Displaying all 8 publications

  1. Bueno H, Rossello X, Pocock SJ, Van de Werf F, Chin CT, Danchin N, et al.
    J Am Coll Cardiol, 2019 09 17;74(11):1454-1461.
    PMID: 31514947 DOI: 10.1016/j.jacc.2019.06.068
    BACKGROUND: The relationship between in-hospital coronary revascularization rate (CRR) and post-discharge mortality rates in survivors of non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome (NSTE-ACS) at a system level is unclear.

    OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to evaluate CRR and 2-year post-discharge mortality rate (2YMR) in NSTE-ACS.

    METHODS: CRR and 2YMR were analyzed by hospital rate of CRR (in deciles), by country, and by world region in 11,931 patients with NSTE-ACS who survived to discharge and were enrolled in the EPICOR (long-tErm follow uP of antithrombotic management patterns In acute CORonary syndrome patients) and EPICOR Asia: twin multinational, observational, prospective cohort studies.

    RESULTS: Significant differences in patient baseline characteristics, medical therapies, CRR, and 2YMR were found. Mean CRR ranged from 0.0% to 96.8% in the first and tenth decile, respectively (p 

    Matched MeSH terms: Acute Coronary Syndrome/mortality*
  2. Khonsari S, Subramanian P, Chinna K, Latif LA, Ling LW, Gholami O
    Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs, 2015 Apr;14(2):170-9.
    PMID: 24491349 DOI: 10.1177/1474515114521910
    Medication non-adherence leads to a vast range of negative outcomes in patients with coronary artery disease. An automated web-based system managing short message service (SMS) reminders is a telemedicine approach to optimise adherence among patients who frequently forget to take their medications or miss the timing.
    Matched MeSH terms: Acute Coronary Syndrome/mortality
  3. Akkaif MA, Ng ML, Sk Abdul Kader MA, Daud NAA, Sha'aban A, Ibrahim B
    Pharmacol Rep, 2021 Dec;73(6):1551-1564.
    PMID: 34283374 DOI: 10.1007/s43440-021-00309-0
    BACKGROUND: Ticagrelor is an oral antiplatelet drug that can reversibly bind to the platelet P2Y12 receptor. Ticagrelor is metabolized mainly by CYP3A4 and produces a rapid blood concentration-dependent platelet inhibitory effect. Unlike other P2Y12 receptor antagonists, many clinical features of ticagrelor are not related to P2Y12 receptor antagonism.

    PURPOSE: This review aims to gather existing literature on the clinical effects of ticagrelor after inhibiting adenosine uptake.

    METHODOLOGY: The current study reviewed literature related to the effects of ticagrelor on adenosine metabolism. The review also examined the drug's biological effects and clinical characteristics to see how it could be used in a clinical setting.

    RESULTS: Many studies have shown that ticagrelor can inhibit equilibrative nucleoside transporter 1 (ENT1). This inhibition leads to intracellular adenosine uptake, increased adenosine half-life and plasma concentration levels and an enhanced adenosine-mediated biological effect.

    CONCLUSIONS: Based on the studies reviewed, it was found that ticagrelor essentially inhibits adenosine absorption of adenosine into cells through ENT1, which increases the concentration in the blood and subsequently increases the protection of the heart muscle by adenosine. It also prevents platelet aggregation, and extends the biological effects of coronary arteries. Moreover, it leads to a lower mortality rate in acute coronary syndrome (ACS) patients.

    Matched MeSH terms: Acute Coronary Syndrome/mortality
  4. Ahmad R, Rahmat R, Hisamudin N, Rahman NA, Noh AY, Mohammad N, et al.
    PMID: 20578468
    Early identification and rapid treatment of red tag patients may decrease morbidity and mortality. We examined the clinical characteristics, etiologies and one week mortality rate of red tag (life threatening and potentially life threatening illness) patients at the Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysai (HUSM). A cross-sectional study was conducted at the Emergency Department of the HUSM from 1 August 2006 to 31 January 2007; 440 eligible patients were analyzed. The group had a mean age of 47.2 +/- 22 years, with 67.3% of the patients being male. Twenty-three percent were trauma cases with motor vehicle accident being the major mechanism of injury. Fifty-four percent of the cases had cardiac related illnesses. The mean duration of stay in the Emergency Department (ED) was 3.9 +/- 1.5 hours. The survival rate at one week was 76.6%. The non-trauma group comprised 74.0% of death cases. Acute coronary syndrome and road traffic accidents comprised 22.0% of total death cases at one week. Red tag patients constitute a large proportion of ED cases and may remain in the ED for significant periods of time.

    Study site: Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia (HUSM)
    Matched MeSH terms: Acute Coronary Syndrome/mortality
  5. Chin SP, Jeyaindran S, Azhari R, Wan Azman WA, Omar I, Robaayah Z, et al.
    Med J Malaysia, 2008 Sep;63 Suppl C:29-36.
    PMID: 19230244
    Coronary artery disease is one of the most rampant non-communicable diseases in the world. It begins indolently as a fatty streak in the lining of the artery that soon progresses to narrow the coronary arteries and impair myocardial perfusion. Often the atherosclerotic plaque ruptures and causes sudden thrombotic occlusion and acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI), non-ST-elevation MI (NSTEMI) or unstable angina (UA). This phenomenon is called acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and is the leading cause of death not only in Malaysia but also globally. In order for us to tackle this threat to the health of our nation we must arm ourselves with reliable and accurate information to assess current burden of disease resources available and success of current strategies. The acute coronary syndrome (ACS) registry is the flagship of the National Cardiovascular Disease Database (NCVD) and is the result of the dedicated and untiring efforts of doctors and nurses in both public and private medical institutions and hospitals around the country, ably guided and supported by the National Heart Association, the National Heart Foundation, the Clinical Research Centre and the Ministry of Health of Malaysia. Analyses of data collected throughout 2006 from 3422 patients with ACS admitted to the 12 tertiary cardiac centres and general hospitals spanning nine states in Malaysia in this first report has already revealed surprising results. Mean age of patients was 59 years while the most consistent risk factor for STEMI was active smoking. Utilization of medications was high generally. Thirty-day mortality for STEMI was 11%, for NSTEMI 8% and UA 4%. Thrombolysis (for STEMI only) reduced in-hospital and 30-day mortality by nearly 50%. Percutaneous coronary intervention or PCI also reduced 30-day mortality for patients with non-ST elevation MI and unstable angina. The strongest determinants of mortality appears to be Killip Class and age of the patient. Fewer women received thrombolysis or underwent PCI on same admission although women make up 25% of the cohort.
    Matched MeSH terms: Acute Coronary Syndrome/mortality
  6. Serebruany V, Tanguay JF, Benavides MA, Cabrera-Fuentes H, Eisert W, Kim MH, et al.
    Am J Ther, 2020 10 29;27(6):e563-e572.
    PMID: 33109913 DOI: 10.1097/MJT.0000000000001286
    BACKGROUND: Excess vascular deaths in the PLATO trial comparing ticagrelor to clopidogrel have been repeatedly challenged by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reviewers and academia. Based on the Freedom of Information Act, BuzzFeed won a court order and shared with us the complete list of reported deaths for the ticagrelor FDA New Drug Application (NDA) 22-433. This dataset was matched against local patient-level records from PLATO sites monitored by the sponsor.

    STUDY QUESTION: Whether FDA death data in the PLATO trial matched the local site records.

    STUDY DESIGN: The NDA spreadsheet contains 938 precisely detailed PLATO deaths. We obtained and validated local evidence for 52 deaths among 861 PLATO patients from 14 enrolling sites in 8 countries and matched those with the official NDA dataset submitted to the FDA.

    MEASURES AND OUTCOMES: Existence, precise time, and primary cause of deaths in PLATO.

    RESULTS: Discrepant to the NDA document, sites confirmed 2 extra unreported deaths (Poland and Korea) and failed to confirm 4 deaths (Malaysia). Of the remaining 46 deaths, dates were reported correctly for 42 patients, earlier (2 clopidogrel), or later (2 ticagrelor) than the actual occurrence of death. In 12 clopidogrel patients, cause of death was changed to "vascular," whereas 6 NDA ticagrelor "nonvascular" or "unknown" deaths were site-reported as of "vascular" origin. Sudden death was incorrectly reported in 4 clopidogrel patients, but omitted in 4 ticagrelor patients directly affecting the primary efficacy PLATO endpoint.

    CONCLUSIONS: Many deaths were inaccurately reported in PLATO favoring ticagrelor. The full extent of mortality misreporting is currently unclear, while especially worrisome is a mismatch in identifying primary death cause. Because all PLATO events are kept in the cloud electronic Medidata Rave capture system, securing the database content, examining the dataset changes or/and repeated entries, identifying potential interference origin, and assessing full magnitude of the problem are warranted.

    Matched MeSH terms: Acute Coronary Syndrome/mortality*
  7. Krackhardt F, Kočka V, Waliszewski M, Toušek P, Janek B, Trenčan M, et al.
    Medicine (Baltimore), 2020 Feb;99(8):e19119.
    PMID: 32080086 DOI: 10.1097/MD.0000000000019119
    Stent designs with ultrathin struts may further increase the procedural success of challenging lesion subsets. The objective of this study was to assess the safety and efficacy of ultrathin strut, polymer-free sirolimus eluting stent (PF-SES) implantations in a large scale, unselected patient population.Adult patients underwent percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI) with a thin-strut PF-SES. Data from two all-comers observational studies having the same protocol (ClinicalTrials.gov Identifiers: NCT02629575 and NCT02905214) were pooled. The accumulated target lesion revascularization (TLR) rate at 9-12 months was the primary endpoint. All dual antiplatelet therapy strategies according to the applicable guidelines were permissible.In total, 7243 patients were prospectively enrolled for PCI with PF-SES in stable coronary artery disease or acute coronary syndrome (ACS). Major risk factors in the overall cohort were diabetes (37.3%), ST elevation myocardial infarction (18.1%) and non-ST myocardial infarction (24.6%). The follow-up rate was 88.6% in the overall population. The TLR rate in the overall cohort was 2.2% whereas definite/probable stent thrombosis (ST) occurred in 0.7%. In patients with in-stent restenosis lesions, the major adverse cardiac events rate was 6.4% whereas the corresponding rate for isolated left main coronary artery (LMCA) disease was highest with 6.7% followed by patients with culprit lesions in vein bypasses (VB, 7.1%). The mortality rate in patients treated in VB lesions was highest with 5.4%, followed by the isolated LMCA subgroup (3.4%) and ACS (2.6%).PCI with PF-SES in an unselected patient population, is associated with low clinical event and ST rates. Furthermore, PF-SES angioplasty in niche indications demonstrated favorable safety and efficacy outcomes with high procedural success rates.
    Matched MeSH terms: Acute Coronary Syndrome/mortality
  8. Huo Y, Lee SW, Sawhney JP, Kim HS, Krittayaphong R, Nhan VT, et al.
    Clin Cardiol, 2015 Sep;38(9):511-9.
    PMID: 26206158 DOI: 10.1002/clc.22431
    BACKGROUND: In-hospital and postdischarge mortality for acute coronary syndromes (ACS) vary across Asia and remain generally poorer than globally. The relationship between real-life antithrombotic management patterns (AMPs) and ACS-related outcomes in Asia is unclear.

    METHODS: EPICOR Asia (Long-tErm follow-uP of antithrombotic management patterns In acute CORonary syndrome patients in Asia) (NCT01361386) is a prospective, multinational, observational study of patients discharged after hospitalization for an ACS, with 2-year follow-up. The aim is to describe short- and long-term (up to 2 years post-index event) AMPs in patients hospitalized for ACS and to record clinical outcomes, healthcare resource use, and self-reported health status. Pre- and in-hospital management, AMPs, and associated outcomes, with particular focus on ischemic and bleeding events, will be recorded during the 2-year follow up.

    RESULTS: Between June 2011 and May 2012, 13 005 patients were enrolled. From these, 12 922 patients surviving an ACS (6616 with STEMI, 2570 with NSTEMI, and 3736 with UA) were eligible for inclusion from 219 hospitals across 8 countries and regions in Asia: China (n = 8214), Hong Kong (n = 177), India (n = 2468), Malaysia (n = 100), Singapore (n = 93), South Korea (n = 705), Thailand (n = 957), and Vietnam (n = 208).

    CONCLUSIONS: EPICOR Asia will provide information regarding clinical management and AMPs for ACS patients in Asia. Impact of AMPs on clinical outcomes, healthcare resource use, and self-reported health status both during hospitalization and up to 2 years after discharge will also be described.

    Matched MeSH terms: Acute Coronary Syndrome/mortality
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