OBJECTIVE: The systematic review is aimed at evaluating the value of PRF in different areas of surgery.
DATA SOURCES: A systematic review of articles sourced from MEDLINE-pubmed (2008-2017(July)) was done. Additional articles were searched through GOOGLE SCHOLAR and SCIENCE DIRECT. Search terms such as Platelet rich fibrin; Platelet rich fibrin, surgery; Platelet concentrate; second generation concentrate; Applications of PRF in surgery were used.
STUDY SELECTION: Systematic reviews, Randomized control trials, Pilot studies and Case reports were included. Non English articles, in-vitro and animal studies were excluded.
DATA EXTRACTION: Independent sourcing of articles by 3 authors using a set of predefined criteria.
DATA SYNTHESIS: Out of the 25 articles covering various surgical procedures that met the inclusion criteria, positive outcomes were noted in most. Although categorization into one specific type of study was not done, the overall success rate with PRF usage was 78%.No differences between test and control groups were observed in 2 studies and 3 studies showed no significant improvements with the usage of PRF.
LIMITATIONS: The systematic review did not categorize the study designs while evaluating success rates which might be considered as a shortcoming as case reports were also included.
CONCLUSIONS: The future propositions are vast and point towards innovative applications of this bio-material possibly in transplant and burn cases if a method of obtaining large amounts can be devised. However since we rely on evidence-based results, further long term studies are needed in distinct areas of applications to decisively prove its effectiveness.
METHODS: We performed a systematic review of all studies from 1990 to 2021 that reported CHE in LMICs for treatment of a condition requiring surgical intervention, including cesarean section, trauma care, and other surgery.
RESULTS: 77 studies met inclusion criteria. Tertiary facilities (23.4%) were the most frequently studied facility type. Only 11.7% of studies were conducted in exclusively rural health-care settings. Almost 60% of studies were retrospective in nature. The cost of procedures ranged widely, from $26 USD for a cesarean section in Mauritania in 2020 to $74,420 for a pancreaticoduodenectomy in India in 2018. GDP per capita had a narrower range from $315 USD in Malawi in 2019 to $9955 USD in Malaysia in 2015 (Median = $1605.50, interquartile range = $1208.74). 35 studies discussed interventions to reduce cost and catastrophic expenditure. Four of those studies stated that their intervention was not successful, 18 had an unknown or equivocal effect on cost and CHE, and 13 concluded that their intervention did help reduce cost and CHE.
CONCLUSIONS: CHE from surgery is a worldwide problem that most acutely affects vulnerable patients in LMICs. Existing efforts are insufficient to meet the true need for affordable surgical care unless assistance for ancillary costs is given to patients and families most at risk from CHE.
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the clinical practices of spine surgeons within the Asia Pacific region.
SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA: COVID-19 pandemic had changed spine surgeons' clinical practices and their concerns toward personal and family risk of infection.
METHODS: This cross-sectional survey was carried out from May 4, 2020 to June 4, 2020. The questionnaire was administered using REDCAP. The online questionnaire includes four sections. First section includes surgeon's demographics, background, type of clinical practice, and status of pandemic in their country. Second section includes volume and the type of spine surgery practice before the COVID pandemic. Third section includes changes of clinical practice during the pandemic and the last section was regarding their concern on COVID transmission.
RESULTS: Total of 222 respondents from 19 countries completed the questionnaire. During the pandemic, 92.3% of the respondents felt their clinical practice was affected. 58.5% respondents reported reduced outpatient clinic hours and 74.6% respondents reported reduced operation theatre hours due to the enforcement by the hospital administration. The mean reduction of clinic volume for all countries was 48.1%. There was a significant reduction in the number of surgeries performed in Japan, Malaysia, India, Philippines, and South Korea. This was due to reduced patient load. More than 60% of respondents were worried being infected by COVID-19 virus and >68% were worried of transmission to their family members.
CONCLUSION: COVID-19 pandemic has significantly affected the clinical and surgical practice of spine surgeons in the Asia Pacific region. Clinics were closed or the practice hours reduced. Similarly, surgical theaters were closed, reduced, or limited to semi-emergency and emergency surgeries. Spine surgeons were moderately concerned of contracting COVID-19 during their clinical practice but were extremely concerned to transmit this disease to their family members.
METHODS: This is a retrospective study on babies with CTEV treated in University Malaya Medical Centre from 2013 to 2017. The 54 babies (35 boys and 19 girls) were divided into two cohorts, Group 1 that had treatment before the age of one month, and Group 2 that had treatment after one month old. The number of cast changes, rate of full correction, and rate of relapse after treatment were compared between the two groups.
RESULTS: Of the 54 babies, with 77 CTEV treated during the period, our outcome showed that the mean number of cast change was 5.9 for Group 1 and 5.7 for Group 2. The difference was not statistically significant. All the affected feet (100%) achieved full correction. One foot in the Group 1 relapsed, while three feet in Group 2 relapsed, but the difference was also not statistically significant. All of the relapsed feet were successfully treated with repeated Ponseti method.
CONCLUSIONS: Treating CTEV using Ponseti method starting after one month was not associated with more casting change of higher rate of relapse.
METHODS: The VISION Study included 40,004 noncardiac surgery patients with postoperative troponin measurements. Among them, 1,806 patients had both fourth-generation non-hsTnT and fifth-generation hsTnT concomitant measurements (4,451 paired results). We compared the absolute concentrations, the timing, and the impact of different thresholds on predicting 30-day major cardiovascular complications (composite of death, nonfatal cardiac arrest, coronary revascularization, and congestive heart failure).
RESULTS: Based on the manufacturers' threshold of 14 ng/L, 580 (32.1%) patients had postoperative hsTnT concentrations greater than the threshold, while their non-hsTnT concentrations were below the manufacturer's threshold. These 580 patients had higher risk of major cardiovascular events (OR 2.33; CI 95% 1.04-5.23; P = .049) than patients with hsTnT concentrations below the manufacturer threshold. Among patients with myocardial injury after noncardiac surgery, only 50% would be detected by the fourth-generation non-hsTnT assay at 6 to 12 hours postoperative as compared to 85% with the fifth-generation hsTnT assay (P-value < .001).
CONCLUSIONS: Within the first 3 postoperative days, fifth-generation hsTnT identified at least 1 in 3 patients with troponin elevation that would have gone undetected by fourth-generation non-hsTnT using published thresholds in this setting. Furthermore, fifth-generation hsTnT identified patients with an elevation earlier than fourth-generation non-hsTnT, indicating potential to improve postoperative risk stratification.