Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 31 in total

  1. Jamaiah, I.
    JUMMEC, 2008;11(1):7-11.
    Educational environment of an institution is the environment experienced or perceived by students and teachers. Individual students and teachers will respond differently to these subtle elements in their learning experience. Curriculum's most significant manifestation and conceptualisation is the environment. There is a proven connection between the environment and the valuable outcomes of students' achievement, satisfaction and success. If one wants to describe, assess or get a handle on the curriculum in a medical school, then the educational and organisational environment or total milieu associated with the curriculum and the medical school needs to be studied. Educational environment is one of the most important determinants of an effective curriculum. Educational environment fosters scholarly or intellectual activities; it encourages friendliness, co-operation and supportiveness. It also fosters the learning, growth and development of students. Students' perceptions of their educational environment are a useful basis for modifying and improving the quality of educational environment. Several research groups over the years have attempted to identify and quantify the presence and impact of rather intangible aspects of a learning environment. Each study has used different survey questionnaires to solicit student reactions.
  2. Jamaiah I, Rohela M
    PMID: 15906644
    A total of 246 stool samples were collected from the public who participated in a Medical Fair held at the University Malaya Medical Center. The stools were examined for intestinal parasites using the formalin-ether concentration technique. The overall infection rate was 6.9% (17 out of 246), with Trichuris trichiura being the most common parasite (4.5%), followed by Ascaris lumbricoides (0.8%), Clonorchis sinensis (0.8%), hookworm (0.4%), and Entamoeba histolytica (0.4%). None of these participants showed any clinical symptoms. The highest infection rate was among the Chinese 7.7% (13 out of 169), followed by the Malays 7.0% (3 out of 43) and Indians 3.3% (1 out of 30). The highest infection rate was in the age group 16-30 years, which was 9% (6 out of 67). The two cases of clonorchiasis were from two Chinese women aged 28 and 66 years. The 28-year-old Chinese woman was born in Malaysia and had never left the country, while the older woman was also born in Malaysia but had visited Hong Kong as a tourist on two occasions. Both enjoyed eating raw fresh water fish with porridge.
  3. Jamaiah I, Shekhar KC
    Med J Malaysia, 1999 Sep;54(3):296-302.
    PMID: 11045054
    A hospital based retrospective study of amoebiasis was carried out for a ten-year period at the University Hospital, Kuala Lumpur. Of the 51 cases traced, 30 (59%) had amoebic dysentery, 20 (39%) were amoebic liver abscess (ALA) and one patient had both conditions. Entameoba histolytica trophozoites were identified in 13 (43%) of the amoebic dysenteric stools and 9 (30%) from biopsy. Of the 20 (39%) ALA cases, only one showed parasites in the stool and biopsy. Majority of the patients with dysentery were Malays while Chinese comprised 40% with ALA. Males predominated overall with a male female ratio of 3:1, while for ALA it was 9:1. Most of ALA were single (71.4%) and were localised in the right lobe. The majority of the patients were unemployed. Eighty three percent (83%) of the patients presented with diarrhoea or dysentery followed by abdominal pain while those with ALA had fever, chills, rigors and pain in the right hypochondrium. Eighty percent of the ALA cases showed hepatomegaly. All patients responded to treatment with metronidazole.
  4. Rohela M, Jamaiah I, Amir L, Nissapatorn V
    PMID: 17547059
    Many cases of myiasis have been reported in Malaysia. This is the second reported case of auricular myiasis caused by Chrysomya bezziana. The patient was a 41-year-old, mentally retarded, Orang Asli man. He was brought to the clinic by his mother with a complaint of pain and bleeding in his right ear for 3 days. On examination, blood and multiple maggots were seen packed in the external auditory canal of the right ear. A total of 39 live maggots were removed and maintained until they developed into 3rd instar larvae, which were later processed and identified as Chrysomya bezziana. The patient was discharged with amoxicillin 500 mg three times a day for 1 week.
  5. Rohela M, Jamaiah I, Menon J, Rachel J
    PMID: 15916055
    Fasciolopsiasis is a disease caused by the largest intestinal fluke, Fasciolopsis buski. The disease is endemic in the Far East and Southeast Asia. Human acquires the infection after eating raw freshwater plants contaminated with the infective metacercariae. There has been no report of fasciolopsiasis either in man or in animal in Malaysia. We are reporting the first case of fasciolopsiasis in Malaysia in a 39-year-old female farmer, a native of Sabah (East Malaysia). This patient complained of cough and fever for a duration of two weeks, associated with loss of appetite and loss of weight. She had no history of traveling overseas. Physical examination showed pallor, multiple cervical and inguinal lymph nodes and hepatosplenomegaly. Laboratory investigations showed that she had iron deficiency anemia. There was leukocytosis and a raised ESR. Lymph node biopsy revealed a caseating granuloma. Stool examination was positive for the eggs of Fasciolopsis buski. The eggs measure 140 x 72.5 microm and are operculated. In this case, the patient did not present with symptoms suggestive of any intestinal parasitic infections. Detection of Fasciolopsis buski eggs in the stool was an incidental finding. She was diagnosed as a case of disseminated tuberculosis with fasciolopsiasis and was treated with antituberculosis drugs and praziquantel, respectively.
  6. Rohela M, Jamaiah I, Yaw CC
    PMID: 17121289
    We are reporting a case of an eye lesion caused by an adult Brugia malayi. The patient was a 3-year-old Chinese boy from Kemaman District, Terengganu, Peninsular Malaysia. He presented with a one week history of redness and palpebral swelling of his right eye. He claimed that he could see a worm in his right eye beneath the conjunctiva. He had no history of traveling overseas and the family kept dogs at home. He was referred from Kemaman Hospital to the eye clinic of Hospital Tengku Ampuan Afzan, Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. On examination by the ophthalmologist, he was found to have a subconjunctival worm in his right eye. Full blood count revealed eosinophilia (10%). Four worm fragments, each about 1 cm long were removed from his right eye under general anesthesia. A thick blood smear stained with Giemsa was positive for microfilariae of Brugia malayi. A Brugia Rapid test done was positive. He was treated with diethylcarbamazine.

    Study site: Opthamolagy clinic, Hospital Tengku Ampuan Afzan
  7. Muhammad Zayyid M, Saidatul Saadah R, Adil AR, Rohela M, Jamaiah I
    Trop Biomed, 2010 Dec;27(3):442-6.
    PMID: 21399584 MyJurnal
    This is a survey of 120 children for scabies and head lice infestations in a welfare home in Pulau Pinang. Children from this welfare home (Rumah Kanak-Kanak Taman Bakti, Kepala Batas, Pulau Pinang) were randomly selected. Majority of them were Malays (72.5%) and the rest were Indians. The infestation rates were highest in the 10-12 years age group with 46% and 70% for scabies and head lice respectively. Head lice was more commonly seen in girls (65%) than boys (29%). Scabies was more commonly seen in boys (50%) than girls (16%). Overall prevalence rate for scabies was 31% and for head lice infestation was 49%.
  8. Farhana F, Jamaiah I, Rohela M, Abdul-Aziz NM, Nissapatorn V
    Trop Biomed, 2009 Dec;26(3):262-6.
    PMID: 20237439 MyJurnal
    This is a ten year (1999-2008) retrospective study of amebiasis in patients admitted to UMMC. A total of 34 cases were analyzed. The most common were amebic liver abscess 22(65%) and the rest were amoebic dysentery 12(35%). Majority of the cases occurred among Malaysians 29(85%), with Chinese 14(41%), followed by the Malays 9(26%) and the Indians 6(18%). Foreigners made up of one Indonesian, one Pakistani and three Myanmarese and constituted 5(15%) of the total cases. Males 24(71%) were more commonly affected. Most of the cases occurred between the age group of 40-49 years, 8(23%) and 60 years and above, 8(23%). Age group of 20-50 years constituted 20(60%) of the cases. The most common clinical presentations were fever with chills and rigors 26(76%), diarrhoea 20 (59%), right hypochondrium pain 17(50%), abdominal pain 17(50%), hepatomegaly 16 (47%) and jaundice 7(20%). All were discharged well after treatment except for one case of death in a 69-year-old Chinese male with amebic liver abscess.
  9. Rohela M, Jamaiah I, Chan KW, Yusoff WS
    PMID: 12236417
    Diphyllobothriasis is a disease caused by infection with adult tapeworms of the genus Diphyllobothrium. Humans acquire the infection by consuming the raw or inadequately cooked flesh, roe, liver, or other organs of infected fish. Diphyllobothrium latum infection has not been reported in Malaysia; we are reporting the first case. The patient was a 62 year old Chinese male seen at the outpatient clinic with complaints of watery stools and slight abdominal discomfort for four days. Physical examination was normal. He was treated for diarrhea. Two days after treatment, he passed out intact off-white proglottids in his stool. Diphyllobothriasis was confirmed by examination of these gravid proglottids; typical operculated eggs were seen after rupturing the gravid proglottids. The patient had a history of eating sashimi (Japanese raw fish). He was treated with a single dose of praziquantel and had been well since.
    Study site: Gleneagles Intan Medical Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  10. Jetan CA, Jamaiah I, Rohela M, Nissapatorn V
    PMID: 20578521
    This was an eight year (2000-2007) retrospective study of tuberculosis in patients admitted to the UMMC. A total of 131 cases were analyzed. Malays constituted the most cases, (43%), followed by Chinese (22%), Indians (17%) and others (18%). The majority of cases were within the 21-60 year old age group, which constituted 69.5% of the total. Males were more commonly affected (65%). Most cases were reported among Malaysians (83%). The majority of patients were unemployed (39%), followed by housewives (10%), laborers (9%), students (8%), shop assistants (7%), and other occupations (27%). The most common presenting complaints were prolonged productive cough, night sweats, fever, anorexia, weight loss (57%), hemoptysis (34%), and undifferentiated symptoms, such as prolonged diarrhea and dysphagia (9%). Sputum was positive for acid-fast bacilli (AFB) in 89%, but only 69% of cases had abnormal chest radiographs. The majority of patients (65%) developed no complications. The most common complications were pleural effusion, pneumothorax and pulmonary fibrosis. The majority of patients (82%) suffered either from diabetes mellitus, hypertension, ischemic heart disease or all 3 conditions. Regarding risk factors for tuberculosis, two were HIV positive and two were intravenous drug users. The majority of the patients (85%) did not complain of any side effects from their anti-tuberculosis treatment. Among those who did complain of side effects, the most common were nausea and vomiting (41%), drug induced hepatitis (37%), blurring of vision (11%) and skin rashes (11%). Two cases of death were reported.
  11. Rohela M, Jamaiah I, Goh KL, Nissapatorn V
    PMID: 17333730
    Diphyllobothriasis was first reported in Malaysia in 2002. We are reporting a second case of diphyllobothriasis in Malaysia. The patient was a 37-year-old Chinese male seen at the outpatient clinic with a complaint of passing strands of white color flat worm in his stool. He had no other abdominal complaints. Laboratory and physical examinations were normal. Diphyllobothrium latum was confirmed by examination of the gravid proglottids passed out and the typical operculated eggs expelled from the ruptured proglottids. The patient had a history of eating raw fish. He was treated with a single dose of praziquantel.
    Study site: Outpatient clinic, University Malaya Specialist Center (UMSC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  12. Rohela M, Johari S, Jamaiah I, Init I, Lee SH
    PMID: 17121288
    We are reporting a case of a 43-year-old Chinese male from Hong Kong, who came to see a doctor complaining of acute onset of severe upper abdominal pain. A diagnosis of acute cholecystitis was made and an emergency cholecystectomy was carried out. On opening the common bile duct, lancet-shaped worms were seen emerging from it. About 45 adult worms were collected and sent to the Department of Parasitology University of Malaya for identification. The worms were identified as Clonorchis sinensis. After the operation the patient was treated with praziquantel and he had an uneventful recovery.
  13. Jamaiah I, Rohela M, Roshalina R, Undan RC
    PMID: 15916099
    The records of 284 snake bite cases presenting to the Kangar District Hospital, Perlis, west Malaysia, from January 1999 till December 2000 were carefully reviewed. Data on prevalence and types of snake bites, were recorded. The majority of the cases were among Malays (60.2%), followed by Chinese (16.9%), Indians (13%), and others which include Thai nationals, army personnel from Sabah and Sarawak, and foreign tourists (9.8%). A higher incidence was found in males (60.2%) and most cases were seen in the age group of 10-19 years (33%). Snake bites were more common between 2 PM and 9 PM (47.6%) and from 7 AM to 2 PM (33.4%). The snakes were positively identified in 68 cases, of which 50 were common cobras (Naja naja) (73%), 16 were Malayan pit vipers (Agkistrodon rhodostoma) (24%) and two were sea-snakes (3%).
  14. Jamaiah I, Anuar AK, Najib NA, Zurainee MN
    Med J Malaysia, 1998 Mar;53(1):6-9.
    PMID: 10968130
    Over a period of ten years (1983-1992), 134 malaria cases admitted to University Hospital, Kuala Lumpur (UHKL) were analysed. Malays constituted 27.6%, Chinese 29.8%, Indians 9.7%, Indonesians 16.4% and other foreigners 16.4%. Therefore, of the total number of cases, foreigners constituted 32.8% (44) of all the malaria cases admitted to UHKL. Fifteen of these foreigners had chloroquine-resistant strains of malarial parasites. Three species of malaria were reported of which Plasmodium falciparum constituted the most (46.3%) (80% of these developed resistance to chloroquine). Plasmodium vivax was confirmed in 44.8% (10% of these developed resistance to chloroquine) and there was only one case of Plasmodium malarie infection.
  15. Siti Shafiyyah CO, Jamaiah I, Rohela M, Lau YL, Siti Aminah F
    Trop Biomed, 2012 Dec;29(4):544-50.
    PMID: 23202599 MyJurnal
    A survey was undertaken to investigate the prevalence of intestinal and blood parasites among wild rats in urban area of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. A total of 137 stool and blood samples were collected from wild rats from Sentul and Chow Kit areas. Five species of rats were captured and supplied by Kuala Lumpur City Hall. The most common was Rattus rattus diardii (Malayan Black rat), 67%, followed by Rattus norvegicus (Norway rat), 10%, Rattus argentiventer (rice-field rat), 10%, Rattus tiomanicus (Malaysian field rat), 9% and Rattus exulans (Polynesian rat), 4%. Rattus rattus diardii is commonly known to live in human environment and they are normally identified as pests to human community. More male rats were captured (61%) compared to female (39%). Out of 137 samples, 81.8% samples were positive with intestinal parasites, with 86.2% from Sentul area and 78.5% from Chow Kit area. Six different parasites were detected. The most common intestinal helminth parasite detected was Nippostrongylus brasiliensis (80.3%), followed by Hymenolepis nana (23.4%), Capillaria hepatica (13.9%) and Hymenolepis diminuta (2.9%). Intestinal protozoan detected was Entamoeba histolytica/E. dispar (8.8%). Trypanosoma lewisi (1.5%) was the only blood parasite detected.
  16. Rohela M, Jamaiah I, Hui TT, Mak JW, Ithoi I, Amirah A
    PMID: 19842373
    Human dirofilariasis caused by Dirofilaria immitis and Dirofilaria repens have been reported in Malaysia. This is the fourth reported case of dirofilariasis caused by D. repens. The patient was a Chinese male from Kuching Sarawak, Malaysia who presented with a one day history of redness and itchiness over the temporal aspect of his left eye. A worm was seen and later removed from beneath the conjunctiva under local anesthesia and based on the morphological characteristics, it was identified as an immature Dirofilaria repens.
  17. Nissapatorn V, Kuppusamy I, Josephine FP, Jamaiah I, Rohela M, Khairul Anuar A
    PMID: 17547073
    A total of 136 patients, 67 HIV, 69 diabetes mellitus (DM) with or without (+/-) end-stage renal disease (ESRD), were registered for tuberculosis treatment at the National Tuberculosis Center (NTBC) from May to December, 2003. Ages ranged from 21-78 years (median 57.7 years) in TB/DM patients, and 21-62 (mean 37.6 +/- 8.3 years) in TB/HIV patients. TB was significantly found in younger and single HIV patients, but in older and married DM patients (p<0.05). Male patients in both groups were strongly associated with TB, while females more commonly had TB with DM (p<0.05). The majority of these patients were Malays, unemployed, and resided in Kuala Lumpur territory; however, no statistically significant difference was found between the 2 groups. Smoking, IVDUs and hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection were more significantly found in TB/HIV patients and further analysis showed that pulmonary TB was strongly associated with HCV infection in these patients (p<0.05). Pulmonary TB (62; 89.9%) was the most common type found in both groups and was a markedly more common disease location in TB/DM patients, while extrapulmonary TB (21; 31.3%) and miliary TB (14; 21%) were significantly higher in TB/HIV patients. Cough with or without sputum, fever and loss of appetite and/or weight were common clinical presentations in both groups. Nevertheless, fever (54; 80.6%) and lymphadenopathy (17; 25.4%) were significantly related to TB/HIV patients (p<0.05). Interestingly, the presence of BCG vaccination and positive tuberculin skin test were stronger in TB/HIV (27; 40.3%) and TB/DM (20; 29%) patients, respectively (p<0.05). Overall, regular 6-, 9- and 12-months' anti-tubercular therapy (ATT) were routine practice, and EHRZ+B6 was the most common regimen used. The highest percentage of patients with treatment success were in both groups with 6 months' ATT; however, a significantly higher percentage was found in TB/DM (24; 34.8%) than TB/HIV (13; 19.4%) (p<0.05). A success rate of 15 (21.7%) was noted for TB/DM patients with 9 months' ATT, which was similar to both groups with the 12-month regimen. A higher percentage failure rate (lost to follow-up) was seen in TB/HIV (19; 28.4%) patients. Nine patients were reported to have anti-tubercular-drug side-effects, such as drug-induced hepatitis, blurred vision, and skin rash. No cases of drug resistance or death were notified among these patients.
  18. Jamaiah I, Rohela M, Nissapatorn V, Maizatulhikma MM, Norazlinda R, Syaheerah H, et al.
    PMID: 16438209
    Dengue fever and dengue hemorrhagic fever have been known to be endemic and reportable diseases in Malaysia since 1971. Major outbreaks occurred in 1973, 1982 and in 1998. For the past few decades until now. many studies have been performed to investigate the importance of these two diseases in Malaysia. A retrospective study was carried out in Hospital Tengku Ampuan Rahimah Klang to find the prevalence of these diseases. The data was collected from the record department of this hospital starting from the year 1999 until 2003 (5 years). A total of 6,577 cases of dengue fever and 857 cases of dengue hemorrhagic fever were reported. From the year 2000 onwards, cases of dengue fever had increased tremendously. However for the year 2001, there was a slight decrease in the reported cases. Most cases occurred in 2003, increasing from 674 in 1999 to 2,813 in 2003. Highest incidence was seen in Malay males more than 12 years of age. However, the cases of dengue hemorrhagic fever declined tremendously throughout the years. Most cases occurred in 1999 with 674 cases, then declining to only one in the year 2001 before it increased to 60 and 72 in the years 2002 and 2003, respectively. Most cases occurred in patients above 12 years old, the majority of which were Malay males.
  19. Jamaiah I, Rohela M, Nissapatorn V, Khoo BL, Khoo PS, Radhiyah M, et al.
    PMID: 16438181
    Malaria is still one of the most important vector-borne diseases in Malaysia, particularly in remote areas. This retrospective study was carried out to find the prevalence of malaria among patients admitted to UMMC Kuala Lumpur, from 1994-2003. A total of 86 malaria cases were analyzed. Most cases occurred among foreigners [57% (49 cases)] while Malaysians constituted 43% (37 cases). Among foreigners, Indonesians constituted the most [57% (28 cases)]. Among Malaysians, most cases occurred among the Chinese [35% (13 cases)] followed by the Malays [30% (11 cases)]. Males [70%(60 cases)] were more commonly affected. The majority of cases were within the 20-39 year age group (69%). Three species of malaria parasites were reported, of which Plasmodium vivax constituted the most [55%( 47 cases)], followed by Plasmodium falciparum [29% (25 cases)], and only four cases (5%) of Plasmodium malariae. Nine percent (8 cases) were mixed infections. In this study, 12%(10 cases) developed chloroquine resistance: 7 cases of P. falciparum, and 3 cases of P. vivax. The most common complications were jaundice and anemia [77% (23 cases)], followed by blackwater fever [13% (4 cases)] and cerebral malaria [10% (3 cases)]. Most of the complications were due to P. falciparum [43% (13 cases)]. There were no reported deaths. This new source of malaria coming from foreigners must be given serious attention, as it has great potential of increasing malaria cases in urban Malaysia.
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