Displaying all 4 publications

  1. Lasekan O, Abbas K
    Food Chem Toxicol, 2010 Aug-Sep;48(8-9):2212-6.
    PMID: 20510332 DOI: 10.1016/j.fct.2010.05.050
    Considering the importance of tropical almond nuts as a snack item, a study was conducted to identify the flavour volatiles and acrylamide generated during the roasting of the nuts. The supercritical fluid extracted flavour components revealed 74 aroma active compounds made up of 27 hydrocarbons, 12 aldehydes, 11 ketones, 7 acids, 4 esters, 3 alcohols, 5 furan derivatives a pyrazine, and 2 unknown compounds. While low levels of acrylamide (8-86 microg/kg) were obtained in the roasted nuts, significant (P<0.05) increases occurred in concentration with increased roasting temperature and time. Carboxylic acids were the most abundant volatiles in the roasted almond nuts and less significant (P>0.05) concentration of acrylamide was generated with mild roasting and shorter roasting period.
    Matched MeSH terms: Taste/drug effects
  2. Shirasuka Y, Nakajima K, Asakura T, Yamashita H, Yamamoto A, Hata S, et al.
    Biosci Biotechnol Biochem, 2004 Jun;68(6):1403-7.
    PMID: 15215616
    A unique taste-modifying activity that converts the sense of sourness to the sense of sweetness occurs in the fruit of the plant Curculigo latifolia, intrinsic to West Malaysia. The active component, known as curculin, is a protein consisting of two identical subunits. We have found a new taste-modifying protein, named neoculin, of the same origin. Both chemical analysis and cDNA cloning characterized neoculin as a heterodimeric protein consisting of an acidic, glycosylated subunit of 113 amino acid residues and a basic subunit that is the monomeric curculin itself.
    Matched MeSH terms: Taste/drug effects*
  3. Amin F, Khan S, Shah SMH, Rahim H, Hussain Z, Sohail M, et al.
    Drug Des Devel Ther, 2018;12:3855-3866.
    PMID: 30510401 DOI: 10.2147/DDDT.S183534
    Background: The obnoxious bitter taste of orally taken antibiotics is one of the biggest problems in the treatment of children. The pediatric population cannot tolerate the bitter taste of drugs and vomit out which ultimately leads to suboptimal therapeutic value, grimace and mental stress so it is the challenging task for the formulation scientists to formulate a palatable formulation particularly to overcome address the issue.

    Purpose of study: The study aimed to mask and evaluate the unpleasant bitter taste of azithro-mycin (AZ) in the dry suspension dosage form by physisorption technique.

    Materials and methods: AZ was selected as an adsorbent and titanium dioxide nanoparticles as adsorbate. The AZ nanohybrids (AZN) were prepared by treating fixed amount of adsorbent with a varied amount of adsorbate, prepared separately by dispersing it in an aqueous medium. The mixture was sonicated, stirred followed by filtration and drying. The AZN produced were characterized by various techniques including scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-rays (EDX), powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD), HPLC and Fourier-transformed infrared (FTIR). The optimized nanohybrid was blended with other excipients to get stable and taste masked dry suspension dosage form.

    Results: The results confirmed the adsorption of titanium dioxide nanoparticles on the surface of AZ. The fabricated optimized formulation was subjected for taste masking by panel testing and accelerated stability studies. The results showed a remarkable improvement in bitter taste masking, inhibiting throat bite without affecting the dissolution rate. The product showed an excellent stability both in dry and reconstituted suspension. The optimized formulation of AZN and was found stable when subjected to physical and chemical stability studies, this is because of short and single step process which interns limits the exposure of the product to various environmental factors that could potentially affect the stability of the product. The dissolution rate of the optimized formulation of AZN was compared with its marketed counterpart, showing the same dissolution rate compared to its marketed formulation.

    Conclusion: The current study concludes that, by fabricating AZ-titanium nanohybrids using physisorption can effectively mask the bitter taste of the drug. The palatability and stability of azithromycin formulation was potentially enhanced without affecting its dissolution rate.

    Matched MeSH terms: Taste/drug effects*
  4. Liew KB, Tan YT, Peh KK
    AAPS PharmSciTech, 2012 Mar;13(1):134-42.
    PMID: 22167416 DOI: 10.1208/s12249-011-9729-4
    The aim of this study was to develop a taste-masked oral disintegrating film (ODF) containing donepezil, with fast disintegration time and suitable mechanical strength, for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, corn starch, polyethylene glycol, lactose monohydrate and crosspovidone served as the hydrophilic polymeric bases of the ODF. The uniformity, in vitro disintegration time, drug release and the folding endurance of the ODF were examined. The in vitro results showed that 80% of donepezil hydrochloride was released within 5 minutes with mean disintegration time of 44 seconds. The result of the film flexibility test showed that the number of folding time to crack the film was 40 times, an indication of sufficient mechanical property for patient use. A single-dose, fasting, four-period, eight-treatment, double-blind study involving 16 healthy adult volunteers was performed to evaluate the in situ disintegration time and palatability of ODF. Five parameters, namely taste, aftertaste, mouthfeel, ease of handling and acceptance were evaluated. The mean in situ disintegration time of ODF was 49 seconds. ODF containing 7 mg of sucralose were more superior than saccharin and aspartame in terms of taste, aftertaste, mouthfeel and acceptance. Furthermore, the ODF was stable for at least 6 months when stored at 40°C and 75% relative humidity.
    Matched MeSH terms: Taste/drug effects
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