Premature neonates of very low birth weight (VLBW) whose treatment required the use of naso-gastric tube feeding were investigated. 10 infants suspected of having GERD (gastroesophageal reflux) received oral lansoprazole therapy by tube administration. 9 other infants formed a control group. In the treated group a fasting pH was determined before treatment and again after 7 days treatment. The control group was similarly assessed at an interval of 7 days. Despite acid reduction, the post-treatment pH mean of 1.31 would continue to pose a threat to the esophageal mucosa. The physiology of neonatal acid secretion is discussed to explain these findings.
Pantoea infections are uncommon in humans. Most reports have involved adults or children after thorn injuries. There are only a few reports of systemic infections with Pantoea. This is the first report of the clinical picture of systemic Pantoea spp. infection in neonates as observed during an outbreak in a neonatal intensive care unit caused by infected parenteral nutrition solutions. Even though detected early, the infections had a fulminant course, causing septicemic shock and respiratory failure. Pulmonary disease was prominent and presented mainly as pulmonary hemorrhage and adult respiratory distress syndrome. The organism was sensitive to most antibiotics used in neonatal intensive care units, but the clinical response to antibiotic therapy was poor. The fatality rate was very high: 7 out of 8 infected infants succumbed to the infection (87.5%).