Displaying all 8 publications

  1. Grube B, Chong PW, Alt F, Uebelhack R
    J Obes, 2015;2015:953138.
    PMID: 26435849 DOI: 10.1155/2015/953138
    Litramine (IQP-G-002AS) was shown to be effective and safe for weight loss in overweight and obese subjects. However, long-term effectiveness on maintenance of body weight loss has yet to be ascertained.
  2. Alt F, Chong PW, Teng E, Uebelhack R
    Phytother Res, 2017 Jul;31(7):1056-1062.
    PMID: 28508427 DOI: 10.1002/ptr.5826
    Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a functional bowel disorder of unknown aetiology. There is currently no known cure, and pharmacological interventions are usually targeting symptomatic relief, where natural and herbal remedies also play a role. This study aimed to evaluate the benefit and tolerability of IQP-CL-101 in symptomatic IBS relief. A double-blinded, randomised, placebo-controlled trial was conducted over 8 weeks. A total of 99 subjects fulfilling ROME-III criteria for IBS were randomised into two groups, given either two IQP-CL-101 softgels or matching placebo twice daily before main meals. The primary endpoint was the difference in change of IBS Symptom Severity Score (IBS-SSS) after an 8-week intake of IQP-CL-101 compared to placebo. After 8 weeks, subjects on IQP-CL-101 showed a significant reduction in IBS-SSS (113.0 ± 64.9-point reduction) compared to subjects on placebo (38.7 ± 64.5-point reduction) (p 
  3. Razali S, Bose A, Chong PW, Benetti C, Colombo P, Wong TW
    Int J Pharm, 2020 Sep 25;587:119618.
    PMID: 32673769 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2020.119618
    Multi-particulate Dome matrix with sustained-release melatonin and delayed-release caffeine was designed to restore jet lag sleep-wake cycle. The polymeric pellets were produced using extrusion-spheronization technique and fluid-bed coated when applicable. The compact and Dome module were produced by compressing pellets with cushioning agent. Dome matrix was assembly of modules with pre-determined compact formulation and drug release characteristics. The physicochemical and in vivo pharmacokinetics of delivery systems were examined. Melatonin loaded alginate/chitosan-less matrix exhibited full drug release within 8 h gastrointestinal transit with low viscosity hydroxypropymethylcellulose as cushioning agent. The cushioning agent reduced burst drug release and omission of alginate-chitosan enabled full drug release. Delayed-release alginate-chitosan caffeine matrix was not attainable through polymer coating due to premature coat detachment. Admixing of cushioning agent high viscosity hydroxypropylmethylcellulose and high viscosity ethylcellulose (9:1 wt ratio) with coat-free caffeine loaded particulates introduced delayed-release response via hydroxypropylmethylcellulose swelled in early dissolution phase and ethylcellulose sustained matrix hydrophobicity at prolonged phase. The caffeine was released substantially in colonic fluid in response to matrix polymers being degraded by rat colonic content. Dome matrix with dual drug release kinetics and modulated pharmacokinetics is produced to introduce melatonin-induced sleep phase then caffeine-stimulated wake phase.
  4. Razali S, Bose A, Benetti C, Chong PW, Miller M, Colombo P, et al.
    Int J Pharm, 2022 Nov 25;628:122226.
    PMID: 36191818 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2022.122226
    Dome matrix was designed with gastric and intestinal targeting capacities using melatonin and caffeine as model drugs, and alginate, chitosan and cellulose as composite materials. The melatonin, caffeine and intermediate hydroxypropylmethylcelluose-based dispersible modules were prepared through compaction. Caffeine piled module was capped at both ends with melatonin void modules via intermediate dispersible modules into Dome matrix. Dispersion of intermediate module detached melatonin module from Dome matrix and had it floated in stomach providing a more complete melatonin release due to favorable pH-pKa relationship of dissolution medium and drug. With reference to the caffeine module, the detachment of melatonin module facilitated its gastrointestinal transit as a reduced size matrix, with majority of caffeine delivered in colon. The dual site-targeted and -release Dome matrix is applicable as reference oral carrier for pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, functional food and veterinary medicine where a complex formulation and performancein vivoare required.
  5. Bongartz U, Hochmann U, Pohl U, Bothe G, Costa P, Chong PW, et al.
    Exp Ther Med, 2021 Feb;21(2):144.
    PMID: 33456511 DOI: 10.3892/etm.2020.9575
    Intense and prolonged exercise leads to immune suppression, causing upper respiratory tract infections (URTI). A proprietary standardized dietary supplement, IQP-AS-119 has been previously developed to aid immune responses under such conditions. The current randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled pilot study aimed to investigate the effects of IQP-AS-119 on marathon runners. A total of 80 participants were randomized equally into groups receiving either placebo (P group) or IQP-AS-119 (V group) treatment, starting 3 weeks before and for 14 days after the marathon. Benefit assessment was performed using different questionnaires. Post-marathon, the V and P groups reported 1±2.38 and 2.11±3.25 days with upper respiratory tract symptoms (URTS), respectively (P=0.038). During the 14 days post-marathon, 20.0% of the participants in the V group compared with 44.4% in the P group reported URTS (P=0.042). The V group reported significantly milder URTS compared with the P group on Days 9, 12, 13 and 14 post-marathon (P<0.05). The total Perceived Stress Questionnaire-20 score on days 2-14 were significantly lower for the V group compared with the P group (P=0.035). In the Short Form 12 Health Survey, the V group exhibited significant improvement in mental composite score on days -5 to 14 compared with the P group (P=0.038). In the overall treatment effect assessment, there were no statistically significant differences between the groups. The IQP-AS-119 was rated 'very good' or 'good' by investigators and participants, respectively, for 71 and 65% of the participants. The tolerability of IQP-AS-119 was rated as 'very good' or 'good' by both investigators and 95% of participants. No clinically relevant differences were observed between groups regarding adverse events or other safety parameters. Therefore, IQP-AS-119 was demonstrated to reduce the incidence and severity of URTI in marathon runners. Given its good tolerability profile, IQP-AS-119 may be a good nutritional supplement for the reduction of URTS in susceptible individuals.
  6. Uebelhack R, Bongartz U, Seibt S, Bothe G, Chong PW, De Costa P, et al.
    J Obes, 2019;2019:3412952.
    PMID: 30863632 DOI: 10.1155/2019/3412952
    OBJECTIVE: This study was performed to determine the efficacy and tolerability/safety of IQP-AE-103 on body weight reduction in overweight to moderately obese adults.

    METHODS: A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial involved one hundred and eight subjects (BMI between 25 and 35 kg/m2) that were randomly assigned to either the low-dose or the high-dose IQP-AE-103 group, or the placebo group. Following a 2-week run-in period, subjects received two capsules of investigational product after three daily main meals for 12 weeks. Subjects were instructed to maintain a nutritionally balanced hypocaloric diet according to the individual's energy requirement. Body weight, body fat, and waist and hip circumference were measured at baseline, and after 2, 4, 8, and 12 weeks. Subjects also rated their feelings of hunger and fullness using visual analogue scales, and food craving on a 5-point scale at the same time intervals. Blood samplings for safety laboratory parameters were taken before and at the end of the study.

    RESULTS: After 12 weeks of intake, the high-dose IQP-AE-103 group had a significantly greater weight loss compared with the placebo (5.03 ± 2.50 kg vs. 0.98 ± 2.06 kg, respectively; p < 0.001) and the low-dose group (3.01 ± 2.19 kg; p=0.001). The high-dose group experienced a decrease in body fat of 3.15 ± 2.41 kg compared with a decrease of 0.23 ± 2.74 kg for the placebo group (p < 0.001). High-dose IQP-AE-103 also decreased the feeling of hunger in 66% subjects. A beneficial effect of IQP-AE-103 on the lipid metabolism was also demonstrated in the subgroup of subjects with baseline total cholesterol levels above 6.2 mmol/L. No side effects related to the intake of IQP-AE-103 were reported.

    CONCLUSIONS: These findings indicate that IQP-AE-103 could be an effective and safe weight loss intervention. This trial is registered with NCT03058367.

  7. Bongartz U, Tan BK, Seibt S, Bothe G, Uebelhack R, Chong PW, et al.
    PMID: 31186669 DOI: 10.1155/2019/9178218
    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to explore the clinical benefit and tolerability of IQP-AO-101 in healthy subjects with sleep complaints.

    METHODS: This double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial involved fifty subjects with sleep complaints. Subjects with a Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) score between 6 and 15 were randomized to receive either IQP-AO-101 or placebo for 6 weeks, following a run-in period of one week. Sleep parameters were assessed at baseline and after 1, 4, and 6 weeks using the modified Athens Insomnia Scale (mAIS). Subjects were also instructed to wear an activity tracker and keep a sleep diary during the study. Other questionnaires administered were the Frankfurt Attention Inventory (FAIR-2) and the Profile of Mood States (POMS-65). Blood samples for safety laboratory parameters were taken before and at the end of the study.

    RESULTS: After 6 weeks, subjects who consumed IQP-AO-101 reported significant improvements in mAIS scores compared with placebo, including mAIS total score (11.76 ± 6.85 vs 4.00 ± 4.80; p < 0.001); night parameters composite score (5.20 ± 3.80 vs 2.04 ± 3.16; p = 0.001); and day parameters composite score (6.56 ± 4.10 vs 1.96 ± 2.65; p < 0.001). All individual parameters (Items 1 to 8) were also significantly improved from baseline after 6 weeks of IQP-AO-101 intake. Analysis of variance with baseline values as covariates showed statistically significant improvements across all individual parameters for IQP-AO-101 when compared to placebo. The measurements using the activity tracker, sleep diary, FAIR-2, and POMS did not reveal any significant differences between groups. No adverse effects related to the intake of IQP-AO-101 were reported. Tolerability was rated as very good by all the subjects and by the investigator for all cases.

    CONCLUSIONS: In this study, IQP-AO-101 was well tolerated and efficacious for promoting sleep and enhancing daytime performance in subjects with moderate sleep disturbances.

    CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION: This trial is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, no. NCT03114696.

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