Displaying all 5 publications

  1. Abdullah, A.L., Lim, H.S., Yasin, Z., Razalli, N.M.
    ASM Science Journal, 2014;8(1):44-53.
    Chlorophyll-a concentrations (mg/l) in surface waters of Songsong Islands were mapped using an optically derived remote sensing model. Landsat TM imagery dated 8 October 2008 was used in the classification process and in situ measurements made on 19 May 2012 during spring tidal condition (HW: 2.6 m, LW: 0.9 m) served as ground truthing data. The temporal difference between data used will be useful to review the robustness of the model. Three classes of chlorophyll-a concentrations were mapped: Class 1: 10 mg/l. Considering the dynamic nature of coastal and marine waters particularly the shallow region, and the temporal difference between the Landsat TM imagery used in classification and the field data, results of chlorophyll-a mapping using the developed remote sensing model was high at 83.3%, with producer’s accuracy of 50%–100% and user’s accuracy of 80%–100%. Kappa coefficient of agreement, Kˆ , calculated was 57.1%.
  2. Salleh, S., McMinn, A., Mohammad, M., Yasin, Z., Tan, S.H.A.
    ASM Science Journal, 2010;4(1):81-88.
    Elevated temperature affects marine benthic algae by reducing growth and limits the transport of electron or carbon fixation which may reduce the ability of the cell to use light. This resulting excess light energy may cause photoinhibition. In this study, the photosystem II of the benthic microalgal communities from Casey, eastern Antarctic were relatively unaffected by significant changes in temperatures up to 8ºC, along with high PAR level (450 μmol photons m–2 s–1). Similarly, the community was able to photosynthesize as the temperature was reduced to –5ºC. Recovery from saturating and photoinhibiting irradiances was not significantly influenced by temperatures at both –5ºC and 8ºC. These responses were consistent with those recorded by past experiments on Antarctic benthic diatoms and temperate diatoms which showed that climate change did not have a significant impact on the ability of benthic microalgae to recover from photoinhibitory temperature stress.
  3. Woo SP, Yasin Z, Tan SH, Kajihara H, Fujita T
    Zookeys, 2015.
    PMID: 26798290 DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.545.6415
    Five sea cucumber species including one new species of the genus Stichopus are reported from the shallow coral reefs of Straits of Malacca. The new species Stichopus fusiformiossa has unusual fusiform spicules in the tentacles, which are not found in the other species of the genus. Pseudo-tables and large perforated plates are newly recorded for Stichopus hermanni Semper, 1868 and Stichopus vastus Sluiter, 1887, respectively.
  4. Siti-Balkhis AB, Jamsari AF, Hwai TS, Yasin Z, Siti-Azizah MN
    Genet Mol Biol, 2011 Jul;34(3):520-3.
    PMID: 21931528 DOI: 10.1590/S1415-47572011005000016
    Channa striata, locally known as "haruan", is economically important in fisheries and aquaculture industries in several Asian countries. DNA sequencing, based on a partial segment of the Cytochrome oxidase c subunit 1 (CO1) gene, was used to determine genetic variation in C. striata samples from four different populations on the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia. The highest nucleotide and haplotype diversities were observed in the Linggi population (π = 0.0067, h = 0.835), and the lowest in the Timah Tasoh population (π = 0.0008, h = 0.286). Apart from Kajang-Linggi, which was insignificant, F(ST) values were significant (p < 0.05) in all pairwise-population comparisons. Consequently, it is inferred that genetic structuring C. striata populations in this region was largely shaped by a common origin, with secondary influences from geographical factors and isolation.
  5. Efferth T, Banerjee M, Abu-Darwish MS, Abdelfatah S, Böckers M, Bhakta-Guha D, et al.
    Phytomedicine, 2019 Feb;53:319-331.
    PMID: 30190231 DOI: 10.1016/j.phymed.2018.06.007
    BACKGROUND: Practices of biopiracy to use genetic resources and indigenous knowledge by Western companies without benefit-sharing of those, who generated the traditional knowledge, can be understood as form of neocolonialism.

    HYPOTHESIS: The One-World Medicine concept attempts to merge the best of traditional medicine from developing countries and conventional Western medicine for the sake of patients around the globe.

    STUDY DESIGN: Based on literature searches in several databases, a concept paper has been written. Legislative initiatives of the United Nations culminated in the Nagoya protocol aim to protect traditional knowledge and regulate benefit-sharing with indigenous communities. The European community adopted the Nagoya protocol, and the corresponding regulations will be implemented into national legislation among the member states. Despite pleasing progress, infrastructural problems of the health care systems in developing countries still remain. Current approaches to secure primary health care offer only fragmentary solutions at best. Conventional medicine from industrialized countries cannot be afforded by the impoverished population in the Third World. Confronted with exploding costs, even health systems in Western countries are endangered to burst. Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is popular among the general public in industrialized countries, although the efficacy is not sufficiently proven according to the standards of evidence-based medicine. CAM is often available without prescription as over-the-counter products with non-calculated risks concerning erroneous self-medication and safety/toxicity issues. The concept of integrative medicine attempts to combine holistic CAM approaches with evidence-based principles of conventional medicine.

    CONCLUSION: To realize the concept of One-World Medicine, a number of standards have to be set to assure safety, efficacy and applicability of traditional medicine, e.g. sustainable production and quality control of herbal products, performance of placebo-controlled, double-blind, randomized clinical trials, phytovigilance, as well as education of health professionals and patients.

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