Displaying all 4 publications

  1. Ahmad MI, Khan IA, Ahmad M, Husain A, Jamaludin R
    Syst Pract Action Res, 2021 Nov 20.
    PMID: 34840496 DOI: 10.1007/s11213-021-09585-6
    Every individual is unique and may serve a unique purpose in this life. Education is widely accepted to be the means of transformation of individuals so that they may achieve their unique success or create their own lives. However, not every individual seems to be realizing their true potential. This paper explores the concept of entropy in education system as a force that is usually imagined to oppose realization of potential of an individual during life in this phenomenal world. Alternatively, the same may provide an impetus that is necessary to bring in organization in oneself to realize the hidden potential. A one group Pretest-Posttest quasi-experimental design was used to draw the conclusions on data obtained from participants of workshops in three different modes, viz. face-to-face Pre COVID-19, face-to-face in COVID-19 with SOPs, and online in COVID-19. Realization of an individual's potential was represented as a dependent variable, i.e. transformation in cognition, skills, and attitude while the independent variables taken into account were the meaningful interactions of an individual with peers and advanced learners in a designed environment. It was inferred from the results that transformation in learners' cognition (6-30 %), skills (0-20 %), and attitude (5-32 %) occurred through human discourse, in a community of inquiry.
  2. Jamaludin R, Kim DS, Salleh LM, Lim SB
    Foods, 2021 Sep 24;10(10).
    PMID: 34681309 DOI: 10.3390/foods10102260
    Noni fruits (Morinda citrifolia) are a source of phenolic bioactive compounds (scopoletin, alizarin, and rutin), which have antioxidant, antimicrobial, anticancer, and anti-inflammatory activities. In this study, subcritical water was applied to determine the extraction yields and kinetics of phenolic compounds from noni fruits. The scopoletin and alizarin yields increased with the increase in temperature from 100 to 140 °C, while that of rutin increased up to 120 °C and then decreased at 140 °C. The yields of all the compounds rapidly increased from 1 to 2 mL/min and then slightly up to 3 mL/min of water flow rate. The extraction kinetics were assessed using two mathematical models. The two-site kinetic desorption model had a better fit for all experimental conditions throughout the extraction cycle and best described the extraction kinetics of phenolic compounds from noni fruits. The diffusion coefficients of scopoletin and alizarin at 140 °C and 3 mL/min were 3.7- and 16.2-fold higher than those at 100 °C and 1 mL/min, respectively. The activation energies of alizarin were 2.9- to 8.5-fold higher than those of scopoletin at various flow rates. Thus, subcritical water could be an excellent solvent with higher extraction yields and shorter extraction times using an environmentally friendly solvent.
  3. Aziz FAA, Ahmad NA, Razak MAA, Omar M, Kasim NM, Yusof M, et al.
    BMC Public Health, 2018 Dec 11;18(1):1363.
    PMID: 30537956 DOI: 10.1186/s12889-018-6266-z
    BACKGROUND: Globally, diarrhoea is one of the major causes of morbidity and mortality among children under than 5 years of age. There is a scarcity of published data on acute gastroenteritis (AGE) prevalence in Malaysia among children. This study aims to determine factors associated with diarrhoea in children aged less than 5 years in Malaysia.

    METHOD: Data from the National Health and Morbidity Survey 2016 conducted by Ministry of Health was analysed. This nationwide survey involved 15,188 children below five years old. The survey was carried out using a two-stage stratified sampling design to ensure national representativeness. The Questionnaire from UNICEF's Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MCIS) was adapted to suit local requirements. Analysis was done using SPSS Version 23. Descriptive followed by multiple logistic regression were done to identify relevant factors.

    RESULT: The prevalence of diarrhoea among children under five in Malaysia was 4.4% (95% CI: 3.8,5.2). Analysis using logistic regression indicated that only ethnicity and usage of untreated water were significantly associated with diarrhoea among children after controlling for relevant factors. By ethnicity, children in the 'Other Bumiputera' group had 2.5 times the odds of having diarrhoea compared to children of Malay ethnicity. Children of Indian ethnicity were also at higher risk, at almost double the odds, as well as other ethnic groups (1.5 times). Children who used untreated water supply were two times more likely to develop diarrhoea.

    CONCLUSION: There is a higher risk of diarrhoea among children of 'Other Bumiputera' ethnicity, Indian ethnicities, and other ethnic groups and those who consume untreated water. Strategies to reduce diarrhoea among children should be targeted towards these at-risk populations. In addition, the Government must strive to ensure universal access to treated clean water in Malaysia and the Ministry of Health must focus on raising awareness on how to prevent diarrhoea.

  4. Khandaker MM, Jamaludin R, Majrashi A, Rashid ZM, Karim SMR, Al-Yasi HM, et al.
    Front Plant Sci, 2022;13:965765.
    PMID: 36247640 DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2022.965765
    Growth improvement of the medicinal plant, Ficus deltoidea (Mas Cotek) under drought conditions is a vital issue in Malaysia since it is a slow-growing plant and disposed to leaf damage under the stresses of drought. Therefore, investigation was done to examine the outcomes of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) application on Rubisco gene expression and metabolites accumulation of stressed F. deltoidea plants, and thereby to record the changes in leaf histology, photosynthesis, biochemical properties, and the growth of the plant. H2O2 at the rates of 0, 5, 10, 15, and 20 mM were foliar sprayed biweekly on the drought stressed plants using a hand sprayer. The application of 20 mM H2O2 amplified leaf number, tallness, stomatal conductance, and photosynthetic yield by 143, 24, 88, and 18%, respectively, over the control plant. A reduced transpiration rate and improved chlorophyll fluorescence were also noted in H2O2-treated plants. The treatment produced a greater amount of chlorophyll a, total phenols, total flavonoids, sugar content, and antioxidant activities by 1.61-, 1.30-, 1.98-, 1.92-, and 1.53-fold, respectively. Application of 15 mM H2O2 enhanced net photosynthetic rate and internal CO2 concentrations by 1.05- and 1.25-fold, respectively. Additionally, H2O2 treatments promoted stomatal closure, increased stomata size, the number of stomata, improved vein structure, and reduced the damage of the leaf margin and mesophyll cells of drought stressed plants. The application of H2O2 also accumulated significantly higher contents of sodium (Na+), calcium (Ca2+), potassium (K+), magnesium (Mg+), and iron (Fe2+) in stressed plants. Although the amount of Arsenic (As+) and Antimony (Sb3+) increased to some extent, the increases were not at a toxic level. The use of H2O2 enhanced the Rubisco gene expression to a greater level and the ratio of Rubisco expression increased up to 16-fold. Finally, thirteen (13) identified and five (5) unmatched volatile compounds with a quality score above 70% were identified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GCMS). The GCMS analysis showed that the foliar application of H2O2 accumulates a higher percentage of volatile components in plants which helps to mitigate the negative effects of drought stress. It is concluded that under drought stressed conditions the F. deltoidea plants should be treated with 10-15 mM of H2O2 twice a week to improve leaf histology, photosynthesis, the level of Rubisco gene expression and volatile compounds accumulation, and plant growth and development.
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