A middle-aged lady presented with a three-month history of chronic cough. After a long and extensive investigation, CT thorax revealed collapse consolidation of the right lower lung lobe and bronchoscopy showed a polypoidal tumour within the involved bronchus. Thoracotomy and segmental lung resection revealed a peanut in the airways of the fibrotic and infected lung tissue. In view of the rarity of the food particle aspiration in a healthy adult, the delay in presentation and diagnosis in our patient, we would like to highlight this particular case. A high index of suspicion of FBA is necessary to avoid unnecessary anxiety, extensive investigations and overzealous treatment as well as to promote lung conservation.
A 12-year-old boy with moderate to severe bilateral mixed hearing loss was planned for hearing aid placement. During the process of making ear mould impression, the impression material accidentally entered the right middle ear. Removal of the ear mould impression was possible permeatally under general anaesthesia.
From 1973 to 1982,40 children with respiratory distress was bronchoscoped for suspected foreign body in the trachea-bronchial tree. In 31 children, foreign bodies were found and were successfully removed. The condition appeared to be confined to the early toddler group. Six children had pulmonary complications post-operatively. There was no death. A plea is made for early diagnosis and referral to lessen the likelihood of residual pulmonary damage.
Study site: University Hospital, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (current name: University Malaya Medical Centre)
Foreign bodies in the laryngotracheobronchial tree are not uncommon. Their clinical presentations, the radiological and endoscopic findings in sixteen cases that presented to the Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia were reviewed. The technique of removal is also discussed.
Study site: Hospital Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (UKM unit)
A retrospective case series was conducted to determine the clinical characteristics and bronchoscopy findings of children with foreign body aspiration in Paediatric Institute, Hospital Kuala Lumpur. Ten boys and two girls were included (range 2-177 months; median 26 months old). They commonly presented with cough (12/100%) and difficulty in breathing (9/75%). All patients had unilateral auscultatory findings and the commonest radiographic findings were unilateral hyperinflation (7/58.3%). The majority of foreign bodies removed was organic (8/66.6%) and more frequently found in the left bronchial tree (7/58.3%). Major complications were pneumonia (11/91.6%) and airway oedema (11/ 91.6%). Eight patients had delayed diagnosis due to parents unawareness (6/50%) and missed diagnosis (2/16.7%).
Foreign body aspiration is one of the leading causes of accidental death in children. Food items are the most common items aspirated in infants and toddlers, whereas older children are more likely to aspirate non-food items. Laryngeal impaction of a foreign body is very rare as most aspirated foreign bodies pass through the laryngeal inlet and get lodged lower down in the airway. Two rare cases of foreign body aspiration with subglottic impaction in very young children (under 2 years of age) are described. In both the cases subglottic impaction occurred consequent to attempted removal of foreign body by blind finger sweeping. The clinical presentation, investigations, and management of these rare cases are discussed.
There was a delay in making the correct diagnosis of tracheal intubation in a parturient who developed severe bronchospasm after intubation because we relied on the capnogram.
We present a case of rare pitfall in the diagnosis of an oesophageal foreign body due to the calcified vertical plate of the cricoid to highlight the need to be aware of this entity to avoid unnecessary morbidity.
An unusual case of proximal migration of a Hakim's valve intracranially into a porencephalic cyst two years after insertion of the ventriculo-peritoneal shunt in a neonate is reported. The underlying cause is discussed. It is recommended that all shunt should be anchored with nonabsorbable suture material properly on to the pericranium.
Foreign body aspiration in children is a problem that can lead to several complications, including death. In this retrospective publication review from 1970 to 2015, there were altogether 42 Malaysian children below the age of 15 y reported with foreign body (FB) ingestion. There were 31 boys and 11 girls between 2 and 177 mo of age. The incidence of FB ingestion in children varied with dietary practices. Peanut was the most common food-related substance inhaled followed by watermelon seed and coconut kernel. The most common non-food related substances were metal objects (toys, springs, hair clips) and plastic objects (ballpoint tips, pencil caps and whistles). Successful removal of FB by bronchoscopy is achieved in the vast majority of cases except for a case of impacted whistle inhalation and a neglected laryngeal FB which required a tracheostomy. One child required thoracotomy for the removal of a peanut in the right bronchus. The incidence of food-related substance inhalation was more common than non-food related substance (30:7). From this review, the key messages are two: first, prevention can be achieved by educating parents not to allow access to small objects or dangerous foods to children below 3 y age; Second, emergency first aid home measures, in the combination form of back blows in the head down position and chest or abdominal thrusts, should be early performed according to the pediatric age group and can be quite effective.
Penetrating foreign body in the head and neck can be catastrophic from injury to the constellation of vascular and neural structures in the neck. Early recognition and prompt surgical intervention is imperative to save lives. Herein, we present an unusual case of iatrogenic foreign body-a coiled guidewire embedded in the deep neck space. The complications, radiological investigation and multidisciplinary surgical management are further discussed.