Displaying all 2 publications

  1. Sulaiman, A.R., Eskandar, H., Faisham, W.I.
    Malays Orthop J, 2007;1(1):18-21.
    Reduction of a malunited femoral diaphyseal fracture can be achieved by osteotomy and immediate internal fixation or gradual skeletal traction followed by delayed internal fixation. We retrospectively reviewed 27 patients with malunited and shortened femur. Nine patients with mean shortening of 4.7 cm (2.5-10.0) underwent acute one-stage reduction and gained 2.5 to 5.0 cm length. Eighteen patients with mean shortening of 5.3 cm (3.5 to 9.0) underwent twostage reduction and gained 2.0 to 5.0 cm length. There was no paralysis in either group. No infection occurred in the one-stage procedure. Intramedullary fixation demonstrated superior results compares to plate fixation.
  2. Sulaiman AR, Halim AS, Azman WS, Eskandar H
    Singapore Med J, 2008 Aug;49(8):e205-7.
    PMID: 18756334
    Post-traumatic severe patella infera and intra-articular adhesion may lead to a severe knee stiffness. We report a 29-year-old man, a muslim prayer leader, who had a previous knee injury. He presented with knee movement from ten degrees to 30 degrees, patellar infera with a length of patella to length of patellar tendon ratio of 2:5, and severe knee arthrofibrosis. He underwent incision of the patella ligament and open arthrofibrosis release, leaving a tendon gap and skin defect of 5 cm. Reconstruction was successfully done using a free vascularised composite tensor fascia lata flap. He regained full range of knee motion with normal strength quadriceps mechanism at five months after surgery, and remained in full function at 18 months follow-up.
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