METHODS: We used a combination of search terms including "social capital" and "physical activity" to search the Web of Science, PubMed, Scopus, SportDiscus, and PsychINFO databases for English literature published up to March 1, 2024.
RESULTS: We identified 2,021 unique articles and reviewed 115 studies that met our inclusion criteria. These studies evaluated various dimensions of social capital, with key dimensions including social participation (34%), social networks (30%), social cohesion (30%), social trust (29%), overall social network (26%), social support (19%), safety (19%), norms of reciprocity (13%), social control (10%), satisfaction with the environment (8%), collective efficacy (4%), norms for physical activity (3%), and voting (1%). In studies exploring the relationship between social capital and physical activity, the majority of positive results in the hypothesized direction were observed in dimensions such as social cohesion, trust, participation, reciprocity, satisfaction with the environment, and overall social networks. In contrast, dimensions such as voting, collective efficacy, safety, control, and physical activity norms predominantly showed null or negative results. The results for social support were mixed, displaying positive, negative, and null outcomes, while findings for social networks were also predominantly mixed.
CONCLUSION: This study reveals the significant role of social capital in promoting physical activity, particularly in the dimensions of social cohesion, social trust, social participation, norms of reciprocity, satisfaction with environment, and overall social network. When designing public health interventions in the future, it is crucial to tailor strategies to different populations and contexts to better leverage social capital in promoting physical activity.
METHODS: An online survey collected 240 responses from women social media users. The questionnaire was divided into demographics, social media use patterns like access, online time, frequency of use, social media uses, online social capital and psychological well-being. The obtained responses were statistically analyzed using Smart PLS.
RESULTS: Pakistani women use social media extensively; however, their uses are culturally influenced. The women use social media and socialize online but do not openly disclose their personalities and emotions to extend the connection. They seek information only from acquaintances and do not trust newly developed online contacts. Therefore, the mediation role of bonding social capital is significant, referring to the importance of close ties and trust in psychological well-being. Though virtual spaces provide an opportunity for bridging social capital, women use social media for socialization; however, it doesn't contribute to women's psychological well-being.
CONCLUSION: Despite the higher penetration of digital technologies, cultural power still rules in developing countries like Pakistan. Social media uses are gender- and culturally specific, contributing to psychological well-being and developing social capital. The results from Pakistani society recommend ensuring a secure digital experience for women to get maximum benefits from social media and enhance their psychological well-being.
METHODS: Results of this study were derived from baseline data of the Pink Carpet Y Cohort Study in Singapore, comprising a sample of 570 HIV-negative YMSM aged 18 to 25 years old. Latent class analysis was employed to identify classes with similar patterns of sexualized substance use, and multinomial logistic regression was employed to examine associations between class membership and proxy measures of social capital, including age of sexual debut, bonding and bridging social capital, connectedness to the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community, and outness.
RESULTS: Latent class analysis revealed three classes of YMSM based on their histories of sexualized substance use, which we labelled as 'alcohol', 'poppers', and 'chemsex'. Multivariable analyses revealed that participants who were older (aOR = 1.19, p = 0.002) and who identified as gay (aOR = 2.43, p = 0.002) were more likely to be in the poppers class compared to the alcohol class. Participants with a later age of sexual debut were increasingly less likely to be in the poppers (aOR = 0.93, p = 0.039) and chemsex classes (aOR = 0.85, p = 0.018), compared to the alcohol class.
CONCLUSIONS: Varying measures of social capital such as an earlier age of exposure to sexual networks may predispose YMSM to greater opportunities for sexualized substance use. Future interventions should target YMSM who become sexually active at an earlier age to reduce the risks associated with sexualized substance use.
BACKGROUND: Effective nursing management only becomes possible when nurse managers are able to manage and maintain the right equilibrium among human capital components.
METHOD: We developed an analytic hierarchy process (AHP) model with 8 dimensions and 31 indicators based on extensive literature review and experts' perceptual assessment. We used expert and purposive sampling and invited 82 nursing professionals to rate the importance of these dimensions and indicators. The AHP process was performed to identify the weightage and prioritize the dimensions and indicators of the nursing human capital.
RESULTS: Our analysis showed that, for nursing human capital, health was the most important factor (weight: 34.8%), followed by employee protection (20.4%), work attitude (13.7%), employee stability (10.8%), general nursing training (6.3%), competencies (5.8%), advanced nursing training (4.3%) and clinical nursing experience (3.9%).
CONCLUSION AND IMPLICATION FOR NURSING MANAGEMENT: The model would be most useful for nurse administrators in long-range strategic management. Specifically, the model can be used as a reference to form a rating system to analyse nursing human capital. Health promotion programs and employee protection measures targeting nurses could improve nursing human capital in hospitals.
Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among students at their first year at university in Europe, Asia, the Western Pacific, and Latin and North America. Data were obtained through a self-administered questionnaire, including questions on sociodemographic characteristics, depressive symptoms, and social capital. The simplified Beck's Depression Inventory was used to measure the severity of depressive symptoms. Social capital was assessed using items drawn from the World Bank Integrated Questionnaire to Measure Social Capital. Multilevel analyses were conducted to determine the relationship between social capital and depressive symptoms, adjusting for individual covariates (e.g., perceived stress) and country-level characteristics (e.g., economic development).
Results: Among 4228 students, 48% presented clinically relevant depressive symptoms. Lower levels of cognitive (OR: 1.82, 95% CI: 1.44-2.29) and behavioral social capital (OR: 1.51, 95% CI: 1.29-1.76) were significantly associated with depressive symptoms. The likelihood of having depressive symptoms was also significantly higher among those living in regions with lower levels of social capital.
Conclusion: The study demonstrates that lower levels of individual and macro-level social capital contribute to clinically relevant depressive symptoms among university students. Increasing social capital may mitigate depressive symptoms in college students.