Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 23 in total

  1. Kestel A
    Science, 1999 May 7;284(5416):913.
    PMID: 10357670
    Matched MeSH terms: Swine Diseases/transmission
  2. Easton A
    BMJ, 1999 May 08;318(7193):1232.
    PMID: 10231244
    Matched MeSH terms: Swine Diseases/transmission
  3. Murray G
    Aust Vet J, 1999 May;77(5):339.
    PMID: 10376108
    Matched MeSH terms: Swine Diseases/transmission
  4. Luby SP
    Antiviral Res, 2013 Oct;100(1):38-43.
    PMID: 23911335 DOI: 10.1016/j.antiviral.2013.07.011
    Nipah virus, a paramyxovirus whose wildlife reservoir is Pteropus bats, was first discovered in a large outbreak of acute encephalitis in Malaysia in 1998 among persons who had contact with sick pigs. Apparently, one or more pigs was infected from bats, and the virus then spread efficiently from pig to pig, then from pigs to people. Nipah virus outbreaks have been recognized nearly every year in Bangladesh since 2001 and occasionally in neighboring India. Outbreaks in Bangladesh and India have been characterized by frequent person-to-person transmission and the death of over 70% of infected people. Characteristics of Nipah virus that increase its risk of becoming a global pandemic include: humans are already susceptible; many strains are capable of limited person-to-person transmission; as an RNA virus, it has an exceptionally high rate of mutation: and that if a human-adapted strain were to infect communities in South Asia, high population densities and global interconnectedness would rapidly spread the infection. Appropriate steps to estimate and manage this risk include studies to explore the molecular and genetic basis of respiratory transmission of henipaviruses, improved surveillance for human infections, support from high-income countries to reduce the risk of person-to-person transmission of infectious agents in low-income health care settings, and consideration of vaccination in communities at ongoing risk of exposure to the secretions and excretions of Pteropus bats.
    Matched MeSH terms: Swine Diseases/transmission
  5. Chua KB
    Malays J Pathol, 2010 Dec;32(2):69-73.
    PMID: 21329176 MyJurnal
    The outbreak of Nipah virus, affecting pigs and pig-farm workers, was first noted in September 1998 in the north-western part of peninsular Malaysia. By March 1999, the outbreak had spread to other pig-farming areas of the country, inclusive of the neighbouring country, Singapore. A total of 283 human cases of viral encephalitis with 109 deaths were recorded in Malaysia from 29 September 1998 to December 1999. During the outbreak period, a number of surveillances under three broad groups; Surveillance in Human Health Sector, Surveillance in Animal Health Sector, and Surveillance for the Reservoir Hosts, were carried out to determine the prevalence, risk of virus infections and transmission in human and swine populations as well as the source and reservoir hosts of Nipah virus. Surveillance data showed that the virus spread rapidly among pigs within infected farms and transmission was attributed to direct contact with infective excretions and secretions. The spread of the virus among pig farms within and between states of peninsular Malaysia was due to movement of pigs. The transmission of the virus to humans was through close contact with infected pigs. Human to human transmission was considered a rare event though the Nipah virus could be isolated from saliva, urine, nasal and pharyngeal secretions of patients. Field investigations identified fruitbats of the Pteropid species as the natural reservoir hosts of the viruses. The outbreak was effectively brought under control following the discovery of the virus and institution of correct control measures through a combined effort of multi-ministerial and multidisciplinary teams working in close co-operation and collaboration with other international agencies.
    Matched MeSH terms: Swine Diseases/transmission
  6. Uppal PK
    Ann N Y Acad Sci, 2000;916:354-7.
    PMID: 11193645
    A pig-borne virus causing viral encephalitis amongst human beings in Malaysia was detected in 1997 by the Ministry of Health. Initially, the disease was considered to be Japanese encephalitis. Subsequently, it was thought to be a Hendra-like viral encephalitis, but on 10th April, 1999 the Minister of Health announced this mysterious and deadly virus to be a new virus named Nipah virus. The virus was characterized at CDC, Atlanta, Georgia. The gene sequencing of the enveloped virus revealed that one of the genes had 21% difference in the nucleotide sequence with about 8% difference in the amino acid sequence from Hendra virus isolated from horses in Australia in 1994. The virus was named after the village Nipah. In all, the Ministry of Health declared 101 human casualties, and 900,000 pigs were culled by April, 1999. The worst affected area in Malaysia was Negri Sembilan. The symptoms, incubation period in human being and pigs, animal to human transmission, threat of disease to other livestock, and control program adopted in Malaysia is described.
    Matched MeSH terms: Swine Diseases/transmission
  7. Enserink M
    Science, 1999 Apr 16;284(5413):407, 409-10.
    PMID: 10232977 DOI: 10.1126/science.284.5413.407
    Matched MeSH terms: Swine Diseases/transmission
  8. Fukuda M, Uni S, Igari T, Utsumi Y, Otsuka Y, Nakatani J, et al.
    Parasitol Int, 2019 Oct;72:101943.
    PMID: 31220633 DOI: 10.1016/j.parint.2019.101943
    A 73-year-old man living in Kawamata-machi, Fukushima Prefecture, Northeastern Honshu, Japan, visited a hospital with complaints of a subcutaneous swelling that had developed on the back of his left hand. The nodule was surgically removed from the vagina fibrosa tendinis of his left forefinger. Based on the histopathological characteristics, the causative agent of this nodule was identified as a female Onchocerca dewittei japonica (Spirurida: Onchocercidae). The species identification was confirmed by cox1 gene sequencing of the worm tissues from paraffin-embedded sections of the nodule. Although 11 cases of zoonotic onchocercosis have previously been recorded in Kyushu and Western Honshu, Japan, the present findings represent the first human case of infection with O. dewittei japonica in Northeastern Honshu, Japan.
    Matched MeSH terms: Swine Diseases/transmission*
  9. Caplan CE
    CMAJ, 1999 Jun 1;160(11):1607.
    PMID: 10374006
    Matched MeSH terms: Swine Diseases/transmission
  10. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
    MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep, 1999 Apr 30;48(16):335-7.
    PMID: 10366143
    During March 1999, health officials in Malaysia and Singapore, in collaboration with Australian researchers and CDC, investigated reports of febrile encephalitic and respiratory illnesses among workers who had exposure to pigs. A previously unrecognized paramyxovirus (formerly known as Hendra-like virus), now called Nipah virus, was implicated by laboratory testing in many of these cases. Febrile encephalitis continues to be reported in Malaysia but has decreased coincident with mass culling of pigs in outbreak areas. No new cases of febrile illness associated with Nipah virus infection have been identified in Singapore since March 19, 1999, when abattoirs were closed. This report summarizes interim findings from ongoing epidemiologic and laboratory investigations in Malaysia and Singapore.
    Matched MeSH terms: Swine Diseases/transmission
  11. Pulliam JR, Epstein JH, Dushoff J, Rahman SA, Bunning M, Jamaluddin AA, et al.
    J R Soc Interface, 2012 Jan 7;9(66):89-101.
    PMID: 21632614 DOI: 10.1098/rsif.2011.0223
    Emerging zoonoses threaten global health, yet the processes by which they emerge are complex and poorly understood. Nipah virus (NiV) is an important threat owing to its broad host and geographical range, high case fatality, potential for human-to-human transmission and lack of effective prevention or therapies. Here, we investigate the origin of the first identified outbreak of NiV encephalitis in Malaysia and Singapore. We analyse data on livestock production from the index site (a commercial pig farm in Malaysia) prior to and during the outbreak, on Malaysian agricultural production, and from surveys of NiV's wildlife reservoir (flying foxes). Our analyses suggest that repeated introduction of NiV from wildlife changed infection dynamics in pigs. Initial viral introduction produced an explosive epizootic that drove itself to extinction but primed the population for enzootic persistence upon reintroduction of the virus. The resultant within-farm persistence permitted regional spread and increased the number of human infections. This study refutes an earlier hypothesis that anomalous El Niño Southern Oscillation-related climatic conditions drove emergence and suggests that priming for persistence drove the emergence of a novel zoonotic pathogen. Thus, we provide empirical evidence for a causative mechanism previously proposed as a precursor to widespread infection with H5N1 avian influenza and other emerging pathogens.
    Matched MeSH terms: Swine Diseases/transmission
  12. Suriya R, Hassan L, Omar AR, Aini I, Tan CG, Lim YS, et al.
    Zoonoses Public Health, 2008 Sep;55(7):342-51.
    PMID: 18667027 DOI: 10.1111/j.1863-2378.2008.01138.x
    Following a series of H5N1 cases in chickens and birds in a few states in Malaysia, there was much interest in the influenza A viruses subtypes that circulate among the local pig populations. Pigs may act as a mixing vessel for avian and mammal influenza viruses, resulting in new reassorted viruses. This study investigated the presence of antibodies against influenza H1N1 and H3N2 viruses in pigs from Peninsular Malaysia using Herdcheck Swine Influenza H1N1 and H3N2 Antibody Test Kits. At the same time, the presence of influenza virus was examined from the nasal swabs of seropositive pigs by virus isolation and real time RT-PCR. The list of pig farms was obtained from the headquarters of the Department of Veterinary Services, Malaysia, and pig herds were selected randomly from six of 11 states in Peninsular Malaysia. A total of 727 serum and nasal swab samples were collected from 4- to 6-month-old pigs between May and August 2005. By ELISA, the seroprevalences of swine influenza H1N1 and H3N2 among pigs were 12.2% and 12.1% respectively. Seropositivity for either of the virus subtypes was detected in less than half of the 41 sampled farms (41.4%). Combination of both subtypes was detected in 4% of all pigs and in 22% of sampled farms. However, no virus or viral nucleic acid was detected from nasal samples. This study identified that the seropositivity of pigs to H1N1 and H3N2 based on ELISA was significantly associated with factors such as size of farm, importation or purchase of pigs, proximity of farm to other pig farms and the presence of mammalian pets within the farm.
    Matched MeSH terms: Swine Diseases/transmission
  13. Chua KB, Chua BH, Wang CW
    Malays J Pathol, 2002 Jun;24(1):15-21.
    PMID: 16329551
    In late 1998, a novel paramyxovirus named Nipah virus, emerged in Malaysia, causing fatal disease in domestic pigs and humans with substantial economic loss to the local pig industry. Pteropid fruitbats have since been identified as a natural reservoir host. Over the last two decades, the forest habitat of these bats in Southeast Asia has been substantially reduced by deforestation for pulpwood and industrial plantation. In 1997/1998, slash-and-burn deforestation resulted in the formation of a severe haze that blanketed much of Southeast Asia in the months directly preceding the Nipah virus disease outbreak. This was exacerbated by a drought driven by the severe 1997-1998 El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) event. We present data suggesting that this series of events led to a reduction in the availability of flowering and fruiting forest trees for foraging by fruitbats and culminated in unprecedented encroachment of fruitbats into cultivated fruit orchards in 1997/1998. These anthropogenic events, coupled with the location of piggeries in orchards and the design of pigsties allowed transmission of a novel paramyxovirus from its reservoir host to the domestic pig and ultimately to the human population.
    Matched MeSH terms: Swine Diseases/transmission
  14. Enserink M
    Science, 2000 Jul 28;289(5479):518-9.
    PMID: 10939954 DOI: 10.1126/science.289.5479.518
    Scientists are a step closer to unraveling a medical mystery that killed 105 people in Malaysia last year and destroyed the country's pig industry. The Nipah virus, which caused the disease, most likely originated in a native fruit bat species, Malaysian researchers reported here at a meeting last week. They say the findings will help Malaysian health authorities prevent future outbreaks of the Nipah virus. Others see the case as an argument for expanding research into infections that can leap the boundary between animals and humans.
    Matched MeSH terms: Swine Diseases/transmission
  15. Ozawa Y, Ong BL, An SH
    Rev. - Off. Int. Epizoot., 2001 Aug;20(2):605-13.
    PMID: 11548530
    Traceback systems in most countries of Asia are not well developed, as indicated by responses to a questionnaire by veterinary officials in thirteen countries. Marking of animals for traceback is practised only in a limited number of countries in specific areas or zones and for specific purposes only. In Malaysia, traceback has been undertaken by marking farm code tattoos on pigs. This enables the identification of the farm of origin of pigs found to be infected by Nipah virus in sero-surveillance programmes. The origin of the foot and mouth disease (FMD) virus that surfaced in the Republic of Korea in March 2000 was investigated through several epidemiological studies of suspected sources of contamination such as imported hay, yellow sand, milk collection trucks and feed delivery trucks. None of these studies gave results that indicated the origin of the FMD virus. The origin of the FMD virus that was recorded in Japan in March 2000 was also investigated in epidemiological studies; in this case, imported wheat straw was incriminated as the most likely source of infection. Comparative studies of the pathogenicities of FMD (type O) viruses isolated in Taipei China, the Republic of Korea and Japan, suggest that these viruses might have originated as vaccine strains used in a third country.
    Matched MeSH terms: Swine Diseases/transmission
  16. Gibbs WW
    Sci. Am., 1999 Aug;281(2):80-7.
    PMID: 10443039
    Matched MeSH terms: Swine Diseases/transmission
  17. Lim CC, Sitoh YY, Hui F, Lee KE, Ang BS, Lim E, et al.
    AJNR Am J Neuroradiol, 2000 Mar;21(3):455-61.
    PMID: 10730635
    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: An epidemic of suspected Japanese encephalitis occurred in Malaysia in 1998-1999 among pig farmers. In neighboring Singapore, an outbreak occurred among pig slaughterhouse workers. It was subsequently established that the causative agent in the outbreak was not the Japanese encephalitis virus but a previously unknown Hendra-like paramyxovirus named Nipah virus.

    METHODS: The brain MR images of eight patients with Nipah virus infection were reviewed. All patients tested negative for acute Japanese encephalitis virus. Seven patients had contrast-enhanced studies and six had diffusion-weighted examinations.

    RESULTS: All patients had multiple small bilateral foci of T2 prolongation within the subcortical and deep white matter. The periventricular region and corpus callosum were also involved. In addition to white matter disease, five patients had cortical lesions, three had brain stem involvement, and a single thalamic lesion was detected in one patient. All lesions were less than 1 cm in maximum diameter. In five patients, diffusion-weighted images showed increased signal. Four patients had leptomeningeal enhancement and four had enhancement of parenchymal lesions.

    CONCLUSION: The brain MR findings in patients infected with the newly discovered Nipah paramyxovirus are different from those of patients with Japanese encephalitis. In a zoonotic epidemic, this striking difference in the appearance and distribution of lesions is useful in differentiating these diseases. Diffusion-weighted imaging was advantageous in increasing lesion conspicuity.

    Matched MeSH terms: Swine Diseases/transmission
  18. Cardosa MJ, Hah FL, Choo BH, Padmanathan S
    PMID: 8160055
    A dot enzyme immunoassay for determination of antibodies to Japanese encephalitis virus was designed for use as a field technique for the surveillance of Japanese encephalitis virus activity among domestic pigs. The test was compared with the neutralization test and the hemagglutination inhibition test and found to be more sensitive than the hemagglutination inhibition test and comparable to the neutralization test in sensitivity but more simple to perform than either the neutralization or the hemagglutination inhibition tests. An IgM capture ELISA for the determination of JEV specific porcine IgM was also utilized to determine current infection rates in pigs. The tests which do not involve the determination of specific IgM are better used for testing sentinel animals for providing clues as to the rate of transmission of JEV among pigs. IgM tests determining acute infection are less likely to be useful unless animals are tested very frequently or if a great number of animals are tested at any one time.
    Matched MeSH terms: Swine Diseases/transmission
  19. Ali R, Mounts AW, Parashar UD, Sahani M, Lye MS, Isa MM, et al.
    Emerg Infect Dis, 2001 Jul-Aug;7(4):759-61.
    PMID: 11592256
    Matched MeSH terms: Swine Diseases/transmission*
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