This study aimed to measure and compares the concentration of metals accumulated in various parts (grains, stems and roots) of paddy (Oryza sativa). Thirty samples were collected from selected paddy field in Alor Setar, Kedah, Malaysia. Metals (mils ,9Be,1141'a7,59Co,52Cr and 208Pb) concentration in various parts of the paddy and soil were analysed by using the sensitive Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (icP-Ms). Bioconcentration factor (BCF) and translocation ratio were calculated based on the concentration of metals obtained. The mean concentration (mg/kg) of metals in grain samples were 0 .06±0 .12 for mils , 0 .0038±0 .0037 for9Be , 0 .01±0 .01 for 114Cd, 0.14±0.19 for "Co and 0 2 1±0 .15 for 208Pb while 52Cr concentration in all samples were below the ICP-MS detection limit. From the calculated translocation ratio, absorption of paddy had relation: root > stem >> grain. This study showed that measured concentration of metals in grain samples were all below the maximum permitted proportion (mg/kg) of Fourteenth Schedule (Regulation 38) of the Malaysian Food Regulation 1985.
The abundance of marine benthic organisms often exhibits distinct distributional patterns, which is generally governed by many physical and biological factors specific to the habitat. In this study, the spatial and temporal variations in abundance of the dog conch, Strombus canarium Linnaeus 1758, a commercially important marine gastropod, was investigated. Assessment of conch abundance at Merambong seagrass bed, Malaysia, was conducted using a transect belt method. Sampling stations were randomly selected and environmental parameters associated with the habitat were recorded. The species showed distinct spatial distributional pattern. Conch densities were significantly higher in sheltered areas, mainly in mixed seagrass bed dominated by Halophila spp. and with high sediment organic content. The densities were relatively very low in areas dominated by the tape seagrass, Enhalus acoroides. The species studied also showed distinct temporal variation in abundance. The abundance value was seasonally varied with highest density recorded during the wet monsoon season (p<0.05). The densities were otherwise very low during the dry season, except for a slight peak in July. Since the conch is a very important fishery species within the Johor Straits and regulations on their harvesting is still lacking, this information would be very important for their sustainable management.
The seasonal variation of spider assemblages in botanical garden was investigated. The spiders were manually collected by diurnal and nocturnal session between two seasons. A total of 19 families from 65 genera and 96 species were recorded. Richness-estimator indicates the inventory were 67% complete within the botanical garden. The capture rate for web-weavers were higher compared with non-web weavers. The comparison value showed the species composition and abundance were similar between seasons. Spider abundance was not affected between wet and dry season in tropical countries.
Titanate nanotubes were prepared by a rapid hydrothermal method in the presence of triethanolamine (TEA) using TiO2 nanoparticles as a precursor. The addition of TEA significantly reduced the formation time of the titanate nanotubes from 24 to 6 h. The crystalline structure of the titanate nanotubes was revealed to be H2Ti2O5 through the X-ray diffraction (xRD) measurement. The morphology of the titanate nanotubes was confirmed using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) while the surface area was characterized using Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) surface area analysis. The titanate nanotubes produced were several hundred nanometers in length and had an average outer diameter of - 11.5 nm, inner diameter of -5.0 nm, interlayer spacing of 0.93 nm and surface area of >250 m2Ig. The photocatalytic activity of the titanate nanotubes was studied using methylene blue as a model dye; the titanate nanotubes showed better photocatalytic performance as compared to TiO2 nanoparticles.
Micro powder injection molding (vim) is a promising process that may satisfy the demand on miniaturization parts to micro domain in mass production with low manufacturing cost. Three mol% yttria stabilized zirconia (Ysz) with nano-sized powder and binder system consists of polyethylene glycol (PEG), polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) and stearic acid (sA) were used. Nano-size powders with higher surface area generally require more binder to form a feedstock. As such, determination of the optimum powder loading of the feedstock for 1UPIM process is important. The rheological characteristics of different YSZ feedstocks with powder loading of 52 53 and 54 vol.% were investigated in terms of flow behavior as a function of viscosity and shear rate. Fairly low values of flow behavior exponent ranging from 025 to 0.39 (n<1) resulted in pseudoplastic flow behavior of the examined Yszfeedstock. The 52 vol.% feedstock exhibited the lowest viscosity resulting in highest activation energy and lowest moldability index of 1.862x10-6, while the 54 vol.% feedstock regardless to its high viscosity, yielded a low activation energy of 4.14 kJImol and high moldability index of 4.59x10-6. Based on rheological properties obtained, a powder loading of 54 vol.% has desirable feedstock characteristics for iumm process and exhibited molding ability for micro detail filling. The relationship between the optimum rheological properties obtained and the actual injection process was also determined. The results showed that the green parts were able to be injected without defects such as short shot or flashing.
Feedstock preparation, as well as its characterization, is crucial in the production of highly sintered parts with minimal defect. The hard metal powder - particularly, cemented carbide (wc-co) used in this study was investigated both physically and thermally to determine its properties before the mixing and injection molding stage. Several analyses were conducted, such as scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray diffraction, pycnometer density, critical powder volume percentage (cPvP), as well as thermal tests, such as thermogravimetric analysis and differential scanning calorimetry. On the basis of the CPVP value, the feedstock, consisting of wc-co powder, was mixed with 60% palm stearin and 40% polyethylene at an optimal powder loading, within 2 to 5% lower than the CPVP value. The CPVP spotted value was 65%. The feedstock optimal value at 61% showed good rheological properties (pseudoplastic behavior) with an n value lower than 1, considerably low activation energy and high moldability index. These preliminary properties of the feedstock serve as a benchmark in designing the schedule for the next whole steps (i.e. injection, debinding and sintering processes).
A study on reflow soldering process for Sn3.5Ag solder on ENIG substrate was performed using the rapid thermal processing (RTP) system. The reflow soldering process by RTP system can be successful, but it is sensitive to some typical defects. A poor RTP system design can lead to significant temperature differences where non-uniform heating or cooling may result in material failure due to increase in thermal stresses or serious damage. From this study, it was found that at a peak temperature (Tea) of 251 °C, the reflowed solder was observed to be smooth joint appearance over the solder pad and formed a regular joint shape of the solder due to the efficient reflow profile and sufficient heating input during the reflow process. The Ni3Sn4 intermetallic compounds were found to be continuous, thus resulting in a good metallurgical bonding between Sn3.5Ag solder and ENIG substrate. Meanwhile, an uneven reflowed solder and defect mechanism was detected at Teak of 246 and 260°C. This is due to the inadequate reflow profile and insufficient heating input during the p reflow soldering process in the RTP system. Visual micrographs of reflowed solder and cross-sectional micrograph and elemental analysis were presented in this paper for better understanding of the defect mechanism in order to optimize the reflow soldering process using RTP system. The reflow soldering process can be performed better with appropriate reflow profile in the RTP system in order to achieve a good solder joint of Sn3.5Ag solder and ENIG substrate.
In this work, the Sandvik uncoated carbide insert, CNGG 120408-SGF-H13A was used as a cutting tool in high-speed turning of titanium alloy Ti-6A1-4V EH (extra-low interstitial) with hardness of 32 HRC. Wear is one of the problems that cannot be avoided in machining process. Therefore, the objective of this paper was to investigate tool-wear behavior of various cutting-speed values (high-speed range) on the tool life of the cutting tools, especially in finishing titanium alloy. The experiments were performed under flooded coolant condition using water-based mineral-oil. The cutting speeds employed were 120, 170 and 220 mlmin. The feed rate was constant at 02 mm/rev and the depth of cut was 0.4 mm. Based on the results, the highest cutting speed of 220 m/min caused the highest wear rate. By linking the machine operations and the tool life curves obtained using flank wear data, the wear behavior of uncoated carbide was described.
MeSH terms: Alloys; Hardness; Mineral Oil; Mineral Waters; Minerals; Paper; Titanium; Life
The combustion characteristics of refuse derived fuel (RDF) in a fluidized bed have been studied. The gross heating value (GHv) of the RDF was 14.43 MJIkg with moisture content of 25% by weight. Parameters of interest for sustainable bed combustion were the fluidization number and primary air factor. The study was performed in a rectangular fluidized bed combustor with dimensions of 0.3 m in width, 0.7 m in length and 2 m in height. Sand with mean particle size of 0.34 mm was used as a fluidization medium. The sand bed height was at 0.3 m above the standpipes air distributor. The range of fluidization number under investigation was 5-7 II fin which 5 II newas found to be the optimum. The study was continued for the determination of the optimum primary air factor with the selected range of primary air factors being 0.6, 0.8, 1.0 and 12 in experiments conducted at 5 Unit The final results showed that the optimum primary air factor was at 0.8. An energy balance was also performed to determine the thermal efficiency of the combustion. It was concluded that the thermal efficiency depended on the bed temperature and the primary air factor being used.
MeSH terms: Body Weights and Measures; Garbage; Heating; Particle Size; Temperature; Veratrum Alkaloids
A novel bimetallic double thiocyanate-bridged ruthenium and tungsten metal complex containing bipyridyl and dithiolene co-ligands was synthesized and the behavior of the complex as a dye-sensitizer for a photoelectrochemical (PEG) cell for a direct water splitting reaction was investigated. The ligands and metal complexes were characterized on the basis of elemental analysis as well as uv-Vis, Fourier transform infrared ( Pim) and nuclear magnetic resonance (11I and 13C NMR) spectroscopy. Cyclic voltammetry of the bimetallic complex showed multiple redox couples, in which half potentials E 112 at 0 .625 , 0.05 and 0.61 V were assigned as the formal redox processes of Ru(III)IRu(II) reduction, W(IV)IW(V) and W(V)IW(VI) oxidations, respectively. Photocurrent measurements were performed in homogeneous system and TiO2 was used as the photoanode for photocurrent measurements. Current density generated by the bimetallic complex was higher than that of N3 commercial dye which suggested that the bimetallic complex donated more electrons to the semiconductor.
It is well-known that the characteristics of hardness and drillability are influenced by microstructure of rock. In this study, rock properties were analyzed on grain size and grain content. Coarse-grain and fine-grain sandstones were tested under successive indentation condition. Eighteen groups of sandstone and shale were employed for the drillability test. Indentation tests results showed that grain size influenced the low point of residual hardness, the crushing depth and volume and grain content influenced the peak point of hardness. The drillability values of shale increased with increasing contents of clay and quartz. Meanwhile, drillability values of sandstone increased with increasing content of quartz, but decreased with increasing content of clay. Therefore, these preliminary studies show great potential applications for selecting suitable bit type and formulating drilling program as a function of rock microstructure and crushing rock method for bit in the oil drilling.
Tiger's Milk mushroom (Lignosus rhinocerus) is a highly priced medicinal mushroom utilized in traditional medicine to treat various diseases. However, due to insufficient wild L. rhinocerus, submerged culture conditions and nutritional requirements for the production of mycelial biomass and exopolysaccharide (EPs) from L. rhinocerus were studied using one-factor-at-a-time and orthogonal matrix method in shake flask culture. The optimal pH and temperature for ideal production of mycelial biomass and EPS were found to be at pH6 and 25°C, respectively. The optimal compositions for mycelial biomass production were 80 gIL of glucose, 4 gIL of potassium nitrate, 0.4 gIL of FeSO4.7H20 and 0.1 gIL of CaCl2. Subsequently, the optimal compositions for EPS production were 80 gIL of glucose, 4 gIL of potassium nitrate, 1.4 gIL of FeSO4.7H20 and 1.1 gIL of CaCl2. The maximum mycelial biomass and EPS concentrations achieved in a 1.5 L stirred-tank bioreactor were 6.3788 gIL and 12 gIL, respectively. Mycelial biomass production was about 3 times higher than that at the basal medium. However, EPS production indicated no significant difference at the basal medium. In addition, the concentrations for a-amylase, [3-amylase, cellulase and invertase in optimal medium were 2 .87 , 1 .07 , 3.0 and 3.0 mglmL, respectively. Current findings suggest that the production of mycelial biomass and EPS of L. rhinocerus can be enhanced dramatically by controlling the culture conditions and modifying the medium's composition.
In practice, the need for orthodontic care is often determined by normative need. However, in reality, a person’s decision to seek orthodontic treatment is dependent on multiple factors. The aim of this study was to determine the association between normative and perceived need for orthodontic treatment among Malaysian adolescents. This is a cross-sectional study involving 700 schoolchildren aged 13-14 years in Jempol District, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. The Dental Health Component (DHC) and Aesthetic Component (AC) of the Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need (IOTN) were used to assess the normative need. The children’s perceived need was obtained by matching the appearance of their anterior teeth with the photographs on the AC scale. The normative need according to the DHC was 27.1% while the AC indicated 21.9%. Only 3.2% of the schoolchildren perceived that they needed treatment. There was a significantly high correlation between the DHC and AC scores of the dentist (Spearman r s = 0.89, p<0.01). However, the correlation between the AC of dentist and AC score of the children was weak (Spearman r s = 0.39, p<0.01). No significant differences were observed for need of orthodontic treatment among gender and ethnicity according to the DHC and AC of dentists as well as AC of children (p>0.05). The findings from this study support the importance of considering the use of perceived need in prioritizing orthodontic treatment especially because of the shortage of orthodontic services in the country.
Kajian ini bertujuan mendapatkan gabungan statistik untuk pemodelan hujan kelompok berstokastik Denyut Segi Empat Neyman-Scott (NSRP) yang mampu memberikan pemadanan terbaik bagi hujan di stesen hujan Semenanjung Malaysia. Enam set gabungan statistik, yang setiap setnya mengandungi gabungan statistik momen (1, 2 dan 3) dan kebarangkalian hujan dalam selang masa yang singkat (jam) dan panjang (harian), serta empat taburan yang berbeza bagi kelebatan sel hujan (Eksponen, Campuran Eksponen, Gamma dan Weibull) telah dikaji. Penyelidikan telah dilakukan ke atas sembilan stesen hujan yang mewakili rantau yang berbeza di Semenanjung Malaysia. Hasil mendapati bahawa statistik momen ke-3 (kepencongan) tidak memberikan sumbangan yang baik dalam menjayakan model. Selang masa 1, 6 dan 24 jam didapati yang terbaik bagi statistik momen kedua (variasi) bagi menjayakan model. Kajian ini juga mendapati bahawa taburan eksponen adalah yang terbaik bagi pemodelan hujan NSRP di Semenanjung Malaysia.
Fenitrothion (FNT) usage has received much attention for its potential to promote free radicals generation and interfere with antioxidant defense system. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of palm oil tocotrienol rich fraction (TRF) supplementation on oxidative stress and histological changes in rat brain induced by FNT. A total of 32 male Sprague Dawley rats divided into four groups: control group which received corn oil; TRF group was received palm oil TRF (200 mg/kg bw); FNT group administered with FNT (20 mg/kg bw) and TRF+FNT group pretreated with palm oil TRF (200 mg/kg bw) 30 min prior to administration of FNT (20 mg/kg bw). FNT and TRF were dissolved in corn oil and all supplementations were given by oral gavage once daily for 28 days. After four weeks of supplementation, TRF+FNT rats had significantly lower malondialdehyde (MDA) content and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity but higher reduced glutathione (GSH) level and total protein level compared to FNT rats (p<0.05). However, protein carbonyl (PC) level was insignificantly lower for TRF+FNT group compared to FNT group. In conclusion, this study suggested that palm oil TRF was effective in preventing brain damage in rats.
Molluscan shells are attracting research interest due to the diverse application properties possessed. As shells are very similar to bones, this study was conducted to analyze the mineral and physiochemical composition of Cockle (Anadara granosa) shell and three other types of molluscan shell, namely Strombus canarium, Oliva sayana and Terebra dislocata as potential biomaterial for bone tissue engineering applications. Approximately 200 g of shells from each species were processed and powdered for the purpose of this study. Carbon was analyzed using the carbon analyzer while minerals and heavy metals through ICP-MS. The phase purity and crystallographic structures of the powders were identified using X-Ray Diffractometer (XRD) while the chemical functionality was determined using the Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrophotometer. The analysis showed that Cockle shells contained higher content of calcium and carbon including varying amount of other minor elements comparatively. However, all four types of shell powders were found to contain below detectable levels of toxic elements. Physiochemical analysis on phase purity and crystallographic structures showed similar characteristics of carbonate group present in all four shell types. A predominantly aragonite form of calcium carbonate was detected in both XRD diffractogram and FTIR spectra for all samples. Our findings demonstrated that different types of molluscan shells have almost similar mineral and physiochemical characteristics and a predominantly aragonite form of calcium carbonate that provides a strong basis for their use as a potential bone tissues engineering material.
Surface ozone or tropospheric ozone has been recognized as one of the major factors that can give adverse impact on crops including rice plants. Effects of ozone on rice plants could be seen in decreased of biochemical activities and physiological performance which contribute to yield reduction. In Malaysia, surface ozone is on the rise due to increment anthropogenic sources i.e. urbanization, transportation and also industrialization process. This condition is alarming due to the facts that rice is the major staple food to the majority of Malaysian population. In this study, exceedence of ozone exposure above an hourly threshold concentration of 40 ppb (AOT40) and ozone trends in four major rice growing areas in Malaysia were assessed using time series analysis of ozone data recorded in each area from January 2000 until December 2010 with a total of 132 readings. The results showed a steady increase in exceedence ozone of yearly AOT40 and statistical significant upward trend for ozone concentrations in each rice growing area in Malaysia. This finding was particularly alarming because ozone is able to inhibit production of rice yields. Preventive actions need to be implemented as soon as possible in order to alleviate ozone threat to our national food security agenda.
This preliminary study aimed to isolate and identify microbes that inhabit the coelomic fluid of two local species of sea cucumbers collected from Malaysian waters - a ‘gamat’ species i.e. Stichopus chloronotus Brandt, 1835 and the most abundant ‘timun laut’ species in Malaysia i.e. Holothuria (Mertensiothuria) leucospilota (Brandt 1835). Phylogenetic analyses of partial 16S rRNA mtDNA gene sequences suggested the presence of at least eight microbial genera i.e. five bacterial genera - Bacillus, Exiguobacterium, Pseudomonas, Stenotrophomonas and Vibrio - isolated from the coelomic fluid of H. leucospilota and three genera of gram-positive bacteria from the Micrococcaceae family - Kytococcus, Micrococcus and either Kocuria or Rothia - isolated from the coelomic fluid of S. chloronotus. We speculate that less diverse microbial population in S. chloronotus as compared to H. leucospilota could be due to a number of environmental factors e.g. penetration of light surrounding the habitats of both species, the feeding behaviour of H. leucospilota and the higher level of antimicrobial properties of coelomic fluid in S. chloronotus. In terms of antimicrobial-resistance capability test, an isolate from genus Pseudomonas that is suspected to be P. alcaligenes exhibited high resistance towards streptomycin. Another isolate from genus Stenotrophomonas that was suspected to be S. maltophilia showed moderate resistance towards streptomycin and lower resistance towards kanamycin. Both isolates were from the coelomic fluid of H. leucospilota. Tetracycline inhibited the growth of all bacterial isolates tested. Further studies with more specimens of S. choronotus and H. leucospilota from broader geographical locations and the use of complete mtDNA genes along with morphological approaches for species identification may facilitate to provide better insights into the microbial population in the coelomic fluid of both local sea cucumber species.
Investigation on the performance of bond strength between pavement layers has gain serious attention from researchers worldwide. Typical methods to prepare the double layered testing specimen at laboratory scale is to follow the Marshall procedure or to perform coring on constructed field scale test lanes. For specimen prepared with Marshall procedure, binder course loose mix is compacted at double faces first prior to the application of wearing course loose mix in the compaction mould and perform the compaction of the loose wearing course later. This paper focused on the specimen prepared using Marshall procedure where the upper wearing course is subjected to single face compaction. The feasibility of single face compaction is investigated and the relevant amount of compaction blows is determined to achieve sufficient thickness and degree of compaction. Aggregate is proportioned to achieve a target thickness of 35, 50 and 65mm, at an allowable limit of ±1 mm. For the tested mix incorporating dense graded, open graded and gap graded mix, each mix managed to achieve the required degree of compaction at satisfactory thickness with respective compaction blows.
Puffer fish, mainly from Tetraodontidae family known to possess a neurotoxin or tetrodotoxin (TTX) which can cause a puffer fish poisoning and adverse effect to human health. In current study, the tetrodotoxin (TTX) concentration in different tissues (liver, skin, muscle) of 14 species of puffer fish from Sabah and Sarawak waters were analysed and determined by application of liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Overall, extracted toxin for all specimens were shown to be toxic with result more than 0.2 μg/g as calculated based on TTX standard curve. Among the tissues, liver were found to be highest in TTX concentration (91.0 μg/g), followed by muscle (51.1 μg/g) and skin (6.87 μg/g). Moreover, TTX concentrations among puffer fish species were significantly differences (p<0.05) with Arothron immaculatus (275 μg/g) showed highest mean value, while the lowest value was detected in Lagocephalus lunaris (4.92 μg/g). From this finding, LC-MS/MS application could be a potential tools to determine the TTX and advisedly used as a procedure in screening of seafood for monitoring program. Furthermore, baseline data of TTX levels in selected puffer fish from the study could be important information and used as guideline in order to mitigate puffer fish poisoning cases especially in East Malaysia waters.