A prospective study was carried out among pregnant women and their newborn babies in the University Hospital, Kuala Lumpur from January 1996 to June 1997. The maternal cervical colonization rates of Ureaplasma urealyticum (UU) and Mycoplasma hominis (MH) were found to be 57.5% and 15.8% respectively while the isolation rates from nasopharyngeal secretions of the newborns were 50.8% for UU and 6.6% for MH. The overall transmission rates were 88.4% for UU and 42.1% for MH. There was no significant difference in the transmission rates of either organism from mothers to their respective newborn babies by the maturity of pregnancy. In preterm babies, the nasopharyngeal isolation rates of UU and MH were not influenced by the babies' gestational age and birth weight nor by the maternal history of abortion or parity. However, there was a tendency for UU to persist in the nasopharyngeal secretion of preterm babies especially those of birth weight below 2 kg. None of the babies contaminated with mycoplasmas at birth developed respiratory symptoms during six to eight weeks of follow-up.
The Nipah virus outbreak represented one of several bat-derived paramyxoviruses that has emerged during the last decade to cause severe human and animal disease. The pathogenesis of Nipah infection is associated with its ability to infect blood vessels and extravascular parenchyma in many organs, particularly in the central nervous system. The clinical manifestations of acute Nipah infection range from fever and mild headache to a severe acute encephalitic syndrome in which there is a high mortality. Much remains to be understood about this new disease, including its intriguing ability to cause relapsing encephalitis in some survivors. This review provides an overview of the Nipah outbreak, focussing on what is presently known about it as an infectious disease, including the clinical aspects, pathology and pathogenesis.
We present a case report of a 60-year-old Malay man who was undergoing an urgent coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) operation when a well encapsulated thymoma-like tumor was found incidentally. Total thymectomy was performed together with the CABG. Histopathological report of the tumor, however, confirmed a rare thymic carcinoid. The clinical features, management, and outcome of surgery are discussed.
Diabetes mellitus is an important risk factor for the development of coronary artery disease. The presence of microalbuminuria, which indicates renal involvement in diabetic patients, influences the progression of coronary artery disease. New coronary risk factors such as C-reactive protein (CRP), Lipoprotein a [Lp (a)] and fibrinogen are increasingly being recognized as important cardiovascular prognostic factors. These new coronary risk factors could account for the worse cardiovascular prognosis in diabetic patients with microalbuminuria. Our cross sectional study was to compare the prevalence of elevated CRP and the levels of Lp (a) and fibrinogen between diabetic patients with microalbuminuria and those without microalbuminuria. Diabetic patients with overt coronary artery disease were excluded from the study. A total of 108 patients were recruited of which 57 patients had microalbuminuria and 51 were without microalbuminuria. There was no difference in the number of patients with elevated CRP between these two groups. There were also no significant differences in the mean values of Lp (a) and fibrinogen between diabetic patients with and without microalbuminuria. The inflammatory marker CRP and coagulopathy markers i.e. Lp (a) and fibrinogen seem not to be perturbed in diabetic patients with microalbuminuria.
A community-based intervention trial was conducted in Kelantan, Malaysia with the aim of reducing severe acute respiratory tract (ARI) infection in children. Interventions included health education of mothers on childhood pneumonia and training of health staff on case management. In a house-to-house survey 1382 and 1107 children less than 5 years of age in the intervention and control areas, respectively, were followed up every 2 weeks over a 62-week period. The reduction in the incidence of severe ARI cases in the intervention area was significantly greater than in the control area (P < 0.05). The ARI mortality rates were low in both the intervention and control areas ( < 0.1%). Our results indicate that with relatively inexpensive methods and simple interventions, reduction of severe ARI may be effectively achieved. This has important implications for an ARI control programme in Malaysia and other developing countries.
Matched MeSH terms: Acute Disease; Communicable Disease Control
About two-thirds of the world's population live in areas infested with dengue vectors, mainly Aedes aegypti. All four dengue viruses are circulating, sometimes simultaneously, in most of these areas. It is estimated that up to 80 million persons become infected annually although marked underreporting results in the notification of much smaller figures. Currently dengue is endemic in all continents except Europe and epidemic dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) occurs in Asia, the Americas and some Pacific islands. The incidence of DHF is much greater in the Asian countries than in other regions. In Asian countries the disease continues to affect children predominantly although a marked increase in the number of DHF cases in people over 15 years old has been observed in the Philippines and Malaysia during recent years. In the 1990's DHF has continued to show a higher incidence in South-East Asia, particularly in Viet Nam and Thailand which together account for more than two-thirds of the DHF cases reported in Asia. However, an increase in the number of reported cases has been noted in the Philippines, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Cambodia, Myanmar, Malaysia, India, Singapore and Sri Lanka during the period 1991-1995 as compared to the preceding 5-year period. In the Americas, the emergence of epidemic DHF occurred in 1981 almost 30 years after its appearance in Asia, and its incidence is showing a marked upward trend. In 1981 Cuba reported the first major outbreak of DHF in the Americas, during which a total of 344,203 cases of dengue were notified, including 10,312 severe cases and 158 deaths. The DHF Cuban epidemic was associated with a strain of dengue-2 virus and it occurred four years after dengue-1 had been introduced in the island causing epidemics of dengue fever. Prior to this event suspected cases of DHF or fatal dengue cases had been reported by five countries but only a few of them fulfilled the WHO criteria for diagnosis of DHF. The outbreak in Cuba is the most important event in the history of dengue in the Americas. Subsequently to it, in every year except 1983, confirmed or suspected cases of DHF have been reported in the Region. The second major outbreak in the Americas occurred in Venezuela in 1989 and since then this country has suffered epidemics of DHF every year. Between 1981 and 1996 a total of 42,246 cases of DHF and 582 deaths were reported by 25 countries in the Americas, 53% of which originated from Venezuela and 24% from Cuba. Colombia, Nicaragua and Mexico have each reported over 1,000 cases during the period 1992-1996. About 74% of the Colombian cases and 97% of the Mexican cases were reported during 1995-1996. A main cause of the emergence of DHF in the Americas was the failure of the hemispheric campaign to eradicate Aedes aegypti. Following a successful period that resulted in the elimination of the mosquito from 18 countries by 1962, the programme began to decline and as a result there was a progressive dissemination of the vector so that by 1997 with the exception of Canada, Chile and Bermuda, all countries in the Americas are infested. Other factors contributing to the emergence/re-emergence of dengue/DHF include the rapid growth and urbanization of populations in Latin America and the Caribbean, and increased travel of persons which facilitates dissemination of dengue viruses. Presently, all four dengue serotypes are circulating in the Americas, thus increasing the risk for DHF in this region.
A study was done on 638 infants with BCG related lymphadenitis seen between August 1990 and December 1993. Most infants (86.5%) had developed symptoms by six months after vaccination and the nodes became suppurative in 317. Surgical procedures were carried out in 82 cases and the rest were managed conservatively. The mean duration to resolution was 6.6 months (range 1 to 29 months). This outbreak was related to a change from the Japan to the Pasteur strain of BCG. The incidence remained high ( > 15 per 1000 live births) despite a dose reduction from 0.1 ml to 0.05 ml, but declined when the Japan strain was reintroduced in April 1992.
Study site: Chest Clinic, Hospital Pulau Pinang, Malaysia
One hundred consecutive patients attending the UKM (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia) Cardiology Clinic completed a questionnaire enquiring about their own assessment of their knowledge about their illness, their awareness of cardiac risk factors and their expectations in their management. Only 11% of our patients had graduated from tertiary education. 59% of our patients were being treated for ischaemic heart disease. Although only 28% of our patients considered having considerable knowledge of their illness, a majority of our patients were aware of cardiac risk factors. This was independent of the formal education achieved. However this awareness did not necessarily result in appropriate behaviour; 32% of patients admitted to smoking despite being aware of the harmful effects of smoking. 74% of our patients expected a cure from their doctors; only 37% of our patients thought they required medication indefinitely. Thus, patients could be made aware of their illness regardless of their formal educational status. However this may not necessarily result in appropriate behaviour. The high expectations which the patients have of their doctors is unrealistic and may be detrimental to appropriate long-term management of their chronic illness.
Study site: Cardiology Clinic, Pusat Perubatan Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (PPUKM)
The identification of the Hepatitis C virus using molecular cloning techniques, besides making the term Non-A Non-B Hepatitis obsolete, enables the development of specific assays for the detection of antibodies in HCV-infected individuals, thus making it possible to obtain sero-epidemiological data of the disease. The carriage of Hepatitis C antibody varies worldwide. The disease is most prevalent in intravenous drug abusers or haemophiliacs. Parenteral transmission is the most important route of transmission. Sexual, intra-familial and perinatal transmissions are uncommon. About 40% could be community-acquired (sporadic). Diagnostic tests include enzyme-linked immunosorbant (ELISA) anti-HCV assay, recombinant immunoblot assay, HCV-RNA by polymerase chain reaction and HCV-Ag. More than 50% of acute cases becomes chronic and runs a benign and indolent course. About 20% progress to cirrhosis and some of these develop hepatocellular carcinoma. Several published trials have consistently shown that treatment with interferon in some patients is useful. There is however a relapse rate of 50%. Further trials with interferon and other anti-viral agents like ribavirin are awaited for more effective treatment.
This is a review of the first 100 coronary stents implanted for the indications of PTCA restenosis, acute or threatened closure and De Novo lesions. The success rates were high and complications rates were low. Subacute stent thrombosis rates were low and stenting for De Novo lesions in > 3.0 mm arteries provide the best short and long term results. Six months restenosis rate was low. Stent assisted high pressure balloon angioplasty is an important advance.
Over a thousand subjects who visited a city private medical clinic for health screening and advice were examined for their lipid profile and other cardiovascular risk factors. The mean TC, TG, LDL-C and HDL-C were 5.43, 1.45, 3.61 and 1.15 mmol/l. Their derived ratios viz, TC:HDL-C and LDL:HDL-C were 5.11 and 3.43 respectively. The prevalence of hyperlipidaemia was moderately high. Of the subjects studied 58.5% had elevated serum cholesterol, 14.8% had raised triglycerides, 64.9% had raised LDL-C and 20.8% had low HDL-C. Male subjects generally showed higher mean values and abnormality frequency in TC, TG, LDL-C, TC:HDL-C and LDL:HDL-C as compared to female subjects. Although significant ethnic differences were not detected for certain lipid parameters (e.g. TC, TG and HDL-C), the Indians appeared to have higher mean lipid values (except HDL-C), and higher percentage abnormality for all the lipid parameters as compared to the Chinese and the Malays. In correlation studies, the following lipid parameters:- TC versus TG, LDL-C, TC:HDL-C; TG versus TC:HDL-C and LDL:HDL-C; LDL-C versus TC:HDL-C and LDL:HDL-C; were positively correlated. On the other hand, TC versus HDL-C, TG versus HDL-C, LDL-C and HDL-C, and HDL-C versus TC:HDL-C and LDL:HDL-C were negatively correlated. The coronary risk factors which generally showed positive correlations with lipid parameters were BMI and blood pressure. Positive correlations were also recorded between fasting blood glucose and TG; uric acid with TG, TC:HDL-C and LDL:HDL-C. In contrast, risk factors of negative correlations were observed between HDL-C and the coronary risk factors of BMI, diastolic blood pressure and uric acid. Smoking showed raised per cent lipid abnormality for TG, HDL-C, TC:HDL-C and LDL:HDL-C. Alcohol consumption also increased the mean level and abnormality frequency for TG. The implication of this investigation is discussed.
A differential phenomenological study of acute and chronic schizophrenia is scanty. Thought disorder was assessed in 22 acute and 23 chronic schizophrenics. The scale for the assessment of thought, language and communication was used. Poverty of speech was significantly more frequent in acute schizophrenia. Positive formal thought disorder was unusually found to be severer in chronic schizophrenia. No other significant difference was found. From the perspective of thought disorder, acute and chronic forms of schizophrenia seem to be in a continuum with minimal difference.
One hundred consecutive patients with coronary heart disease attending the Physician Clinic, Kuala Terengganu General Hospital self-completed a questionnaire on their awareness of the coronary risk factors and their perception of their disease. Seventy-one subjects were males. Twenty-seven subjects had never had formal education and only 6 had completed tertiary education. Whilst 52% considered themselves as having less than 25% knowledge about their disease, many were aware of hypercholesterolaemia, emotional stress, inadequate exercise and smoking as risk factors for coronary heart disease. Diabetes and family history were less known as coronary risk factors. Despite their awareness of the risk factors, though, the subjects failed to control these. For example, smoking was prevalent and their awareness of the harmful effects of smoking did not seem to deter them from this habit. Further, formal education did not seem to influence positive health behaviour. In terms of disease perception, the subjects tended to believe that their illness could be cured. Eighty subjects expected a cure from their doctors. Sixty-three subjects wanted more explanation of their illness from their doctors. These findings suggest that efforts should be made to translate patients' awareness of their illness to appropriate health behaviour, and perhaps doctors could achieve this by spending more time explaining to the patients, and educating them.
Our experience from 1968 to 1985 in 12 women requiring closed mitral valvotomy during pregnancy is reviewed. All patients had severe mitral stenosis and were in functional class 3 (2 patients) or class 4 (10 patients). Mitral valvotomy was performed between the 18th and the 30th week of pregnancy using a transventricular dilator. Improvement in functional class was noted in all patients postoperatively. One patient had postvalvotomy mitral regurgitation and heart failure, which responded to diuretics; the subsequent course was uneventful. Eleven patients had normal deliveries; whilst one patient had a Caesarean section for an obstetric indication. All babies were normal and there was no maternal death. This series confirms that closed mitral valvotomy can be performed with an acceptable degree of safety during pregnancy, when indicated.
In August, 1980 a rare serotype S. zanzibar was isolated in the North of Scotland from a man home on leave from Malaysia, whence he returned in November having been bacteriologically negative 2 months previously. In December however, S. zanzibar was isolated from a bulk milk sample taken at a nearby dairy farm. No illness occurred among milking cows which had been brought inside from pasture in mid-October. Since 1972 a variety of different salmonella serotypes had been identified in cattle, milk and other samples at this farm, with seagulls being implicated as the vector transmitting infection from the sewage of a local town on to farmland and an adjacent loch. Although water from this source has not been used in recent years for drinking by cattle, it is utilized for washing floors within the dairy premises. Since 1979, following an outbreak affecting consumers, all milk produced at the farm has been pasteurized.
An outbreak of yaws consisting of ten active cases in Baling is described. Yaws should be suspected and considered in the differential diagnosis of sores in the limbs of children living in rural areas. The clinical features of yaws are highlighted to help in the recognition of the condition for those unfamiliar with the condition.
A morbidity survey was carried out on a sample of eight longhouses in the Entabai area of the Sixth Division, Sarawak. Of the 645 respondents interviewed, only 148 (22.9%) had experienced at least one spell of illness during the one month prior to the survey.A total of 161 spells of illness was reported, giving a rate of three spells per person per year for the community. Most of the complaints were mild in nature, with fever and aches being the commonest reported. About two thirds of the illnesses were seen by the village aide or at the klinik desa, while the remaining preferred to be treated by the manang. A sub-sample of 49 heads of household were interviewed on their views of the causation, prevention and spread offive common conditions. About 14-43% of the respondents had no knowledge of the causes of fever, cough, diarrhoea or worms. Among those who mentioned some causative factors, only a portion had correct concepts of the various aspects of diseases. Food taboos associated with the five conditions were not too numerous or extensive enough to affect dietary intakes. However, this is not so during the post-partum period where the mother is not allowed to eat many vegetables and meat which are common items in their everyday diets.