Displaying all 6 publications

  1. Nojeg MM, Jalaludin MA, Jayalakshmi P
    Med J Malaysia, 1998 Mar;53(1):104-6.
    PMID: 10968147
    We report a rare tumour of the nasopharynx- papillary adenocarcinoma. This is usually of low grade and certainly in out patient it behaved so. It is even rarer to have this tumour in a patient with Turner's syndrome in whom there is a high incidence of gynaecological malignancy. It has not previously been documented and the occurrence in this patient is probably coincidental.
    Matched MeSH terms: Adenocarcinoma, Papillary/pathology
  2. Kahairi A, Ahmad RL, Wan Islah L, Hasmah H
    Singapore Med J, 2009 Dec;50(12):e404-6.
    PMID: 20087540
    We report a 56-year-old Malay woman with a tumour that involved the skin and caused hyoid bone erosion. There was no clinical or radiological evidence of regional lymph node involvement. A modified radical neck dissection with preservation of the accessory nerve and internal jugular vein was performed, followed by an "extended" Sistrunk operation. The surgical defect was reconstructed with a pectoralis major myocutaneous flap. Our literature review showed that this is the first reported thyroglossal duct carcinoma which involved the skin and required a pedicle flap reconstruction.
    Matched MeSH terms: Adenocarcinoma, Papillary/pathology*
  3. Khan TF, Zahari A, Sherazi ZA, Visvanathan R
    Singapore Med J, 1993 Oct;34(5):462-3.
    PMID: 8153702
    This is a report of a 57-year-old Malay lady who presented with recurrent episodes of cholangitis and septicaemia. A dilated biliary tree caused by a stenosing periampullary tumour was found to contain adult round worms. A pancreatico-duodenectomy was performed following biliary decompression. Ascarid worms are a rare cause of cholangitis in malignant biliary obstruction.
    Matched MeSH terms: Adenocarcinoma, Papillary/pathology
  4. Zulkarnaen M, Tang IP, Wong SL
    Malays J Pathol, 2012 Jun;34(1):53-5.
    PMID: 22870599 MyJurnal
    We present a case of a papillary tumour at the cerebellopontine angle in a 41-year-old man. He presented with left-sided facial and ear pain associated with dizziness, nystagmus and hearing loss. CT scan of the temporal bone showed a destructive tumour at the left cerebellopontine angle. Surgical excision was performed and the diagnosis of the endolymphatic sac tumour was made. Endolymphatic tumour is a low grade adenocarcinoma that originates from the endolymphatic sac. The definitive diagnosis requires a combination of clinical features, radiological finding and pathological correlation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Adenocarcinoma, Papillary/pathology*
  5. Srilatha PS, Roy A
    Indian J Pathol Microbiol, 2007 Oct;50(4):819-21.
    PMID: 18306568
    Well differentiated villoglandular adenocarcinoma of uterine cervix is a rare tumour which usually occurs in young women. It is considered to be an indolent tumour with favorable prognosis and most of them were treated by conservative procedures. We report a 35 year old lady who came with complaints of 3 months amenorrhoea and an episode of spontaneous bleeding. Urine pregnancy test was negative. Physical examination revealed a cervical polyp. Histopathological findings were consistent with villoglandular papillary adenocarcinoma associated with high grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN-3). Left parametrial and left ureteral involvement, proved by biopsy, causing left hydroureteronephrosis was detected. The patient was thus found to be in an advanced stage, stage- III b (FIGO). The patient is currently undergoing radiotherapy. A review of literature showed that only occasional cases showing disease spread have been reported, suggesting caution in the management and regular follow up of the patient.
    Matched MeSH terms: Adenocarcinoma, Papillary/pathology*
  6. Khan TF, Sherazi ZA, Alias NA, Mahmood Z
    Ann Acad Med Singap, 1993 Mar;22(2):251-3.
    PMID: 8363342
    We present a 64-year-old Malay lady who had undergone a choledochoduodenostomy (CDD) two years ago for obstructive jaundice. She was admitted with jaundice and underwent ultrasonography, percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography (PTC), endoscopic retrograde cholangio pancreatography (ERCP) and computed tomographic (CT) scanning of the liver and biliary tree. All the investigations confirmed a type IVa choledochal cyst. At operation, the grossly dilated biliary system was packed with a thick mucoid material and the mucosa of the bile ducts was visibly abnormal with scattered nodules. This mucoid material had caused occlusion of the entire biliary tree resulting in obstructive jaundice. To the best of our knowledge, this is probably the first report of obstructive jaundice caused by thick mucus. The peculiar management problems of this case and the risk of malignant change in choledochal cysts are discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Adenocarcinoma, Papillary/pathology
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