bioassay was also carried out in the treated and control huts to determine susceptibility of adult mosquitos to lambdacyhalothrin. In the treated hut more mosquitos were present during the pre- spraying period. Lambdacyhalothrin gave a mortality of 100% against An. maculatus for 8 months.
The measurement of the ultimate effects of the microbial insecticides on mosquito density is best obtained by assessment of adult populations. The main aims of this study are: (1) to assess the effect of Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Bti) FC Skeetal and Bactimos briquettes on the emergence rate of Mansonia bonneae developed from the introduced first-instar stage larvae and (2) to measure the effect of these two formulations of insecticides on Mansonia adult populations emerging from the natural breeding plots. Bti Skeetal and Bactimos briquettes at the lower applied dosages of 2.3 kg/ha and 1 briquette case/20 m2 respectively achieved 39-40% pupation rates and 31.5-34.2% adult emergence rates. At these low applied dosages, there was little or no direct effect on pupation from the surviving larvae and thereafter on the emergence of adults from the pupae. A two-fold increase in dosage, however, produced a drastic decline in the pupation rate and adult emergence rate. The rates dropped to 6.5% (pupation) and 4.3% (adult emergence) of the total larvae for Bactimos briquettes and to merely 1.5% (pupation) and 1.3% (adult emergence) of the total larvae for Skeetal. In studying the effect of Bti on the field populations of Mansonia mosquitos, two plots each were treated with Bactimos at 1 briquette case/10 m2 and Skeetal at 4.6 kg/ha. A wooden pyramid-shaped screened cage was placed on a cluster of host plants for a period of 2 weeks to trap the emerging adult mosquitoes. There were a total of 24 clusters of host plants in each plot.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
Emulsifiable concentrates of DursbanR (chlorpyrifos) and Dowco 214 (chlorpyrifos-methyl) were tested as mosquito larvicides using Hudson knapsack sprayers on small plots of rice-fields on Penang Island. The mosquitoes found in these rice-fields are predominantly Anopheles campestris and Culex tritaeniorhynchus. At dosages of 14, 28 and 56 gm hectare-1, Dursban is effective in maintaining the rice-fields free of Anopheles larvae for at least 2, 3 and 7 days respectively. Dowco 214 at 56 gm hectare-1 is able to keep the fields free of all mosquito larvae for at least 2 days.
The study has generated visible aerosols with the diameter of 11 to 35 µm from the kenaf cellulose nanofiber (KCNF) impregnated with the temephos (KCNF+T) in water suspension. The study aimed to determine whether the KCNF+T aerosols are capable to elicit neurotoxicity in the adult mosquitoes via the respiratory exposure route by observing their behavioural response and measuring its body acetylcholine esterase (AChE) activity. Adult Aedes aegypti mosquitoes were assigned to one negative control group and three treatment groups namely, distilled water (vehicle control), KCNF and KCNF+T. The study adopted the MS1911 whereby the aerosols generated are released into the insecticide bioassay glass chamber (IBGC) separately to achieve four different aerosols concentrations of 6.4 ml/m3, 12.8 ml/m3, 19.2 ml/m3, and 25.6 ml/m3. Then the 20 sugar-fed mosquitoes were released free-flying into each IBGC to observe its behavioural response (knockdown) at 30, 60, 120, 180, 240, 300 minutes intervals and 24th hour mortality. Results showed that only mosquitoes exposed to KCNF+T aerosols exhibited persistent knockdown. There was significant difference (p< 0.05) between observation intervals with the cumulative knockdown of 84.8%, 92.8%, 99.0%, 100.0%, 100.0%, 100.0% compared with the KCNF aerosols. Further, it was distinctive that only KCNF+T is capable to cause the female mosquitoes moribund/mortality at the 24th hour with 90% at the lowest aerosol concentration of 6.4 ml/m3. The neuroenzyme assay on the mosquito that died from the KCNF+T exposure verified to have reduced AChE enzyme activity. The behavioural response and reduction of the AChE activity strongly suggests the temephos from the KCNF+T aerosols has been released into the mosquito body causing the neurotoxicity but KCNF alone is not neurotoxic.
Among several vector control methods commonly used, environmental management is one of the control measures to mitigate dengue in such vulnerable communities. Since there is no curative treatment for dengue yet, targeted environmental and ecosystem management is increasingly relevant. Hence, this review was conducted to identify the effectiveness of environmental management intervention strategy to reduce dengue cases. We searched PUBMED, CENTRAL, SCOPUS, Web of Science, CIJE, WHO ICTRP, and up to January 2021. A total of 521 articles were screened. Only 16 studies were included in this review. There were 6 studies that applied all three types of environmental management interventions (manipulation, modification and behavior), 8 studies applied two types of interventions (manipulation and behavior) and 2 studies applied one type of intervention (manipulation or behavior). All included studies reported reduction of Aedes entomological indices. The studies showed reduction in dengue cases and density of Aedes population through environmental interventions. It is recommended for the health authority to incorporate environmental management intervention in dengue control activities and enhanced the community involvement to ensure sustainability with high impact on dengue reduction.
Susceptibility status of Aedes aegypti (L.) and Aedes albopictus Skuse larvae obtained from 12 states in Malaysia were evaluated against five insect growth regulators (IGRs), namely, pyriproxyfen, methoprene, diflubenzuron, cyromazine, and novaluron under laboratory conditions. Field populations of Ae. aegypti exhibited moderate resistance toward methoprene and low resistance toward pyriproxyfen, with resistance ratios of 12.7 and 1.4, respectively, but susceptibility to diflubenzuron, cyromazine, and novaluron. On the other hand, field populations of Ae. albopictus exhibited low resistance against diflubenzuron and novaluron, with resistance ratio of 2.1 and 1.0, respectively, but susceptibility to other tested IGRs. Our study concluded that the tested IGRs provide promising results and can be used to control field population of Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus, especially cyromazine. The use of IGR should be considered as an alternative when larvae develop resistance to conventional insecticides.
1. Several experiments were carried out in the field and in the laboratory with various insecticides against A maculatus. 2. Almost all the mosquitoes that came into contact with surfaces sprayed with DDT preparations died in less than 30 hours but the length of life varied with the preparation and depended on various factors that are mentioned. Control mosquitoes lived almost twice as long. 3. Gammexane Dispersible Powder (P 520) killed in a much shorter time than the DDT preparations and holds out a greater hope of success in controlling ‘A maculatus’ malaria with insecticides. 4. It is difficult to assess the value of insecticides in any one year in areas where breeding of the vector is intense. The results of long term field experiments, under strict control, are awaited. 5. Meanwhile, Mass Suppression with drugs still remains the method of choice – in this area.