A case of Plasmodium falciparum malaria resistant to Fansidar (sulphadoxine plus pyrimethamine) at a level corresponding to R III and resistant to chloroquine is reported. The infection was most certainly acquired in Malaysia, but diagnosed and treated in a non-malarious area. Normal resorption and elimination rates of the Fansidar components excludes cure failure due to abnormal drug fate in the host. P. falciparum parasites from the patient have been maintained in vitro cultures. The patient was permanently cured with mefloquine.
Toxoplasmosis is a parasitic infection of worldwide distribution. It is caused by an obligate intracellular parasite, Toxoplasma gondii. The commonest form of this disease is the acquired simple lymphadenopathy. Such a case is described and the clinicopathological significance of the disease is discussed.
A high-performance liquid chromatographic method was developed to enable dapsone, monoacetyl dapsone and pyrimethamine to be measured simultaneously in plasma samples from volunteers in England and Malaysia who had been dosed with Maloprim. Mean half-lives of 25 and 80 h were calculated for dapsone and pyrimethamine, respectively, but there was wide individual variation. All subjects were found to be classifiable as "slow acetylators".
A report was made of 4 cases of chloroquine resistant Plasmodium falciparum infections. The infections, detected in Jakarta, were imported from Kotabumi, Tanjung Karang, the Island of Pidada in the Lampung Province and from Pangkalpinang on the Island Bangka in the Province of South Sumatra. Treatment with courses of 1500 mg chloroquine base and with increased dosages up to 2250 mg base failed to cure the patients. The chloroquine sensitivity test in vitro was carried out in 3 patients, which showed that the Plasmodium falciparum strains were resistant to chloroquine at the R I level. The strains appeared to be similar to the Malaya Camp strain. In vivo observations revealed that the parasites were resistant at the R I level with a delayed recrudescence. The chloroquine resistant falciparum malaria cases, acquired in South Sumatra, may therefore be regarded as the first reported cases from a focus outside the already known two foci in Indonesia, namely East Kalimantan and Irian Jaya. It may be expected that chloroquine resistant Plasmodium falciparum will be encountered in other parts of Indonesia in the near future. The use of a combination of sulfadoxine and pyrimethamine should not be recommended in Indonesia because chloroquine is still considered the drug of choice against all malaria infections in Indonesia.
The fluorescent antibody (FA) technique was used to detect the presence of malarial antibody in populations living in 3 different ecological areas of Malaysia. Serum samples were tested using Plasmodium falciparum, P. vivax, P. malariae and P. fieldi antigens. An area of hyperendemic malaria had a good correlation between the antibody responses and active parasitaemias. The percentage and intensity of responses increased with the age of the individuals. In an area of hypoendemic malaria, each of 17 sites had ecological conditions which would favour or discourage the transmission of malaria. The reasons for high FA responses in some villages and low responses in others were readily apparent. The effect of even limited control programmes on the malarial ecology could be measured by an examination of the antibody responses. An aboriginal population receiving suppressive drugs had FA responses indicating both past experience and the effect of the drug programme.
One hundred and nine (9·8%) out of 1103 malaria patients examined in Sabah were deficient in glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD). Sixty-nine of these G6PD-deficient patients were randomly allocated to one of three treatment regimes with (a) chloroquine, (b) chloroquine and primaquine or (c) sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (Fansidar). No haemolysis was observed in group (a); except for a single mild case, no haemolysis was seen in group (c). However, in the primaquine group (23 patients), haemolysis occurred in seven of the 16 patients who had complete G6PD deficiency. Of these seven, five required blood transfusion and the other two developed acute renal failure, one requiring peritoneal dialysis. In the Fansidar group (c), four of the 22 patients took more than 15 days to clear the parasitaemia. Chloroquine resistance to falciparum infection was common in the patients given this anti-malarial.
Study site: Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Kola Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia
One hundred and ten consecutive patients with falciparum malaria were treated with Fansidar and primaquine. Of the 61 patients who were followed up at one week, 4 (6.5%) failed to clear their parasitemia (1 R III and 3 R Il treatment failures). Of the subsequent 40 patients who were seen again at one month, another 3 (7.5%) had recrudesced (R 1 treatment failure). A total of 7 patients thus experienced some form of treatment failure in the cohort of 40 who completed the one month follow up. Only 1 of these 7patients (with R III treatment) failure) failed to respond to repeat Fansidar treatment, and may be the only one with true Fansidar resistance. The overall treatment failure rate of 17.5% (95% confidence interval: 6-29%) in the cohort who completed the study is consistent with the known clinical efficacy of Fansidar. These results suggest no significant Fansidar resistance in falciparum malaria found in Sabah.
Malaria, particularly that due to chloroquine-resistant Plasmodium falciparum, which requires management with antimalarial drugs capable of protecting against multiresistant strains, has emerged in Malaysia. A study was carried out to assess the efficacy and tolerability of 2 dosages of mefloquine/sulfadoxine/pyrimethamine (MSP; RO 13-5112) compared to Fansidar in a malaria endemic area. 914 subjects in 3 random groups were studied. Occurrence of malaria was assessed both clinically as well as by blood films. Plasma drug levels were also measured. The results showed that the low dose of MSP was completely effective in suppressing parasitaemia. 2.7% of the study population reported adverse drug reactions, the lowest incidence being in subjects on the low dose; their blood chemical profiles were also the least affected. The plasma levels of pyrimethamine and sulfadoxine achieved in the low dose group were slightly higher than expected, but there was no significant difference in bioavailability. The study showed that, for chemoprophylaxis, a low dose of MSP provided effective protection with minimal side effects.
Thirty-two patients reporting to the Lundu District Hospital, Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo, with uncomplicated falciparum malaria were recruited into a multifaceted study to assess treatment response. Following combined chloroquine and sulphadoxine/pyrimethamine treatment the patients were followed for 28 days according to the World Health Organisation in vivo drug response protocol. The in vivo study revealed that 13 (41%) of the patients had a sensitive response to treatment, five (16%) cleared asexual stage parasites but had persistent gametocytes, 11 (34%) had RI type resistance and three (9%) had RII type resistance requiring quinine intervention before day 7 for parasite clearance. Although clinically insignificant, patients with persistent gametocytes, surviving chloroquine and sulphadoxine/pyrimethamine treatment during maturation, were placed in the reduced response to treatment group for analysis. Allelic typing detected 100% prevalence of the pfcrt K76T marker associated with chloroquine resistance and 78% prevalence of the pfdhfr NRNL haplotype associated with sulphadoxine/pyrimethamine treatment failure. High serum chloroquine levels and pfdhfr haplotypes with
Dihydropteroate synthase (dhps) and dihydrofolate reductase (dhfr) alleles were typed in 67 Malaysian Plasmodium falciparum isolates. The isolates were collected from two geographically distinct locations: 51 from Sabah, Malaysian Borneo, where sulfadoxine/pyrimethamine (SDX/PYR) is used to treat uncomplicated malaria and 16 from Peninsular Malaysia where in vivo resistance to SDX/PYR has been reported. A total of seven dhps alleles were identified with no significant difference in allele frequency between the 2 populations. Two of the dhps alleles described here have not been previously reported. Four dhfr alleles were detected in 67 P. falciparum isolates. Eighty-seven percent of the isolates from the Peninsula, where clinical SDX/PYR failure has been reported, had dhfr alleles with triple point mutations while all of the isolates from Sabah had dhfr alleles with 2 or less point mutations. The difference in dhfr allele frequency between the two populations was highly significant. There was no correlation between in vitro PYR response and accumulation of dhfr point mutations.
One hundred and ten consecutive patients with falciparum malaria were treated with Fansidar and primaquine. Of the 61 patients who were followed up at one week, 4 (6.6%) failed to clear their parasitaemia (1 R III and 3 R II treatment failures). Of the subsequent 40 patients who were seen again at one month, another 3 (7.5%) had recrudesced (R I treatment failure). A total of 7 patients thus experienced some form of treatment failure in the cohort of 40 who completed the one month follow up. Only 1 of these 7 patients (with R III treatment failure) failed to respond to repeat Fansidar treatment, and may be the only one with true Fansidar resistance. The overall treatment failure rate of 17.5% (95% confidence interval: 6-29%) in the cohort who completed the study is consistent with the known clinical efficacy of Fansidar. These results suggest no significant Fansidar resistance in falciparum malaria found in Sabah.