Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 173 in total

  1. Tan WS
    J Gen Appl Microbiol, 2002 Apr;48(2):103-7.
    PMID: 12469306
    The long surface antigen (L-HBsAg) of hepatitis B virus (HBV) plays a central role in the production of infectious virions. During HBV morphogenesis, both the PreS and S domains of L-HBsAg form docking sites for the viral nucleocapsids. Thus, a compound that disrupts the interaction between the L-HBsAg and nucleocapsids could serve as a therapeutic agent against the virus based upon inhibition of morphogenesis. Synthetic peptides correspond to the binding sites in L-HBsAg inhibited the association of L-HBsAg with core antigen (HBcAg). A synthetic peptide carrying the epitope for a monoclonal antibody to the PreS1 domain competed weakly with L-HBsAg for HBcAg, but peptides corresponding to a linear sequence at the tip of the nucleocapsid spike did not, showing that the competing peptide does not resemble the tip of the spike.
  2. Chan KG, Tan WS
    Genome Announc, 2015;3(1).
    PMID: 25676763 DOI: 10.1128/genomeA.01554-14
    Pectobacterium carotovorum is known to cause serious damage to various major crops worldwide. Here, we report the draft genome of Pectobacterium carotovorum strain M022, a freshwater isolate from a Malaysian waterfall, which has been reported as a plant pathogen and is able to communicate with N-acylhomoserine lactone-mediated quorum sensing.
  3. Tan WS, Ting AS
    Bioresour Technol, 2014 May;160:115-8.
    PMID: 24405651 DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2013.12.056
    This study evaluated the use of alginate-immobilized bentonite to remove Cu(II) as an alternative to mitigate clogging problems. The adsorption efficacy (under the influence of time, pH and initial Cu(II) concentration) and reusability of immobilized-bentonite (1% w/v bentonite) was tested against plain alginate beads. Results revealed that immobilized bentonite demonstrated significantly higher sorption efficacy compared to plain alginate beads with 114.70 and 94.04 mg Cu(II) adsorbed g(-1) adsorbent, respectively. Both sorbents were comparable in other aspects where sorption equilibrium was achieved within 6 h, with optimum pH between pH 4 and 5 for adsorption, displayed maximum adsorption capacity at initial Cu(II) concentrations of 400 mg l(-1), and demonstrated excellent reusability potential with desorption greater than 90% throughout three consecutive adsorption-desorption cycles. Both sorbents also conformed to Langmuir isotherm and pseudo-second order kinetic model. Immobilized bentonite is therefore recommended for use in water treatments to remove Cu(II) without clogging the system.
  4. Tan WS, Ting AS
    Bioresour Technol, 2012 Nov;123:290-5.
    PMID: 22940332 DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2012.07.082
    Cu(II) removal efficacies of alginate-immobilized Trichoderma asperellum using viable and non-viable forms were investigated with respect to time, pH, and initial Cu(II) concentrations. The reusability potential of the biomass was determined based on sorption/desorption tests. Cu(II) biosorption by immobilized heat-inactivated T. asperellum cells was the most efficient, with 134.22mg Cu(II) removed g(-1) adsorbent, compared to immobilized viable cells and plain alginate beads (control) with 105.96 and 94.04mg Cu(II) adsorbed g(-1) adsorbent, respectively. Immobilized non-viable cells achieved equilibrium more rapidly within 4h. For all biosorbents, optimum pH for Cu(II) removal was between pH 4 and 5. Reusability of all biosorbents were similar, with more than 90% Cu(II) desorbed with HCl. These alginate-immobilized cells can be applied to reduce clogging and post-separation process incurred from use of suspended biomass.
  5. Tan WS, Ho KL
    World J Gastroenterol, 2014 Sep 7;20(33):11650-70.
    PMID: 25206271 DOI: 10.3748/wjg.v20.i33.11650
    Hepatitis B virus (HBV) has killed countless lives in human history. The invention of HBV vaccines in the 20(th) century has reduced significantly the rate of the viral infection. However, currently there is no effective treatment for chronic HBV carriers. Newly emerging vaccine escape mutants and drug resistant strains have complicated the viral eradication program. The entire world is now facing a new threat of HBV and human immunodeficiency virus co-infection. Could phage display provide solutions to these life-threatening problems? This article reviews critically and comprehensively the innovative and potential applications of phage display in the development of vaccines, therapeutic agents, diagnostic reagents, as well as gene and drug delivery systems to combat HBV. The application of phage display in epitope mapping of HBV antigens is also discussed in detail. Although this review mainly focuses on HBV, the innovative applications of phage display could also be extended to other infectious diseases.
  6. Chan KG, Tan WS
    Stand Genomic Sci, 2017;12:40.
    PMID: 28748024 DOI: 10.1186/s40793-017-0255-1
    Cedecea neteri M006 is a rare bacterium typically found as an environmental isolate from the tropical rainforest Sungai Tua waterfall (Gombak, Selangor, Malaysia). It is a Gram-reaction-negative, facultative anaerobic, bacillus. Here, we explore the features of Cedecea neteri M006, together with its genome sequence and annotation. The genome comprised 4,965,436 bp with 4447 protein-coding genes and 103 RNA genes.
  7. Lee KW, Tan WS
    J Virol Methods, 2008 Aug;151(2):172-180.
    PMID: 18584885 DOI: 10.1016/j.jviromet.2008.05.025
    The recombinant hepatitis B virus (HBV) core antigen (HBcAg) expressed in Escherichia coli self-assembles into icosahedral capsids of about 35 nm which can be exploited as gene or drug delivery vehicles. The association and dissociation properties of the C-terminally truncated HBcAg with urea and guanidine hydrochloride (GdnHCl) were studied. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) revealed that the dissociated HBcAg was able to re-associate into particles when the applied denaturing agents were physically removed. In order to evaluate the potential of the particles in capturing molecules, purified green fluorescent protein (GFP) was applied to the dissociated HBcAg for encapsidation. The HBcAg particles harbouring the GFP molecules were purified using sucrose density gradient ultracentrifugation and analysed using native agarose gel electrophoresis and TEM. A method for the encapsidation of GFP in HBcAg particles which has the potential to capture drugs or nucleic acids was established.
  8. Tan WS, Yin WF, Chan KG
    Genome Announc, 2015;3(1).
    PMID: 25555739 DOI: 10.1128/genomeA.01372-14
    Aeromonas hydrophila species can be found in warm climates and can survive in different environments. They possess the ability to communicate within their populations, which is known as quorum sensing. In this work, we present the draft genome sequence of A. hydrophila M013, a bacterium isolated from a Malaysian tropical rainforest waterfall.
  9. Chew FN, Tan WS, Tey BT
    J Biosci Bioeng, 2011 Feb;111(2):246-8.
    PMID: 21036662 DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiosc.2010.10.004
    A gel imaging method was employed to quantitate the GFP that had been subjected to denaturation and degradation treatments. This method is able to differentiate the nativity of GFP by relating the observed changes in the position of fluorescent bands which is unable to be detected using the spectrofluorometric method.
  10. Kusumaningtyas E, Tan WS, Zamrod Z, Eshaghi M, Yusoff K
    Arch Virol, 2004 Sep;149(9):1859-65.
    PMID: 15593426
    Nucleotide sequence comparison of the L gene of the Malaysian neurotropic-viscerotropic velogenic NDV strain AF2240 with other NDV strains revealed a single nucleotide insertion at position 3870. This mutation is compensated by a nucleotide deletion downstream at position 3958 which results in two forms of the L proteins containing a 30-amino acid substitution in Domain V. This compensatory mutation does not correlate with the pathogenicity of the viral strains but it may affect the viral replication as Domain V is believed to play an important role in the replication of paramyxoviruses.
  11. Ramanujam P, Tan WS, Nathan S, Yusoff K
    Arch Virol, 2002 May;147(5):981-93.
    PMID: 12021868
    A disulfide constrained random heptapeptide library displayed on filamentous bacteriophage M13 was applied to select specific ligands that interact with Newcastle disease virus (NDV). A fusion phage carrying the amino acid sequence TLTTKLY was selected from the panning procedure. An antibody competition assay showed that the selected phage was capable of competing with the polyclonal antibodies raised against NDV for binding sites on the virus. Determination of the binding affinity of this phage with NDV by an equilibrium binding assay in solution revealed two different dissociation constants, suggesting that there could be two distinct binding sites for the phage on NDV. Synthetic peptides with the sequence CTLTTKLYC, either in linear or cyclic conformations inhibited the binding of phage bearing the same sequence to NDV. These peptides also inhibited the hemolytic activity of the virus as well as its propagation in embryonated chicken eggs.
  12. Kok WL, Yusoff K, Nathan S, Tan WS
    J. Biochem. Mol. Biol. Biophys., 2002 Feb;6(1):55-8.
    PMID: 12186783
    The PreS domain of hepatitis B virus (HBV) is believed to be involved in virion assembly and attachment to a hepatocyte receptor during infection. In order to study the functions of this region, we fused it to the g3p protein of bacteriophage M13 that allows the fusion protein to be displayed at the tip of the filament. The fusion protein was detected by the anti-E tag antibody on a Western blot. The polypeptide in a soluble form was produced by transfecting a non-suppressor E. coli host cell with the recombinant phagemid. The soluble protein was detected in cytoplasm, in the periplasmic space and also in the medium. The functional display of the PreS domain would provide an alternative means to study its interactions with the nuleocapsid and hepatocytes.
  13. Kho CL, Tan WS, Yusoff K
    J. Biochem. Mol. Biol. Biophys., 2002 Apr;6(2):117-21.
    PMID: 12186767
    The phosphoprotein (P) gene of a heat stable Newcastle disease virus (NDV) was cloned, sequenced and expressed in Escherichia coli. SDS-PAGE analysis of the recombinant P protein (395 amino acids) and a C-terminal extension derivative (424 amino acids), gave rise to two distinct protein bands with molecular masses of approximately 53-55 and 56-58 kDa, respectively, which are approximately 26-30% heavier than those calculated from the deduced amino acid sequences. The differences in molecular mass on SDS-PAGE are thought to be attributed to the acidic nature of the P protein (pI=6.27) and also the different degrees of phosphorylation in the prokaryotic cell. Amino acid sequence comparison of the P protein among the published NDV strains showed that they were highly conserved particularly at the putative phosphorylation sites.
  14. Eshaghi M, Tan WS, Mohidin TB, Yusoff K
    Virus Res, 2004 Nov;106(1):71-6.
    PMID: 15522449
    A method for serological diagnosis of Nipah virus (NiV) is described. DNA encoding truncated G protein of NiV was cloned into the pFastBac HT vector, and the fusion protein to His-tag was expressed in insect cells by recombinant baculovirus. The resulting His-G recombinant fusion protein was purified by affinity chromatography and used as the coating antigen for serological testing by indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay (ELISA). When tested against a panel of swine serum samples, the recombinant G protein-based ELISA successfully discriminated all 40 samples previously determined to be serum neutralizing test (SNT) positive from 11 SNT negatives samples. The data show that the recombinant G protein exhibits the antigenic epitopes and conformation necessary for specific antigen-antibody recognition. The main advantage of the recombinant G protein-based NiV ELISA compared to an ELISA using whole virus antigen is the use of a single antigenic protein instead of inactivated whole virus which is required to be prepared under high risk and cost. This test is suitable for routine diagnosis of NiV and also for epidemiological surveys as it allows highly reliable testing of a large number of sera rapidly.
  15. Hasmoni SS, Yusoff K, Tan WS
    J Gen Appl Microbiol, 2005 Apr;51(2):125-31.
    PMID: 15942873
    The nucleocapsids of hepatitis B virus (HBV) are made of 180 or 240 subunits of core proteins or known as core antigens (HBcAg). A fusion bacteriophage bearing the WSFFSNI sequence that interacts tightly to HBcAg was employed as a diagnostic reagent for the detection of the antigen using the phage-enzyme-linked immunosorbent (phage-ELISA), dot blot and immunoprecipitation assays. The results from phage-ELISA and dot blot assay showed that as low as 10 ng of HBcAg can be detected optimally by 1.0x10(12) pfu/ml fusion M13 bacteriophage. The sensitivity of the dot blot assay corresponds with that of the phage-ELISA. HBcAg in HBV positive serum samples can also be detected using the fusion phage via the phage-ELISA and phage-dot blot assay. The phage cross-linked to cyanogen bromide (CNBr) activated agarose can also be used to precipitate HBcAg in bacterial lysate. The optimum amount of phage needed for cross-linking to 1 g of agarose is about 7.0x10(6) pfu/ml which could also precipitate purified and unpurified HBcAg in bacterial lysate. This study demonstrates the potential of fusion bacteriophage bearing the sequence WSFFSNI as a diagnostic reagent and a ligand for the detection and purification of HBcAg respectively.
  16. Ong HK, Tan WS, Ho KL
    PeerJ, 2017;5:e4053.
    PMID: 29158984 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.4053
    Cancers have killed millions of people in human history and are still posing a serious health problem worldwide. Therefore, there is an urgent need for developing preventive and therapeutic cancer vaccines. Among various cancer vaccine development platforms, virus-like particles (VLPs) offer several advantages. VLPs are multimeric nanostructures with morphology resembling that of native viruses and are mainly composed of surface structural proteins of viruses but are devoid of viral genetic materials rendering them neither infective nor replicative. In addition, they can be engineered to display multiple, highly ordered heterologous epitopes or peptides in order to optimize the antigenicity and immunogenicity of the displayed entities. Like native viruses, specific epitopes displayed on VLPs can be taken up, processed, and presented by antigen-presenting cells to elicit potent specific humoral and cell-mediated immune responses. Several studies also indicated that VLPs could overcome the immunosuppressive state of the tumor microenvironment and break self-tolerance to elicit strong cytotoxic lymphocyte activity, which is crucial for both virus clearance and destruction of cancerous cells. Collectively, these unique characteristics of VLPs make them optimal cancer vaccine candidates. This review discusses current progress in the development of VLP-based cancer vaccines and some potential drawbacks of VLPs in cancer vaccine development. Extracellular vesicles with close resembling to viral particles are also discussed and compared with VLPs as a platform in cancer vaccine developments.
  17. Tang KH, Yusoff K, Tan WS
    J Virol Methods, 2009 Aug;159(2):194-9.
    PMID: 19490973 DOI: 10.1016/j.jviromet.2009.03.015
    Hepatitis B is a major public health problem worldwide which may lead to chronic liver diseases, cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. An interaction between hepatitis B virus (HBV) envelope protein, particularly the PreS1 region, and a specific cell surface receptor is believed to be the initial step of HBV infection through attachment to hepatocytes. In order to develop a gene delivery system, bacteriophage T7 was modified genetically to display polypeptides of the PreS1 region. A recombinant T7 phage displaying amino acids 60-108 of the PreS1 region (PreS1(60-108)) was demonstrated to be most effective in transfecting HepG2 cells in a dose- and time-dependant manner. The phage genome was recovered from the cell lysate and confirmed by PCR whereas the infectious form of the internalized phage was measured by a plaque-forming assay. The internalized phage exhibited the appearance of green fluorescent dots when examined by immunofluorescence microscopy. Surface modification, particularly by displaying the PreS1(60-108) enhanced phage uptake, resulting in more efficient in vitro gene transfer. The ability of the recombinant phage to transfect HepG2 cells demonstrates the potential of the phage display system as a gene therapy for liver cancer.
  18. Wong CL, Sieo CC, Tan WS
    J Virol Methods, 2013 Nov;193(2):611-9.
    PMID: 23933075 DOI: 10.1016/j.jviromet.2013.07.053
    Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is a highly contagious epidemic disease threatening the cattle industry since the sixteenth century. In recent years, the development of diagnostic assays for FMD has benefited considerably from the advances of recombinant DNA technology. In this study, the immunodominant region of the capsid protein VP1 of the foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) was fused to the T7 bacteriophage and expressed on the surface of the bacteriophage capsid protein. The recombinant protein of about 42 kDa was detected by the anti-T7 tag monoclonal antibody in Western blot analysis. Phage ELISA showed that both the vaccinated and positive infected bovine sera reacted significantly with the recombinant T7 particle. This study demonstrated the potential of the T7 phage displaying the VP1 epitope as a diagnostic reagent.
  19. Eshaghi M, Tan WS, Yusoff K
    J Med Virol, 2005 Jan;75(1):147-52.
    PMID: 15543570
    A random peptide library of heptamers displayed on the surface of M13 bacteriophage was used to identify specific epitopes of antibodies in pooled sera of swine naturally infected by Nipah virus. The selected heptapeptides were aligned with protein sequences of Nipah virus and several putative epitopes were identified within the nucleocapsid protein. A total of 41 of 60 (68%) selected phage clones had inserts resembling a region with the sequence SNRTQGE, located at the C-terminal end (amino acids 503-509) of the nucleocapsid protein. The binding of antibodies in the swine and human antisera to the phage clone was inhibited by a synthetic peptide corresponding to this region. Epitopes identified by phage display are consistent with the predicted antigenic sites for the Nipah virus nucleocapsid protein. The selected phage clone used as a coating antigen discriminated swine and human Nipah virus sera-positive from sera-negative samples exhibiting characteristics, which might be attractive for diagnostic tests.
  20. Tan WS, Yin WF, Chang CY, Chan KG
    Genome Announc, 2015;3(1).
    PMID: 25700404 DOI: 10.1128/genomeA.01548-14
    Aeromonas hydrophila is a well-known waterborne pathogen that recently was found to infect humans. Here, we report the draft genome of a freshwater isolate from a Malaysian waterfall, A. hydrophila strain M023, which portrays N-acylhomoserine lactone-dependent quorum sensing.
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