Displaying all 4 publications

  1. Kamaruddin MSH, Chong GH, Mohd Daud N, Putra NR, Md Salleh L, Suleiman N
    Food Res Int, 2023 Feb;164:112283.
    PMID: 36737895 DOI: 10.1016/j.foodres.2022.112283
    Zingiber officinale Roscoe is an excellent source of bioactive compounds, mainly gingerols and shogaols compounds, that associated with various bioactivities including antioxidant, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antibiofilm. Zingiber officinale Roscoe found its application in the food, pharmaceutical, and cosmeceutical industries. The demand for a high quality of ginger oleoresin extracts based on the contents of gingerols and shogaols compounds for a health-benefit has dramatically increased. Various extraction techniques, including the conventional and advanced extraction techniques for gingerols and shogaols have been reported based on the literature data from 2012 to 2022. The present review examines the functional composition and bioactivities of Zingiber officinale Roscoe and the advanced green extraction technologies. Some variations in the quantity and quality of gingerols and shogaols compounds are because of the extraction method employed. This review provides a depth discussion of the various green advanced extraction technologies and the influences of process variables on the performance of the extraction process. Lower temperature with a short exposure time such as ultrasound-assisted and enzyme-assisted extraction, will lead to high quality of extracts with high content of 6-gingerol. High thermal processing, such as microwave-assisted and pressurized liquid extraction, will produce higher 6-shogaol. Meanwhile, supercritical fluid extraction promotes high quality and the safety of extracts by using non-toxic CO2. In addition, challenges and future prospects of the extraction of ginger oleoresin have been identified and discussed. The emerging green extraction methods and technologies show promising results with less energy input and higher quality extracts than conventional extraction methods.
  2. Rizkiyah DN, Putra NR, Yunus MAC, Veza I, Irianto I, Aziz AHA, et al.
    Molecules, 2023 Jan 31;28(3).
    PMID: 36771003 DOI: 10.3390/molecules28031336
    Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) is a source of anthocyanins as red pigments that is extensively farmed in tropical and subtropical regions, including Indonesia, Malaysia, China, Thailand, Egypt, Mexico, and West India. The roselle plant contains a variety of nutrients, including anthocyanins, organic acids, pectin, etc. Due to the toxicity and combustibility of the solvents, traditional extraction methods for these compounds are restricted. Obtaining pure extracts is typically a lengthy procedure requiring many processes. Supercritical carbon dioxide (ScCO2) extraction as a green technology is rapidly improving and extending its application domains. The advantages of this method are zero waste production, quicker extraction times, and reduced solvent consumption. The ScCO2 extraction of natural pigments has great promise in food, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and textiles, among other uses. The ScCO2 technique for natural pigments may also be advantageous in a variety of other contexts. Due to their minimal environmental risk, the high-quality red pigments of roselle rich in anthocyanins extracted using ScCO2 extraction have a high sustainability potential. Therefore, the objective of this review is to increase knowledge related to the natural colorant of roselle as a substitute for chemically manufactured colorants using ScCO2 as a green method. This article covers ScCO2 extraction, particularly as it relates to the optimization of pigments that promote health. This article focuses on the high extraction efficiency of ScCO2 extraction. Natural colorants extracted via ScCO2 are regarded as safe compounds, especially for human consumption, such as novel functional food additives and textile and pharmaceutical colors.
  3. Putra NR, Rizkiyah DN, Aziz AHA, Mamat H, Jusoh WMSW, Idham Z, et al.
    Sci Rep, 2023 Jul 05;13(1):10871.
    PMID: 37407592 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-32181-8
    The purpose of this work was to establish the best particle size for recovering high yields of total phenolic compounds (TPC), total anthocyanin compounds(TAC) and total flavonoid compounds (TFC) from roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa) by applying supercritical carbon dioxide (ScCO2). The extraction rate, diffusivity and solubility of yield in ScCO2 were also studied and calculated utilizing models. Pressure (10 and 30 MPa), temperature (40 and 60 °C), and particle size (250 µm 
  4. Putra NR, Rizkiyah DN, Che Yunus MA, Abdul Aziz AH, Md Yasir ASH, Irianto I, et al.
    Molecules, 2023 May 25;28(11).
    PMID: 37298801 DOI: 10.3390/molecules28114325
    Peanuts (Arachis hypogea) can be made into various products, from oil to butter to roasted snack peanuts and candies, all from the kernels. However, the skin is usually thrown away, used as cheap animal feed, or as one of the ingredients in plant fertilizer due to its little value on the market. For the past ten years, studies have been conducted to determine the full extent of the skin's bioactive substance repertoire and its powerful antioxidant potential. Alternatively, researchers reported that peanut skin could be used and be profitable in a less-intensive extraction technique. Therefore, this review explores the conventional and green extraction of peanut oil, peanut production, peanut physicochemical characteristics, antioxidant activity, and the prospects of valorization of peanut skin. The significance of the valorization of peanut skin is that it contains high antioxidant capacity, catechin, epicatechin resveratrol, and procyanidins, which are also advantageous. It could be exploited in sustainable extraction, notably in the pharmaceutical industries.
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