METHODS: This cross-sectional study included final-year undergraduate dental students (N = 645) who completed a pre-tested self-administered questionnaire that analysed the domains of perceived knowledge, practice, critical appraisal and attitude towards evidence-based dentistry. We further explored the association between these domains with the type of curriculum, sex, prior research experience and EBD training.
RESULTS: A total of (n = 526) students participated (response rate of 81.55%). About 92% knew about evidence-based dentistry. Whilst 58% had undergone formal training in evidence-based dentistry, 90% of the respondents showed an overall positive attitude towards evidence-based dentistry. However, only 45% of them practised it most of the time. Schools with an integrated curriculum showed more willingness and practised evidence-based dentistry more frequently (p
METHODS: A qualitative research design was used. In-depth interviews with structured questions following the Context, Input, Process, and Product/Outcomes model framework were conducted with four academic staff, three alumni, and three alumni supervisors from six study sites in six countries. Interview questions were constructed in Thai and translated to English by using forward and backward translation. Verbatim transcriptions were used to perform thematic analysis with investigator triangulation.
RESULTS: Sixty participants were included. The context showed three main themes related to Burden of NCDs, Pharmacist Roles in NCDs, and Goals. The input showed three main themes of Teaching Methods, Development Plans for Academic Staff, and Budgets and Infrastructure. The process showed one main theme of Struggles in Teaching Methods. The outcomes/outputs showed three main themes of Individual, Organizational, and Professional Levels. Schools need curricula that focus on NCDs, pharmacist competency and skills, and academic preparation of students for practice. Gaps limiting achievement of goals included lack of well-trained academic staff, limited learning facilities, self-learning opportunities, acceptance from other health professionals, and career ladders.
CONCLUSIONS: The preparation of pharmacy students varied in six ASEAN countries. Pharmacy education programs must address existing gaps that limit achievement of goals related to NCDs.
METHODS: Using a whole-group sampling method, we assessed SI in 2192 (male = 834, female = 1358) medical students on three occasions over a period of one year. The Suicidal Ideation Self-Assessment Scale (SISAS) and the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire-Short Form (CTQ-SF) were used to assess SI and CT. The growth mixture modeling (GMM) was used to classify the developmental trajectory of SI.
RESULTS: A greater number of medical students were experiencing suicidal ideation during the COVID-19 pandemic. The trajectory of SI among medical students was divided into two groups: a low risk, slowly rising group and a high risk, continuous group. The low risk, slowly rising group had a significant time effect (B = 1.57, p
Methods: . In the mentored student project (MSP) programme at Melaka Manipal Medical College, students undertake a short-term group research project under the guidance of their mentor. After data collection and analysis, students are required to write an abstract, present a poster and also write individual reflective summaries of their research experience. We evaluated the MSP programme using reflective summaries of a batch of undergraduate medical students. Data from 41 reflective summaries were analysed using the thematic analysis approach. The learning outcomes at the third and fourth levels of the Kirkpatrick evaluation model were determined from the summaries.
Results: . Students' reflective summaries indicated that they were satisfied with the MSP experience. In all the summaries, there was a mention of an improvement in teamwork skills through MSP. Improved relations with mentors were another relevant outcome. Improvement in communication skills and a positive change related to research attitude were also reported by students.
Conclusions: . Reflective summaries as a means to evaluate the MSP programme was found to be an easy, feasible and cost-effective method. The qualitative approach adopted for data analysis enabled the programme coordinators to assess the strengths and barriers of the programme.
OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to critically evaluate and determine the effectiveness of educational interventions in improving pharmacogenomics knowledge and practice.
METHODS: Four electronic databases were searched: MEDLINE, EMBASE, CENTRAL, and PsycINFO. Studies on pharmacogenomics educational interventions for health care professionals and students with pre- and post-intervention assessments and results were included. No restrictions were placed on time, language, or educational contexts. The educational outcomes measured include both objective and subjective outcomes. The pharmacogenomics competency domains used to judge educational interventions are based on the competency domains listed by the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacies (AACP). The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute of the National Institutes of Health was used for the quality assessment of pre-post studies with no control group and the controlled intervention studies. No meta-analysis was conducted; the data were synthesized qualitatively. The systematic review was reported in accordance with the PRISMA statement.
RESULTS: Fifty studies were included in this review. All included studies integrated the AACP pharmacogenomics competency domains into their educational interventions. Most of the studies had educational interventions that integrated clinical cases (n = 44; 88%). Knowledge was the most frequently evaluated outcome (n = 34; 68%) and demonstrated significant improvement after the educational intervention that integrated AACP pharmacogenomics competency domains and employed active learning with clinical case inclusion.
CONCLUSION: This review provided evidence of the effectiveness of educational interventions in improving pharmacogenomics knowledge and practice. Incorporating pharmacogenomics competency domains into education and training, with patient cases for healthcare professionals and students, dramatically improved their pharmacogenomics knowledge, attitudes, and confidence in practice.
SETTING: Two cohorts of international exchange programme for second year medical students in the UK and Malaysia.
DESIGN: Interpretivist qualitative design using semistructured interviews/focus groups with students and faculty.
METHODS: Participants were asked about their learning experiences during and after the exchange. Data were recorded with consent and transcribed verbatim. Thematic analysis was used to analyse the data.
RESULTS: Four themes were identified: (1) overall benefits of the exchange programme, (2) personal growth and development, (3) understanding and observing a different educational environment and (4) experiencing different healthcare systems.
CONCLUSION: The international exchange programme highlighted differences in learning approaches, students from both campuses gained valuable learning experiences which increased their personal growth, confidence, cultural competence, giving them an appreciation of a better work-life balance and effective time management skills. It is often a challenge to prepare healthcare professionals for work in a global multicultural workplace and we would suggest that exchange programmes early on in a medical curriculum would go some way to addressing this challenge.
EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY AND SETTING: A cross-sectional online survey involving second-year pharmacy students of Monash Malaysia (MA) and Monash Australia (PA) campuses was conducted. The survey consisted of 15 Likert-scale multiple-choice questions and an open-ended question. Data were analysed statistically.
FINDINGS: Students at both MA and PA campuses were satisfied with the remote online learning experienced during the pandemic but indicated a preference for a blended learning approach. Students at the MA campus felt that on-campus face-to-face classes were more engaging and advantageous for their learning and skills development (P
DESIGN: A cross sectional study.
METHOD: A self-administered online survey was used from August to October 2022, with a sample size of 417 nursing students selected through convenience sampling. Descriptive statistics, correlation analyses, and PROCESS macro v4.1 (Model 4) were used for data analysis.
RESULTS: The results revealed that virtual learning infrastructure, access to electronic facilities, and student collaboration, significantly predict student computer competency and e-learning outcomes. Virtual learning infrastructure and access to electronic facilities were found to be the strongest predictors of student computer competency, while student collaboration had a smaller but still significant effect. Student computer competency was found to mediate the relationship between virtual learning infrastructure, access to electronic facilities, student collaboration, and e-learning outcomes.
OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to evaluate the perceptions of dental graduates' educational environment as well as preparedness to practice, and how these two components are correlated.
METHODS: A self-administered, validated questionnaire, developed from previous studies, was distributed to dental graduates of a public Malaysian university (n = 178, response rate = 60%) via online and postal surveys. Bivariate analyses were carried out using Spearman's rank-order correlation (Spearman's Rho, significance level p
METHODS: The study was done at the International Medical University, Malaysia, and the University of Lahore, Pakistan. Semi-structured interviews were conducted from 1st August 2021 to 17th March 2022. Demographic information was noted. Themes were identified, and a summary of the information under each theme was created.
RESULTS: A total of 24 (14 from Malaysia and 10 from Pakistan) faculty participated. Most agreed that undergraduate medical students can progress (at a differential rate) if they attain the required competencies. Among the major advantages mentioned were that students may graduate faster, learn at a pace comfortable to them, and develop an individualized learning pathway. Several logistical challenges must be overcome. Providing assessments on demand will be difficult. Significant regulatory hurdles were anticipated. Artificial intelligence (AI) can play an important role in creating an individualized learning pathway and supporting time-independent progression. The course may be (slightly) cheaper than a traditional one.
CONCLUSION: This study provides a foundation to further develop and strengthen flexible-length competency-based medical education modules. Further studies are required among educators at other medical schools and in other countries. Online learning and AI will play an important role.
METHODS: A modified and validated Dundee Ready Education Environment Measure (DREEM) questionnaire was used to collect data regarding student perception of their educational environment.
RESULTS: The mean DREEM scores for three time periods were in the accepted positive range of 101 to 150 indicating that most of the students perceived the changes positively. The results indicated that most students preferred blended learning over online learning or face-to-face learning alone. Areas where students were unsatisfied with their learning environment that need improvement were identified by poor item-wise scores.
CONCLUSION: Strategic remedial measures for these concerns need to be developed to improve the quality of education received by the students. However, the results of our study indicated that most of the students were able to adapt positively to the new education environment due to the change in the circumstances during COVID.