Displaying all 12 publications

  1. de Carvalho LP, Gao F, Chen Q, Hartman M, Sim LL, Koh TH, et al.
    Eur Heart J Acute Cardiovasc Care, 2014 Dec;3(4):354-62.
    PMID: 24598820 DOI: 10.1177/2048872614527007
    the purpose of this study was to investigate differences in long-term mortality following acute myocardial infarction (AMI) in patients from three major ethnicities of Asia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Myocardial Infarction/ethnology
  2. Mak KH, Chia KS, Kark JD, Chua T, Tan C, Foong BH, et al.
    Eur Heart J, 2003 Jan;24(2):151-60.
    PMID: 12573272
    AIMS: We compare the myocardial infarction (MI) event and mortality rates among Chinese, Malay and Indian residents of Singapore.

    METHODS: Residents, aged 20 to 64 years, with an MI event were identified from hospital discharge listings, postmortem reports, and the Registry of Births and Deaths. All pathology laboratories flagged patients with elevated creatine phosphokinase (CPK) levels. Modified MONICA (multinational monitoring of trends and determinants in cardiovascular disease) criteria were used for determining MI events.

    RESULTS: From 1991 to 1999, 12 481 MI events were identified. Chinese patients were older and less likely to have typical symptoms or previous MI. Malays had the highest peak CPK level. Among all three ethnic groups, MI event and age-adjusted case-fatality rates declined. Compared with Chinese, MI event rates were >2-fold and >3-fold higher, and age-standardized coronary mortality rates were 2.4 and 3.0 higher times for Malays and Indians, respectively. Malays have the highest 3.1-year case-fatality, with an adjusted hazard ratio of 1.26 (95% confidence interval, 1.14 to 1.38) compared with Chinese.

    CONCLUSION: We found strong ethnic differences in MI event, case-fatality and coronary mortality rates among the three ethnic groups in Singapore. While Indians have the greatest MI event rates, Malays have the highest case-fatality.

    Matched MeSH terms: Myocardial Infarction/ethnology*
  3. Sthaneshwar P, Jamaluddin FA, Fan YS
    Pathology, 2010;42(5):454-6.
    PMID: 20632822 DOI: 10.3109/00313025.2010.493861
    The aim of this study was to evaluate the distribution of cardiac troponin I (cTnI) values, measured by the ADVIA TnI-Ultra method in a multi-ethnic group and to determine the imprecision of the assay.
    Matched MeSH terms: Myocardial Infarction/ethnology*
  4. Xie CB, Chan MY, Teo SG, Low AF, Tan HC, Lee CH
    Singapore Med J, 2011 Nov;52(11):835-9.
    PMID: 22173254
    There is a paucity of data on acute myocardial infarction (AMI) in young Asian women and of comparative data among various ethnic groups with respect to risk factor profile and clinical outcomes. We present a comprehensive overview of the clinical characteristics of young Asian women with AMI and a comparative analysis among Chinese, Malay and Indian women in a multi-ethnic Asian country.
    Matched MeSH terms: Myocardial Infarction/ethnology*
  5. Tan AT, Emmanuel SC, Tan BY, Teo WS, Chua TS, Tan BH
    Ann Acad Med Singap, 2002 Jul;31(4):479-86.
    PMID: 12161884
    INTRODUCTION AND METHODS: Cardiovascular diseases have progressively increased in importance as a major contributor of morbidity and mortality in Asia. However, many countries in Asia do not have nationwide systematically-collected and standardised data on myocardial infarction (MI). To accurately document the extent of atherosclerotic coronary heart disease in Singapore, a nationwide myocardial infarct registry was established in the mid-1986. Possible myocardial infarct events were identified through daily national lists of cardiac enzymes, hospital discharge codes, mortuary records and the national death registry. Data obtained from clinical history, cardiac enzymes and 12-lead electrocardiogram Minnesota codes were entered into an algorithm based on the WHO MONICA study. Cases identified as "definite" MI were included in the decade's review for this study.

    RESULTS: From 1988 to 1997, 13,048 myocardial infarct events were diagnosed with 3367 deaths. There was a 39.1% decline in mortality, with an average decline of 6.5% per year [95% confidence intervals (CI), -3.9% to -9.1%]. However, the decline in incidence was only 20.8% with an average decline of 2.4% per year (95% CI, -6.6% to -1.2%). The highest incidence and mortality rates for both genders were seen in the Indians, followed by the Malays and the Chinese.

    CONCLUSION: Over 10 years, from 1988 to 1997, we documented a significant fall in mortality from MI in Singapore. There was a smaller decline in the incidence of infarction. Singapore implemented a National Healthy Lifestyle Programme in 1992 as a 10-year effort. The disparity in the incidence and mortality may suggest that a more dramatic and immediate impact has taken place in mortality through therapeutic programmes; primary preventive programmes would be more difficult to evaluate and have a more gradual impact. Only with continual accurate data collection through the whole country, over a much longer period, can the relative value of preventive and therapeutic programmes in coronary heart disease be assessed.

    Matched MeSH terms: Myocardial Infarction/ethnology*
  6. Dhanjal TS, Lal M, Haynes R, Lip G
    Int J Clin Pract, 2001 Dec;55(10):665-8.
    PMID: 11777289
    Indo-Asians in the UK are at an increased risk of coronary artery disease (CAD); this may be a reflection of their cardiovascular risk factor profile as well as of a more sedentary lifestyle. We hypothesised that Indo-Asians in Malaysia and the UK may exhibit a similar cardiovascular risk factor and physical activity profile, which would be more adverse compared with caucasians. We studied 70 consecutive Indo-Asian patients admitted to hospitals in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (n=42; 35 males; mean age 60.6 years, SD 11.8); and Birmingham, England (n=28; 20 males; mean age 60.8 years, SD 12.9). Both groups of Indo-Asian patients were compared with 20 caucasian patients (13 males; mean age 62.7 years, SD 9.4) admitted with myocardial infarction from Birmingham. There was a higher prevalence of diabetes among Indo-Asians in both countries than among caucasians (p=0.0225). By contrast, caucasians had a higher prevalence of hypercholesterolaemia (p=0.0113), peripheral vascular disease (p=0.0008), regular alcohol consumption (p<0.0001) and family history of CAD (p=0.0041). There were no significant differences in mean age, body mass index or blood pressures. There was a significantly lower leisure activity score (p=0.001) and total physical activity score (p=0.003) among Indo-Asians in both countries than among caucasians. This survey has demonstrated differences in cardiovascular risk factors among Indo-Asian and caucasian patients. The high prevalence of diabetes, as well as the lower physical activity and sedentary lifestyles among Indo-Asians, in both Malaysia and the UK, may in part contribute to the high incidence of CAD in this ethnic group.
    Matched MeSH terms: Myocardial Infarction/ethnology
  7. Mak KH, Kark JD, Chia KS, Sim LL, Foong BH, Ding ZP, et al.
    Heart, 2004 Jun;90(6):621-6.
    PMID: 15145860
    OBJECTIVE: To determine the ethnic variation of short and long term female vulnerability after an acute coronary event in a population of Chinese, Indians, and Malays.
    DESIGN: Population based registry.
    PATIENTS: Residents of Singapore between the ages of 20-64 years with coronary events. Case identification and classification procedures were modified from the MONICA (monitoring trends and determinants in cardiovascular disease) project.
    MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Adjusted 28 day case fatality and long term mortality.
    RESULTS: From 1991 to 1999, there were 16 320 acute coronary events, including 3497 women. Age adjusted 28 day case fatality was greater in women (51.5% v 38.6%, p < 0.001), with a larger sex difference evident among younger Malay patients. This inequality between the sexes was observed in both the pre-hospitalisation and post-admission periods. Among hospitalised patients, women were older, were less likely to have suffered from a previous Q wave or anterior wall myocardial infarction, and had lower peak creatine kinase concentrations. Case fatality was higher among women, with adjusted hazard ratios of 1.64 (95% confidence interval (CI) 1.43 to 1.88) and 1.50 (95% CI 1.37 to 1.64) for 28 day and mean four year follow up periods. There were significant interactions of sex and age with ethnic group (p = 0.017). The adjusted hazards for mortality among Chinese, Indian, and Malay women versus men were 1.30, 1.71, and 1.96, respectively. The excess mortality among women diminished with age.
    CONCLUSION: In this multiethnic population, both pre-hospitalisation and post-admission case fatality rates were substantially higher among women. The sex discrepancy in long term mortality was greatest among Malays and in the younger age groups.
    Matched MeSH terms: Myocardial Infarction/ethnology*
  8. Koh AS, Khin LW, Choi LM, Sim LL, Chua TS, Koh TH, et al.
    PMID: 21605387 DOI: 10.1186/1471-2261-11-22
    Ethnic differences in clinical outcome after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) have been reported. Data within different Asian subpopulations is scarce. We aim to explore the differences in clinical profile and outcome between Chinese, Malay and Indian Asian patients who undergo PCI for coronary artery disease (CAD).
    Matched MeSH terms: Myocardial Infarction/ethnology
  9. Mak KH, Kark JD, Chia KS, Tan C, Foong BH, Chew SK
    Clin Cardiol, 2004 May;27(5):275-80.
    PMID: 15188942
    BACKGROUND: Ethnic differences in coronary mortality have been documented, and South Asians from the Indian subcontinent are particularly vulnerable.

    HYPOTHESIS: This study sought to determine whether there was a difference in the utilization of invasive cardiac procedures and long-term mortality in survivors of myocardial infarction (MI) among Chinese, Malays, and South Asians in Singapore.

    METHODS: All MI events in the country were identified and defined by the Singapore Myocardial Infarction Register, which uses modified procedures of the World Health Organization MONICA Project. Information on utilization of coronary angiography, coronary angioplasty, coronary artery bypass graft, and survival was obtained by data linkage with national billing and death registries. Hazard ratios (HR) were calculated using the Cox proportional hazards model with adjustment for baseline characteristics.

    RESULTS: From 1991 to 1999, there were 10,294 patients who survived > or = 3 days of MI. Of these, 40.6% underwent coronary angiography and 16.5% a revascularization procedure < or = 28 days. Malays received substantially less angiography (34.0%) and revascularization (11.4%) than Chinese (41.9%, 17.9%) and South Asians (40.0%, 16.3%). The ethnic disparity increased during the 1990s, particularly in the performance of coronary angiography (p = 0.038). While fatality declined during the study period for Chinese and South Asians, the rate remained stable for Malays. After a median follow-up period of 4.1 years, survival was lowest among Malays (adjusted HR, 1.28; 95% confidence interval, 1.15-1.42, compared with Chinese).

    CONCLUSION: Ethnic inequalities in invasive cardiac procedures exist in Singapore and were exacerbated in the 1990s. Inequalities in medical care may contribute to the poorer longterm survival among Malays.

    Matched MeSH terms: Myocardial Infarction/ethnology*
  10. Tavintharan S, Ning Cheung, Su Chi Lim, Tay W, Shankar A, Shyong Tai E, et al.
    Diab Vasc Dis Res, 2009 Apr;6(2):80-6.
    PMID: 20368197 DOI: 10.1177/1479164109336043
    We describe the prevalence and risk factors for PAD in Asian Malays with diabetes. A population-based study of 3,280 (78.7% response) Malay persons aged 40-80 years in Singapore was conducted. ABI was measured in all participants with a history of diabetes (N=634). PAD was defined to be present if ABI
    Matched MeSH terms: Myocardial Infarction/ethnology
  11. Gijsberts CM, Groenewegen KA, Hoefer IE, Eijkemans MJ, Asselbergs FW, Anderson TJ, et al.
    PLoS One, 2015;10(7):e0132321.
    PMID: 26134404 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0132321
    BACKGROUND: Clinical manifestations and outcomes of atherosclerotic disease differ between ethnic groups. In addition, the prevalence of risk factors is substantially different. Primary prevention programs are based on data derived from almost exclusively White people. We investigated how race/ethnic differences modify the associations of established risk factors with atherosclerosis and cardiovascular events.

    METHODS: We used data from an ongoing individual participant meta-analysis involving 17 population-based cohorts worldwide. We selected 60,211 participants without cardiovascular disease at baseline with available data on ethnicity (White, Black, Asian or Hispanic). We generated a multivariable linear regression model containing risk factors and ethnicity predicting mean common carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT) and a multivariable Cox regression model predicting myocardial infarction or stroke. For each risk factor we assessed how the association with the preclinical and clinical measures of cardiovascular atherosclerotic disease was affected by ethnicity.

    RESULTS: Ethnicity appeared to significantly modify the associations between risk factors and CIMT and cardiovascular events. The association between age and CIMT was weaker in Blacks and Hispanics. Systolic blood pressure associated more strongly with CIMT in Asians. HDL cholesterol and smoking associated less with CIMT in Blacks. Furthermore, the association of age and total cholesterol levels with the occurrence of cardiovascular events differed between Blacks and Whites.

    CONCLUSION: The magnitude of associations between risk factors and the presence of atherosclerotic disease differs between race/ethnic groups. These subtle, yet significant differences provide insight in the etiology of cardiovascular disease among race/ethnic groups. These insights aid the race/ethnic-specific implementation of primary prevention.

    Matched MeSH terms: Myocardial Infarction/ethnology*
  12. Chia YC, Lim HM, Ching SM
    BMC Cardiovasc Disord, 2014 Nov 20;14:163.
    PMID: 25410585 DOI: 10.1186/1471-2261-14-163
    BACKGROUND: The Pooled Cohort Risk Equation was introduced by the American College of Cardiology (ACC) and American Heart Association (AHA) 2013 in their Blood Cholesterol Guideline to estimate the 10-year atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) risk. However, absence of Asian ethnicity in the contemporary cohorts and limited studies to examine the use of the risk score limit the applicability of the equation in an Asian population. This study examines the validity of the pooled cohort risk score in a primary care setting and compares the cardiovascular risk using both the pooled cohort risk score and the Framingham General Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) risk score.
    METHODS: This is a 10-year retrospective cohort study of randomly selected patients aged 40-79 years. Baseline demographic data, co-morbidities and cardiovascular (CV) risk parameters were captured from patient records in 1998. Pooled cohort risk score and Framingham General CVD risk score for each patient were computed. All ASCVD events (nonfatal myocardial infarction, coronary heart disease (CHD) death, fatal and nonfatal stroke) occurring from 1998-2007 were recorded.
    RESULTS: A total of 922 patients were studied. In 1998, mean age was 57.5 ± 8.8 years with 66.7% female. There were 47% diabetic patients and 59.9% patients receiving anti-hypertensive treatment. More than 98% of patients with pooled cohort risk score ≥7.5% had FRS >10%. A total of 45 CVD events occurred, 22 (7.2%) in males and 23 (3.7%) in females. The median pooled cohort risk score for the population was 10.1 (IQR 4.7-20.6) while the actual ASCVD events that occurred was 4.9% (45/922). Our study showed moderate discrimination with AUC of 0.63. There was good calibration with Hosmer-Lemeshow test χ2 = 12.6, P = 0.12.
    CONCLUSIONS: The pooled cohort risk score appears to overestimate CV risk but this apparent over-prediction could be a result of treatment. In the absence of a validated score in an untreated population, the pooled cohort risk score appears to be appropriate for use in a primary care setting.
    Matched MeSH terms: Myocardial Infarction/ethnology
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