Displaying publications 1441 - 1460 of 6551 in total

  1. Riduan BA, Ismail Y
    Med J Malaysia, 1993 Sep;48(3):269-72.
    PMID: 8183137
    A survey of inhaler technique using a placebo metered dose inhaler was performed among 41 house and medical officers from the Medical and Outpatient departments, Hospital USM. The majority (76%) of them had been taught at one time or another regarding inhaler technique. However, only 18 of them (48.9%) used the metered dose inhaler correctly. Medical officers currently in the Medical Department had the highest percentage of correct technique (75%); followed by medical officers in the Outpatient Department (57.1%). Among house officers, 30.8% demonstrated correct technique. The most common error was failure to hold their breath after inhaling the aerosol (53.7%).

    Study site: Medical and Outpatient departments, Hospital USM.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cross-Sectional Studies
  2. Wells JC, Strickland SS
    Eur J Clin Nutr, 1996 Oct;50(10):668-71.
    PMID: 8909933
    To evaluate the effect of different methods (plateau or back extrapolation) of calculating total body water (TBW) from deuterium dilution in an environment characterised by high water turnover. The back extrapolation model is assumed to be more accurate when water turnover is high.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cross-Sectional Studies
  3. Chen PC, Yap SB
    Med J Malaysia, 1988 Jun;43(2):159-61.
    PMID: 3266288
    Matched MeSH terms: Cross-Sectional Studies
  4. Wong KT, Ng TS
    Med J Malaysia, 1984 Mar;39(1):52-5.
    PMID: 6334801
    This communication describes a survey on 94 cases of alleged paraquat poisoning for a period of one-and a-half years in Perak state. The highest prevalence of such cases was noted in the district of Batang Padang. The incidences between males and females as well as between married and single persons were found to be equal, 81.9% were Indians and 73.4% were suicidal cases. More than 80% of the cases were in the 10-to-40-years age group.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cross-Sectional Studies
  5. Teoh SK, Ngeow NF
    Med J Malaysia, 1980 Dec;35(2):109-11.
    PMID: 6894963
    Thirty girls who had been detained in a remand home on suspicion of prostitution were examined in the University Hospital, Kuala Lumpur. All except two were below 21 years old. Endocervical and high vaginal swabs were taken for cultures. A sample of blood was taken for serology. Eleven of the girls [37%] had no evidence of a sexually transmitted disease. The others [63%] had one or more of the following: 5 with positive serology for syphilis, 3 had gonorrhoea, 6 with trichomonas, 2 with candidiasis.rl with Chlamydia trachomatls, 2 with Ureaplasma urealyticum and 1 with C. vaginale. With such a high incidence of STD in these young girls with a history of prostitution, it is recommended that a more regular and comprehensive screening be carried out on such high risk women.

    Study site: University Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC)
    Matched MeSH terms: Cross-Sectional Studies
  6. Supramaniam V
    Med J Malaysia, 1980 Mar;34(3):205-10.
    PMID: 7412660
    A postal questionnaire survey was carried out among military doctors during June to August 1979 on habits and attitudes to smoking. An 87% response rate was obtained. Smoking prevalence was found to be 50%. 45% of medical officers are heavy smokers. Age at starting influence the amount smoked. Service life had no influence on smoking habits. Attitudes to smoking vary between the different categories of doctors. The habits and attitudes indicate a mental revolution on the part of doctors is required prior to any anti-smoking programme as they have to be sufficiently motivated to lead the fight.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cross-Sectional Studies
  7. Yaacob I, Ahmad Z
    Med J Malaysia, 1990 Sep;45(3):231-4.
    PMID: 2152084
    The value of tuberculin skin testing in the diagnosis of active tuberculosis remains uncertain. Interpretation of tuberculin tests would be easier if the tuberculin test profiles in different communities were accurately known. We reviewed 468 Mantoux test reactions in patients coming to Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia with suspected tuberculosis. Eighty six percent of patients with active tuberculosis had a positive Mantoux test. Forty two percent of the cases of positive Mantoux test did not have evidence of active tuberculosis. Most of these cases had evidence of past infection with tuberculosis. We conclude that Mantoux test is a sensitive but a non-specific test in the diagnosis of active tuberculosis.
    Study site: outpatients, inpatients; Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kubang Kerian, Kelantan, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Cross-Sectional Studies
  8. Kan SP
    Med J Malaysia, 1984 Jun;39(2):143-7.
    PMID: 6513854
    A survey of a total of 1,157 Indian primary school children from eight schools from urban and rural areas in and around Kuala Lumpur showed an overall
    prevalence of infection with soil-transmitted helminthiasis of 89.02%. The prevalence and intensity of infection were consistently high among both school boys and girls throughout the six years of primary school. The predominant helminth was Trichuris trichiura - both as single and mixed infections. The commonest type of helminthic infection among urban primary school children was mixed infections with Trichuris trichiura and Ascaris lumbricoides. Hookworm infections, both as single or mixed infections, were more common among school children from rubber and oil palm estates in the rural areas.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cross-Sectional Studies
  9. Tan HS
    Med J Malaysia, 1985 Sep;40(3):211-9.
    PMID: 3842716
    The reasons why 860 patients visited the general medical clinic at the University Hospital, Kuala Lumpur were studied. 75.3% of the patients came for evaluation of symptoms; 12.4% sought checkups for chronic diseases; 4.9% requested diagnostic checkups and screening tests; 4.8% came to renew prescription. Few visits were made for evaluation of injuries, receiving test results or for administrative examination. This profile reflected the function of the clinic as an acute diagnostic centre. Other applications of the results are discussed.
    Study site: General Medical Clinic, University Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Cross-Sectional Studies
  10. Yap SB
    Med J Malaysia, 1985 Sep;40(3):185-90.
    PMID: 3879878
    An anthropometric study and dietary investigations were conducted in an Iban community in the Sixth Division of Sarawak. 140 children aged 0 to 6 years, were assessed anthropometrically. Their mean weights and heights were much lower than those of their counterparts in Singapore. 7% of the children were nutritional dwarfs while about 68% were either wasted or wasted as well as stunted. Rice was the staple food in the community while other foods were considered unnecessary. Child feeding practices also reflected this dependancy on rice leading to a toddler diet which is mainly carbohydrate in nature. The dietary assessment showed a quantitative adequacy of energy as well as protein, a [inding whicn does not reflect the seasonal fluctuations with periods of hunger. The predominant contribution from rice resulted in protein intakes which were qualitatively deficient.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cross-Sectional Studies
  11. Iyngkaran N, Abidin Z, Lam SK, Puthucheary SD
    Med J Malaysia, 1980 Jun;34(4):403-8.
    PMID: 7219272
    In a prospective study of 300 infants with acute gastroenteritis 150 infants had enteropathogens in the stools, 58 being due to rotavirus, 130 to adenovirus, 32 to Sahnonella, 18 Shigella and 29 E. coli. Hypernatraemic dehydration was present in 11% and acquired carbohydrate intolerance in 30% of the infants. Protracted diarrhoea was observed in 8% of infants and was commoner in the bacterial than viral group. The study shows that clinical features and simple blood tests cannot be used as reliable indices of predicting the aetiology of AGE. Despite the diverse aetiology of acute gastroenteritis, rehydration by the oral or intravenous route remained the mainstay of therapy.
    Keywords: Kuala Lumpur, university hospital,
    Matched MeSH terms: Cross-Sectional Studies
  12. Lim TO
    Med J Malaysia, 1991 Jun;46(2):155-62.
    PMID: 1839420
    Eight general practitioners participated in a survey of content of general practice. This is useful as an indicator or morbidity in the community as well as of workload of general practice. A total of 3164 consultations were recorded, of which 2764 (87%) were because of an illness and the rest (13%) for other reasons like medical examinations, antenatal check, family planning advice, pregnancy tests, pap smear and vaccination. The old and the young have high consultation rates for an illness, men consulted as often as women. The most common illness seen was upper respiratory tract infections, accounting for 37% of all illnesses. Other common minor illnesses were skin infections (6%), genito-urinary infections (5%), minor musculoskeletal (6%) and gastrointestinal (6%) complaints as well as minor injuries and cuts (4%). Major disorders form an unusually low proportion (18%) of all illnesses seen, in comparison with figures from United Kingdom. The common major disorders seen were hypertension, asthma, chronic rheumatic disorders and diabetes. Circulatory disorders were remarkably rare, accounting for only 1% of illnesses. Psychological disorders, both major and minor, were also rarely seen, accounting for only 1% of illnesses which is in marked contrast with figures from the United Kingdom. Factors contributing to these notable findings are discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cross-Sectional Studies
  13. Teoh GH, Yow CS, Ngan A, Zaini A
    Med J Malaysia, 1983 Mar;38(1):77-9.
    PMID: 6633344
    One hundred and forty-five diabetic patients attending diabetic clinic over a four week period were fully examined in an adjacent eye clinic. The fundi were examined with a Halogen light direct ophthalmoscope and the Binocular Indirect Ophthalmoscope after mydriasis to assess the presence of retinopathy. 44.1 percent of patients examined had Opbthalmoscopicaliy detectable retinopathy while 11 percent were found to have 'serious diabetic eye disease'. The prevalence of diabetic retinopathy in Malaysia is comparable to those of Western countries and Japan.
    Study site: Diabetic clinic, University Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Cross-Sectional Studies
  14. McGovern MP
    Int J Soc Psychiatry, 1982;28(1):36-44.
    PMID: 6980858
    A pilot, field investigation of the prevalence and treatment of alcoholism in Southeast Asia (Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Burma, and Thailand) and conducted. The methodology combined an informant study, interviewing leading alcohol and drug abuse authorities; utilising existing data; and clinical and naturalistic observation. The effects of modernisation, multiracial culture, and the unilateral focus on opiates are discussed; recommendations on treatment, education, and research are presented.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cross-Sectional Studies
  15. Wadsworth GR
    Med J Malaysia, 1981 Sep;36(3):148-50.
    PMID: 7329371
    Matched MeSH terms: Cross-Sectional Studies
  16. Zaleha MI, Noor Hayaati AR, Mohd Rizam AR, Jamaludin M, Osman A
    Med J Malaysia, 2003 Aug;58(3):309-19.
    PMID: 14750369
    Children who are born in a community with insufficient micronutrients, particularly iodine in remote rural areas are associated with low intellectual functions and mental retardation. The aim of this cross-sectional study is to determine the mental performance of the schoolchildren in Bario, a highland settlement of the Kelabit people in the district of Baram, Sarawak and to determine its correlation with the availability of iodine in the environment, as well as other micronutrients such as selenium, copper and manganese. A total of 25 schoolchildren in Bario age ranging from 7 to 12 years old participated in the study. Mental performance of the schoolchildren were tested using TONI-2 (Test of Nonverbal Intelligence--second edition), a cognitive ability measures with a response format which eliminates language and reduces motoric and cultural factors. The iodine levels from several wells, soils and salt found in Bario were determined using HPLC (software version 3.05.01) whilst serum levels of selenium, copper and manganese were measured using Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (GFAAS). The results showed that the median and mode scores of intelligence quotient for Bario were 82 and 75, respectively, whilst median and mode scores of intelligence percentile were 11.0 and 5.0, respectively. The maximum score achieved were at the average level with the quotient score between 90-110. It was found that salt produced from one of the wells in Bario contained high quantity of iodine. Based on standards established by the Trace Elements Laboratory, Roben Institute, University of Surrey, United Kingdom, schoolchildren in Bario are having sufficient blood levels of copper and a high selenium and manganese levels. Despite the remoteness of the study area, the schoolchildren in Bario, Sarawak showed higher mental performance compared to other isolated areas. This is probably correlated with the high micronutrients availability, particularly iodine, found naturally in Bario.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cross-Sectional Studies
  17. Azimi YN, Atiya AS
    Med J Malaysia, 2003 Jun;58(2):218-28.
    PMID: 14569742 MyJurnal
    The role of husband-wife communication in the practice of family planning was studied among the rural Malay couples in Mukim Rusila, Terengganu. It was a cross-sectional study in which a cluster sampling was used to select the study sample. A total of 193 (100.0%) wives and 74 (38.3%) husbands responded to a face-to-face interview. Visual Analogue Scale was used to measure the level of husband-wife communication. Husband-wife communication score was lower on family planning compared to other matters. There was a significant fair agreement on the scores between the husbands and the wives (p > 0.05) on family planning. There was a significant association between husband-wife communication on family planning and the current practice of family planning (p = 0.002). The 'likelihood' that couples who had had good husband-wife communication to practice family planning was about 2.8 times higher compared to those couples with poor husband-wife communication (95% C.I.: 1.4, 5.3). Further research need to be carried out, as the study was limited by certain constraints.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cross-Sectional Studies
  18. Heggenhougen HK
    Med J Malaysia, 1979 Dec;34(2):108-16.
    PMID: 548711
    Matched MeSH terms: Cross-Sectional Studies
  19. Rasiah R, Manikam R, Chandarsekaran SK, Thangiah G, Puspharajan S, Swaminathan D
    Medicine (Baltimore), 2014 Nov;93(23):e126.
    PMID: 25415665 DOI: 10.1097/MD.0000000000000126
    The growing shortage in human organs has raised serious concerns. To address this problem, we examine in this article the association between demographic and socioeconomic factors, and respondents' willingness to donate cadaveric organs using a large survey of Malaysian adults aged 18 years and above.A convenience sampling method was used to extract information from a total of 10,350 participants from Metropolitan Kuala Lumpur over the period of April 2, 2013 to February 29, 2014. In addition to analyzing the data using incidence of willingness to donate by demographic and socioeconomic factors, we carried out logistic regression analysis to estimate the odds ratio of respondents' willingness to become cadaveric organ donors controlling for age.About less than a third of the participants pledged to donate their organs upon death with women (35.6%) showing a higher incidence compared with men (33.2%). The Chinese (35.7%) and Malays (35.0%) pledged to contribute more than the Indians (31.6%) and the logistic regressions show that Malays (adjusted odds ration [OR] = 1.18) and Chinese (adjusted OR = 1.21) are more likely to donate than Indians (reference group). The results by religion were significant among Muslims and Hindus but not Buddhists. The likelihood of Muslims donating was the lowest (adjusted OR = 0.26). Income was also highly significant but the relationship with willingness to donate was negative. Against tertiary education, all other occupations were significant. However, the respondents with primary education enjoyed the highest adjusted OR (5.46) whereas that of secondary (0.48) and higher secondary (0.83) education was low. Among occupations (against supervisory, clerical, and direct workers), it was significant only among the unemployed and managers with adjusted OR of 1.50 and 1.58, respectively.Sex, education, ethnicity, religion, and income are important demographic and socioeconomic influences on the likelihood of Malaysians willing to become cadaveric organ donors. The Malaysian evidence suggests that awareness programs should be targeted at men, Muslims, Hindus, Malays, and the rich more than the others.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cross-Sectional Studies
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