Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 24 in total

  1. Loke YW, Ramachndran CP
    Med J Malaya, 1966 Jun;20(4):348.
    PMID: 4224358
    Matched MeSH terms: Filariasis/veterinary*
  2. Ramachandran CP, Loke YW, Hagendrom C
    Med J Malaya, 1966 Jun;20(4):344-7.
    PMID: 4224357
    Matched MeSH terms: Filariasis/veterinary*
  3. Mullin SW, Orihel TC
    J Parasitol, 1972 Dec;58(6):1047-51.
    PMID: 4641870
    Matched MeSH terms: Filariasis/veterinary
  4. Guerrero R, Bain O
    Parasite, 2011 May;18(2):151-61.
    PMID: 21678791
    Parasitic nematodes from the Berlin (ZMB) and Vienna (NMW) Museum collections referred to the genus Filaria Mueller, 1787 by von Linstow or Molin were studied. Three samples were in good condition and the specimens redescribed. Litomosa hepatica (von Linstow, 1897) n. comb., sample ZMB Vermes Entozoa 3368, from the megachiropteran Pteropus neohibernicus, Bismarck Archipelago, resembles L. maki Tibayrenc, Bain & Ramanchandran, 1979, from Pteropus vampyrus, in Malaysia, but the buccal capsule differs. Both species display particular morphological characters which differ from species of Litomosa parasitic in microchiropterans. The remaining material originates from Brazil. The spicule morphology of Litomosoides circularis (von Linstow, 1899) Chandler, 1931, sample ZMB Vermes Entozoa 1059 from Hesperomys spec. (= Holochilus brasiliensis), Porto Alegre, confirms that it belongs to the sigmodontis group; the microfilaria presents characters of the genus Litomosoides, e.g. body attenuated at both extremities and salient cephalic hook. Taxonomic discussions by others confirm that species of Litomosoides belonging to the sigmodontis group and described subsequently are distinct from L. circularis. Litomosoides serpicula (Molin, 1858) Guerrero, Martin, Gardner & Bain, 2002, is redescribed, sample NMW 6323 from the bat Phyllostoma spiculatum (= Sturnira lilium), Ypanema. It is very close to L. brasiliensis Almeida, 1936, type host Moytis sp., but distinguished by a single ring in the buccal capsule, rather than two, supporting previous conclusions that the taxon L. brasiliensis, as generally regarded, may represent a complex of species. Samples NMW 6322 and NMW 6324, from other bats and also identified by Molin (1858) as Filaria serpicula, contain unidentifiable fragments of Litomosoides incertae sedis. Filaria hyalina von Linstow, 1890, sample ZMB Vermes Entozoa Q 3905 from Sorer vulgaris (= Sorex araneus), is incertae sedis because it contains two unidentifiable posterior parts of male, which might be an acuarid, Stammerinema sp. Filaria vesperuginis von Linstow, 1885, sample ZMB Vermes Entozoa Q 3929, from the bat Vesperugo serotinus (= Eptesicus serotinus), contains encysted nematode larvae and is a nomen dubium.
    Matched MeSH terms: Filariasis/veterinary*
  5. Strauss JM, Sivanandam S
    Med J Malaya, 1966 Jun;20(4):336.
    PMID: 4224351
    Matched MeSH terms: Filariasis/veterinary*
  6. Ambily VR, Pillai UN, Arun R, Pramod S, Jayakumar KM
    Vet Parasitol, 2011 Sep 27;181(2-4):210-4.
    PMID: 21620569 DOI: 10.1016/j.vetpar.2011.04.041
    Human filariasis caused by Brugia malayi is still a public health problem in many countries of Asia including India, Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand. The World Health Organization (WHO) has targeted to eliminate filariasis by the year 2020 by Mass annual single dose Diethylcarbamazine Administration (MDA). Results of the MDA programme after the first phase was less satisfactory than expected. Malayan filariasis caused by B. malayi is endemic in the south of Thailand where domestic cat serves as the major reservoir host. There is no report about the occurrence of B. malayi in dogs. The present work was carried out to find out the incidence of microfilariasis in dogs and also to detect the presence of human filarial infection in dogs, if any. One hundred dogs above 6 months of age presented to the veterinary college Hospital, Mannuthy, Kerala, with clinical signs suggestive of microfilariasis - fever, anorexia, conjunctivitis, limb and scrotal oedema - were screened for microfilariae by wet film examination. Positive cases were subjected to Giemsa staining, histochemical staining and molecular techniques. Results of the study showed that 80% of dogs had microfilariasis; out of which 20% had sheathed microfilaria. Giemsa and histochemical staining character, PCR and sequencing confirmed it as B. malayi. High prevalence of B. malayi in dogs in this study emphasized the possible role of dogs in transmission of human filariasis.
    Matched MeSH terms: Filariasis/veterinary*
  7. Mak JW, Yen PK, Lim KC, Ramiah N
    Trop Geogr Med, 1980 Sep;32(3):259-64.
    PMID: 7210162
    Filarial infections in 447 cats and 68 dogs from six endemic areas of human filariasis in Peninsular Malaysia were studied as part of the study on the zoonotic transmission of subperiodic Brugia malayi infection. 20.6% of cats and 57.4% of dogs had filarial infections. Cats were infected with subperiodic B. malayi, B. pahangi, Dirofilaria repens and D. immitis. Dogs were infected with B. pahangi and D. immitis. 6.9% of the cats had subperiodic B. malayi infection. The zoonotic implications of these infections and their impact on the filariasis control programme in Peninsular Malaysia were discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Filariasis/veterinary*
  8. Tucker MS, Price DL, Kwa BH, DeBaldo AC
    J Parasitol, 2003 Dec;89(6):1220-6.
    PMID: 14740913
    Breinlia booliati Singh and Ho, 1973 is described from the Malaysian wood rat, Rattus rattus jalorensis Bonhote. The parasites presented here were originally discovered in 1955 in Kuantan, Malaysia, but were not classified until now. On the basis of morphological observations of anatomical structures and comparisons with other species of Breinlia, it was determined that the parasites were B. booliati. The parasites discussed here show slight deviation from B. booliati, but they do not warrant a new species classification. There is some variation in anatomical measurements, the number of male caudal papillae, and the morphology of the microfilariae. Breinlia booliati from a new host is described in this article, with a brief discussion on Rattus species that are hosts of B. booliati and vectors that transmit the parasite. The occurrence of B. booliati in R. r. jalorensis represents the first report of the parasite in this host.
    Matched MeSH terms: Filariasis/veterinary*
  9. Chiang GL, Cheong WH, Eng KL, Samarawickrema WA
    J Helminthol, 1987 Dec;61(4):349-53.
    PMID: 3437114
    This paper reports the experimental transmission of a bird parasite into jirds. Infective larvae of Cardiofilaria nilesi obtained from laboratory colonized Coquillettidia crassipes mosquitoes which had fed on an infected chicken were inoculated subcutaneously into jirds. The number of larvae per jird varied from 10 to 228. Microfilaraemia appeared 22 to 89 days after inoculation of the infective larvae. Experiments were carried out with 24 jirds through six generations extending over a period of 22 months and 17 produced patent infections. At present 8 infected jirds are being maintained in the laboratory; their patent periods ranging from 6 to 13 months. However, the longest patent period observed was about thirteen months. The percentage of adults recovered in autopsied jirds ranged from 0 to 40 with an average of 16. The chicken showed a microfilarial periodicity with the peak microfilarial density around 2200 hours. However, in jirds there was a change in sub-periodicity. This model in the jird may be very useful for the screening of filaricides and in immunological work.
    Matched MeSH terms: Filariasis/veterinary*
  10. Yap EH, Ho BC, Singh M, Kang KL, Lim BL
    J Helminthol, 1975 Dec;49(4):263-9.
    PMID: 1206216
    Breinlia booliati exhibited nocturnal subperiodicity in its natural host, Rattus sabanus in contrast to experimentally infected laboratory-reared albine rats which showed irregular fluctuations of microfilariae throughout the 24 hour cycle. All the infected albino rats showed a prepatent period between 11-14 weeks postinoculation. Three patterns of microfilaraemia were discerned during the course of infection 38/49 rats displayed a single peak, 4/49 displayed 2 peaks about 12-15 weeks apart and 7/49 showed a sustained high plateau-like pattern of microfilaraemia. Cortisone had no effect on microfilarial levels when administered to rats near postpatency and some at postpatency.
    Matched MeSH terms: Filariasis/veterinary*
  11. Liat LB, Wah MJ, Singh M, Ho BC, Hian YE
    PMID: 1166352
    Seven of the 18 species of lowland forest terrestrial and semi-arboreal murids were found naturally infected with Breinlia booliati. Of these, two species, Rattus sabanus and R. cremoriventer, were found to be the most preferred hosts. None of the murids from the highland, field or human-inhabited areas was infected. This could have been due more to the greater scarcity of the vectors in these habitats than to the susceptibility of the hosts. The absence of this parasite in the squirrels examined may be attributed either to host specificity or to the normal activity cycles or vertical stratification of the vectors, separating them in space and/or time from the squirrels. The pattern of dispersion of the parasite is influenced by the wide distribution of suitable hosts, and the hypothesis that the parasite is of forest origin is discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Filariasis/veterinary*
  12. Mak JW, Inder-Singh, Yen PK, Yap LF
    PMID: 6773151
    Matched MeSH terms: Filariasis/veterinary*
  13. Muul I, Yap LF, Lim BL
    PMID: 4203491
    Matched MeSH terms: Filariasis/veterinary
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