Displaying all 12 publications

  1. Khan TF
    Med J Malaysia, 1992 Mar;47(1):65-8.
    PMID: 1387453
    Modified subtotal cholecystectomy involves removal of the gall bladder after circumferential division of the neck. Either the impacted stone or the surgeons finger was used as a guide to identify the neck. The stump cavity in the neck is obliterated with interrupted sutures to prevent recurrent stone formation. Indications for this procedure are obscure anatomy, due either to the severe inflammation in acute cholecystitis or dense adhesions in the small fibrosed gall bladder. The decision to perform modified subtotal cholecystectomy is taken during the operation. Forty three patients (14%) underwent this procedure during the period between August 85 and April 90. Out of 289 cholecystectomies performed seven were emergency and thirty-six were early cholecystectomies. With the increasing trend towards urgent and early cholecystectomy in acute cholecystitis the author has found this to be a safe and definitive procedure.
  2. Khan TF, Zahari A
    Med J Malaysia, 1993 Jun;48(2):244-7.
    PMID: 8350806
    Details of a young logger who sustained a clean prevertebral transection of the pancreas to the left of the superior mesenteric vessels and a crush injury in segments 2 and 3 of the liver are presented. CT scan was not done but ultrasound scan revealed free intraperitoneal fluid and no comment was made about the pancreas. The pancreatic injury was discovered at laparotomy carried out 24 hours after admission and treated by resection.
  3. Khan TF, Sherazi ZA, Muniandy S, Mumtaz M
    Trop Doct, 1997 Jan;27(1):51-2.
    PMID: 9030026
    An uncommon and late complication of side-to-side choledochoduodenostomy (CDD), the 'sump syndrome', developed in a patient 4 years after surgery. Recurrent right upper abdominal pain, fever with chills and rigors and latterly, mild jaundice made her seek repeated hospital admissions which were treated successfully with antibiotics. During the last admission, ultrasonography, endoscopic retrograde cholangiography (ERC), computerized scanning (CT) and hepatic iminodiacetic acid (HIDA) scan using Tc99m confirmed multiple intrahepatic calculi with proximal dilatation, debris in the distal blind segment and delayed excretion through the CDD. At surgery, the choledochoduodenostomy was taken down and a Rouxen-Y hepaticojejunostomy (RHJ) was fashioned after ductal clearance. The closed end of the Roux loop was placed subcutaneously for subsequent percutaneous access for cholangiography and removal of calculi. She is asymptomatic and well 28 months after surgery.
  4. Toufeeq Khan TF, Hayat FZ, Muniandy S
    Singapore Med J, 1998 Jan;39(1):25-6.
    PMID: 9557100
    Anomalous pancreatico-biliary junction (APBJ) is commonly associated with cystic dilatation of the bile ducts but recently, several cases without the cystic dilatation have been reported. We treated a young female patient with intractable back and epigastric pain of three months duration. The spine was normal on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), but several lymph nodes were seen around the coeliac axis. An APBJ, a non-cystic biliary system, non-filling of the gallbladder and an irregular right margin of the bile duct were evident on endoscopic retrograde pancreatography (ERCP), which was highly suggestive of gallbladder (GB) malignancy. At surgery, the GB was hard with local infiltration of the bile duct. Numerous large para-aortic and supraduodenal lymph nodes were present and only a biopsy was possible. Details of the case are presented and the growing etiological importance of an APBJ, especially without cystic biliary dilatation in gallbladder carcinogenesis is discussed.
  5. Toufeeq Khan TF, Lwin M, Ulah S, Zahari A, Mokti I
    Singapore Med J, 1993 Dec;34(6):545-50.
    PMID: 8153721
    Twenty bilio-enteric anastomoses were performed or managed from May 1990 to December 1992. Recurrent pyogenic cholangitis (RPC) and pancreatic cancer were the commonest conditions which required drainage procedures. Roux-en-Y hepatico-jejunostomy (RHJ) was performed in 9 patients, 4 for RPC, one for pancreatic cancer, another for a cholangiocarcinoma, 2 following excision of choledochal cyst and one hepatico-jejunostomy was part of a Whipple reconstruction. Roux-en-Y side to side choledocho-jejunostomy (CDJ) was performed in one patient. Choledocho-duodenostomy (CDD) was performed in 6, 4 for obstructive jaundice due to choledocholithiasis, one for RPC and one in a choledochal cyst. One patient operated elsewhere presented with complications after a CDD. Palliative cholecysto-jejunostomy (CYJ) was carried out in 4 patients with pancreatic malignancy. All benign conditions were treated by hepatico-jejunostomy and choledocho-duodenostomy, while three patients with malignant conditions were treated by hepatico-jejunostomy. Permanent subcutaneous access loops were provided when recurrent problems were anticipated, 4 in RPC and one after subtotal resection of a cholangiocarcinoma. Based on this study, we found Roux-en-Y hepatico-jejunostomy a versatile drainage procedure, which was useful in both benign and malignant diseases.
  6. Toufeeq Khan TF, Baqai FU
    Singapore Med J, 1993 Apr;34(2):181-2.
    PMID: 8266167
    A 24-year-old lady with recurrent upper abdominal pain, underwent surgery for cholelithiasis based on imaging diagnosis by ultrasound scanning. At laparotomy, the gall bladder could not be found either in its normal or ectopic locations. The diagnosis of agenesis of the gall bladder was confirmed by operative cholangiography. Duplication cysts of the hepatic flexure were discovered in the position normally occupied by the gall bladder. The stony hard faeces in the cysts were probably interpreted as gallstones on ultrasound. This rare condition is discussed and the importance of intraoperative cholangiography is stressed.
  7. Khan TF, Zahari A, Sherazi ZA, Visvanathan R
    Singapore Med J, 1993 Oct;34(5):462-3.
    PMID: 8153702
    This is a report of a 57-year-old Malay lady who presented with recurrent episodes of cholangitis and septicaemia. A dilated biliary tree caused by a stenosing periampullary tumour was found to contain adult round worms. A pancreatico-duodenectomy was performed following biliary decompression. Ascarid worms are a rare cause of cholangitis in malignant biliary obstruction.
  8. Toufeeq Khan TF, Sherazi ZA, Tan YY
    HPB Surg, 1995 Jun;8(3):185-6.
    PMID: 7547622
    This report highlights the association of a tumour in an acalculous gall bladder with an anomalous pancreatico-biliary junction (PBJ) and a type IVa choledochal cyst. Cholecystectomy and Rouxen-Y hepatico-jejunostomy (RHJ) was performed after division of the common bile duct (CBD) and excision of the dilated segment. The details of the case are presented and the role of an abnormal PBJ in gall bladder carcinogenesis is discussed.
  9. Khan TF, Sherazi ZA, Alias NA, Mahmood Z
    Ann Acad Med Singap, 1993 Mar;22(2):251-3.
    PMID: 8363342
    We present a 64-year-old Malay lady who had undergone a choledochoduodenostomy (CDD) two years ago for obstructive jaundice. She was admitted with jaundice and underwent ultrasonography, percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography (PTC), endoscopic retrograde cholangio pancreatography (ERCP) and computed tomographic (CT) scanning of the liver and biliary tree. All the investigations confirmed a type IVa choledochal cyst. At operation, the grossly dilated biliary system was packed with a thick mucoid material and the mucosa of the bile ducts was visibly abnormal with scattered nodules. This mucoid material had caused occlusion of the entire biliary tree resulting in obstructive jaundice. To the best of our knowledge, this is probably the first report of obstructive jaundice caused by thick mucus. The peculiar management problems of this case and the risk of malignant change in choledochal cysts are discussed.
  10. Khan TF, Muniandy S, Hayat FZ, Sherazi ZA, Nawaz MH
    Singapore Med J, 1999 Mar;40(3):171-3.
    PMID: 10402897
    We report three cases of Mirizzi syndrome, two with external compression of the common hepatic duct and another with cystobiliary fistula. All patients presented with jaundice. The diagnosis was suggested by ultrasonography and confirmed by endoscopic retrograde cholangiography (ERC). All three had the stones removed surgically, one through a choledochotomy, another through an opening in the gall bladder and the third at the time of subtotal cholecystectomy. We would like to propose a simple classification of Mirizzi syndrome, based on surgical procedures necessary for the correction of the pathological anatomy. If it involves the removal of calculi with some form of cholecystectomy, we consider it as Type I, whereas Type II involves the construction of a hepaticojejunostomy apart from the removal of calculi.
  11. Raj SM, Lopez D, Thambidorai CR, Kandasamy P, Toufeeq Khan TF, Mohamad H, et al.
    Singapore Med J, 1995 Aug;36(4):371-4.
    PMID: 8919148
    A survey of 142 cases of acute pancreatitis was undertaken in two major hospitals serving the state of Kelantan in Malaysia. Females outnumbered males by a ratio of more than 3:1. The incidence among females peaked in the third decade of life. Twenty-one percent (23/109) of the females were pregnant. Ultrasonography revealed gallstones in only 9.4% (13/138). However, abnormalities of serum transaminases were found in 35% (35/100), suggesting that occult gallstones or microlithiasis may be the cause in a significant proportion of patients. Alcohol was virtually absent as an aetiological factor. There was a higher frequency of Ascaris infection in this group than a control hospital population (11/35 vs 33/242; p < 0.02) suggesting that ascariasis may be an important cause of acute pancreatitis in Kelantan. Only 8.4% fell into the category of severe pancreatitis. The overall mortality rate was 2.1%.
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