Displaying all 10 publications

  1. Al-Abbasi AA, Yarmo MA, Kassim MB
    PMID: 21589074 DOI: 10.1107/S160053681004170X
    In the title compound, C(13)H(16)N(2)OS, the piperidine ring exhibit a classical chair conformation. In the crystal, the mol-ecules are linked by N-H⋯O hydrogen bonds, forming zigzag chains running parallel to the c axis.
  2. Ahmad MN, Liew SL, Yarmo MA, Said M
    Biosci Biotechnol Biochem, 2012;76(8):1438-44.
    PMID: 22878182
    Protease is one of the most important industrial enzymes with a multitude of applications in both food and non-food sectors. Although most commercial proteases are microbial proteases, the potential of non-conventional protease sources, especially plants, should not be overlooked. In this study, horse mango (Mangifera foetida Lour) fruit, known to produce latex with a blistering effect upon contact with human skin, was chosen as a source of protease, and the effect of the extraction process on its protease activity evaluated. The crude enzyme was extracted from the kernels and extraction was optimized by a response surface methodology (RSM) using a central composite rotatable design (CCRD). The variables studied were pH (x(1)), CaCl(2) (x(2)), Triton X-100 (x(3)), and 1,4-dithryeitol (x(4)). The results obtained indicate that the quadratic model is significant for all the variables tested. Based on the RSM model generated, optimal extraction conditions were obtained at pH 6.0, 8.16 mM CaCl(2), 5.0% Triton X-100, and 10.0 mM DTT, and the estimated response was 95.5% (w/w). Verification test results showed that the difference between the calculated and the experimental protease activity value was only 2%. Based on the t-value, the effects of the variables arranged in ascending order of strength were CaCl(2) < pH < DTT < Triton X-100.
  3. Ramli ZA, Asim N, Isahak WN, Emdadi Z, Ahmad-Ludin N, Yarmo MA, et al.
    ScientificWorldJournal, 2014;2014:415136.
    PMID: 25013855 DOI: 10.1155/2014/415136
    This study involves the investigation of altering the photocatalytic activity of TiO2 using composite materials. Three different forms of modified TiO2, namely, TiO2/activated carbon (AC), TiO2/carbon (C), and TiO2/PANi, were compared. The TiO2/carbon composite was obtained by pyrolysis of TiO2/PANi prepared by in situ polymerization method, while the TiO2/activated carbon (TiO2/AC) was obtained after treating TiO2/carbon with 1.0 M KOH solution, followed by calcination at a temperature of 450°C. X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), thermogravimetric analysis (TG-DTA), Brunauer-Emmet-Teller (BET), and UV-Vis spectroscopy were used to characterize and evaluate the prepared samples. The specific surface area was determined to be in the following order: TiO2/AC > TiO2/C > TiO2/PANi > TiO2 (179 > 134 > 54 > 9 m(2) g(-1)). The evaluation of photocatalytic performance for the degradation of methylene blue under UV light irradiation was also of the same order, with 98 > 84.7 > 69% conversion rate, which is likely to be attributed to the porosity and synergistic effect in the prepared samples.
  4. Liew KH, Loh PL, Juan JC, Yarmo MA, Yusop RM
    ScientificWorldJournal, 2014;2014:796196.
    PMID: 25054185 DOI: 10.1155/2014/796196
    Cross-linked resin-captured palladium (XL-QPPd) was readily prepared by simple physical adsorption onto the high loading QuadraPure macroporous resin and a subsequent reduction process. To enhance the mechanical stability, entrapped palladium nanocatalysts were cross-linked with succinyl chloride. Both transmission electron microscopy images and X-ray diffraction analysis revealed that the palladium nanoparticles were well dispersed with diameters ranging in 4-10 nm. The catalyst performed good catalytic activity in microwave-promoted Suzuki cross-coupling reactions in water under aerobic condition with mild condition by using various aryl halides and phenylboronic acid. In addition, the catalyst showed an excellent recyclability without significant loss of catalytic activity.
  5. Alosfur FK, Jumali MH, Radiman S, Ridha NJ, Yarmo MA, Umar AA
    Nanoscale Res Lett, 2013;8(1):346.
    PMID: 23919496 DOI: 10.1186/1556-276X-8-346
    Recently, TiO2/multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) hybrid nanocatalysts have been a subject of high interest due to their excellent structures, large surface areas and peculiar optical properties, which enhance their photocatalytic performance. In this work, a modified microwave technique was used to rapidly synthesise a TiO2/MWCNT nanocatalyst with a large surface area. X-ray powder diffraction, field-emission scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and Brunauer-Emmett-Teller measurements were used to characterise the structure, morphology and the surface area of the sample. The photocatalytic activity of the hybrid nanocatalysts was evaluated through a comparison of the degradation of methylene blue dye under irradiation with ultraviolet and visible light. The results showed that the TiO2/MWCNT hybrid nanocatalysts degraded 34.9% of the methylene blue (MB) under irradiation with ultraviolet light, whereas 96.3% of the MB was degraded under irradiation with visible light.
  6. Hussin N, Mondello L, Costa R, Dugo P, Yusoff NI, Yarmo MA, et al.
    Nat Prod Commun, 2012 Jul;7(7):927-30.
    PMID: 22908584
    Patchouli essential oil can be obtained from fresh, dried and fermented plant material. It is a highly valuable product in the fragrance industry and its quality changes depending upon raw material age and oil storage. In this work, patchouli essential oils derived from different treatments have been subjected to GC-FID quantitative analysis using an internal standard (ISTD) method with response factors (RF). Samples were obtained from i) fresh plants; ii) hydrodistillation of one year mature and fermented plants; iii) hydrodistillation of one year mature plants; iv) commercial products from Indonesia and Malaysia. Linear Retention Indices (LRI) for both polar and non-polar GC-MS analyses were also measured as a tool for qualitative analysis towards a homologous series of C7-C30 n-alkanes. The results obtained confirmed that, in all samples, patchouli alcohol was the main volatile constituent, with higher amount in lab-scale produced oils, compared with commercial samples. Other major compounds, in lab oils and commercial samples respectively, were: delta-guaiene, alpha-guaiene, pogostol, seychellene and alpha-patchoulene. Another 36 compounds were also found.
  7. Huang NM, Lim HN, Chia CH, Yarmo MA, Muhamad MR
    Int J Nanomedicine, 2011;6:3443-8.
    PMID: 22267928 DOI: 10.2147/IJN.S26812
    Graphene has attracted much attention from researchers due to its interesting mechanical, electrochemical, and electronic properties. It has many potential applications such as polymer filler, sensor, energy conversion, and energy storage devices. Graphene-based nanocomposites are under an intense spotlight amongst researchers. A large amount of graphene is required for preparation of such samples. Lately, graphene-based materials have been the target for fundamental life science investigations. Despite graphene being a much sought-after raw material, the drawbacks in the preparation of graphene are that it is a challenge amongst researchers to produce this material in a scalable quantity and that there is a concern about its safety. Thus, a simple and efficient method for the preparation of graphene oxide (GO) is greatly desired to address these problems. In this work, one-pot chemical oxidation of graphite was carried out at room temperature for the preparation of large-area GO with ~100% conversion. This high-conversion preparation of large-area GO was achieved using a simplified Hummer's method from large graphite flakes (an average flake size of 500 μm). It was found that a high degree of oxidation of graphite could be realized by stirring graphite in a mixture of acids and potassium permanganate, resulting in GO with large lateral dimension and area, which could reach up to 120 μm and ~8000 μm(2), respectively. The simplified Hummer's method provides a facile approach for the preparation of large-area GO.
  8. Ahmad MN, Hilmi NHN, Normaya E, Yarmo MA, Bulat KHK
    J Food Sci Technol, 2020 Aug;57(8):2852-2862.
    PMID: 32612298 DOI: 10.1007/s13197-020-04317-5
    Abstract: Meat tenderness is the most important criterion in food quality because it strongly influences the consumer's satisfaction. Tenderness generally depends on connective tissue and sarcomere length of muscle. One of the effective methods for meat tenderizing is protease treatment. In this study, Manihot esculenta root was chosen as a protease source due to its skin blistering effect, suggesting the presence of strong proteolytic activity. The extraction of the crude protease was optimized by using response surface methodology (RSM) with four independent variables, which were pH (X1), CaCl2 (X2), Triton X-100 (X3) and 2-mercaptoethanol (X4). Based on the RSM model, all the independent variables were significant and the optimum extraction conditions were pH 9, 3.24 mM CaCl2, 4.12% Triton X-100 and 6.32 mM 2-mercaptoethanol. Tukey's test results showed that the difference between the expected and experimental protease activity value was 0.05%. A reduction of meat firmness was observed when samples treated with enzyme were compared with a control by using a texture analyser. Electrophoretic patterns also showed extensive proteolysis and a reduction of intensity and number of the protein bands in the treated sample. SEM clearly revealed the degradation of muscle fibres and connective tissue of meat treated with crude protease.

    Graphic abstract:

  9. Ahmad KN, Anuar SA, Wan Isahak WNR, Rosli MI, Yarmo MA
    ACS Appl Mater Interfaces, 2020 Feb 12;12(6):7102-7113.
    PMID: 31968163 DOI: 10.1021/acsami.9b18984
    Nickel (Ni) catalysts supported on mesoporous graphitic carbon nitride (mpg-C3N4) were synthesized through simple impregnation method with air and nitrogen calcination atmosphere for CO methanation. The effects of pretreatment gas on catalyst structure, surface characteristics, and Ni species reducibility were investigated. Under air-calcination condition, the increase in specific surface area of the catalyst can be ascribed to the creation of mesopores and exfoliation of bulk mpg-C3N4 to form thin sheets. However, excessive Ni content on the catalyst accelerated the decomposition of the mpg-C3N4 support during calcination. The catalysts calcined in nitrogen showed lower surface area and fewer number of pores compared to air-treatment. The Ni/mpg-C3N4 catalyst calcined in air with Ni loading 10% exhibited enhanced medium-temperature activity for CO methanation with 79.7% CO conversion and 73.9% CH4 selectivity. This finding can be explained by the formation of mpg-C3N4 thin sheets, which increased the number of catalyst active sites. The CO methanation performance of Ni/mpg-C3N4 catalysts calcined in air was superior to those calcined in nitrogen. Interestingly, CO2 formed by water-gas shift reaction at 320 °C also contributed to the overall methane formation through CO2 methanation. Therefore, mpg-C3N4 thin sheets can be an interesting support for nickel catalyst for CO
  10. Shamsuddin MR, Asikin-Mijan N, Marliza TS, Miyamoto M, Uemiya S, Yarmo MA, et al.
    RSC Adv, 2021 Feb 04;11(12):6667-6681.
    PMID: 35423191 DOI: 10.1039/d0ra09246k
    Extensive effort has been focused on the advancement of an efficient catalyst for CO2 reforming of CH4 to achieve optimum catalytic activity together with cost-effectiveness and high resistance to catalyst deactivation. In this study, for the first time, a new catalytic support/catalyst system of bifunctional NiO/dolomite has been synthesized by a wet impregnation method using low-cost materials, and it shows unique performance in terms of amphoteric sites and self-reduction properties. The catalysts were loaded into a continuous micro-reactor equipped with an online GC-TCD system. The reaction was carried out with a gas mixture consisting of CH4 and CO2 in the ratio of 1 : 1 flowing 30 ml min-1 at 800 °C for 10 h. The physicochemical properties of the synthesized catalysts were determined by various methods including X-ray diffraction (XRD), N2 adsorption-desorption, H2 temperature-programmed reduction (H2-TPR), temperature-programmed desorption of CO2 (TPD-CO2), and temperature-programmed desorption of NH3 (TPD-NH3). The highest catalytic performance of the DRM reaction was shown by the 10% NiO/dolomite catalyst (CH4 & CO2 conversion, χCH4; χCO2 ∼ 98% and H2 selectivity, S H2 = 75%; H2/CO ∼ 1 : 1 respectively). Bifunctional properties of amphoteric sites on the catalyst and self-reduction behaviour of the NiO/dolomite catalyst improved dry reforming of the CH4 process by enhancing CH4 and CO2 conversion without involving a catalyst reduction step, and the catalyst was constantly active for more than 10 h.
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