Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 83 in total

  1. Aziz AT, Al-Shami SA, Mahyoub JA, Hatabbi M, Ahmad AH, Md Rawi CS
    Parasit Vectors, 2014;7:487.
    PMID: 25403705 DOI: 10.1186/s13071-014-0487-5
    Currently, dengue fever is considered as the main health problem in several parts (Mekkah, Jeddah, Jazan and Najran) of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) with dramatically increase in the number of cases reported every year. This is associated with obvious ineffectiveness in the recent control and management programs for the mosquito vector (Aedes aegypti). Here, we suggested promoting the health education and public awareness among Saudi people to improve the control of dengue mosquito vector. Several suggestions and recommendations were highlighted here to ensure effectiveness in the future control and management programs of dengue mosquito vector in KSA.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mosquito Control/methods*
  2. Chang MS, Lian S, Jute N
    Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg, 1995 3 1;89(2):140-1.
    PMID: 7778135
    A field trial of the use of expanded polystyrene beads (EPSB) to control the breeding of mosquito larvae in household septic tanks was conducted in Sarawak. One week after treatment, the breeding of Culex quinquefasciatus and Aedes albopictus was reduced by 100% and 68.7% respectively. For both species combined, a 57.25% reduction in the adult emergence rate was achieved. No adult was caught in the emergence trap one month after treatment. A reduction in mosquito biting rates was reported by 87.3% of respondents. All households regarded the EPSB treatment as effective. This study has reduced the relatively high infestation rate of A. albopictus in the septic tanks to 16-20%. The EPSB treatment is feasible and practical. Post-treatment assessment using adult emergence traps and the implications for the vector control programme of the local authority are discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mosquito Control/methods*
  3. Lee JM, Wasserman RJ, Wilson RF, Cuthbert RN, Rahman S, Yek SH
    Ecohealth, 2023 Mar;20(1):65-73.
    PMID: 37129695 DOI: 10.1007/s10393-023-01629-8
    Fogging with insecticides is one of the main control measures for adult mosquito populations employed in countries that are affected by dengue. In many such countries, urban communities are increasingly characterised by high-density residence in high-rise condominia. Although fogging is typically applied at the ground level, its efficacy in three-dimensional urban environments is poorly understood. Here, we investigated the effect of fogging on vector mosquito distribution and abundance in high-rise condominia by conducting a before-after fogging survey. We showed that although mosquitoes were significantly concentrated at the lower levels in high-rise condominia, they were found throughout the three-dimensional environments. Fogging did not significantly alter this distribution or abundance pattern across any floor level. Thus, any fogging effect was short-lived as mosquito populations recovered within a few days before the subsequent scheduled treatment. In addition, increasing fogging frequency within practicable limits did not prolong the intended control effect. As urban mosquitoes are increasingly insusceptible to fogging due to insecticide resistance and vertical avoidance, this study demonstrates the need to implement other mosquito control strategies for high-rise condominia to manage mosquito populations.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mosquito Control/methods
  4. Hamady D, Ruslan NB, Ahmad AH, Rawi CS, Ahmad H, Satho T, et al.
    Parasit Vectors, 2013;6:206.
    PMID: 23856274 DOI: 10.1186/1756-3305-6-206
    Mating is a physiological process of crucial importance underlying the size and maintenance of mosquito populations. In sterile and incompatible insect technologies (SIT and IIT), mating is essential for mass production, persistence, and success of released individuals, and is a central parameter for judging the effectiveness of SIT/IIT programs. Some mosquitoes have an enormous reproductive potential for both themselves and pathogens and mating may contribute to persistence of infection in nature. As Aedes albopictus can transmit flaviviruses both sexually and horizontally, and as infected insects are usually derived from laboratory colonies, we investigated the implications of mating between a long-term laboratory colony of Ae. albopictus and wild populations.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mosquito Control/methods*
  5. Vythilingam I, Chiang GL, Mahadevan S, Eng KL, Chan ST, Singh KI
    PMID: 8362288
    A field trial was carried out to study the effect of lambdacyhalothrin on Anopheles maculatus in trap huts in Jeram Kedah, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. Two trap huts were built, of which one was sprayed with lambdacyhalothrin at a dosage of 25 mg ai/m2 and the other served as control. Eight collectors commenced collecting mosquitos from 1900 to 2400 hours, two each indoors and outdoors. Bioassay was also carried out in the treated and control huts to determine susceptibility of adult mosquitos to lambdacyhalothrin. In the treated hut more mosquitos were present during the pre- spraying period. Lambdacyhalothrin gave a mortality of 100% against An. maculatus for 8 months.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mosquito Control/methods*
  6. Chang MS, Ho BC, Chan KL
    PMID: 1981631
    The measurement of the ultimate effects of the microbial insecticides on mosquito density is best obtained by assessment of adult populations. The main aims of this study are: (1) to assess the effect of Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Bti) FC Skeetal and Bactimos briquettes on the emergence rate of Mansonia bonneae developed from the introduced first-instar stage larvae and (2) to measure the effect of these two formulations of insecticides on Mansonia adult populations emerging from the natural breeding plots. Bti Skeetal and Bactimos briquettes at the lower applied dosages of 2.3 kg/ha and 1 briquette case/20 m2 respectively achieved 39-40% pupation rates and 31.5-34.2% adult emergence rates. At these low applied dosages, there was little or no direct effect on pupation from the surviving larvae and thereafter on the emergence of adults from the pupae. A two-fold increase in dosage, however, produced a drastic decline in the pupation rate and adult emergence rate. The rates dropped to 6.5% (pupation) and 4.3% (adult emergence) of the total larvae for Bactimos briquettes and to merely 1.5% (pupation) and 1.3% (adult emergence) of the total larvae for Skeetal. In studying the effect of Bti on the field populations of Mansonia mosquitos, two plots each were treated with Bactimos at 1 briquette case/10 m2 and Skeetal at 4.6 kg/ha. A wooden pyramid-shaped screened cage was placed on a cluster of host plants for a period of 2 weeks to trap the emerging adult mosquitoes. There were a total of 24 clusters of host plants in each plot.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
    Matched MeSH terms: Mosquito Control/methods
  7. Yap HH, Chong AS, Adanan CR, Chong NL, Rohaizat B, Malik YA, et al.
    J Am Mosq Control Assoc, 1997 Dec;13(4):384-8.
    PMID: 9474567
    Adulticidal and larvicidal performances of a water-based pyrethroid microemulsion Pesguard PS 102 (AI d-allethrin and d-phenothrin, both at 5.0% w/w) and Vectobac 12AS, an aqua-suspension Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (B.t.i.) formulation (AI 1,200 ITU/mg) were assessed against mosquitoes Aedes aegypti, Aedes albopictus, and Culex quinquefasciatus using a Leco ULV Fog Generator Model 1600 and a Scorpion 20 ULV AirBlast Sprayer. Laboratory-cultured mosquito adults and larvae were used for efficacy assessment. For trials using Leco, both pyrethroid and bacterial formulations were dispersed both singly and in combination with Pesguard PS 102 at a dosage of 0.2 liters/ha and B.t.i. at a dosage of 1.0 liter/ha. Similar trials with the Scorpion were also conducted with Pesguard PS 102 at a dosage of 0.2 liters/ha and a higher dosage of B.t.i. (1.5 liters/ha). Experiments were conducted in a football field (200 x 100 m) where five check points at 10, 25, 50, 75, and 100 m downwind from the spray nozzle were chosen for efficacy assessments. Knockdown and mortality were scored at 1 and 24 h postspraying. Results from both trials showed that mortality values varied with distance from spray nozzle. For trials with Leco, fogging with the combination of Pesguard PS 102 and B.t.i. provided larvicidal mortality of > 80% for both Aedes species and of > 60% for Cx. quinquefasciatus larvae at several check points, depending on wind conditions. Complete mortality of adult Aedes mosquitoes at 24 h posttreatment was also achieved, while mortality values for Culex adults reached > 90% under strong wind conditions. As for trials with the Scorpion 20, high adult and larval mortalities were also achieved, with > 90% mortality at some check points. The above study demonstrated the possibility of achieving both larvicidal and adulticidal effects when using a combination of B.t.i. and Pesguard PS 102 in ULV space spray.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mosquito Control/methods*
  8. Lee HL, Gregorio ER, Khadri MS, Seleena P
    J Am Mosq Control Assoc, 1996 Dec;12(4):651-5.
    PMID: 9046471
    Evaluation of the effectiveness of Bacillus thuringiensis ssp. israelensis (B.t.i.) against mosquito larvae dispersed by ultralow volume (ULV) spraying was conducted in simulated field trials. Effectiveness was measured using 3 different indicators: larval mortality, colony-forming unit enumeration, and droplet analysis. B.t.i. was dispersed with a ULV generator using 2 different flow rates: 0.3 and 0.5 liter/min on 2 different days. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that an output of 0.3 liter/min is effective for controlling Aedes aegypti. although a dosage of 0.5 liter/min can be used when high residual activity is desired. For Culex quinquefasciatus control, both dosages were effective but with low residual activity. For Anopheles maculatus control, only a discharge rate of 0.5 liter/min was effective with low residual activity. B.t.i. application at both dosages penetrated tires well, indicating that B.t.i. ULV application is an effective method for controlling container-inhabiting mosquitoes. Good coverage of target area and penetration were attributed to satisfactory droplet profiles.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mosquito Control/methods*
  9. Ayub NM, Kassim NFA, Sabar S, Webb CE, Xiang KZ, Hashim NA
    Int J Biol Macromol, 2023 Jan 01;224:1460-1470.
    PMID: 36328267 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2022.10.233
    The effective control of Aedes mosquitoes using traditional control agents is increasingly challenging due to the presence of insecticide resistance in many populations of key mosquito vectors. An alternative strategy to insecticides is the use of toxic sugar baits, however it is limited due to short-term efficacy. Alginate-Gelatin hydrogel beads (AGHBs) may be an effective alternative by providing longer periods of mosquito attraction and control, especially of key vectors of dengue viruses such as Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus. Sodium alginate (ALG) and gelatin (GLN) are natural polymers, which can be a potential candidate to develop the AGHBs baits due to their biodegradability and environmental safety. Here we provide an assessment of the preparation of AGHBs optimized by varying the concentrations of ALG, GLN, and its cross-linking time (TIME). Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis results in the determination of liquid bait loaded in the AGHBs. The evaluation of AGHBs' effectiveness as the potential baiting tool based on the mortality rate of mosquitoes after the bait consumption. The 100 % percent mortality of Aedes mosquitoes was obtained within 72 h of bait consumption. The field evaluation also justifies the applicability of AGHBs for outdoor applications. We conclude that the AGHBs are applicable as a baiting tool in carrying liquid bait in achieving mosquito mortality.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mosquito Control/methods
  10. Mahmud MAF, Abdul Mutalip MH, Lodz NA, Muhammad EN, Yoep N, Hasim MH, et al.
    Int J Environ Health Res, 2023 Nov;33(11):1148-1167.
    PMID: 35642722 DOI: 10.1080/09603123.2022.2076815
    Among several vector control methods commonly used, environmental management is one of the control measures to mitigate dengue in such vulnerable communities. Since there is no curative treatment for dengue yet, targeted environmental and ecosystem management is increasingly relevant. Hence, this review was conducted to identify the effectiveness of environmental management intervention strategy to reduce dengue cases. We searched PUBMED, CENTRAL, SCOPUS, Web of Science, CIJE, WHO ICTRP, and ClinicalTrials.gov up to January 2021. A total of 521 articles were screened. Only 16 studies were included in this review. There were 6 studies that applied all three types of environmental management interventions (manipulation, modification and behavior), 8 studies applied two types of interventions (manipulation and behavior) and 2 studies applied one type of intervention (manipulation or behavior). All included studies reported reduction of Aedes entomological indices. The studies showed reduction in dengue cases and density of Aedes population through environmental interventions. It is recommended for the health authority to incorporate environmental management intervention in dengue control activities and enhanced the community involvement to ensure sustainability with high impact on dengue reduction.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mosquito Control/methods
  11. Omar M, Zaliza S, Mariappan M, Zainal AO, Chua KB
    Malays J Pathol, 2011 Dec;33(2):113-7.
    PMID: 22299212 MyJurnal
    A field evaluation on the effectiveness of a modified approach of chemical fogging of insecticides against the conventional method was carried out in the Seremban district within the state of Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia from 7th February 2003 to 7th September 2003. In the 3 months period, November 2002 to January 2003, prior to institution of modified approach of chemical fogging, 27 of 42 (64.3%) dengue outbreaks were successfully controlled within the stipulated time frame of 14 days by the conventional approach of thermal chemical fogging. However, during the period when the modified approach of chemical fogging was instituted, 25 of 27 (92.6%) dengue outbreaks within the same district were successfully controlled within the 14-days time-line. Statistically, the modified approach of chemical fogging significantly improved the success rate of achieving dengue outbreak control within the stipulated time frame (chi2 = 5.65, p = 0.01745). The modified approach of chemical fogging also appeared to reduce the number of dengue cases recorded in the same district. This small pilot study shows that the modified approach of chemical fogging reduced cost in carrying out each fogging activity to control dengue outbreak. It also substantially reduced the required time taken to complete each fogging activity in comparison to the conventional approach. Thus, it enabled similar number of workers to cover more localities simultaneously affected by the outbreaks. In addition, the modified approach reduced the exposure time to hazardous insecticides for each worker doing hand-held thermal fogging.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mosquito Control/methods*
  12. Khadri MS, Kwok KL, Noor MI, Lee HL
    PMID: 20578457
    A simulated field study on the efficacy of commercial household aerosol insecticides was conducted. The bioefficacy of three pyrethroid aerosols, designated as PA1, PA2 and PA3, was tested in cabins furnished to simulate bedroom conditions. Each aerosol product was tested against lab-bred Aedes aegypti mosquitoes based on the insecticide manufacturers' recommended dosages. Ten cages with mosquitoes were placed in the following locations: one cage in the middle of the room; two each on and underneath the bed; three each placed inside, behind and on top of the wardrobe; and four placed on and in the desk. With the desk, each cage was placed inside each of three drawers (totally closed, partially closed and opened). Prior to the experiments, the discharge rate of each aerosol can was determined. Ten to 20 lab-bred 2-5 day-old sugar-fed Ae. aegypti adult mosquitoes were placed inside the test cages. The aerosol was then discharged into the cabin at the recommended dosage. After 30 minutes, the mosquitoes were transferred into clean paper cups and their mortality recorded after 24 hours. All the aerosols induced complete or very high mortality in the caged Ae. aegypti females, except in the cages hidden completely inside the drawers and wardrobes. Insecticide droplet analysis indicated variable uniformity of the droplets was produced. The aerosol insecticides were effective against mosquitoes provided they were used in accordance with the manufacturers' recommendations.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mosquito Control/methods*
  13. Benjamin S, Rath A, Fook CY, Lim LH
    PMID: 16295540
    VectoBac DT, a tablet formulation of Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Bti) was evaluated for the potential control of dengue vectors in various types of potable water containers. On introduction to containers, the tablet sinks to the bottom and the Bti toxins are found concentrated at the sides and the base, while the treated water column is free of Bti toxins within 24 hours after tablet introduction. In a simulated study, earthen, HDPE and plastic containers were kept covered and laboratory-bred larvae were introduced to determine the control by the tablet. The efficacy and persistence of the tablet, with a control of > 90%, was significantly longer in earthen containers in comparison to the HDPE and plastic containers. Efficacy and persistence were observed in earthen containers for a minimum period of 5.5 months (166 days) both without water replenishment and with weekly, 50% water volume, replenishment, and for a maximum period of 2.2 months (66 days) with daily, 50% water volume, replenishment. In plastic and HDPE containers, the tablet activity had a persistence of 2.1 months (63 days) without water replenishment and 1.8 months (54 days) with weekly water replenishment. The efficacy and persistence of the VectoBac DT was significantly longer in the earthen containers, with or without regularly treated water exchange, due to the Bti toxins being embedded in the porous earthen container surfaces, which protects them from rapid degradation. Lesser toxin amounts are removed from the water column during water exchange. The efficacy of VectoBac DT was also evaluated for the control of natural infestation of Aedes larvae which were resistant to temephos at the WHO diagnostic dosage of 0.012 mg/l. The tablet significantly reduced the pupal density by 8 fold in earthen containers for 67 days and 5 fold in HDPE containers for 55 days in comparison to untreated containers (p < 0.05). However, the tablet was effective for a shorter period of 25 days post-tablet-introduction due to fungal infestation in the treated plastic containers. There is a need to determine the capacity of the VectoBac DT to reduce the dengue vector population to a threshold which will prevent dengue outbreaks in dengue endemic areas.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mosquito Control/methods*
  14. Vythilingam I, Panart P
    PMID: 1948249
    Field trials were conducted in two residential areas of Petaling Jaya Municipality to test the adulticidal and larvicidal effects of malathion 96% TG and Resigen on Aedes aegypti. Malathion is the currently used insecticide in Malaysia for the control of dengue. The Leco HD ULV machine was used throught the trials. For malathion the flow rate was 90 ml/minute at a vehicle speed of 8kph and for Resigen the flow rate was 200 ml/minute at the same vechicle speed. Malathion was more effective giving higher mortality rates when compared with Resigen. The mortality rate of adult Ae. aegypti outdoor was higher than in the living room and kitchen. Both insecticides did not show promising larvicidal effects.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mosquito Control/methods*
  15. Chiang GL, Cheong WH, Samarawickrema WA, Mak JW, Kan SK
    PMID: 6150551
    Using seven methods of surveillance, 58 species of mosquitoes from nine genera were in Pantai and the two neighbouring villages during two visits in 1982. Ma. bonneae was the most prevalent species attracted to man. In the forest shade Ma. bonneae and Ma. dives showed activity throughout the 24 hours with peak biting during 1900-2100 hours. An. balabacensis exhibited peak activity shortly after midnight. Inside and outside house, Ma. bonneae showed similar activity except that it ceased during the day. Mansonia was only mildly zoophilic. CDC light traps gave poor yields of mosquitoes. Pyrethrum spray catch inside houses early morning did not include any Mansonia. Outdoor day resting catch included Ma. bonneae fed on man. Transmission of Brugia, probably human filariasis, by Ma. bonneae occurred in Pantai and in the two neighbouring villages. One infection in Ma. dives was found in Pantai. The monthly infective biting rate and monthly transmission potential for Ma. bonneae were estimated at the forest shade and outside the house in Pantai.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mosquito Control/methods
  16. Yap HH, Tan HT, Yahaya AM, Baba R, Loh PY, Chong NL
    PMID: 2098916
    Comparative field efficacy studies of four mosquito coil formulations containing active ingredient of d-allethrin (0.19 or 0.28 w/w) and d-transallethrin (0.12 or 0.16% w/w) and blank coils without active ingredient were carried out in living rooms (mean size 54.1 m3) of residential houses in a squatter area in Butterworth, Malaysia. The major indoor biting mosquitos collected in the test site were that of Culex quinquefasciatus Say (84.7%). Mean percentage reduction of blank coils, coils with 0.19 and 0.28% d-allethrin and coils with 0.12 and 0.16% d-transallethrin were 29.0, 71.7, 70.9, 75.0 and 72.6%, respectively. The use of coils as a mean of personal protection against mosquitos is discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mosquito Control/methods*
  17. Mercer DR, Nicolas L, Thiery I
    J Am Mosq Control Assoc, 1995 Dec;11(4):485-8.
    PMID: 8825516
    Thirteen strains among 3 species of entomopathogenic bacteria were tested against 3 medically important mosquito species in French Polynesia. Two strains of Bacillus thuringiensis were highly toxic to Aedes polynesiensis, Aedes aegypti, and Culex quinquefasciatus. Six of 7 strains of Bacillus sphaericus tested were highly toxic to Cx. quinquefasciatus but not to the Aedes spp. Clostridium bifermentans serovar. malaysia was more toxic to Ae. polynesiensis than to the other 2 species. Entomopathogenic bacteria merit field testing for larval mosquito control in French Polynesia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mosquito Control/methods*
  18. Lee YW, Zairi J, Yap HH, Adanan CR
    J Am Mosq Control Assoc, 2005 Mar;21(1):84-9.
    PMID: 15825767
    Studies were carried out on the bioefficacy and residual activity of Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis H-14 (Bti) (water-dispersible granules of VectoBac ABG 6511 and liquid formulations of VectoBac 12AS) and pyriproxyfen (insect growth regulator, Sumilarv 0.5%) as direct applications for control of larvae of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus. Two dosages of each Bti formulation (285 and 570 international toxic units [ITU]/liter) and the integration of both Bti formulations and pyriproxyfen were used for residual tests with 45-liter earthen jars for a period of 4 wk. In 1 test series, the treated water was replenished daily with 6 liters of seasoned untreated water. In the 2nd test series, the water in the jars was topped up to the 40-liter level during evaluation. Neither Bti formulation remained effective for a full week. Water-dispersible Bti granules provided effective initial control activity against Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus for both test designs (with replenishment and without replenishment of water). The higher dosage (570 ITU/liter) for both Bti formulations was only partially effective at the end of 1 wk after being diluted. After 1 wk, water-dispersible Bti granules provided greater larval mortality than did liquid Bti formulation against both mosquito species when integrated with pyriproxyfen. Pyriproxyfen (79.5 and 159 mg/liter) on its own showed low larvicidal activity but provided very effective control of adult emergence. In this study, integration of Bti (285 and 570 ITU/liter) with pyriproxyfen (79.5 mg/liter) extended the duration of partial larval control somewhat, but live larvae persisted throughout the 4-wk test. The integration effect was more obvious when water-dispersible Bti granules were integrated with pyriproxyfen than when liquid Bti was used. Integration of Bti with pyriproxyfen had a negative effect on adult emergence, which was completely inhibited by pyriproxyfen after day 1. Daily replenishment of water increased Bti activity and provided slightly better larval control. Aedes albopictus and Ae. aegypti were both completely susceptible to the higher concentration of Bti and pyriproxyfen in both test designs (with replenishment and without replenishment of water).
    Matched MeSH terms: Mosquito Control/methods*
  19. Yap HH, Lee YW, Zairi J, Jahangir K, Adanan CR
    J Am Mosq Control Assoc, 2001 Mar;17(1):28-32.
    PMID: 11345415
    Indoor bioefficacy of the thermal fogging application of Pesguard FG 161, a formulation containing both knockdown and killing agents (active ingredient [AI]: d-tetramethrin 4% [w/w] and cyphenothrin 12% [w/w]) was compared with Resigen5 (AI: s-bioallethrin 0.8% [w/w], permethrin 125/75] 18.7% [w/w], and piperonyl butoxide 16.8% [w/w]), another pyrethroid formulation, as larvicides and adulticides against Aedes aegypti, Aedes albopictus, Anopheles sinensis, and Culex quinquefasciatus using a portable Agrofog AF35 sprayer indoors in houses on Penang Island, Malaysia. Pesguard FG 161 at the concentrations tested was effective against all 4 mosquito species tested. The water-based Pesguard FG 161 performed far better as a larvicide than the diesel-based formulation. Resigen was also effective as a larvicide and adulticide against all 4 mosquito species tested. Larvae of Ae. aegypti were most susceptible to water-based Pesguard FG 161, followed by Cx. quinquefasciatus, An. sinensis, and Ae. albopictus. Even at the lowest concentrations tested, Pesguard FG 161 showed adequate adulticidal properties. At higher dosages, water-based Pesguard FG 161 proved effective as a larvicide against all 4 mosquito species.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mosquito Control/methods*
  20. Dieng H, Saifur RG, Ahmad AH, Rawi CS, Boots M, Satho T, et al.
    J Am Mosq Control Assoc, 2011 Sep;27(3):263-71.
    PMID: 22017091
    Discarded cigarette butts (DCB) waste occurs worldwide, pollutes landscapes, is unsightly, and results in added debris removal costs. There is, therefore, a great deal of current interest in making use of DCBs in beneficial ways. Despite evidence that DCBs are harmful to water fleas (Daphnia magna), which breed in aquatic environments as do mosquito larvae, their impact on dengue vectors is unknown. We examined whether Aedes albopictus alters its ovipositional responses, larval eclosion, and development in response to presence of DCBs in its habitats. We found oviposition activity in DCB-treated water similar to that of control water and that ovipositional activity in DCB solutions steadily increased over time as those solutions aged to 10 days. Larval eclosion was initially suppressed on day 1 in DCB solution, but increased thereafter to levels similar to control larval eclosion rates. The DCB-water solutions produced significantly higher mortality in both 1st and 2nd instars over control larvae for several days after initial exposure. Mortality rates decreased sharply 3 to 5 days postexposure as DCBs continued to decompose. We found increased survival rates during late development, but daily input of fresh DCBs prevented most young larvae from completing development. Taken together, these observations suggest that decomposing did not deter gravid Ae. albopictus females from ovipositing in treated containers and that DCB solutions had larvicidal effects on early instars. Our results are discussed in the context of DCB use to control container-breeding Ae. albopictus, a competent dengue vector in Asia and other parts of the world.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mosquito Control/methods*
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