Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 67 in total

  1. Hashim OH, Hassan H
    Immunology, 1991 Jun;73(2):235-8.
    PMID: 2071167
    Three bacterial species of Clostridium (septicum, tertium and sporogenes) were identified to produce extracellular proteases cleaving IgA to Fab and Fc fragments, as demonstrated by SDS-PAGE and immunoelectrophoretic procedures. These enzymes acted on monometric IgA1 paraproteins and normal serum IgA1 but had no activity on IgA2 paraproteins and intact secretory IgA1 from human colostrum. Their action on polyclonal serum IgA1 suggested the absence of neutralizing anti-clostridial IgA protease activity. Although the enzymes were shown not to act on secretory IgA1, they were, however, able to digest free alpha-heavy chains of the dimeric IgA molecules. Susceptibility of the alpha-heavy chain to the proteases was more likely due to the change to a more accessible conformation than because of the absence of neutralizing anti-enzymic activity.
  2. Hashim OH, Kobayashi K, Taniguchi N
    Biochem. Int., 1992 Jul;27(3):423-9.
    PMID: 1417879
    In view of the controversy with respect to the interaction of jacalin with human IgA2, a study was undertaken to assess the reactivity of the Artocarpus heterophyllus lectin, as well as the lectin from Artocarpus integer (lectin C), with subclasses of human immunoglobulin A by ELISA. Our data is consistent with the view that Artocarpus lectins have no affinity for the IgA2 immunoglobulins. In further support of the findings, we have established that N-linked oligosaccharide moieties of IgA have no significant bearing in the lectin-immunoglobulin binding. Interaction was also not affected in the presence of 1% (w/v) BSA.
  3. Chen Y, Lim BK, Hashim OH
    J Hematol Oncol, 2009;2:37.
    PMID: 19709441 DOI: 10.1186/1756-8722-2-37
    The general enhanced expression of alpha1-antichymotrypsin (ACT), clusterin (CLU), alpha1-antitrypsin (AAT), haptoglobin beta-chain (HAP), and leucine rich glycoprotein (LRG) in the sera of patients with epithelial ovarian carcinoma (EOCa) was recently reported. In the present study, we compared the expression of the serum acute-phase proteins (APPs) in the patients according to their stages of cancer.
  4. Hashim OH, Shuib AS, Chua CT
    Nephron, 2001 Dec;89(4):422-5.
    PMID: 11721160
    We have studied the interaction of the Gal-GalNAc-reactive champedak lectin-C with neuraminidase-treated and untreated IgA1 from IgA nephropathy patients. The binding ability of the lectin to untreated IgA1 from IgA nephropathy patients was significantly lower as compared to the untreated IgA1 from normal controls. This differential lectin-binding capacity was abrogated when the experiment was performed on neuraminidase-treated sera. Treatment of the serum IgA1 with neuraminidase also abrogated the differential charge distribution between the alpha-heavy chains of IgA nephropathy patients and normal controls.
  5. Shuib AS, Chua CT, Hashim OH
    Nephron, 1998;78(3):290-5.
    PMID: 9546689
    Sera of IgA nephropathy (IgAN) patients and normal subjects were analysed by two-dimensional (2-D) gel electrophoresis. Densitometric analysis of the 2-D gels of IgAN patients and normal subjects revealed that their protein maps were comparable. There was no shift of pI values in the major alpha-heavy chain spots. However, the volume of the alpha-heavy chain bands were differently distributed. Distribution was significantly lower at the anionic region in IgAN patients (mean anionic:cationic ratio of 1.184 +/- 0.311) as compared to normal healthy controls (mean anionic:cationic ratio of 2.139 +/- 0.538). Our data are in support of the previously reported findings that IgA1 of IgAN patients were lacking in sialic acid residues.
  6. Hashim OH, Gendeh GS, Jaafar MI
    Biochem. Int., 1992 Jun;27(1):139-43.
    PMID: 1627170
    The effect of extracts of champedak (Artocarpus integer) seed lectin on the proliferation of normal human lymphocyte was investigated. The IgA1 binding lectin was demonstrated to stimulate the proliferation of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Action of the lectin on enriched T and B cell populations demonstrated T lymphocyte specificity. The lectin was not mitogenic to B lymphocytes. Optimal stimulation of proliferative response was achieved when cells were subjected to 5 days exposure to the crude lectin at 20 micrograms/ml.
  7. Hashim OH, Gendeh GS, Jaafar MI
    Biochem. Mol. Biol. Int., 1993 Jan;29(1):69-76.
    PMID: 8490570
    Purified lectins from seeds of six distinct clones of Artocarpus integer (lectin C) were shown to be structurally and functionally similar. All lectins comprised of two types of non-covalently-linked subunits with apparent M(r) of 13,300 and 16,000. The lectins appeared to interact with several human serum proteins, with the predominance of the IgA1 and C1 inhibitor molecules. Interaction was not detected with IgA2, IgD, IgG and IgM. The lectin Cs were also shown to precipitate monkey, sheep, rabbit, cat, hamster, rat and guinea-pig serum. Due to their uniform properties, lectin C may provide better alternative to the Artocarpus heterophyllus lectin, jacalin, for use in future investigations.
  8. Lim SB, Chua CT, Hashim OH
    J Immunol Methods, 1997 Dec 01;209(2):177-86.
    PMID: 9461333
    A mannose-binding lectin, termed champedak lectin-M, was isolated from an extract of the crude seeds of champedak (Artocarpus integer). On gel filtration chromatography, the lectin eluted in a single peak at elution volumes corresponding to 64 kDa. SDS-PAGE showed the mannose-binding lectin to be composed of 16.8 kDa polypeptides with some of the polypeptides being disulphide-linked to give dimers. When tested with all isotypes of immunoglobulins, champedak lectin-M demonstrated a selective strong interaction with human IgE and IgM, and a weak interaction with IgA2. The binding interactions of lectin-M were metal ion independent. The lectin was also shown to interact with horseradish peroxidase, ovalbumin, porcine thyroglobulin, human alpha1-acid glycoprotein, transferrin and alpha1-antitrypsin. It demonstrated a binding preference to Man alpha 1-3Man ligands in comparison to Man alpha 1-6Man or Man alpha 1-2Man.
  9. Hashim OH, Ahmad F, Shuib AS
    Immunol Invest, 2001 May;30(2):131-41.
    PMID: 11465670
    Champedak (Artocarpus integer) lectin-M is a lectin with high specificity and affinity for the core-mannosyl residues of the N-linked oligosaccharides of glycoproteins. We have studied the interaction of the champedak seed lectin with human serum glycoproteins that were resolved by 2-dimensional (2-D) gel electrophoresis. The lectin demonstrated strong interaction with haptoglobin beta chain, orosomucoid, alpha1-antitrypsin, alpha2-HS glycoprotein, transferrin, hemopexin, alpha1B-glycoprotein, and the heavy chains of IgA, IgM and IgG of the human serum. With exceptions of the heavy chains of the immunoglobulins and alpha1B-glycoprotein, all the other lectin-M-probed glycopeptides are acute-phase proteins. The use of champedak lectin-M to probe for serum glycoproteins that were separated in a 2-D gel electrophoresis and Western blotting technique may be conveniently applied to analyse the acute-phase and humoral immune responses simultaneously. Subjecting human serum to immobilised-lectin-M affinity chromatography was able to isolate intact haptoglobin, alpha1-antitrypsin, alpha1B-glycoprotein, hemopexin and IgA.
  10. Hashim OH, Shuib AS, Chua CT
    Immunol Invest, 2001 Feb;30(1):21-31.
    PMID: 11419909
    A study on the binding interaction of lectins from Artocarpus heterophyllus (jacalin), Glycine max and Sambucus nigra with standardised quantity of IgA from the IgA nephropathy patients and normal controls was performed. The Glycine max lectin demonstrated higher affinity towards the serum IgA of IgAN patients as compared to normal controls. However, the affinity binding was lower in cases ofjacalin and the Sambucus nigra lectin. When serum samples were treated with neuraminidase, the differential jacalin affinity binding between IgA1 of patients and normal controls was abrogated. Our data are in support of the view that the O-linked oligosaccharide moieties of the patients IgA1 were generally lacking in galactose and sialic acid residues.
  11. Lim SB, Kanthimathi MS, Hashim OH
    Immunol Invest, 1998 Dec;27(6):395-404.
    PMID: 9845424
    The effect of the mannose-binding champedak (Artocarpus integer) lectin-M on the cellular proliferation of murine lymphocytes was investigated in this study. Our data demonstrated that the lectin was the main mitogenic component in the crude extract of the champedak seeds. It stimulated the proliferation of murine T cells at an optimal concentration of 2.5 microg/ml in a 3 day culture. Lectin-M appeared to be a T-cell mitogen as it does not induce significant DNA synthesis when cultured with spleen cells from the nude mouse. In the absence of T cells, the lectin was incapable of inducing resting B cells to differentiate into immunoglobulin secreting plasma cells.
  12. Wong SY, Hashim OH, Hayashi N
    PLoS One, 2019;14(3):e0213947.
    PMID: 30889197 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0213947
    The primary components of human hair shaft-keratin and keratin-associated proteins (KAPs), together with their cross-linked networks-are the underlying reason for its rigid structure. It is therefore requisite to overcome the obstacle of hair insolubility and establish a reliable protocol for the proteome analysis of this accessible specimen. The present study employed an alkaline-based method for the efficient isolation of hair proteins and subsequently examined them using gel-based proteomics. The introduction of two proteomic protocols, namely the conventional and modified protocol, have resulted in the detection of more than 400 protein spots on the two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2DE). When compared, the modified protocol is deemed to improve overall reproducibility, whilst offering a quick overview of the total protein distribution of hair. The development of this high-performance protocol is hoped to provide a new approach for hair analysis, which could possibly lead to the discovery of biomarkers for hair in health and diseases in the future.
  13. Hashim OH, Jayapalan JJ, Lee CS
    PeerJ, 2017;5:e3784.
    PMID: 28894650 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.3784
    In recent years, the use of lectins for screening of potential biomarkers has gained increased importance in cancer research, given the development in glycobiology that highlights altered structural changes of glycans in cancer associated processes. Lectins, having the properties of recognizing specific carbohydrate moieties of glycoconjugates, have become an effective tool for detection of new cancer biomarkers in complex bodily fluids and tissues. The specificity of lectins provides an added advantage of selecting peptides that are differently glycosylated and aberrantly expressed in cancer patients, many of which are not possibly detected using conventional methods because of their low abundance in bodily fluids. When coupled with mass spectrometry, research utilizing lectins, which are mainly from plants and fungi, has led to identification of numerous potential cancer biomarkers that may be used in the future. This article reviews lectin-based methods that are commonly adopted in cancer biomarker discovery research.
  14. Jessie K, Jayapalan JJ, Rahim ZH, Hashim OH
    Electrophoresis, 2014 Dec;35(24):3504-11.
    PMID: 25223738 DOI: 10.1002/elps.201400252
    Prolonged chewing of betel quid is known to cause oral diseases, including cancer. The present study was performed to screen for aberrant proteins in the saliva of habitual betel quid chewers compared to nonchewers. Saliva of female subjects (n = 10) who had been chewing betel quid for more than 20 years and nonbetel quid chewers (n = 10) of the same gender and range of age was analyzed by gel-based proteomics. Increased structural microheterogeneity of saliva haptoglobin beta chains indicated by shifts of focused spots similar to that earlier reported in patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma, and their relatively higher abundance compared to nonbetel quid chewers, were detected in saliva protein profiles of all chewers. In addition, the majority of the betel quid chewers also showed significant higher abundance of hemopexin, alpha-1B glycoprotein, alpha1-antitrypsin, complement C3, and transthyretin. These proteins had previously been associated with several different cancers. Our data demonstrated different forms of protein aberration in the saliva of betel quid chewers, which may be indicative of early oral precancerous conditions.
  15. Mariappan V, Vellasamy KM, Thimma J, Hashim OH, Vadivelu J
    PLoS One, 2013;8(10):e77418.
    PMID: 24116227 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0077418
    Burkholderia cepacia is an opportunistic human pathogen associated with life-threatening pulmonary infections in immunocompromised individuals. Pathogenesis of B. cepacia infection involves adherence, colonisation, invasion, survival and persistence in the host. In addition, B. cepacia are also known to secrete factors, which are associated with virulence in the pathogenesis of the infection. In this study, the host factor that may be the cause of the infection was elucidated in human epithelial cell line, A549, that was exposed to live B. cepacia (mid-log phase) and its secretory proteins (mid-log and early-stationary phases) using the Illumina Human Ref-8 microarray platform. The non-infection A549 cells were used as a control. Expression of the host genes that are related to apoptosis, inflammation and cell cycle as well as metabolic pathways were differentially regulated during the infection. Apoptosis of the host cells and secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines were found to be inhibited by both live B. cepacia and its secretory proteins. In contrast, the host cell cycle and metabolic processes, particularly glycolysis/glycogenesis and fatty acid metabolism were transcriptionally up-regulated during the infection. Our microarray analysis provided preliminary insights into mechanisms of B. cepacia pathogenesis. The understanding of host response to an infection would provide novel therapeutic targets both for enhancing the host's defences and repressing detrimental responses induced by the invading pathogen.
  16. Jayapalan JJ, Ng KL, Razack AH, Hashim OH
    Electrophoresis, 2012 Jul;33(12):1855-62.
    PMID: 22740474 DOI: 10.1002/elps.201100608
    Diagnosis of prostate cancer (PCa) is currently much reliant on the invasive and time-consuming transrectal ultrasound-guided biopsy of the prostate gland, particularly in light of the inefficient use of prostate-specific antigen as its biomarker. In the present study, we have profiled the sera of patients with PCa and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) using the gel- and lectin-based proteomics methods and demonstrated the significant differential expression of apolipoprotein AII, complement C3 beta chain fragment, inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain 4 fragment, transthyretin, alpha-1-antitrypsin, and high molecular weight kininogen (light chain) between the two groups of patients' samples. Our data are suggestive of the potential use of the serum proteins as complementary biomarkers to effectively discriminate PCa from BPH, although this requires further extensive validation on clinically representative populations.
  17. Mu AK, Lim BK, Hashim OH, Shuib AS
    Int J Mol Sci, 2012;13(8):9489-501.
    PMID: 22949810 DOI: 10.3390/ijms13089489
    Cancers can cause some proteins to be aberrantly excreted or released in the urine, which can be used as biomarkers. To screen for potential biomarkers for endometrial cancer (ECa), the urinary proteins from patients who were newly diagnosed with early stage ECa and untreated controls were separated using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) and followed by image analysis. The altered levels of zinc alpha-2 glycoprotein, alpha 1-acid glycoprotein, and CD59 were detected in the patients compared to the controls. In addition, the urine of the ECa patients was also found to contain relatively lower levels of a fragment of nebulin when the 2-DE separated urinary proteins were probed using champedak galactose binding (CGB) lectin. The different levels of the nebulin fragment were further validated by subjecting the urinary protein samples to CGB lectin affinity chromatography and analysis of the bound fractions by LC-MS/MS. Our data is suggestive of the potential use of the differentially expressed urinary proteins as biomarkers for ECa although this requires further extensive validation on clinically representative populations.
  18. Mariappan V, Vellasamy KM, Hashim OH, Vadivelu J
    PLoS One, 2011;6(10):e26518.
    PMID: 22046299 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0026518
    Burkholderia cepacia is a Gram-negative pathogen that causes serious respiratory infections in immunocompromised patients and individuals with cystic fibrosis. This bacterium is known to release extracellular proteins that may be involved in virulence.
  19. Vellasamy KM, Mariappan V, Hashim OH, Vadivelu J
    Electrophoresis, 2011 Jan;32(2):310-20.
    PMID: 21254130 DOI: 10.1002/elps.201000355
    Bacterial secreted proteins are known to be involved in virulence and may mediate important host-pathogen interactions. In this study, when the stationary phase culture supernatant of Burkholderia pseudomallei was subjected to 2-DE, 113 protein spots were detected. Fifty-four of the secreted proteins, which included metabolic enzymes, transcription/translation regulators, potential virulence factors, chaperones, transport regulators, and hypothetical proteins, were identified using MS and database search. Twelve of these proteins were apparently reactive to antisera of mice that were immunised with B. pseudomallei secreted proteins. These proteins might be excellent candidates to be used as diagnostic markers or putative candidate vaccines against B. pseudomallei infections.
  20. Abdullah-Soheimi SS, Lim BK, Hashim OH, Shuib AS
    Proteome Sci, 2010;8:58.
    PMID: 21083881 DOI: 10.1186/1477-5956-8-58
    Diagnosis of ovarian carcinoma is in urgent need for new complementary biomarkers for early stage detection. Proteins that are aberrantly excreted in the urine of cancer patients are excellent biomarker candidates for development of new noninvasive protocol for early diagnosis and screening purposes. In the present study, urine samples from patients with ovarian carcinoma were analysed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and the profiles generated were compared to those similarly obtained from age-matched cancer negative women.
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