Displaying all 4 publications

  1. Shakeel S, Muneswarao J, Abdul Aziz A, Yeong Le H, Abd Halim FS, Rehman AU, et al.
    Antibiotics (Basel), 2021 Dec 04;10(12).
    PMID: 34943702 DOI: 10.3390/antibiotics10121490
    The evaluation of disease progression and onsite therapeutic care choices for community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) patients is vital for their well-being and the optimum utilization of healthcare resources. The current study was conducted to assess physicians' adherence to clinical practice standards and antibiotic prescribing behavior for the treatment of CAP in older people. A prospective study that included 121 consecutive patients admitted for CAP was conducted at Kulim Hospital, Kedah, from March 2020 to August 2020. Medical records including demographic data, comorbidity, physical examination, laboratory or radiologic findings, and drugs used for the treatment of CAP were accessed from bed head tickets (BHT). The mean age for patients was 73.5 ± 6.2 years, 73 (60.3%) and 48 (39.6%) were males and females, respectively. Amoxicillin/clavulanate (19.8%) was the most prescribed antibiotic for non-severe pneumonia followed by ampicillin sodium/sulbactam sodium (6.6%), while in patients with severe CAP beta-lactam + beta lactamase inhibitors (BLIs) with a combination of macrolide were the most common antibiotics prescribed either in patients with (21.4%) or without co-morbidities (8.2%). The average length of stay in the hospital with severe pneumonia was 6-7 days for 23.9% of patients and < 5 days for 21.4% of patients. The duration of intravenous antibiotics in patients with severe pneumonia was 6-7 days for 32.2% of patients. The present findings revealed the adherence of antibiotic prescribing practices to the Malaysian National Antimicrobial Guideline 2019 for CAP therapy among geriatric patients and adherence to the CAP criteria for hospital admissions.
  2. Sok Yen F, Shu Qin C, Tan Shi Xuan S, Jia Ying P, Yi Le H, Darmarajan T, et al.
    PMID: 34925525 DOI: 10.1155/2021/2057333
    Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder with chronic high blood glucose levels, and it is associated with defects in insulin secretion, insulin resistance, or both. It is also a major public issue, affecting the world's population. This disease contributes to long-term health complications such as dysfunction and failure of multiple organs, including nerves, heart, blood vessels, kidneys, and eyes. Flavonoids are phenolic compounds found in nature and usually present as secondary metabolites in plants, vegetables, and fungi. Flavonoids possess many health benefits such as anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities, and naturally occurring flavonoids contribute to antidiabetic effects.Many studies conducted in vivo and in vitro have proven the hypoglycemic effect of plant flavonoids. A large number of studies showed that flavonoids hold positive results in controlling the blood glucose level in streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic rats and further prevent the complications of diabetes. The future development of flavonoid-based drugs is believed to provide significant effects on diabetes mellitus and diabetes complication diseases. This review aims at summarizing the various types of flavonoids that function as hyperglycemia regulators such as inhibitors of α-glucosidase and glucose cotransporters in the body. This review article discusses the hypoglycemic effects of selected plant flavonoids namely quercetin, kaempferol, rutin, naringenin, fisetin, and morin. Four search engines, PubMed, Google Scholar, Scopus, and SciFinder, are used to collect the data.
  3. Gurr GM, Lu Z, Zheng X, Xu H, Zhu P, Chen G, et al.
    Nat Plants, 2016 02 22;2:16014.
    PMID: 27249349 DOI: 10.1038/nplants.2016.14
    Global food security requires increased crop productivity to meet escalating demand(1-3). Current food production systems are heavily dependent on synthetic inputs that threaten the environment and human well-being(2,4,5). Biodiversity, for instance, is key to the provision of ecosystem services such as pest control(6,7), but is eroded in conventional agricultural systems. Yet the conservation and reinstatement of biodiversity is challenging(5,8,9), and it remains unclear whether the promotion of biodiversity can reduce reliance on inputs without penalizing yields on a regional scale. Here we present results from multi-site field studies replicated in Thailand, China and Vietnam over a period of four years, in which we grew nectar-producing plants around rice fields, and monitored levels of pest infestation, insecticide use and yields. Compiling the data from all sites, we report that this inexpensive intervention significantly reduced populations of two key pests, reduced insecticide applications by 70%, increased grain yields by 5% and delivered an economic advantage of 7.5%. Additional field studies showed that predators and parasitoids of the main rice pests, together with detritivores, were more abundant in the presence of nectar-producing plants. We conclude that a simple diversification approach, in this case the growth of nectar-producing plants, can contribute to the ecological intensification of agricultural systems.
  4. Hu Y, Ran J, Zheng Z, Jin Z, Chen X, Yin Z, et al.
    Acta Biomater, 2018 04 15;71:168-183.
    PMID: 29524675 DOI: 10.1016/j.actbio.2018.02.019
    Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is one of the most difficult tissues to heal once injured. Ligament regeneration and tendon-bone junction healing are two major goals of ACL reconstruction. This study aimed to investigate the synergistic therapeutic effects of Stromal cell-derived factor 1 (SDF-1)-releasing collagen-silk (CSF) scaffold combined with intra-articular injection of ligament-derived stem/progenitor cells (LSPCs) for ACL regeneration and the amelioration in the long-term complication of osteoarthritis (OA). The stem cell recruitment ability of CSF scaffold and the multipotency, particularly the tendon forming ability of LSPCs from rabbits were characterized in vitro, while the synergistic effect of the CSF scaffold and LSPCs for ACL regeneration and OA amelioration were investigated in vivo at 1, 3, and 6 months with a rabbit ACL reconstruction model. The CSF scaffold was used as a substitute for the ACL, and LSPCs were injected into the joint cavity after 7 days of the ACL reconstruction. CSF scaffold displayed a controlled release pattern for the encapsulated protein for up to 7 days with an increased stiffness in the mechanical property. LSPCs, which exhibited highly I Collagen and CXCR4 expression, were attracted by SDF-1 and successfully relocated into the CSF scaffold at 1 month in vivo. At 3 and 6 months post-treatment, the CSF scaffold combined with LSPCs (CSFL group) enhanced the regeneration of ACL tissue, and promoted bone tunnel healing. Furthermore, the OA progression was impeded efficiently. Our findings here provided a new strategy that using stem cell recruiting CSF scaffold with tissue-specific stem cells, could be a promising solution for ACL regeneration.

    STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE: In this study, we developed a silk scaffold with increased stiffness and SDF-1 controlled release capacity for ligament repair. This advanced scaffold transplantation combined with intra-articular injection of LSPCs (which was isolated from rabbit ligament for the first time in this study) promoted the regeneration of both the tendinous and bone tunnel portion of ACL. This therapeutic strategy also ameliorated cartilage degeneration and reduced the severity of arthrofibrosis. Hence, combining LSPCs injection with SDF-1-releasing silk scaffold is demonstrated as a therapeutic strategy for ACL regeneration and OA treatment in the clinic.

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