Displaying all 5 publications

  1. Thivya C, Chidambaram S, Keesari T, Prasanna MV, Thilagavathi R, Adithya VS, et al.
    Environ Geochem Health, 2016 Apr;38(2):497-509.
    PMID: 26104429 DOI: 10.1007/s10653-015-9735-7
    Uranium is a radioactive element normally present in hexavalent form as U(VI) in solution and elevated levels in drinking water cause health hazards. Representative groundwater samples were collected from different litho-units in this region and were analyzed for total U and major and minor ions. Results indicate that the highest U concentration (113 µg l(-1)) was found in granitic terrains of this region and about 10 % of the samples exceed the permissible limit for drinking water. Among different species of U in aqueous media, carbonate complexes [UO2(CO3)(2)(2-)] are found to be dominant. Groundwater with higher U has higher pCO2 values, indicating weathering by bicarbonate ions resulting in preferential mobilization of U in groundwater. The major minerals uraninite and coffinite were found to be supersaturated and are likely to control the distribution of U in the study area. Nature of U in groundwater, the effects of lithology on hydrochemistry and factors controlling its distribution in hard rock aquifers of Madurai district are highlighted in this paper.
  2. Chandrasekar T, Keesari T, Gopalakrishnan G, Karuppannan S, Senapathi V, Sabarathinam C, et al.
    Arch Environ Contam Toxicol, 2021 Jan;80(1):183-207.
    PMID: 33392777 DOI: 10.1007/s00244-020-00803-1
    Evaluation of the hydrogeochemical processes governing the heavy metal distribution and the associated health risk is important in managing and protecting the health of freshwater resources. This study mainly focused on the health impacts due to the heavy metals pollution in a known Cretaceous-Tertiary (K/T) contact region (Tiruchinopoly, Tamilnadu) of peninsular India, using various pollution indices, statistical, and geochemical analyses. A total of 63 samples were collected from the hard rock aquifers and sedimentary formations during southwest monsoon and analysed for heavy metals, such as Li, Be, Al, Rb, Sr, Cs, Ba, pb, Mn, Fe, Cr, Zn, Ga, Cu, As, Ni, and Co. Ba was the dominant element that ranged from 441 to 42,638 μg/l in hard rock aquifers, whereas Zn was the major element in sedimentary formations, with concentrations that ranged from 44 to 118,281 μg/l. The concentrations of Fe, Ni, Cr, Al, Cr, and Ni fell above the permissible limit in both of the formations. However, the calculated heavy metal evaluation index (HEI), heavy metal pollution index (HPI), and the degree of contamination (Cd) parameters were higher in the sedimentary formation along the contact zone of the K/T boundary. Excessive health risks from consumption of contaminated groundwater were mostly confined to populations in the northern and southwestern regions of the study area. Carcinogenic risk assessment suggests that there are elevated risks of cancer due to prolonged consumption of untreated groundwater. Ba, Sr, and Zn were found to be geochemically highly mobile due to the partitioning between the rock matrix and groundwater, aided by the formation of soluble carbonato-complexes. Factor analysis indicates that the metals are mainly derived from the host rocks and anthropogenic inputs are relatively insignificant. Overall, this study indicated that groundwater in K/T contact zones is vulnerable to contamination because of the favorable geochemical factors. Long-term monitoring of such contact zones is required to avert the potential health hazards associated with consumption of the contaminated groundwater.
  3. Chidambaram S, Panda B, Keesari T, Prasanna MV, Singh DK, Ramanathan AL
    Mar Pollut Bull, 2022 Jan;174:113273.
    PMID: 35090268 DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2021.113273
    The dynamics of the coastal aquifers are well-expressed by geochemical and isotopic signatures. Coastal regions often exhibit complex groundwater recharge pattern due to the influence of depression in the Bay of Bengal, tidal variations on surface waters, saline water intrusion and agricultural return flows. In this research, groundwater recharge processes occurring in coastal Tamil Nadu, South India were evaluated using major ion chemistry and environmental isotopes. A total of 170 groundwater samples were collected from shallow and deep aquifers during both post-monsoon (POM) and pre-monsoon (PRM) seasons. The isotopic results showed a wide variation in the shallow groundwater, suggesting contribution from multiple recharge sources. But, the deeper groundwater recharge is mainly from precipitation. The northern part of the study area showed more depleted isotopic values, which rapidly changed towards south from -6.8 to -4.4‰. Alternatively, central and southern parts exhibited relatively enriched isotopic content with variation from -0.58 to -2.7‰. Groundwater was discerned to be brackish to saline with chloride content, 600-2060 mgL-1 and δ18O ranging from -5.8 to -4.5‰, suggesting influence of the saline water sources. A minor influence of anthropogenic activities was also observed in the deeper groundwater during PRM, which was confirmed by tritium and Cl- trends. The old groundwater with depleted isotopic content infer recharged by distant sources while modern groundwater with enriched isotopes points to the influence of evaporated recharge.
  4. Vasanthakumari Sivasankara Pillai A, Sabarathinam C, Keesari T, Chandrasekar T, Rajendiran T, Senapathi V, et al.
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2020 Jun;27(16):20037-20054.
    PMID: 32236808 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-020-08258-6
    Hydrogeochemical understanding of groundwater is essential for the effective management of groundwater. This study has been carried out to have concrete data for the seasonal variations in hydrogeochemistry of groundwater in central Tamilnadu forming a complex geological terrain with a varied lithology. A total of 244 groundwater samples were collected during four different seasons, viz, southwest monsoon (SWM), summer (SUM), postmonsoon (POM), and northeast monsoon (NEM) from bore wells. The physical parameters such as pH, temperature, TDS, ORP, humidity, and electrical conductivity (EC) were measured insitu, whereas major ions were analyzed in the lab adopting standard procedures. Overall, higher EC and NO3 values were observed and exceeded the WHO permissible limit irrespective of seasons, except for NO3 in SWM. Na and HCO3 are the dominant cation and anion in the groundwater irrespective of seasons. The highest average values of Na (65.06 mg L-1) and HCO3 (350.75 mg L-1) were noted during SWM. Statistical analysis was carried out to elucidate the hydrogeochemistry of the region. Initially, to understand the ionic relationship, correlation matrix was used followed by factor analysis for determination of major geochemical control and later factor scores were derived to understand the regional representations. An attempt has also been made to identify the samples influenced by multiple geochemical processes and to understand their spatial variation in the study period. Correlation of geochemical parameters reveals a excellent positive correlation between Ca and NO3 in SUM, SWM, and NEM due to the dominant of anthropogenic sources and minor influence of weathering process. Strongly loaded factor scores are found to be mostly in the following order POM > NEM > SWM > SUM. Principal component analysis of different seasons indicates the interplay of natural weathering and anthropogenic factors. Overall, the predominant geochemical processes in this region, irrespective of seasons are weathering and, ion exchange and anthropogenic activities.
  5. Rajendiran T, Sabarathinam C, Chandrasekar T, Keesari T, Senapathi V, Sivaraman P, et al.
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2019 Oct;26(28):29173-29190.
    PMID: 31392611 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-019-05962-w
    This study considered the temporal variations in rainfall and water level patterns as governing factors, which influence the geochemical process of coastal aquifer around Pondicherry, South India. Rainfall and water level data were collected from 2006 to 2016, which showed that the amount of rainfall from 2006 to 2011 was higher than that of 2011 to 2016. To understand the geochemical process governing groundwater, samples were collected during 2006 (n = 54), followed by 2011 (n = 93), and during 2016 (n = 63) as part of continuous observation. The major ions and stable isotopes (δ18O and δD) were analyzed in the samples to determine the geochemical variations. The predominant types were noted as Na-HCO3 and Na-Cl; Ca-HCO3 and Ca-Mg-Cl; and Na-Cl and Ca-Mg-Cl in 2006, 2011, and 2016, respectively. Saturation states of sulfate and carbonate minerals were compared for the study periods and it indicates that the saturation index (SI) values were increased from 2006 to 2011, but decreased from 2011 to 2016. PHREEQC inverse modeling revealed the predominance for the dissolution and leaching of carbonate minerals during increased rainy periods, and the increase of halite saturation during lesser rainfall period. AQUACHEM mixing studies suggested that geochemical signatures of 2006 and 2011 were preserved in samples of 2016 in different proportions. Considering the major factors, the main processes prevailing in the study area were inferred to be dissolution and leaching during 2006~2011 years and seawater intrusion along with ion exchange during 2011~2016 years. In all these periods of study, anthropogenic impact was also identified in the groundwater samples. Hence, this study revealed that the rainfall and water level gave a significant variation in the geochemical process of groundwater in the coastal aquifer system.
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