Displaying publications 1161 - 1180 of 2034 in total

  1. Mustafa N, Kamarudin NA, Ismail AA, Khir AS, Ismail IS, Musa KI, et al.
    Diabetes Care, 2011 Jun;34(6):1362-4.
    PMID: 21498788 DOI: 10.2337/dc11-0005
    To determine the prevalence of prediabetes and diabetes among rural and urban Malaysians.
    This cross-sectional survey was conducted among 3,879 Malaysian adults (1,335 men and 2,544 women). All subjects underwent the 75-g oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT).
    The overall prevalence of prediabetes was 22.1% (30.2% in men and 69.8% in women). Isolated impaired fasting glucose (IFG) and impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) were found in 3.4 and 16.1% of the study population, respectively, whereas 2.6% of the subjects had both IFG and IGT. Based on an OGTT, the prevalence of newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes was 12.6% (31.0% in men and 69.0% in women). The prediabetic subjects also had an increased prevalence of cardiovascular disease risk factors.
    The large proportion of undiagnosed cases of prediabetes and diabetes reflects the lack of public awareness of the disease.
    Matched MeSH terms: Rural Population; Urban Population
  2. Wong LP
    J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol, 2011 Oct;24(5):272-7.
    PMID: 21600811 DOI: 10.1016/j.jpag.2011.03.009
    Attitudes toward menarche and menstruation are largely influenced by sociological, cultural, and family environmental factors. Recognizing the influential effects that these factors might have on shaping adolescents' attitudes is crucial in designing a more effective means of transmitting health information.
    Matched MeSH terms: Rural Population; Urban Population
  3. Hamid TA, Krishnaswamy S, Abdullah SS, Momtaz YA
    Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord, 2010;30(6):533-9.
    PMID: 21252548 DOI: 10.1159/000321672
    The rapid expansion of the aged population in Malaysia is expected to greatly increase the number of persons with dementia in the country. However, data on dementia prevalence at the national level is lacking, and little is known about the sociodemographic risk factors and correlates of dementia. This paper describes a nationwide study of dementia prevalence and its sociodemographic risk factors and health correlates among older Malaysians.
    Matched MeSH terms: Rural Population; Urban Population
  4. Phua KL
    Pac Health Dialog, 2009 Nov;15(2):117-27.
    PMID: 20443525
    Both the Maori of New Zealand and the Orang Asli of Malaysia are indigenous peoples who have been subjected to prejudice, discrimination and displacement in its various forms by other ethnic groups in their respective countries. However, owing to changes in the socio-political climate, they have been granted rights (including legal privileges) in more recent times. Data pertaining to the health and socio-economic status of the Maori and the Orang Asli are analysed to see if the granting of legal privileges has made any difference for the two communities. One conclusion is that legal privileges (and the granting of special status) do not appear to work well in terms of reducing health and socio-economic gaps.
    Matched MeSH terms: Population Groups/legislation & jurisprudence*
  5. Chua KB
    Malays J Pathol, 2010 Dec;32(2):69-73.
    PMID: 21329176 MyJurnal
    The outbreak of Nipah virus, affecting pigs and pig-farm workers, was first noted in September 1998 in the north-western part of peninsular Malaysia. By March 1999, the outbreak had spread to other pig-farming areas of the country, inclusive of the neighbouring country, Singapore. A total of 283 human cases of viral encephalitis with 109 deaths were recorded in Malaysia from 29 September 1998 to December 1999. During the outbreak period, a number of surveillances under three broad groups; Surveillance in Human Health Sector, Surveillance in Animal Health Sector, and Surveillance for the Reservoir Hosts, were carried out to determine the prevalence, risk of virus infections and transmission in human and swine populations as well as the source and reservoir hosts of Nipah virus. Surveillance data showed that the virus spread rapidly among pigs within infected farms and transmission was attributed to direct contact with infective excretions and secretions. The spread of the virus among pig farms within and between states of peninsular Malaysia was due to movement of pigs. The transmission of the virus to humans was through close contact with infected pigs. Human to human transmission was considered a rare event though the Nipah virus could be isolated from saliva, urine, nasal and pharyngeal secretions of patients. Field investigations identified fruitbats of the Pteropid species as the natural reservoir hosts of the viruses. The outbreak was effectively brought under control following the discovery of the virus and institution of correct control measures through a combined effort of multi-ministerial and multidisciplinary teams working in close co-operation and collaboration with other international agencies.
    Matched MeSH terms: Population Surveillance/methods*
  6. Chia BH, Chia A, Yee NW, Choo TB
    Arch Suicide Res, 2010;14(3):276-83.
    PMID: 20658381 DOI: 10.1080/13811118.2010.494147
    The objective of this study was to investigate suicide trends in Singapore between 1955 and 2004. Suicide cases were identified from the Registry of Birth and Death, Singapore, and analyzed using Poisson regression. Overall, suicide rates in Singapore remained stable between 9.8-13.0/100,000 over the last 5 decades. Rates remain highest in elderly males, despite declines among the elderly and middle-aged males in recent years. Rates in ethnic Chinese and Indians were consistently higher than in Malays. While the rates among female Indians and Chinese have declined significantly between 1995 and 2004, some increase was noted in female Malays. Although there was no increase in overall suicide rates, risk within certain population segments has changed over time.
    Matched MeSH terms: Urban Population/statistics & numerical data*
  7. Cheah WL, Wan Muda WAM, Zamh ZH
    Rural Remote Health, 2010;10(1):1248.
    PMID: 20184392
    Many studies had shown that poor growth in children is associated with malnutrition. The underlying factors are diverse, multisectoral and interrelated, ranging from biological to social, cultural and economically related. Because the highest levels of under-nutrition worldwide are found in South Asia, it is essential that policymakers in the region understand the underlying determinants, in order to design effective public health intervention programs. This is especially so if public resources are limited. The purpose of this cross-sectional study was to examine causal relationships among the biological, behavioural and environmental factors related to malnutrition in children aged 5 years and under.
    Matched MeSH terms: Rural Population/statistics & numerical data*
  8. Chang YM, Swaran Y, Phoon YK, Sothirasan K, Sim HT, Lim KB, et al.
    Forensic Sci Int Genet, 2009 Jun;3(3):e77-80.
    PMID: 19414156 DOI: 10.1016/j.fsigen.2008.07.007
    17 Y-STRs (DYS456, DYS389I, DYS390, DYS389II, DYS458, DYS19, DYS385a/b, DYS393, DYS391, DYS439, DYS635 or Y-GATA C4, DYS392, Y-GATA H4, DYS437, DYS438 and DYS448) have been analyzed in 320 male individuals from Sarawak, an eastern state of Malaysia on the Borneo island using the AmpFlSTR Y-filer (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA). These individuals were from three indigenous ethnic groups in Sarawak comprising of 103 Ibans, 113 Bidayuhs and 104 Melanaus. The observed 17-loci haplotypes and the individual allele frequencies for each locus were estimated, whilst the locus diversity, haplotype diversity and discrimination capacity were calculated in the three groups. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) indicated that 87.6% of the haplotypic variation was found within population and 12.4% between populations (fixation index F(ST)=0.124, p=0.000). This study has revealed that the indigenous populations in Sarawak are distinctly different to each other, and to the three major ethnic groups in Malaysia (Malays, Chinese and Indians), with the Melanaus having a strikingly high degree of shared haplotypes within. There are rare unusual variants and microvariants that were not present in Malaysian Malay, Chinese or Indian groups. In addition, occurrences of DYS385 duplications which were only noticeably present in Chinese group previously was also observed in the Iban group whilst null alleles were detected at several Y-loci (namely DYS19, DYS392, DYS389II and DYS448) in the Iban and Melanau groups.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetics, Population*
  9. Dhaliwal JS, Shahnaz M, Azrena A, Irda YA, Salawati M, Too CL, et al.
    Tissue Antigens, 2010 Feb;75(2):166-9.
    PMID: 20196825 DOI: 10.1111/j.1399-0039.2009.01410.x
    One hundred and fifty-eight Kadazan, Iban and Bidayuh individuals registered with the Malaysian Marrow Donor Registry were typed for human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-A, HLA-B and HLA-DR. Six, seven and eight HLA-A alleles as well as 13, 15 and 16 HLA-B alleles were detected in the Kadazan, Bidayuh and Iban, respectively. The most common HLA-A allele in all three groups was HLA-A*24 with a frequency of 0.456, 0.490 and 0.422 in the Kadazan, Bidayuh and Iban, respectively. The most common HLA-B allele detected in the Kadazan was HLA-B*40 with a frequency of 0.333; for the Bidayuh and the Iban it was HLA-B*15 with a frequency of 0.460 and 0.275, respectively. The HLA-DR allele with the highest frequency in the Kadazan was HLA-DR*1502 with a frequency of 0.500. In the Iban and the Bidayuh, HLA-DRB1*1202 was the most common DR allele with frequencies of 0.235 and 0.310, respectively. The two most common haplotypes for the Kadazan are A*34-B*38-DR*1502 and A*24-B*40-DR*0405, whereas for the Bidayuh they are A*24-B*15-DR*1602 and A*24-B*35-DR*1202 and for the Iban they are A*34-*B15-DR*1502 and A*24-B*15-DR*1202.
    Matched MeSH terms: Population Groups/genetics*
  10. Ross H, Driezen P, Sirirassamee B, Kin F
    Glob Public Health, 2009;4(6):588-99.
    PMID: 19548160 DOI: 10.1080/17441690903072204
    A wide range of cigarette prices can undermine the impact of tobacco tax policy when smokers switch to cheaper cigarettes instead of quitting. In order to better understand this behaviour, we study socio-economic determinants of price/brand choices in two different markets: a semi-monopolistic market in Thailand and a competitive market in Malaysia. The hypothesis that the factors affecting the price/brand choice are different in these two markets is analysed by employing a 2005 survey among smokers. This survey provides a unique perspective on market characteristics usually described only in business reports by the tobacco industry. We found that smokers in Thailand have fewer opportunities to trade down to save money on cigarettes, but pay lower prices than smokers in Malaysia, despite Thailand's higher tax rate. The Malaysian market, on the other hand, offers many possibilities to shop around for cheaper cigarettes. Higher income and education increase the price paid per cigarette in both countries, but the impact of these factors is larger in Malaysia. This has implications for sensitivity to cigarette prices. Using tax policy alone should be a more effective tobacco control measure in Thailand as compared to Malaysia. The effectiveness of a tax increase in Malaysia can be improved by adding programmes focusing on smoking cessation among low-income/low-educated smokers.
    Matched MeSH terms: Rural Population; Urban Population
  11. Hayati AN, Kamarul AK
    Med J Malaysia, 2008 Sep;63 Suppl C:50-4.
    PMID: 19227674
    To create a nationwide system to capture data on completed suicide in Malaysia i.e. the morbidity, geographic and temporal trends and the population at high risk of suicide. Data from this registry can later be used to stimulate and facilitate further research on suicide. This paper describes the rationale and processes involved in developing a national suicide registry in 2007. The diagnosis of suicide is based on the ICD-10 codes for fatal intentional self-harm (X60-X84). A case report form with an accompanying instruction manual had been prepared to ensure systematic and uniform data collection. State Forensic Pathologist's offices are responsible for data collection in their respective states, and in turn will submit the data to a central data management unit. Data collection began in July 2007 and currently in data cleaning process. Training for source data producers is ongoing. In 2008, the NSRM plans to involve university hospitals into its network as currently only Ministry of Health hospitals are involved. The NSRM will be launching its online application for case registration this year while an overview of results will be available via its public domain at www.nsrm.gov.my beginning 20 April 2008. To efficiently capture the data on suicide, a concerted effort between various agencies is needed. A lot of conceptual work and data base development remains to be done in order to position preventive efforts on a more solid foundation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Population Surveillance/methods
  12. Fuziah MZ, Hong JY, Zanariah H, Harun F, Chan SP, Rokiah P, et al.
    Med J Malaysia, 2008 Sep;63 Suppl C:37-40.
    PMID: 19230245
    In Malaysia, Diabetes in Children and Adolescents Registry (DiCARE) was launched nationwide in August 2006 to determine and monitor the number, the time trend of diabetes mellitus (DM) patients, their socio-demographic profiles, outcome of intervention and facilitate research using this registry. This is an on going real time register of diabetic patients < or = 20 years old via the e-DiCARE, an online registration system. To date were 240 patients notified from various states in Malaysia. The mean age was 12.51 years (1.08-19.75) and 46.4% were boys. The mean age at diagnosis was 8.31 +/- 4.13 years old with an estimated duration of diabetes of 4.32 +/- 3.55 years. A total of 166/240 (69.2%) have T1DM, 42/240 (17.5%) have T2DM and 18/240 (7.5%) have other types of DM. Basis of diagnosis was known in 162 patients with T1DM and 41 patients with T2DM. In T1DM patients, 6.0% of the girls and 19.1% boys were overweight or obese. As for T2DM, 64.3% had their BMI reported: 66.7% girls and 91.6% boys were overweight or obese. Most patients (80.4%) practiced home blood glucose monitoring. Patients were seen by dietitian (66.7%), diabetes educator (50.0%), and optometrist or ophthalmologist (45.0%). Only 10.8% attended diabetic camps. In the annual census of 117 patients, the mean HbAlc level was 10.0% + 2.2 (range 5.2 to 17.0%). The early results of DiCARE served as a starting point to improve the standard of care of DM among the young in the country.
    Matched MeSH terms: Population Surveillance/methods
  13. Goh PP, National Eye Database Study Group
    Med J Malaysia, 2008 Sep;63 Suppl C:24-8.
    PMID: 19230243
    Diabetic Eye Registry, a web based registry hosted at the National Eye Database (www.acrm.org.my/end) collects data in a systematic and prospective nature on status of diabetic retinopathy (DR) among diabetics seen for the first time at Ministry of Health ophthalmology clinics. The 2007 report on 10,586 diabetics revealed that 63.3% of eyes examined had no DR, 36.8% had any form of DR, of which 7.1% had proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Up to 15.0% of eyes had vision threatening DR requiring laser or surgery at their first visit. Data on diabetic eye registry is useful in monitoring the quality of diabetic management, particularly in eye screening as reflected by the proportion of patients with severe DR needing intervention at the first visit to Ophthalmology clinics.
    Matched MeSH terms: Population Surveillance/methods*
  14. Neela V, Ehsanollah GR, Zamberi S, Van Belkum A, Mariana NS
    Int J Infect Dis, 2009 May;13(3):e131-2.
    PMID: 18955004 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijid.2008.07.009
    Matched MeSH terms: Rural Population; Population Groups
  15. Jinam TA, Phipps ME, Indran M, Kuppusamy UR, Mahmood AA, Hong LC, et al.
    Ethn Health, 2008 Jun;13(3):277-87.
    PMID: 18568977 DOI: 10.1080/13557850801930478
    Health scenarios are constantly evolving, particularly in developing countries but little is known regarding the health status of indigenous groups in Malaysia. This study aims to elucidate the current health status in four indigenous populations in the country, who by and large been left out of mainstream healthcare developments.
    Matched MeSH terms: Population Groups*
  16. Delgado AM, Cook JM
    BMC Evol. Biol., 2009;9:49.
    PMID: 19257899 DOI: 10.1186/1471-2148-9-49
    Patterns of mtDNA variation within a species reflect long-term population structure, but may also be influenced by maternally inherited endosymbionts, such as Wolbachia. These bacteria often alter host reproductive biology and can drive particular mtDNA haplotypes through populations. We investigated the impacts of Wolbachia infection and geography on mtDNA variation in the diamondback moth, a major global pest whose geographic distribution reflects both natural processes and transport via human agricultural activities.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetics, Population*
  17. Lim JS, Tang SP, Siar CH
    Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2009;10(6):1071-4.
    PMID: 20192586
    BACKGROUND: Conventional methods for writing case notes detailing the progress of oral lichen planus (OLP), a precancerous condition that requires long-term surveillance, is both time-consuming and tedious for the busy clinician.

    OBJECTIVES: To design and perform a simple surveillance on OLP patients based on colour-coded topography mouth maps (TMM).

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: Three colour-coded TMM were employed: red for OLP in high risk oral mucosal sites, yellow for cases showing improvement and green for asymptomatic lesions at each recall visit. In this preliminary study, these were applied on 30 histologically confirmed OLP individuals attending the Oral Medicine Clinic at the Department of Oral Pathology, Oral Medicine and Periodontology, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Malaya. The sites and extent of OLP lesions were charted on either red, yellow or green TMM based on defined criteria. This surveillance evaluated OLP in relation to patientandapos;s age, race, gender, underlying systemic conditions, oral habits, initial onset of OLP, oral manifestations and presence/absence of clinically suspicious areas.

    RESULTS: Study sample comprised 4 (13.3%) Malays, 9 (30.0%) Chinese and 17 (56.7%) Indians. Most OLP patients belong to the green TMM (n= 14, 46.6%) group followed by red (n= 11, 36.7%) and yellow (n= 5, 16.7%) groups. Of the 11 cases with red TMM, rebiopsy was performed on 4 cases but no dysplasia was detected. Any local confounding factors namely periodontal disease or faulty dental restorations were managed accordingly.

    CONCLUSIONS: TMM is simple to use and aided the clinicians in terms of time saving and patient management. Hence, follow-up of OLP patients can be carried out more efficiently and appropriately. TMM can be used for surveillance of other oral precancerous lesions and conditions.

    Matched MeSH terms: Population Surveillance/methods*
  18. Mustafa AM, Malintan NT, Seelan S, Zhan Z, Mohamed Z, Hassan J, et al.
    Toxicol Appl Pharmacol, 2007 Jul 1;222(1):25-32.
    PMID: 17490695
    This study is a result of an analysis of free and conjugated phytoestrogens daidzein, genistein, daidzin, genistin and coumesterol in human cord blood plasma using LCMS. Cord blood was collected from urban and rural populations of Malaysia (n=300) to establish a simple preliminary database on the levels of the analyzed compounds in the collected samples. The study also aimed to look at the levels of phytoestrogens in babies during birth as this may have a profound effect on the developmental process. The sample clean up was carried out by solid-phase extraction using C18 column and passed through DEAE sephadex gel before analysis by LCMS. The mean concentrations of total phytoestrogens were daidzein (1.4+/-2.9 ng/ml), genistein (3.7+/-2.8 ng/ml), daidzin (3.5+/-3.1 ng/ml), genistin (19.5+/-4.2 ng/ml) and coumesterol (3.3+/-3.3 ng/ml). Distribution of phytoestrogen was found to be higher in samples collected from rural areas compared to that of urban areas.
    Matched MeSH terms: Rural Population; Urban Population
  19. Quek SP, Davies SJ, Ashton PS, Itino T, Pierce NE
    Mol Ecol, 2007 May;16(10):2045-62.
    PMID: 17498231
    We investigate the geographical and historical context of diversification in a complex of mutualistic Crematogaster ants living in Macaranga trees in the equatorial rain forests of Southeast Asia. Using mitochondrial DNA from 433 ant colonies collected from 32 locations spanning Borneo, Malaya and Sumatra, we infer branching relationships, patterns of genetic diversity and population history. We reconstruct a time frame for the ants' diversification and demographic expansions, and identify areas that might have been refugia or centres of diversification. Seventeen operational lineages are identified, most of which can be distinguished by host preference and geographical range. The ants first diversified 16-20 Ma, not long after the onset of the everwet forests in Sundaland, and achieved most of their taxonomic diversity during the Pliocene. Pleistocene demographic expansions are inferred for several of the younger lineages. Phylogenetic relationships suggest a Bornean cradle and major axis of diversification. Taxonomic diversity tends to be associated with mountain ranges; in Borneo, it is greatest in the Crocker Range of Sabah and concentrated also in other parts of the northern northwest coast. Within-lineage genetic diversity in Malaya and Sumatra tends to also coincide with mountain ranges. A series of disjunct and restricted distributions spanning northern northwest Borneo and the major mountain ranges of Malaya and Sumatra, seen in three pairs of sister lineages, further suggests that these regions were rain-forest refuges during drier climatic phases of the Pleistocene. Results are discussed in the context of the history of Sundaland's rain forests.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetics, Population; Population Density
  20. Niti M, Ng TP, Chiam PC, Kua EH
    J Clin Epidemiol, 2007 Apr;60(4):366-74.
    PMID: 17346611
    Item response bias (also called differential item functioning, DIF) in Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL) occurs when members of different groups possessing the same disability level do not have the same probability of responding positively for a given item(s). This study aimed to identify the extent of DIF by gender, age, ethnicity, and dementia groups in IADL estimates in Asian (Chinese, Malays, and Indian) elderly subjects.
    Matched MeSH terms: Population Surveillance/methods
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