Browse publications by year: 2015

  1. Nur Ikhwan Mohamad, Rumpf, Michael C., Tan, Erik C.H., Abas, Nicholas Garaman
    Movement Health & Exercise, 2015;4(1):15-26.
    This paper aims to determine acute responses of standardized resistance training load on cardio-respiratory variables in recreationally active participants. The methodology involved twelve recreationally active males with an age of 23.5 (± 4.07) years, a mass of 70.5 (± 7.84 kg), a height of 1.69 (± 0.06 m), and a body mass index of 24.8 (± 2.14) kg/m2). The participants performed an exercise protocol that comprises five exercises on a standardized load. Each exercise was performed in a duration of 60 seconds with uncontrolled lifting velocity. Cardio-respiratory responses were measured using a portable metabolic system analyzer during the exercises. A wrist digital blood pressure monitor was used to determine pre- and postprotocol blood pressure responses. Based on the results, pre- and postprotocol systolic (p=0.744) and diastolic (p=0.758) blood pressure indicated no significant responses. However, significant differences were observed in pre- and post-heart rate responses (p=0.000). Peak cardio-respiratory responses recorded during the protocol were 30.2 (± 4.02) ml/Kg/min for oxygen consumption, 138 (± 61.9) bpm for heart rate, and 633 (± 71.2) kcal for energy expenditure (estimated per hour). On average, the Metabolic Equivalent of Task (MET) was recorded at a value of 8.62 (± 1.19). For a short duration standardized load circuit training exercise protocol, cardio respiratory responses were similar to other protocols. The metabolic cost of the predefined exercises was nearly half of the recommended energy expenditure through exercise per week. The prescribed protocol was comparable with other exercise protocols for cardiorespiratory variables. The single set protocol used was efficient in terms of caloric expenditure, and was less strenuous over similar exercise duration. Furthermore, the prescribed protocol is applicable and beneficial for active and healthy individuals.
    MeSH terms: Blood Pressure; Diastole; Energy Metabolism; Health Expenditures; Heart Rate; Humans; Male; Oxygen Consumption; Systole; Wrist; Exercise; Blood Pressure Monitors; Body Mass Index; Lifting; Resistance Training; Metabolic Equivalent; Circuit-Based Exercise
  2. Tan M.J., Omar, A.H., Dayang Tiawa Awang Hamid
    Currently, great emphasis is placed on the development and intervention of psychology in sports in order to address the problem of athletes’ failure to achieve peak performance in actual competitions. This problem is primarily due to internal factors, such as anxieties, as well as external factors, such as the high pressure of the competitive environments athletes encounter. In this study, the cognitive anxiety, somatic anxiety and self confidence levels amongst elite and sub-elite Malaysian volleyball players are defined (male sample n = 50; female sample n = 35; age range between 17 to 25 years). These parameters were measured using the Competitive State Anxiety Inventory (CSAI-2), in which the questionnaires were completed by all respondents 30 minutes prior to the start of a competition. The findings indicated that there was a significant difference (p < 0.005) in cognitive anxiety, somatic anxiety and self-confidence among elite and sub-elite Malaysian (male and female) volleyball athletes. According to the findings, the competitive anxiety levels of the sub-elite athletes were higher than the elite, mainly due to the inability of the sub-elite athletes to control their emotions using psychological skills. In order to minimize this problem, a novel approach that involves using virtual reality to reduce the athletes’ competitive anxiety was proposed. This approach utilizes a 3D immersive environment that was developed based on the challenging real-world situations encountered during a volleyball match. The design and development of this approach is predicted to enhance athletes’ psychological skills, and in turn ensure that they can achieve peak performance under high pressure conditions.
    MeSH terms: Anxiety; Cognition; Emotions; Female; Male; Personality Inventory; Surveys and Questionnaires; Volleyball; Athletes
  3. Yavar, A.R., Sarmani, S.B., Khalafi, H., Wood, A.K., Khoo, K.S.
    Present work shows the development of nuclear technology in Malaysia and highlights its
    applications that have been developed by using the instrumental neutron activation analysis
    (INAA) method. In addition, present study exhibits a comprehensive review of INAA for
    calculation of neutron flux parameters and concentration of elements. The INAA is a
    powerful method to analyse the sample which identifies qualitative and quantitative of
    elements present in a sample. The INAA is a working instrument with advantages of
    experimental simplicity, high accuracy, excellent flexibility with respect to irradiation and
    counting conditions, and suitability for computerization. In INAA, sample is irradiated and
    measured directly. In practical. INAA is based on an absolute, relative and single-comparator
    standardisation method. The INAA has been developed since 1982 when the
    TRIGA Mark II reactor of Malaysia has commissioned. The absolute method was less
    utilised, the relative method has been used since 1982, and the ko-INAA method is derived
    from single-comparator standardization method has been developed since 1996 in Malaysia.
    The relative method, because of its advantages, such as high accuracy, easy for using, has
    many applications in Malaysia. Currently, local universities and Malaysian Nuclear Agency
    (MNA) research reactor use INAA method in Malaysia.
    MeSH terms: Malaysia; Neutron Activation Analysis; Neutrons; Nuclear Reactors; Research; Technology; Universities
  4. Abubaker Ali Yousif, Ismail Bahari, Muhamad Samudi Yasir
    To quantify the effectiveness of deuterons and helium particles at low doses, the inactivation rate in
    vitro for V79 cells has been extracted from radiobiological published data. The Physical parameters
    characteristics of these charged particles such as the linear energy transfer, the restricted linear
    energy transfer, the linear primary ionization and the mean free path are determined. The
    relationship between the inactivation rate and the physical parameters for deuterons and heluim-3
    particles has been established in this research. This approach enables in getting the distinctive
    biological response in terms of varies physical quality parameters. The best statistical regression
    fittings are formulated for each correlation.
  5. Rosnani Zakaria, Muzaimi Mustapha, Tengku Alina Tengku Ismail, Bella Puvok, Kamarul Aryffin Baharuddin, Mohd Suhaimi Ab Wahab, et al.
    Myth, believe in powerful ‘being’ commonly known as jinn and usage of ‘bomoh’ as the medium is still widespread in our community in Kelantan especially among the Malay community. This believe and practice of usin ‘bomoh’ to cure and help with known and unknown disease believe to be caused by the jinn, occasionally poses a significant complication and threat to the management of patient in the hospital. Our case is just one of many cases that happen in our local hospital, and we hope by sharing this case will illustrate how ethical discussion occasionally surpassed the four common ethical pillars.
    MeSH terms: Adult; Complementary Therapies; Case Reports; Ethics; Folklore; Hospitals; Humans; Malaysia; Malaysia/ethnology; Male; Religion
  6. Nor Haslina Mohd, Mat Zain Yusoff
    Practice-based educator role is one of the core roles for health care practitioners. This role has an immense responsibility in enhancing learners’ knowledge towards the actual clinical practice, to prepare them to work with clients and for future professional development. Practitioners, even though they are aware and understand the importance of this role, lacking in exposure in educating and learning just on-the job make them not wellprepared to carry the role. This reflective essay has allowed the author to evaluate her performance as an educator, identifying the weaknesses, to obtain a clearer picture and better outlook on precisely on educators’ role in practice-based learning. Hence, she will able to improve; be a much better, more consistent and more competent educator as well as share it with others.
    MeSH terms: Awareness; Delivery of Health Care; Female; Learning; Knowledge
  7. Anisa Ahmad, Nurhanis Syazni Roslan, Jamilah Al-Muhammady Mohammad, Muhamad Saiful Bahri Yusoff
    Introduction: Clinical educators around the globe agreed that an optimal educational climate is a vital aspect for effective learning to take place. This study was conducted to evaluate the perceptions of graduates toward the quality of clinical education climate in USM medical school. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on a cohort of USM medical graduates. Questionnaires were administered to the graduates to measure their perception on four aspects of clinical education climate that include structure of clinical rotation, clinical teaching and learning activities, quality of lecturers and end clinical rotation assessment across 13 clinical rotations. The graduates were requested to respond to seven-Likert scale ranging from 1(poor) to 7(excellent). Scores of equal to or more than 5 was considered as positive areas, scores of between 4 and 5 were considered as areas for improvement, and scores less than 4 were considered as areas of concern. Data analysis was performed using SPSS version 20. Results: A total of 105 (96.3%) graduates responded to the questionnaire. Results showed only the paediatric rotation obtained positive ratings on all areas of the clinical rotation structure. With regards to teaching and learning activities, the graduates scored most of the clinical rotations between 4 and 5. With regards to the quality of lecturers, most of the clinical rotations obtained score more than 5. Most of the areas related to the end-of-assessment of clinical rotation obtained score more than 5 except for the feedback adequacy, indicating inadequacy of feedback they received. Conclusion: USM medical graduates positively perceived the quality of lecturers during clinical training, however several areas of clinical education related to clinical rotation structure, clinical teaching and learning activities, and feedback practice were perceived by them as areas for improvement. Medical schools should introduce strategic measures to address the concerns raised by the graduates to ensure the best clinical learning experience are provided to the current and future medical students.
    MeSH terms: Climate; Cross-Sectional Studies; Feedback; Learning; Perception; Surveys and Questionnaires; Schools, Medical; Students, Medical; Problem-Based Learning
  8. Khraisat, Adam Mahmoud Salameh, Ahmad Fuad Abdul Rahim, Muhamad Saiful Bahri Yusoff
    Introduction: Emotional intelligence (EI) refers to the ability to perceive, control and evaluates emotion. Research results found that EI is relevant to organizational development and manpower development. It is also important to academic success, emotional adaptability, stress management and other lifestyle issues. EI principles help one to understand and assess people's behaviors, interpersonal skills, attitudes and potentials. It also plays an important role in human resource planning, job placement and recruitment interviews and selection, business development, customer care services, and more. The study focused on exploring students’ EI, subscales of EI (i.e., personal competencies and social competencies) and its associated factors. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 571 medical students from year 1, 3 and 5. Years of study, gender, and ethnic groups were included as factor variables. USM Emotional Quotient Inventory (USMEQ-i) was used to measure EI, personal competence and social competence. Results: Years of study significantly associated with EI (F = 18.41, p < 0.001), personal competency (F = 16.93, p < 0.001) and social competency levels (F = 12.92, p < 0.001). There was a decreasing pattern of EI, personal competency and social competency level as medical training progresses. Male significantly had a higher EI (t = -1.99, p < 0.05) and personal competence (t = -1.99, p < 0.05) levels than female medical students. Nevertheless, male and female students had equal levels of social competence (t = -1.39, p = 0.730). Ethnic groups demonstrated no significant association with EI, personal competency and social competency level. Conclusion: This study found that years of study were the main associated factor, followed by gender. In addition, there is a cause of concern regarding the decreasing pattern of EI throughout medical training. Further research is required to investigate this concern, so that appropriate intervention can be taken to alleviate the concern.
    MeSH terms: Attitude; Cross-Sectional Studies; Emotions; Ethnic Groups; Female; Humans; Life Style; Male; Perception; Personality Inventory; Students, Medical; Emotional Intelligence; Social Skills
  9. Taufiq Hidayat, Zahoor Iqbal, Ariffin Nasir, Norsarwany Mohamad, Fahisham Taib
    Food is considered as a social responsibility of caregivers to their children. It has cultural connotation for all races notwithstanding their background and religious belief; that social responsibility should not be separated even in terminally ill patients. We recorded a case scenario of a terminally ill child who faced difficult end of life with inability to take oral fluids or food due to mechanical obstruction of duodenum by the pelvic rhabdomyosarcoma. From cultural context, the physical act of giving food and fluids to a sick person is considered “a display of one’s affection”. It is understandable that, once the dying phase has reached, and the body starts to shut down, administering fluids may not be useful despite it is deemed necessary from cultural point of view. This case illustrates an ethical dilemma in managing a child with end stage metastatic disease with multiple systemic complications, compounded with futility of medical care and complex social circumstances. It is quite challenging for physicians and relatives to provide good end of life care to patients in palliative care setting. Ensuring good quality of care, quality of life and quality of death are paramount to avoid suffering and distress among the patients and family members.
    MeSH terms: Child; Death; Duodenum; Humans; Palliative Care; Physicians; Quality of Life; Rhabdomyosarcoma; Social Responsibility; Terminal Care; Caregivers; Hospice Care; Medical Futility; Terminally Ill
  10. Bhardwaj A, Nagandla K, Das Gupta E, Ibrahim S
    Workplace learning is essentially informal that is unstructured, unintended and opportunistic from educational view point. Recall of factual knowledge and applying skills is central in workplace so learning becomes meaningful and evidence based. To maximise their learning, the learners must take active participation in their own learning, set goals and march towards achieving these goals. The objective of the teacher at this juncture is obliging to the needs of the learners and of the patients. This review aims to address the teaching and learning theories that impact the workplace learning, factors influencing workplace based learning, identifying opportunities for learning to occur parallel with work and strategies that maximise successful workplace learning.
    MeSH terms: Goals; Humans; Learning; Mental Recall; Work; Workplace; Knowledge
  11. Naekashri Jothi, Muhamad Saiful Bahri Yusoff
    Feedback and students’ perception towards it has gained increasing attention in the educational literature recently, yet it is an underresearched area. The importance of feedback has not been perceived in a positive manner among medical students. This may be due to students’ lack of knowledge on the concept of feedback and their awareness of the benefits of feedback. This study focused on students’ knowledge on the concept of feedback and their perception towards the feedback system practiced in School of Medical Sciences, University Sains Malaysia. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study involving 433 numbers of students from year 1, 3 and 5 medical students. The variables that were included in this were the gender and their year of study. A validated questionnaire was used to perform this study. School and ethical committee clearance were obtained prior to the start of the study. Data obtained was analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20. Results: Findings revealed that students have an average level of knowledge on the concept of feedback and have a neutral perception towards the feedback system that is practiced in School of Medical Sciences, USM. There was no association between students’ knowledge level on feedback and their perception with their year of study and gender differences. However, although there was not much difference in students’ perception level about feedback with their year of study but it was found those students’ perception level decreases as their year of study progresses. It was also found that there was a poor correlation between medical students’ knowledge level on feedback with their perception towards the feedback system in School of Medical Sciences, USM. Conclusions: The area in which it raised concern in students’ perception about feedback was the factors that are involved in feedback practice, which are the givers of feedback, timing of feedback and the mode of feedback. Further study addressing students’ poor engagement and involvement in feedback can be done and issues identified from this study can be included in together for further improvements of the feedback system.
    MeSH terms: Attention; Awareness; Cross-Sectional Studies; Feedback; Malaysia; Perception; Surveys and Questionnaires; Social Sciences; Students, Medical; Universities
  12. Pei, Lin Lua, Umar Idris Ibrahim
    Recently, the integration of mobile phone apps into healthcare system is increasing as a result of the availability of medical applications. This study determined the perception of readiness of community pharmacists on the use of mobile smartphone as a health monitoring tool and the relationships between perception and readiness with selected demographic variables of the respondents. Methods: A crosssectional survey was conducted by distributing a modified 15-item instrument to a convenience sample of pharmacists (n = 245) across Malaysia by post. Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS version 20. Results: Response rate was 31.4% (n= 77). The mean age of the respondents was 35.5 ± 6. 52 years. The sample consisted of mostly women (71.4%). Overall, there were moderate “positive responses” across the two domains. Positive perception ranged from 54.5% to 66.2% and positive readiness ranged from 55.8% to 64.9%. No significant associations between perception and readiness with the selected demographic variables were detected (age, gender, location and outlet type). Conclusions: This study demonstrated that there was generally positive perception of mobile phone use for pharmaceutical care among community pharmacists in Malaysia. They were also ready to adapt it to improve pharmaceutical care delivery to patients.
    MeSH terms: Smartphone; Cross-Sectional Studies; Demography; Female; Humans; Malaysia; Pharmaceutical Services; Pharmacies; Pharmacists; Pharmacy; Surveys and Questionnaires; Mobile Applications
  13. Phang, Cheng Kar, Firdaus Mukhtar, Normala Ibrahim, Keng, Shian-Ling, Sherina Mohd Sidik
    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of a DVDdelivered mindfulness-based intervention for reducing stress among medical students in a Malaysian university. Methods: A total of 76 medical students participated in the intervention program (Mindful-Gym DVD). They were stratified according to year of studies and randomly allocated to intervention (N = 38) and control groups (N = 38). The following outcome variables were measured at pre- and post-intervention: mindfulness (with Mindful Attention Awareness Scale, MAAS); perceived stress (with Perceived Stress Scale, PSS); mental distress (with Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale, DASS); and self-efficacy (with General Selfefficacy Scale, GSE). Hierarchical multiple regression analyses were used to analyse the effect of group (Intervention vs. Control) on changes in the outcome variables. Results: One week after the intervention, participants in the intervention group reported significantly greater improvements with small to medium effect sizes in self-reported levels of mindfulness (β =0.19, ∆R2= 0.04, p = 0.028, f2= 0.07), perceived stress (β = -0.25, ∆R2=0.06, p = 0.006, f2= 0.11), mental distress (β = -0.27, ∆R2= 0.07, p =0.003, f2= 0.13), and self-efficacy (β = 0.27, ∆R2= 0.07, p = 0.003, f2= 0.13), compared to participants in the control group. The number needed to treat (NNT) to achieve ‘normal’ levels of depressive, anxiety, and stress symptoms (as indicated by the DASS scores) were 5, 8, and 6 respectively. Conclusions: This study found that the DVD-delivered mindfulness-based program is potentially a labour- and cost-effective and easily accessible stress reduction program for medical students.
    MeSH terms: Anxiety; Attention; Awareness; Depression; Depressive Disorder; Regression Analysis; Students, Medical; Universities; Self Efficacy; Control Groups; Self Report; Mindfulness
  14. Wan Nor Arifin
    Multivariate analyses depend on multivariate normality assumption. Although the analyses are available in SPSS, it is not possible to assess the assumption from the basic package. Statistical assessment of the normality is available in a specialized package, SPSS Amos, in form of Mardia's multivariate kurtosis. However, graphical assessment of the normality by chi-square versus Mahalanobis distance plot is not available in both of the packages. The aim of this article is to present the steps to construct the plot in SPSS in a point-and-click manner as expected by most SPSS users.
    MeSH terms: Biometry; Drug Packaging; Habits; Multivariate Analysis; Stereotypic Movement Disorder
  15. Maher D. Fuad Fuad, Munn Sann, L., Normala Ibrahim, Phang, Cheng Kar, Siti Irma Ismail, Balsam Mahdi Nasir Al-Zurfi
    Students-t test is the most popular statistical test. The test compares two mean values to judge if they are different or not. For small data it is possible to conduct it using manual calculation – however that is not the case. Researchers would need to use statistical software and packages to conduct their analysis. This guide will help the junior researchers to conduct independent- and paired-t test using STATA software.
    MeSH terms: Biometry; Drug Packaging; Research Personnel; Software; Students
  16. Maher D Fuad, Balsam Mahdi Nasir Al-Zurfi, Mohammed Abdul Qader, Mohammed Faez Abu Bakar, Elnajeh, Maged, Mohd Rusli Abdullah
    Introduction: Medical school expected to be a time of personal development, achievement, and well-being. However, research shows that there are many negative effects on students’ mental health due to the current educational process. Objective: This research aimed to determine the prevalence and risk factors of depression, anxiety, and stress among medical students of a private medical university in Malaysia. Method: Cross sectional study was conducted using self-administered questionnaires including socio-demographic factors, DASS-21 and MSSQ-40 questionnaires. Result: Prevalence of stress, anxiety, and depression were 46.9%, 76.2% and 60.2% respectively. Multiple logistic regression analysis showed that academic related stressors were only associated with stress [adjusted OR 1.78, 95% CI (1.23, 2.58), p=0.002]. Group activities related stressors were significantly associated with stress [adjusted OR=1.45, 95%CI (1.20, 1.75), p
    MeSH terms: Achievement; Anxiety; Anxiety Disorders; Cross-Sectional Studies; Depression; Depressive Disorder; Malaysia; Mental Health; Surveys and Questionnaires; Risk Factors; Schools, Medical; Students, Medical; Universities; Prevalence; Logistic Models
  17. Joong, Hiong Sim, Yang Faridah Abdul Aziz, Vijayananthan, Anushya, Azura Mansor, Vadivelu, Jamuna, Hamimah Hassan
    ntroduction: In the marking of objective structured clinical examination (OSCE), checklist scoring and global rating are two commonly used scoring systems. Objective: The purpose of this study was to examine correlations between checklist scores and global ratings for four OSCE stations of different station type. Method: Data for this study was obtained from the Final Year OSCE (n=185). Each station’s score sheet consisted of a detailed checklist of items examined. A global rating scale was also included for the examiner to indicate the global assessment for the station. Spearman’s rho correlation coefficients between checklist scores and global ratings were computed for four stations of different station type. For each station, correlations between checklist scores and global ratings were also checked across the three parallel circuits running concurrently and throughout the four rounds. Result: Spearman’s rho correlation coefficients (ρ) between checklist scores and global ratings for the four stations ranged between 0.62 to 0.88, at p
    MeSH terms: Education, Medical, Undergraduate; Educational Measurement; Running; Checklist
  18. Cheah, Whye Lian, Helmy Hazmi, Kiu, Ling Hui, Lee, Sze Ee, Ling, Wei Nii, Wong, Veronica Huey Shin
    Introduction: Mentoring medical students is one of the essential responsibilities or missions of a medical school faculty. Objective: This study aimed to determine the perceptions of mentorship and mentoring practices among mentors using a convergent parallel method. Method: Quantitative data was collected by using an adopted validated self- administered questionnaire and analyzed using SPSS version 20. Qualitative data was done using one-to-one interview based on semi structured interview guide and analyzed using thematic analysis. Result: A total of 61 respondents participated in the quantitative survey. Approximately 75% of the respondents had 5 to 10 mentees, with majority rated themselves as satisfactory mentor. More than 60% of them met their mentees at least once every six months. Most respondents were friendly (86.9%) and frank to their mentees (68.9%) and were interested in their mentees’ professional development (95.1%). Phone calling (93.4%) and E-mail (95.1%) were preferred as modes of contact. Mentees were allowed to call their mentors anytime of the day (74.1%). Respondents preferred to counsel their mentees (80.3%) and would refer them for professional help whenever necessary (70.5%). For qualitative data, a total of 5 participants participated with themes emerged: concepts of mentoring, factors contributing to ineffective mentoring and ways to improve mentoring practices. Conclusion: The respondents had positive perceptions regarding their mentorship and practices. A more structured approach with clear mentoring guideline and proper training should be in place.
    MeSH terms: Faculty, Medical; Mentors; Religious Missions; Perception; Surveys and Questionnaires; Schools, Medical; Students, Medical; Electronic Mail
  19. Kumar, Naveen, Nur Amni Mohd Shamsuddin, Normylia Jamil, Atiqah Mohd Zayed, Swamy Ravindra, S., Guru, Anita, et al.
    Objective: The idea of humanitarianism is evolving with progressing life. Awareness about this global issue has to be emphasized particularly among the younger generation and thus be encouraged to be exposed and involved in humanitarian projects in need. Being responsible citizens of the country one should develop concern about the humanitarian issues, and this attitude needs to be developed from student life. Methods: A cross sectional survey was conducted on 200 participants of the Malaysian and Indian (100 each) health science students using faculty validated close ended questionnaire. Results of the data were analyzed statistically by testing with chi square analysis from SPSS software. Results: From the present study, it has been observed that, despite the cultural and economical diversity between the two nations, there was no observable difference in student’s point of view on humanitarian issues in most of the areas concerned. Overall evaluation also reflected effect of the socio-economic status of the countries on the perception of the issue amongst the students. Conclusion: Despite of different geography, diverse culture and dissimilar socio-economic status, the need of concern towards humanitarian issues is observable. Students of both nations have positive attitude towards the humanitarian issues as well.
    MeSH terms: Altruism; Awareness; Cross-Sectional Studies; Faculty; Geography; Perception; Surveys and Questionnaires; Software; Cultural Diversity
  20. Shazlin Umar, Azriani Ab Rahman, Aziah Daud, Azizah Othman, Normastura Abd Rahman, Azizah Yusoff, et al.
    Objective: The objectives of this study were to determine the effect of a one and a half year educational intervention on the job dissatisfaction of teachers in 30 Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) centres in Kelantan, Malaysia, and to identify the factors influencing changes in job dissatisfaction following the intervention. Method: Ten educational modules were administered to the teachers. A validated Malay version of Job Content Questionnaire (JCQ) was used pre intervention, mid intervention and post intervention. Result: Repeated Measure ANOVA revealed there was a statistically significant reduction in the mean of job dissatisfaction (p = 0.048). Multiple Linear Regression revealed that co- worker support (β= 0.034 (95% CI = 0.009, 0.059)), having less decision authority (β: -0.023; 95% CI: -0.036, -0.01) and being single (β: -0.107; 95% CI: -0.176,-0.038) were significantly associated with decreases in job dissatisfaction. Conclusion: The intervention program elicited improvement in job satisfaction. Efforts should be made to sustain the effect of the intervention in reducing job dissatisfaction by continuous support visits to CBR centres.
    MeSH terms: Job Satisfaction; Malaysia; Surveys and Questionnaires; Rehabilitation Centers; Residence Characteristics; Multivariate Analysis; Linear Models
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