Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 89 in total

  1. Yong HS
    Comp. Biochem. Physiol., B, 1984;78(2):321-3.
    PMID: 6236032
    Seven natural populations of Dacus dorsalis were analysed for phosphoglucomutase by means of horizontal starch-gel electrophoresis. The electrophoretic phenotypes were governed by four codominant Pgm alleles. The commonest allele in all the seven population samples was PgmB which encoded an electrophoretic band with intermediate mobility. The distributions of PGM phenotype were in accordance with Hardy-Weinberg expectations. There was geographic variation in the distribution of Pgm alleles.
  2. Yong HS
    Comp. Biochem. Physiol., B, 1990;97(1):119-21.
    PMID: 2147641
    1. Population samples of Bactrocera albistrigata from Peninsular Malaysia were analyzed for 12 to 14 gene-enzyme systems comprising 15-18 loci. 2. Three loci, aMDH, PGD and PGM, were polymorphic. 3. Anodal malate dehydrogenase and phosphogluconate dehydrogenase were represented by two alleles each, while phosphoglucomutase was represented by three alleles. 4. Phosphoglucomutase had a higher heterozygosity than anodal malate dehydrogenase and phosphogluconate dehydrogenase. 5. B. albistrigata was characterized by low genetic variability, as measured by the proportion of polymorphic loci and heterozygosity.
  3. Mogi M, Yong HS
    Oecologia, 1992 May;90(2):172-184.
    PMID: 28313712 DOI: 10.1007/BF00317174
    The structure and organization of aquatic arthropod communities in Nepenthes ampullaria pitchers were studied at two sites (M in Malacca and K in Kuching) in Malaysia. The communities consisted mainly of aquatic dipteran larvae. Community M was dominated by a filter feeder, Tripteroides tenax, which reached a high density despite a strongly aggregated distribution. Community K had five trophic groups: carrion feeders, filter feeders, detritus feeders, nipping predators and hooking predators, each including multiple species. The summed density of filter feeders in Community K remained much below the level attained by filter feeders in Community M. Niche differentiation within each trophic group with regard to pitcher age and feeding behaviour was not sufficient to allow species coexistence through niche separation alone. Aggregated distributions directly reduced interspecific encounters. Nevertheless, species belonging to the same trophic group commonly shared the same pitcher, because of high occurrence probabilities of dominant species and positive associations between some taxa (due mainly to similar occupancies by pitcher age). Predator coexistence in Community K may have been facilitated by self-limitation of the large predators through intraspecific cannibalism strengthened by aggregation. Prey coexistence, on the other hand, may have relied more on population suppression by predation, especially the selective removal of old instar Tripteroides.
  4. Yong HS, Mak JW
    PMID: 7973944
    The genetics of human susceptibility to lymphatic filariasis, the genetic basis of filarial susceptibility in vector mosquitos, and the genetic constitution of human filarial parasites and their mosquito vectors are reviewed. It is evident that our present knowledge on the genetics of lymphatic filariasis is still very meagre. The need to study various genetic aspects of the disease is highlighted.
  5. Yong HS, Mak JW
    Experientia, 1984 Aug 15;40(8):833-4.
    PMID: 6468590
    Glucose phosphate isomerase of subperiodic Brugia malayi was studied by horizontal starch-gel electrophoresis. Two heterophenotypes, each represented by 3 bands of enzyme activity, were found among 38 parasites studied. This finding is attributed to the occurrence of 2 Gpi gene loci.
  6. Yong HS, Mak JW
    PMID: 3043697
    The current information on isoenzyme studies of nematode parasites was reviewed. The genetic heterogeneity as reviewed by these studies was highlighted. Application of isoenzyme studies and the role of biotechnological techniques in isoenzyme studies was discussed, and the status of cytogenetic studies on nematode parasites was presented.
  7. Hasegawa H, Miyata A, Yong HS
    J Parasitol, 1996 Jun;82(3):508-11.
    PMID: 8636863
    The synlophe of Batrachonema synaptospicula Yuen, 1965 collected from Rana limnocharis Boie, 1835 of peninsular Malaysia was found to be identical morphologically to that in the specimens from Rana narina Stejneger, 1901 of Okinawa, and R. limnocharis of Taiwan. In the midbody, 20-22 ridges are present, and the ridges increase gradually in size and are oriented from right to left in the dorsal and left ventral fields, whereas the right ventral ridges are small and almost perpendicular to the body wall. The orientation of ridges from right to left is considered to be a key characteristic of the genus Batrachonema. Because Amphibiophilus ranae Wang et al., 1978 and Amphibiophilus sp. from R. limnocharis of south China are regarded to be conspecific with B. synaptospicula, this nematode is surmised to be distributed widely in southeast and east Asia.
  8. Eamsobhana P, Yong HS, Mak JW, Wattanakulpanich D
    PMID: 9561620
    A dot-blot ELISA was compared with a previously performed sandwich ELISA for the detection of Parastrongylus cantonensis antigens in sera from patients. Using the same monoclonal antibody and the same sera, 6 of 10 sera (60%) from parastronglyiasis patients were positive in dot-blot ELISA, whereas with sandwich ELISA, 5 of the same patient sera (50%) were positive. The specificity in both assays was 100% using 50 sera from patients with other parasitic diseases; of these, 10 each were from patients with cysticercosis, filariasis, gnathostomiasis, malaria and toxocariasis. The control group consisted of 53 sera from normal health Thais and Malaysians. The sensitivity of the assays was, however, slightly better with dot-blot ELISA and because it is simple, quick and cost-effective, it may be a test of choice for specific diagnosis of human parastrongyliasis.
  9. Eamsobhana P, Mak JW, Yong HS
    PMID: 9139382
    A specific monoclonal antibody (AW-3C2) as revealed by ELISA was produced against the adult worm antigens of Parastrongylus cantonensis and used in a sandwich ELISA for the detection of circulating antigens in the sera of parastrongyliasis patients and those with other parasitic diseases. A total of 60 sera was used in this study. Of these, 10 each were from patients with parastrongyliasis, cysticercosis, filariasis, gnathostomiasis, malaria and toxocariasis. The control group consisted of 53 serum samples from normal healthy Thais and Malaysians. The mean +/- optical density (OD) values for the normal Thai and Malaysian groups were 0.126 +/- 0.028 and 0.124 +/- 0.029, respectively. The mean OD values of the parastrongyliasis patient group differed significantly from that of the normal groups as well as those of other parasitic infections. Using a cut-off point of OD +/- 3SD of the control groups as indicating a positive reading, the specificity of the assay with this monoclonal antibody was 100% while the sensitivity was 50%.
  10. Lim PK, Mak JW, Yong HS
    PMID: 1298082
    Two monoclonal antibodies (MAbs), one produced against Plasmodium falciparum (PF-IG8) and the other against P. cynomolgi (PC-IE12) schizont antigens were used in a sandwich ELISA for the detection of circulating plasmodial antigens in sera of patients infected with either P. falciparum, P. vivax or P. malariae. The mean +/- SD optical density (OD) values for the normal control group using PF-108 and PC-1E12 were 0.351 +/- 0.036 and 0.205 +/- 0.044, respectively. Mean OD values for the three infected groups were found to be significantly higher than those of the normal control group for both MAbs. However, ELISA values for individual serum specimens did not correlate with the level of parasitemia in the infected blood. Using a cut-off point of mean OD +/- 3 SD of the normal control group as indicating a positive reading, the specificity of this assay with both MAbs was 100%. The sensitivity of the assay using PF-1G8 was 95% while that obtained with PC-1E12 was 98%.
  11. Init I, Mak JW, Lokman Hakim S, Yong HS
    Parasitol Res, 1999 Feb;85(2):131-4.
    PMID: 9934962
    A total of 20 isolates of Blastocystis were characterized using a single set of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers. The amplification product revealed five types of pattern. All four isolates from Singapore yielded PCR products quite different from those of the local isolates. However, most of the local isolates showed a major product at either 280 or 500 bp, or both. We also suspected that the amplification product detected at 280 bp might be an indicator of the pathogenicity of this parasite. One isolate (M12) obtained from a monkey showed patterns similar to those of human isolates (10203 and KP1) and probably belongs to the same strain. The results indicate that the intraspecific or interstrain variations in these 20 Blastocystis isolates belong to 5 different patterns. The differences among isolates of the same strain revealed by the presence or absence of certain amplification products showed further intrastrain variations in this parasite.
  12. Suresh K, Mak JW, Yong HS
    PMID: 1822869
    Thirty in vitro serial passages of Toxoplasman gondii cultures in Vero cell line performed once in every five days had a mean increase in parasite count of 74.4 +/- 14.8 times from that of initial counts. Long term cultures in Vero cell line did not alter the virulence of the parasite. The good correlation (r = 0.99) between the IFA titer and ELISA OD values using the parasite antigens from in vitro sources indicates that long term maintenance of T. gondii in culture does not affect significantly the ability to recognize antibodies to surface and soluble antigens. The results also show that soluble antigens containing host cells can be directly used for immunodiagnostic purposes without purification. The in vitro maintenance of T. gondii is safer and cheaper when compared to the in vivo method.
  13. Tan MA, Mak JW, Yong HS
    Trop. Med. Parasitol., 1989 Sep;40(3):317-21.
    PMID: 2617040
    Two out of six monoclonals (McAbs) produced against subperiodic Brugia malayi infective larva (L3) antigens impaired B. malayi L3 motility independently of human buffy coat cells. Scanning electron microscopy studies showed damage to L3 surface and loss of regular cuticular annulations. The two McAbs (BML 1a and BM1 8b) did not affect B. malayi microfilaria (mf). They were IFAT-positive with B. malayi adult and L3 antigens; other McAbs which did not affect mf or L3 motility were IFAT-negative. All six McAbs did not promote cellular adherence of normal human buffy coat cells to mf or L3.
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