The decade of the 1980s is declared as a time to solve global domestic water supply problems. By 1990 international goals include the provision of adequate quantities of clean water to every person on earth. Such goals are justified on the basis of human health, economic well being, political development and equity and public safety. Drawing upon observations from Ethiopia, Malaysia and Liberia, cases where attempts to provide domestic water to villagers and rural town dwellers are presented. In all cited cases attempts to provide safe water have failed or are in jeopardy. Conclusions drawn from these cases include acknowledgement that global goals will best be achieved by approaching local problems one-by-one and recognizing the technical, environmental and human constraints upon safe water provision interact differently from one site to another. To properly plan, implement and maintain safe water systems the current technical solutions must be combined with the contributions of social and environmental scientists on a case-by-case basis.
An epizootic of measles occurred in a group of 31 silvered leaf-monkeys (Presbytis cristatus) that had been in captivity for 4-12 months. Twenty-four of the monkeys exhibited a maculopapular rash that persisted for 6-9 days. A serous to mucopurulent nasal discharge and conjunctivitis were seen in some animals. Eight monkeys died during the epizootic; however, their deaths could not be directly attributed to measles. Serum samples from the surviving monkeys collected 1-2 months prior to, and 5 weeks after, the epizootic were examined by the complement-fixation and hemagglutination-inhibition tests for antibodies to measles virus. The preepizootic complement-fixation titers were all less than 1:4 and hemagglutination-inhibition titers, less than 1:10. The postepizootic complement-fixation titers in 21 of 23 surviving monkeys ranged from 1:8 to 1:128, and hemagglutination-inhibition titers in 22 of 23 monkeys ranged from 1:40 to 1:80 or greater.
A questionnaire was mailed to 1217 dentists whose names appear in the Dentist Register of 1987 in order to assess their awareness and acceptance of hepatitis B vaccine and their pattern of glove usage. Almost all the respondents (99.6%) were aware of the availability of the hepatitis B vaccine yet only 44.8% have received the vaccine. This is in spite of the fact that the majority (61.2%) of the vaccine non-acceptors have no reservations concerning the vaccine. About 71% and 63% of the vaccine-acceptors and non-acceptors respectively believed that the risk of their contracting hepatitis B was high or very high. About 22% of the vaccine non-acceptors never used gloves when treating patients as compared to 9% among vaccine acceptors. Overall, about 78% of the respondents have experienced needleprick injuries in the 3 years preceding the survey.
The aetiology and pathogenesis of Reye's syndrome (RS) are incompletely understood. A number of environmental toxins and biological agents, including viruses, have been postulated to cause RS, either acting alone or synergistically. Most investigations have suggested that the primary insult is in the liver mitochondria, leading to a complex biochemical catastrophe, with death from encephalopathy. Margosa oil (MO), a long-chain fatty acid compound, has been shown to cause a Reye-like syndrome with death from hepatoencephalopathy, in children in Malaysia and India. The present time-course study performed in MO-administered mice showed the development of hepatic lesions with many features of RS. MO acts rapidly, within 30 min, on the nuclei of hepatocytes inducing mitoses and binucleated cells. This is followed by mitochondrial injury, with swelling, rarefaction of matrix, loss of dense bodies, pleomorphism, and loss of ribosomes starting at 60 min. There is loss of liver glycogen, and proliferation and hypertrophy of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), followed by the presence of lipid droplets in the hyaloplasm, and globules within dilated cisterns of the ER. Additional fatty acids from lipolysis of body adipocytes, and fat globules from intestinal MO ingestion further aggravate the liver fatty change. There is evidence of fat globule ingestion by endocytosis into hepatocytes at the level of the sinusoids. The development of microvesicular liver steatosis and glycogen depletion due to involvement of liver cell organelles occur rapidly as in RS.
An outbreak of Dengue and Dengue Harmorrhagic Fever occurred in Lawas District in 1983. A total of 134 cases were notified with 74 cases serologically confirmed. The epidemic which lasted for three months starting from week 20 and peaking in week 24 before being brought under control in week 35 is the first to occur in the district. At the end of the epidemic, 54 localities were affected starting from areas within the vicinity of the town before spreading further inland with the movement of the population.
Entomological investigation in all the infected areas revealed a high density of Aedes albopictus which was the sole vector present. Effective control of the epidemic was achieved through proper planning, active participation of various agencies and intensive outdoor spraying with malathion 2% or ULV concentrates.
"Health for all by year 2000" was the subject of the WHO Conference at Alma-Ata in 1978. It was evident that good primary care was a requirement to reach this goal. However, knowledge about this was scanty, and the instrument, an acceptable classification for analyses of primary care, was lacking. Since 1978 a WHO Working Party on Classifications of Primary Care has been working on a Reason for Encounter Classification. A RFEC test form was produced. In 1983 a feasibility study was conducted in nine countries: Australia, Barbados, Brazil, Hungary, Malaysia, The Netherlands, Norway, the Philippines, and the USA. The results of this were changing the original proposal very much. In addition, the WONCA/WHO Classification of Health Problems in Primary Care was included in the final version. In 1984 this final version was accepted by WONCA Classification Committee. This is called ICPC = The International Classification of Primary Care. ICPC is biaxial with the chapters of organ/organ systems along the one axis, in addition of three chapters: General, Mental, and Social problems. The other axis comprises seven components: Complaints, Process and Diagnosis. An alphanumeric code is used. The feasibility study of RFEC comprised ten test sites, and 138 primary care professionals recorded a total of 100 452 reasons for encounter. The English version of the RFEC was translated into five other languages, and these versions were used during the study. ICPC is a comprehensive, simple and practicable classification which can be used in medical records and in different areas of primary care research.
Presbytis cristata monkeys infected through the inoculation of between 200 and 400 subperiodic Brugia malayi infective larvae (L3) in the right thigh, in both thighs or in the dorsum of the right foot were followed up for varying periods of up to about 8 months after infection. All 148 inoculated animals became patent, with mean prepatent periods being between 66 and 76 days. In animals injected in the thigh, the patterns of microfilaraemia were similar, there being a rapid rise in the geometric mean counts (GMCs) of microfilariae during the first 10-12 weeks of patency, which then plateaued at levels of greater than 1000/ml. Adult worm recovery, expressed as the percentage of the infective dose, was significantly higher in animals injected with 100 L3 in each thigh, being 9.4% as compared with 2.8%-4.8% in other groups. It is therefore recommended that animals should be injected with 100 L3 in each thigh and that the testing of potential filaricides in this model be carried out during the phase of rapid increase in microfilaraemia to ensure that any microfilaricidal effect can easily be detected.
The concentrations of non-haem iron, ferritin and ferritin-iron were measured in the livers of 137 adults and children collected at necropsy. The concentrations of non-haem and ferritin iron were found to be 146.6 +/- 95.2 micrograms/g and 61.6 +/- 32.4 micrograms/g, respectively, in males and 108.0 +/- 61.7 micrograms/g and 60.6 +/- 26.4 micrograms/g, respectively, in females. The values for males in Singapore were lower than those reported in developed Western countries. No correlation was observed between storage iron and age, or ferritin concentration and age. Concentrations of non-haem iron and ferritin were similar for persons dying from accident and coronary heart disease. The non-haem iron concentration in Chinese (187.9 +/- 101.0 micrograms/g) was significantly greater than that in Indians (103.1 +/- 65.8 micrograms/g), while the ferritin concentration in Chinese (6.18 +/- 2.37 mg/g) was significantly greater than either Malays (3.81 +/- 1.8 mg/g) or Indians (3.52 +/- 1.6 mg/g). A significant positive correlation was observed between the non-haem iron and ferritin and also ferritin-iron in Chinese males (r values of 0.678 and 0.598, respectively) and Indian males (r values of 0.576 and 0.612, respectively). However, the correlation between these indices was not significant in the case of Malay males. In premenopausal women the non-haem iron correlated well with ferritin (r = 0.737) and ferritin iron (r = 0.826) while the correlation was lacking in postmenopausal women.
A local anaesthetic agent with adrenalin meant for infiltration block was inadvertently given into spinal canal without any serious sequelae. The consequences of adrenalin in the subarachnoid space are discussed. Measures to prevent such accidents are suggested.
Perforation with extravasation of barium is a rare complication of contrast enema examination of the large bowel with a high associated mortality rate. The experience of performing a re-laparotomy in a patient previously exposed to barium peritonitis is even less common. We describe an elderly male patient with a Hartmann's procedure performed a year previously, presenting with peritonitis following barium enema evaluation of the proximal colon via an end descending colon stoma. Emergency laparotomy, segmental bowel resection and liberal peritoneal toilet resulted in a satisfactory outcome. The patient had a subsequent successful reversal of his Hartmann's procedure nine months later despite the presence of dense barium induced adhesions. This potentially preventable iatrogenic complication is discussed in this report, which is supplemented by a brief review of the English literature.
The MLF since its inception in 1996 has endeavored to develop a coordinated approach towards the improved care and treatment of liver diseases in Malaysia. Its close liaison with the Malaysian MOH, local medical associations, and corporate bodies has contributed to the success of its many programs. Educating the public, research, and training have been important elements of successful hepatitis disease control programs. Hepatitis Days have been proven to be very successful in raising the awareness of the general public to hepatitis disease. Rapid screening and vaccination has also helped to remove the social stigma associated with the disease, eliminated the need for numerous clinic appointments, and rendered vaccination more accessible to the public. The MLF perspective emphasizes the need for collaborative effort between Government bodies and other agencies, such as non-governmental organizations, laboratories, and the medical fraternity, to ensure the overall success of hepatitis disease management programs.
The nucleocapsid (NP) and phospho-(P) proteins of paramyxoviruses are involved in transcription and replication of the viral genome. An in vitro protein binding assay was used to investigate the regions on NP protein that interact with the P protein of Newcastle disease virus (NDV). Truncated NP mutants were first immobilised on a solid phase and then interacted with radio-labelled [(35)S]-P protein synthesised in rabbit reticulocyte. The interaction affinity was quantitated by measuring the radioactivity that was retained on the solid phase. Using this approach, a highly interactive region was identified to be resided at the first 25 amino acids of NP N-terminus. The interaction between these two proteins remained strong even with the removal of 114 amino acids from the C-terminal end of NP. However, it is possible that the 49 amino acids at the C-terminal end might have another contact region for P protein, which is not as critical as the N-terminal end. The interaction regions mapped in this study are significantly different from the other two paramyxoviruses: Sendai and measles viruses in which the C-termini of their NP proteins play an important role in binding to the P.
Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the main public health problems in Sabah; 30% of the total number of TB cases reported in Malaysia every year occur in Sabah. The average incidence of TB among health care workers over the past 5 years is 280.4 per 100,000 population (1, Annual Report of Sabah State TB Control Programme, 1998). At present, there are no specific measures for the prevention of TB transmission in health care facilities. A case-control study was conducted among health care workers in Sabah in 2000-2001. Cases were health care workers with TB diagnosed between January 1990 and June 2000. Controls were health care workers without TB and working in the same facility as cases during the disease episode. The study attempted to identify risk factors for TB among the study population. Data were collected through structured interviews and review of patients' records. The notification rate of TB among health care workers was significantly higher than that to the general population (Z=4.893, p<0.01). The average notification rate of TB among health care workers over the last 5 years was two times higher than in the general population (280.4/100,000 compared to 153.9/100,000). Regression results showed that ethnicity, designation, family contact and TB related knowledge did not significantly contribute to the risk of contracting TB in this study. However, after controlling for the above factors, age, gender, history of TB contact outside the workplace (other than family contact), duration of service and failure to use respiratory protection when performing high-risk procedures, were the main risk factors of TB among health care workers. This study succeeded in identifying some of the risk factors of TB among health care workers. We managed to include the large ratio of controls to case (3:1) and those cases spanned over a period of 10 years. However, the findings from the study have to be applied with caution due to the limitations of this study, which include recall bias, dropouts, and small sample size. Based on the study findings, we recommend that health care workers in the first 10 years of service should take extra precautions, such as using respiratory protection when performing procedures that are considered to be of high risk with respect to TB infection. They should also undergo TB screening at least once every 2 years and, if symptomatic, offered prophylactic treatment. The Respiratory Protection Programme should be fully implemented to help reduce the risk of TB among health care workers in Sabah.
In the early 1940s and 1950s, tuberculosis (TB) was the number one cause of death in Malaysia. Patients with TB were admitted to the many sanatoria we had in various parts of the country and were often managed by surgical means. TB chemotherapy became available only in the late 1950s. At this time, TB was already a major cause of morbidity and mortality. Realizing its seriousness, the Malaysian government launched its National TB Control Programme (NTP) in 1961. At that time, the recommended treatment for TB was a combination of three drugs, namely, streptomycin, isoniazid and paraaminosalicylic acid (PAS) given for 2 months followed by isoniazid and PAS given for 12 months. Generally the treatment used to last for 1-2 years. The National TB Centre in Kuala Lumpur functioned as the headquarters of the NTP, and the state general hospitals with their chest clinics functioned as the state directorates. From the operational point of view, every state has a state TB directorate which is known as the State TB Managerial Team (Fig. 1). This team is responsible for the implementation of the activities of the NTP at the state and district levels. Ever since 1995, the national TB directorate has been shifted to the Public Health Division of the Ministry of Health (MOH) and is now under the Director of Disease Control (Fig. 2). The National TB Centre has now been renamed as The Institute of Respiratory Medicine. Over the years from being the number one cause of death, TB has dropped to being below number 10 (Fig. 3).