Displaying all 20 publications

  1. Nguyen Thi le T, Sarmiento ME, Calero R, Camacho F, Reyes F, Hossain MM, et al.
    Tuberculosis (Edinb), 2014 Sep;94(5):475-81.
    PMID: 25034135 DOI: 10.1016/j.tube.2014.06.004
    The most important targets for vaccine development are the proteins that are highly expressed by the microorganisms during infection in-vivo. A number of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) proteins are also reported to be expressed in-vivo at different phases of infection. In the present study, we analyzed multiple published databases of gene expression profiles of Mtb in-vivo at different phases of infection in animals and humans and selected 38 proteins that are highly expressed in the active, latent and reactivation phases. We predicted T- and B-cell epitopes from the selected proteins using HLAPred for T-cell epitope prediction and BCEPred combined with ABCPred for B-cell epitope prediction. For each selected proteins, regions containing both T- and B-cell epitopes were identified which might be considered as important candidates for vaccine design against tuberculosis.
  2. Mohamad S, Ibrahim P, Sadikun A
    Tuberculosis (Edinb), 2004;84(1-2):56-62.
    PMID: 14670346
    In this study, the susceptibility of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to isoniazid (INH) was compared with its derivative, 1-isonicotinyl-2-nonanoyl hydrazine (INH-C9), prepared synthetically. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of the drugs was determined using the 1% proportion method. INH-C9 was found to lower the MIC of INH from 0.05 to 0.025 microg/ml. Further studies on the effects of INH and INH-C9 on M. tuberculosis were assessed by exposing the cells to the above at the MIC level. M. tuberculosis cells grown on Middlebrook 7H10 agar were harvested at different stages of their growth cycle (initial stage, 24 and 72 h), exposed to the MICs of INH and INH-C9, and stained with acid-fast staining. The observations were made for a week. The cellular morphologies and staining characteristics were examined using a Brightfield microscope. The result indicated cells only at the initial stage of growth were most susceptible to the drugs resulting in the loss of acid-fastness and intact cellular morphology in the majority of cells.
  3. Dharmalingam M
    Tuberculosis (Edinb), 2004;84(1-2):24-8.
    PMID: 14670343 DOI: 10.1016/j.tube.2003.08.008
    A retrospective review of 33 patients with tuberculosis of the spine from January 2000 to April 2002 revealed that the mean age was 36.5 and peak incidence is in the second decade of life (27.3%). There were 24 males and 9 females. The majority of the lesions involved the thoracic spine (30.3%), followed by the lumbar spine (27.2%). Skip lesions was seen in 12.1% of cases. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate was normal in 9.1% of patients. Neurological involvement was seen in 51.5% of patients. Concomitant tuberculosis of the lung was 66.6%. The radical surgical debridement and grafting rate was 39.3%. The preferred surgical procedure was that of radical anterior debridement and fusion supplemented by anterior or posterior instrumentation if needed. Anti-tuberculous chemotherapy remained the mainstay of treatment. Surgery gives faster relief of pain and neurological recovery but is a major undertaking, and thus selection of patients is vital to avoid morbidity and mortality.
  4. Jelip J, Mathew GG, Yusin T, Dony JF, Singh N, Ashaari M, et al.
    Tuberculosis (Edinb), 2004;84(1-2):19-23.
    PMID: 14670342
    Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the main public health problems in Sabah; 30% of the total number of TB cases reported in Malaysia every year occur in Sabah. The average incidence of TB among health care workers over the past 5 years is 280.4 per 100,000 population (1, Annual Report of Sabah State TB Control Programme, 1998). At present, there are no specific measures for the prevention of TB transmission in health care facilities. A case-control study was conducted among health care workers in Sabah in 2000-2001. Cases were health care workers with TB diagnosed between January 1990 and June 2000. Controls were health care workers without TB and working in the same facility as cases during the disease episode. The study attempted to identify risk factors for TB among the study population. Data were collected through structured interviews and review of patients' records. The notification rate of TB among health care workers was significantly higher than that to the general population (Z=4.893, p<0.01). The average notification rate of TB among health care workers over the last 5 years was two times higher than in the general population (280.4/100,000 compared to 153.9/100,000). Regression results showed that ethnicity, designation, family contact and TB related knowledge did not significantly contribute to the risk of contracting TB in this study. However, after controlling for the above factors, age, gender, history of TB contact outside the workplace (other than family contact), duration of service and failure to use respiratory protection when performing high-risk procedures, were the main risk factors of TB among health care workers. This study succeeded in identifying some of the risk factors of TB among health care workers. We managed to include the large ratio of controls to case (3:1) and those cases spanned over a period of 10 years. However, the findings from the study have to be applied with caution due to the limitations of this study, which include recall bias, dropouts, and small sample size. Based on the study findings, we recommend that health care workers in the first 10 years of service should take extra precautions, such as using respiratory protection when performing procedures that are considered to be of high risk with respect to TB infection. They should also undergo TB screening at least once every 2 years and, if symptomatic, offered prophylactic treatment. The Respiratory Protection Programme should be fully implemented to help reduce the risk of TB among health care workers in Sabah.
  5. Dony JF, Ahmad J, Yap KT
    Tuberculosis (Edinb), 2004;84(1-2):8-18.
    PMID: 14670341 DOI: 10.1016/j.tube.2003.08.002
    The objectives in this epidemiology review are to measure and report the extent of morbidity and mortality due to tuberculosis (TB), the proportion of new sputum smear positive cases in districts and the status of cohort analysis as of 1999. As for leprosy, the main objective is to determine morbidity and the treatment outcomes of Multiple Drug Therapy (MDT). Based on the results obtained, a comprehensive action plan for prevention, control and monitoring of tuberculosis and leprosy cases and patients is being produced and implemented throughout the state. The analysis concentrated on patients diagnosed at all out-patient units and admitted in all of the state's hospitals. The patient particulars were recorded using a standardized format based on TB and Leprosy Health Management Information System (TB HMIS). TB was the second highest by notification of communicable diseases in Malaysia in 2001. 29% or about one-third of the national TB cases are from Sabah. However, it has been noted that there was an average decline of 2.6% in annual notification since 10 years ago to date. There was also a reduction of 11.4% in 2001 as compared to annual notification in 2000. Immigrants contribute more than 24% in detection of new cases since 1990. Treatment success rate in term of completion of treatment to date is 82%. Mortality rate has steadily declined from 14 deaths to 7 deaths per 100,000 population. Leprosy in Sabah also contributes to 30% of the yearly total caseload of Malaysia and has the highest notification rate of 2 per every 100,000 population as compared to other states. The average registered leprosy cases over the past 5 years are 239 cases and the prevalence rate is 0.7/10,000 population. The state has successfully achieved its goal to decrease leprosy as per the World Health Organization (WHO) goal of yearly overall prevalence rate of less than 1 case for every 10,000 population. However, the districts of Kudat, Tawau, Lahad Datu, Kota Kinabalu and Semporna are still within the prevalence rate of more than one per 10,000 population. This review highlights some interesting findings which can be incorporated into the State and Districts action plans and strategies. It is also noted that in order to translate National Plans and Strategies into effective action at the community level, health workers need relevant up-to-date knowledge of the pattern of health and disease, and of their determinants, in each district. The Sabah Health Department continues to organize and support programs related to management and control of tuberculosis and leprosy to progressively reduce the incidence of these diseases in the community by breaking the chain of transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and M. leprae, respectively.
    Study site: outpatient clinics, inpatients, hospitals, Sabah, Malaysia
  6. Iyawoo K
    Tuberculosis (Edinb), 2004;84(1-2):4-7.
    PMID: 14670340
    In the early 1940s and 1950s, tuberculosis (TB) was the number one cause of death in Malaysia. Patients with TB were admitted to the many sanatoria we had in various parts of the country and were often managed by surgical means. TB chemotherapy became available only in the late 1950s. At this time, TB was already a major cause of morbidity and mortality. Realizing its seriousness, the Malaysian government launched its National TB Control Programme (NTP) in 1961. At that time, the recommended treatment for TB was a combination of three drugs, namely, streptomycin, isoniazid and paraaminosalicylic acid (PAS) given for 2 months followed by isoniazid and PAS given for 12 months. Generally the treatment used to last for 1-2 years. The National TB Centre in Kuala Lumpur functioned as the headquarters of the NTP, and the state general hospitals with their chest clinics functioned as the state directorates. From the operational point of view, every state has a state TB directorate which is known as the State TB Managerial Team (Fig. 1). This team is responsible for the implementation of the activities of the NTP at the state and district levels. Ever since 1995, the national TB directorate has been shifted to the Public Health Division of the Ministry of Health (MOH) and is now under the Director of Disease Control (Fig. 2). The National TB Centre has now been renamed as The Institute of Respiratory Medicine. Over the years from being the number one cause of death, TB has dropped to being below number 10 (Fig. 3).
  7. Mohd Nor N, Musa M
    Tuberculosis (Edinb), 2004;84(1-2):102-9.
    PMID: 14670351 DOI: 10.1016/j.tube.2003.08.011
    The last few years have witnessed intense research on vaccine development against tuberculosis. This has been driven by the upsurge of tuberculosis cases globally, especially those caused by multi-drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains. Various vaccine strategies are currently being developed which can be broadly divided into the so-called living and non-living vaccines. Examples are attenuated members of the M. tuberculosis complex, recombinant mycobacteria, subunit proteins and DNA vaccines. Given current developments, we anticipate that recombinant BCG and DNA vaccines are the most promising. Multiple epitopes of M. tuberculosis may need to be cloned in a vaccine construct for the desired efficacy to be achieved. The technique of assembly polymerase chain reaction could facilitate such a cloning procedure.
  8. Sarmiento ME, Alvarez N, Chin KL, Bigi F, Tirado Y, García MA, et al.
    Tuberculosis (Edinb), 2019 03;115:26-41.
    PMID: 30948174 DOI: 10.1016/j.tube.2019.01.003
    Even after decades searching for a new and more effective vaccine against tuberculosis, the scientific community is still pursuing this goal due to the complexity of its causative agent, Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb). Mtb is a microorganism with a robust variety of survival mechanisms that allow it to remain in the host for years. The structure and nature of the Mtb envelope play a leading role in its resistance and survival. Mtb has a perfect machinery that allows it to modulate the immune response in its favor and to adapt to the host's environmental conditions in order to remain alive until the moment to reactivate its normal growing state. Mtb cell envelope protein, carbohydrate and lipid components have been the subject of interest for developing new vaccines because most of them are responsible for the pathogenicity and virulence of the bacteria. Many indirect evidences, mainly derived from the use of monoclonal antibodies, support the potential protective role of Mtb envelope components. Subunit and DNA vaccines, lipid extracts, liposomes and membrane vesicle formulations are some examples of technologies used, with encouraging results, to evaluate the potential of these antigens in the protective response against Mtb.
  9. Chin KL, Sarmiento ME, Mustapha ZA, Jani J, Jamal NB, Stanis CS, et al.
    Tuberculosis (Edinb), 2020 12;125:102003.
    PMID: 33099253 DOI: 10.1016/j.tube.2020.102003
    Tuberculosis (TB) is the deadliest of infectious diseases. TB diagnosis, based on sputum microscopy, culture, and nucleic acid amplification tests (NAATs) to identify its main causative agent, Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB), remains challenging. The current available NAATs, endorsed by World Health Organization (WHO), can differentiate MTB from some MTB complex (MTBC) members. Using bioinformatics, we identified a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in lprM (Rv1970) gene that differentiate MTB from other MTBC members. A forward mismatch amplification mutation assay (MAMA) primer was designed for the targeted mutation and was used in a semi-nested melt-MAMA qPCR (lprM-MAMA). Using the optimized protocol, lprM-MAMA was positive with all MTB reference and clinical strains, and negative with other MTBC members, non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) and other non-mycobacterial (NM) reference strains. The limit of detection (LOD) of lprM-MAMA was 76.29 fg. Xpert® MTB/RIF (Xpert)-positive sputum samples were also positive by lprM-MAMA, except for samples classified as having "very low" bacterial load by Xpert. Xpert-negative sputum samples were also negative by lprM-MAMA. In conclusion, lprM-MAMA demonstrated to be a useful tool for specific MTB diagnosis. Further evaluation with higher number of reference strains, including NTM and NM; and sputum samples are required to determine its potential for clinical application.
  10. Semail N, Suraiya S, Calero R, Mirabal M, Carrillo H, Ezzeddin Kamil MH, et al.
    Tuberculosis (Edinb), 2020 09;124:101965.
    PMID: 32692651 DOI: 10.1016/j.tube.2020.101965
    The purpose of this study was to investigate the composition of throat microbiota in pulmonary tuberculosis patients (PTB) in comparison to healthy tuberculin skin test positive (TSTp) and negative (TSTn) individuals. Throat swabs samples were collected, and the microbiota was characterized. Richer operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were present in PTB group, compared to TSTp and TSTn. Regarding alpha diversity analysis there was a higher community diversity in TSTn compared to TSTp. Beta diversity analysis showed different species composition in TSTp compared to TSTn and PTB. There was higher presence of Firmicutes in PTB and TSTn compared to TSTp group at phylum level. At the genus level, Leuconostoc and Enterococcus were higher in TSTn compared to TSTp and Pediococcus, Chryseobacterium, Bifidobacterium, Butyrivibrio, and Bulleidia were higher in PTB compared to TSTn. Streptococcus was higher in TSTn compared to PTB and Lactobacillus in PTB compared to TSTp. At species level, Streptococcus sobrinus and Bulleidia moorei were higher in PTB compared to TSTn individuals, while Lactobacillus salivarius was higher in PTB compared to TSTp. The differences in the microbiome composition could influence the resistance/susceptibility to Mtb infection.
  11. Rajendran M, Zaki RA, Aghamohammadi N
    Tuberculosis (Edinb), 2020 05;122:101925.
    PMID: 32275233 DOI: 10.1016/j.tube.2020.101925
    Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) is one of the causes of morbidity and mortality, among tuberculosis (TB) patients in Malaysia. The purpose of this study was to determine the contributing risk factors to the prevalence of (MDR-TB). Based on systematic review of the literatures, the prevalence of (MDR-TB) and associated risk factors in Malaysia were studied. A comprehensive search of Scopus, Science direct, PubMed, DOAJ, CINAHL Plus, MyJournal, BIREME, BMC Public Health, Medline, CAB, and WoS databases were done among the articles published from 31st January 2009 to 31st December 2018, by using medical subject heading (MeSH) key terms. In conducting this study, a total of 121 papers were reviewed and 23 research papers were chosen, because, they met the specific inclusion criteria. In this study, gender, age, marital status, ethnicity, homeless status, living in urban area and history of imprisonment were evaluated as demographic factors, while educational level and employment were evaluated as socioeconomic factors. Smoking, diabetes mellitus, drug abuse and alcohol consumption were evaluated as behavioral and co-morbidities factors. All the studies chosen as eligible to be included in this study were found to be significantly associated with the risk factors for the prevalence of (MDR-TB). It was also discovered that, lack of adequate knowledge among the community and (TB) patients might increase the progression of (MDR-TB) infection in Malaysia. Thus, carried out a systematic review provided a comprehensive assessment of the (MDR-TB) which might be useful for policy makers, health experts and researchers to implement appropriate strategies for (TB) infected population in Malaysia.
  12. Othman FN, Muthuraju S, Noor SSM, Abdullah S, Mohd Yusoff AA, Tharakan J, et al.
    Tuberculosis (Edinb), 2018 09;112:45-51.
    PMID: 30205968 DOI: 10.1016/j.tube.2018.07.007
    The present study aimed to investigate the involvement of the angiogenic marker vascular endothelia growth factor (VEGF) and apoptotic markers of Bcl-2 and Bax in the neurons and astrocytes in the brain infected by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The immunohistochemistry staining was performed to analyze the expression of the VEGF, Bcl-2 and Bax in the astrocytes and neurons. The expression of VEGF was high in neurons and astrocytes in both the infected brain and control tissues with no difference of angiogenic activity (p = 0.40). Higher Bcl-2 expression was seen in astrocytes of infected brain tissues compared to the control tissues (p = 0.004) promoted a higher anti-apoptotic activity in astrocytes. The neurons expressed strong Bax expression in the infected brain tissues compared to the control tissues (p 
  13. Chin KL, Sarmiento ME, Norazmi MN, Acosta A
    Tuberculosis (Edinb), 2018 12;113:139-152.
    PMID: 30514496 DOI: 10.1016/j.tube.2018.09.008
    Tuberculosis (TB), caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC), is an infectious disease with more than 10.4 million cases and 1.7 million deaths reported worldwide in 2016. The classical methods for detection and differentiation of mycobacteria are: acid-fast microscopy (Ziehl-Neelsen staining), culture, and biochemical methods. However, the microbial phenotypic characterization is time-consuming and laborious. Thus, fast, easy, and sensitive nucleic acid amplification tests (NAATs) have been developed based on specific DNA markers, which are commercially available for TB diagnosis. Despite these developments, the disease remains uncontrollable. The identification and differentiation among MTBC members with the use of NAATs remains challenging due, among other factors, to the high degree of homology within the members and mutations, which hinders the identification of specific target sequences in the genome with potential impact in the diagnosis and treatment outcomes. In silico methods provide predictive identification of many new target genes/fragments/regions that can specifically be used to identify species/strains, which have not been fully explored. This review focused on DNA markers useful for MTBC detection, species identification and antibiotic resistance determination. The use of DNA targets with new technological approaches will help to develop NAATs applicable to all levels of the health system, mainly in low resource areas, which urgently need customized methods to their specific conditions.
  14. Law CT, Camacho F, Garcia-Alles LF, Gilleron M, Sarmiento ME, Norazmi MN, et al.
    Tuberculosis (Edinb), 2019 01;114:9-16.
    PMID: 30711162 DOI: 10.1016/j.tube.2018.11.002
    Tuberculosis (TB) is the main cause of mortality among all infectious diseases. The presentation of lipids by CD1b molecules and the interactions of the CD1b-lipid complexes with the immune receptors are important for the understanding of the immune response to Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), and to develop TB control methods. A specific domain antibody (dAbk11) recognizing the complex of CD1b with Mtb sulphoglycolipid (Ac2SGL) had been previously developed. In order to study the interactions of dAbk11 with Ac2SGL:CD1b, the conformation of Ac2SGL within CD1b was first modelled. The orientation of dAbκ11 with Ac2SGL:CD1b was then predicted by a docking experiment and the complex was sampled using molecular dynamics simulation. Data showed that dAbκ11 Tyr32 OH plays a decisive role in interacting with Ac2SGL alkyl tail HO17. The binding free energy calculation showed that Ac2SGL establish strong hydrophobic interactions with dAbκ11. The model also predicted a higher affinity for the natural sulfoglycolipid (Ac2SGL) than the synthetic analogue (SGL12), which was supported by the ELISA data. These results shed light on the likely mechanism of interactions between Ac2SGL:CD1b and dAbκ11, thus making possible to envision the strategies for dAbκ11 optimization for possible future applications.
  15. Danjuma L, Ling MP, Hamat RA, Higuchi A, Alarfaj AA, Marlina, et al.
    Tuberculosis (Edinb), 2017 12;107:38-47.
    PMID: 29050770 DOI: 10.1016/j.tube.2017.03.006
    Mycobacterium tuberculosis has a remarkable ability of long-term persistence despite vigorous host immunity and prolonged therapy. The bacteria persist in secure niches such as the mesenchymal stem cells in the bone marrow and reactivate the disease, leading to therapeutic failure. Many bacterial cells can remain latent within a diseased tissue so that their genetic material can be incorporated into the genetic material of the host tissue. This incorporated genetic material reproduces in a manner similar to that of cellular DNA. After the cell division, the incorporated gene is reproduced normally and distributed proportionately between the two progeny. This inherent adoption of long-term persistence and incorporating the bacterial genetic material into that of the host tissue remains and is considered imperative for microbial advancement and chemotherapeutic resistance; moreover, new evidence indicates that the bacteria might pass on genetic material to the host DNA sequence. Several studies focused on the survival mechanism of M. tuberculosis in the host immune system with the aim of helping the efforts to discover new drugs and vaccines against tuberculosis. This review explored the mechanisms through which this bacterium affects the expression of human genes. The first part of the review summarizes the current knowledge about the interactions between microbes and host microenvironment, with special reference to the M. tuberculosis neglected persistence in immune cells and stem cells. Then, we focused on how bacteria can affect human genes and their expression. Furthermore, we analyzed the literature base on the process of cell death during tuberculosis infection, giving particular emphasis to gene methylation as an inherited process in the neutralization of possibly injurious gene components in the genome. The final section discusses recent advances related to the M. tuberculosis interaction with host epigenetic circuitry.
  16. Tirado Y, Puig A, Alvarez N, Borrero R, Aguilar A, Camacho F, et al.
    Tuberculosis (Edinb), 2016 12;101:44-48.
    PMID: 27865396 DOI: 10.1016/j.tube.2016.07.017
    Tuberculosis (TB) remains an important cause of mortality and morbidity. The TB vaccine, BCG, is not fully protective against the adult form of the disease and is unable to prevent its transmission although it is still useful against severe childhood TB. Hence, the search for new vaccines is of great interest. In a previous study, we have shown that proteoliposomes obtained from Mycobacterium smegmatis (PLMs) induced cross reactive humoral and cellular response against Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) antigens. With the objective to evaluate the protective capability of PLMs, a murine model of progressive pulmonary TB was used. Animals immunized with PLMs with and without alum (PLMs/PLMsAL respectively) showed protection compared to non-immunized animals. Mice immunized with PLMsAL induced similar protection as that of BCG. Animals immunized with BCG, PLMs and PLMsAL showed a significant decrease in tissue damage (percentage of pneumonic area/lung) compared to non-immunized animals, with a more prominent effect in BCG vaccinated mice. The protective effect of the administration of PLMs in mice supports its future evaluation as experimental vaccine candidate against Mtb.
  17. Paul DC, Ngeow YF, Yap SF, Dony JF, Avoi R, Mohammad R, et al.
    Tuberculosis (Edinb), 2022 Mar;133:102183.
    PMID: 35180496 DOI: 10.1016/j.tube.2022.102183
    A simple, ready-to-use concentrated specimen smear microscopy method employing a nanometer silicon polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) polymer membrane sandwich filtration vessel to concentrate acid-fast bacilli (AFB) in samples (SFV-CSSM, Hunan-Tech New Medical System Co. Ltd. China) was compared with direct sputum smear microscopy (DSSM) to determine its performance using culture on modified Ogawa agar as reference. The results for 4114 clinical samples collected from health facilities in Sabah were interpreted with reference to culture results, sample collection-transportation conditions and clinical data including responses to anti-TB drug treatment. The SFV-CSSM showed higher sensitivity than DSSM (79.4% versus 60.5%) and less background interference. Its ability to detect low levels of AFB at an affordable cost makes it an excellent tool for the screening of pauci-bacillary samples as well as for active case finding in TB control programs.
  18. Noorizhab MNF, Zainal Abidin N, Teh LK, Tang TH, Onyejepu N, Kunle-Ope C, et al.
    Tuberculosis (Edinb), 2023 May;140:102343.
    PMID: 37080082 DOI: 10.1016/j.tube.2023.102343
    Multidrug-resistant (MDR) or extensively drug-resistant (XDR) Tuberculosis (TB) is a major challenge to global TB control. Therefore, accurate tracing of in-country MDR-TB transmission are crucial for the development of optimal TB management strategies. This study aimed to investigate the diversity of MTBC in Nigeria. The lineage and drug-resistance patterns of the clinical MTBC isolates of TB patients in Southwestern region of Nigeria were determined using the WGS approach. The phenotypic DST of the isolates was determined for nine anti-TB drugs. The sequencing achieved average genome coverage of 65.99X. The most represented lineages were L4 (n = 52, 83%), L1 (n = 8, 12%), L2 (n = 2, 3%) and L5 (n = 1, 2%), suggesting a diversified MTB population. In term of detection of M/XDR-TB, while mutations in katG and rpoB genes are the strong predictors for the presence of M/XDR-TB, the current study also found the lack of good genetic markers for drug resistance amongst the MTBC in Nigeria which may pose greater problems on local tuberculosis management efforts. This high-resolution molecular epidemiological data provides valuable insights into the mechanistic for M/XDR TB in Lagos, Nigeria.
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