Aim: This study is aimed at evaluating and comparing the remineralisation of early enamel caries on the occlusal surface of permanent posterior teeth using ICDAS II caries scoring system and DIAGNOdent Pen (DDPen) after remineralisation with Colgate Duraphat® and GC Tooth Mousse Plus®.
Materials and Methods: Extracted posterior teeth (N = 120) with incipient occlusal caries were included in this study. The occlusal surface of each tooth was scored using DDPen and ICDAS II scoring before remineralisation. Then, remineralisation of the teeth of the experimental group was carried out using either CPP-ACP-F or fluoride varnish. After the remineralisation procedures, the occlusal surface of each tooth was again scored using DDPen and ICDAS II scoring. The teeth were then fixed in dental stone blocks and sectioned longitudinally for histological examination using a stereomicroscope. Statistical analysis was performed to calculate the sensitivity and specificity of DDPen and ICDAS II to detect remineralisation and compare with the gold standard histological examination.
Results: According to ICDAS-II scores, a significant difference was noted in GC Tooth Mousse Plus® and Duraphat® study samples, whereas the difference between the pre-and post-remineralisation of the control group was not significant. According to the DDPen score criteria, a statistically significant difference was noted among all study groups; however, a greater significance level was noted in the GC Tooth Mousse Plus® and Duraphat® study samples compared with the control group. The Spearman's rank correlation of ICDAS-II and DDPen with Downer's histological score (gold standard) revealed a higher association of DDPen score (.738) as compared to ICDAS-II scores (.430).
Conclusion: The study concluded that both ICDAS II and DDPen could detect remineralisation of early enamel occlusal caries. DDPen was more sensitive than ICDAS-II to detect remineralisation compared with the Downers histological scores.
OBJECTIVE: The aim is to develop and validate a new scoring-based questionnaire, using dual statistical approaches to measure risk perception, attitude, and practices (RPAP) related to dengue in the community.
METHODS: The RPAP questionnaire was developed bilingually using the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcome Research (ISPOR) guidelines. Content analysis was reviewed scrupulously by four expert panels. The initial 35-item scale was tested among 253 Malaysian respondents recruited non-probabilistically via multiple online platforms. Two statistical methods were employed to measure the construct validity: Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) as part of the Classical Test Theory (CTT) measurement, while Rasch Measurement Analysis (Rasch) was performed for the Item Response Theory (IRT) measurement. All results were cross-validated with their counterpart to ensure stability. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was used to obtain a model fit index.
RESULTS: 29 questions were retained after the final analysis. Both EFA and Rasch analysis detect multidimensionality. Nine latent factors were extracted from EFA, while only eight factors remained in the final model following CFA: 1) perceived susceptibility; 2) perceived severity; 3) perceived barrier; 4) perceived benefit; 5) cues to action; 6) self-efficacy; 7) attitude; and 8) practice. All items had adequate factor loadings and showed good internal consistency. The final model after CFA achieved a good fit with an RMSEA value of 0.061, SRMR of 0.068, PNFI of 0.649, and GFI of 0.996.
CONCLUSION: The RPAP questionnaire contains 29 items and is a reliable and accurate psychometric instrument for measuring the risk perception of dengue fever, attitude, and practice of the community in dengue prevention. The Rasch measurement provides additional rigour to complement the CTT analysis. This RPAP questionnaire is suitable for use in studies related to dengue prevention in the community.