Browse publications by year: 2018

  1. Windy Anjilus, Roslee Talip
    Workers who experience job dissatisfaction tend to lose their joy and happiness in their work that leads to low motivation, performance, commitment and eventually results in leaving their job. This brings long term negative effects to the organization and provides opportunity for rivalry. Hence, a study on the practice of healthy and positive organizational climate need to be carried out to increase the level of the teachers' job satisfaction to enhance the performance of the organization. Recent studies in organizational climate which involve four dimensions namely collegial leadership, professional teacher behaviour, achievement press and institutional vulnerability portrays the potential in influencing the teachers' job satisfaction. This study delves into the influence of these four dimensions in organizational climate towards the teachers' job satisfaction in the aspects of promotion, pay, supervision, working procedures and co-workers. This study is based on the Organizational Climate Description Questionnaire (OCDQ) by Hoy, Smith and Sweetland (2002) to measure the organization climate and the combination of two instruments of questionnaire to measure job satisfaction which are Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS) by Spector (1985) and Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ) by Weiss, Dais, England and Lofquist (1967). Quantitative analysis is done using IBM SPSS Statistics Version 24 towards 50 academic teachers in the Form Six centres. The findings show that organization climate in particular has a significant influence towards job satisfaction among the academic teachers in the Form Six Centres. The mean scores of job satisfaction and the organizational climate were at a moderate level, but job satisfaction based on teaching experience is at a high level, and there was no significant differences between gender.
    MeSH terms: Climate; England; Happiness; Humans; Job Satisfaction; Leadership; Minnesota; Motivation; Personal Satisfaction; Personnel Loyalty; Surveys and Questionnaires; Educational Personnel
  2. Farhana Sabri, Zahidah Mustafa, Mohd Yahya Mohamed Ariffin
    The number of relapsing addicts is increasingly worrying from year to year. This study was conducted
    to examine at the relationship between defense mechanisms and the level of readiness to change in
    relapsing addicts. Although the drug addicts have been treated at the treatment center, however,
    repeated cases of drug addicts still occur. Six research questions were developed to see how far the
    variables consisting of defense mechanisms could correlate with readiness to change among addicts
    who were undergoing treatment. This study was carried out involving 125 addicts in two separate
    treatment centers in Melaka and Selangor. The selected sample were addicts who have undergone a
    relapse phase at least once in drug addiction. Statistical data analysis using Statistical Packages for
    Social Sciences 20 (SPSS-20) were used to analyze the data. Statistical descriptive is used to view the
    results of demographic data constructed. T-test and ANOVA are used to see the relationship between
    the variables. The regression analysis is used to predict the defense mechanisms with the stage of
    readiness to change among relapsing addicts. The results showed that the defense mechanism had a
    significant relationship to the stage of readiness to change among samples. The results of this study
    provide information on treatment services in the drug rehabilitation to improve the treatment method
    appropriately to the drug addicts in preventing relapse.
    MeSH terms: Analysis of Variance; Data Interpretation, Statistical; Demography; Nerve Tissue Proteins; Recurrence; Regression Analysis; Social Sciences; RNA-Binding Proteins; Substance-Related Disorders; Drug Users
  3. Siti Suhaila Arsad, Nik Rosila Nik Yaacob, Mohamad Hashim Othman
    This research discusses about the integration of muhasabah concept and scaling question
    technique. The integration is made based on the integrative model combining Western and
    Islamic approaches. For Islamic approach, the concept of muhasabah is explained. Muhasabah
    is one of the concepts introduced in Al-Ghazali’s Tazkiyyah Annafs approach. Muhasabah in
    this research is a process of self-evaluation that leads to client’s actions. Two opinions about
    muhasabah is reviewed in this research; which are the opinions of Ibnu Qayyim and Al-
    Ghazali. From the Western approach, the technique of scaling question is elaborated. Scaling
    question technique is one of the questioning techniques in Solution Focused Brief Therapy
    (SFBT). This technique explains about the importance of measuring method using numbers in
    the process of self-evaluation that leads to change. Next, the integration between muhasabah
    concept and scaling question technique are examined.
  4. Jaggil Apak, Muhamad Suhaimi Taat
    This study is aimed at identify the influence of teachers' readiness towards 21st century classroom
    management among secondary school teachers in Sabah, Malaysia. The non-experimental study
    utilised the survey method by combining several variable sampling techniques to obtain samples. Data
    was collected through a set of adapted questionnaires administered to 439 teachers. Descriptive
    analysis shows teachers’ readiness and 21st century classroom management being practised at a high
    level. One-way ANOVA test results show that there is no significant difference in teachers’ readiness
    and 21st century classroom management based on teaching experience. Meanwhile, multiple regression
    analysis shows that there is a significant influence of teachers' readiness towards 21st century classroom
    management. The findings show that the overall contribution predicted by teachers' readiness towards
    21st century classroom management is 27.8 percent. Implications and recommendations for further
    studies are also discussed.
  5. Elizabeth Tubong Merrall
    Although migrant workers in Malaysia account for a large proportion of the workforce, the Malaysian
    government is criticised as facilitators of their abuse. This has placed a significant strain on the
    Malaysian government’s relationships with migrant workers’ origin countries. In order to improve
    these important political relationships and retain migrant workers, the Malaysian government should
    consider immigration policy reforms that will improve the treatment of migrant workers. One key
    recommendation includes providing an impartial data source on migrant workers by creating a new
    migrant research subdivision in the Department of Statistics. The current Migration Survey Report is
    irregular and insufficient and Malaysian media is generally prejudiced against migrant workers.
    Another useful recommendation is to provide migrant workers with leaflets (in different languages and
    in simple terms) on their labour rights. This should be distributed at the border as well as online to
    ensure that migrant workers are entering the country aware of their rights and how to enforce them.
    This would help prevent common exploitative practices like passport retention. Foreign domestic
    workers should be provided with a separate guidebook as their labour situation is significantly more
    vulnerable and different to typical migrant workers. Nevertheless, exploitation often begins prior to
    arrival through recruitment agencies via debt bondage and forced labour situations. The Malaysian
    government should seek to diversify away from these agencies towards memorandums of
    understandings: a cheaper and better regulated alternative to ensure migrant workers’ safety.
  6. Nor Azira Ayob, Sity Daud, Nurul Nadia Abu Hassan
    Human resource development comprises skills, abilities, creativity and talent are amongst factors in
    human capital as well as emulous aspect. Hence, the emphasis on human capital development and
    emulous aspect is important to become a good leader for family, community and country. It is also
    important in ensuring entrepreneurs can compete in market economy today and they are able to meet
    customer demand. Thus, the objectives are the emphasis on the factors that are able to contribute in
    improving human capital and emulous of women. This is because, the right factor will enable the government to carry out in accordance with the factors that have been identified. In obtaining the
    factors contribute to human capital development, the survey method was conducted on 145 respondents
    among Bumiputera women entrepreneurs in Melaka state and supported with qualitative data from 10
    informants. The findings through exploratory factor analysis found that there are four main factors that
    contribute to human capital development among Bumiputera women entrepreneurs which are
    education and training, experience, social support and creativity, while three main factors that
    contribute to emulous among Bumiputera women entrepreneurs are financial assistance, facilities and
    infrastructure and commitment. Thus, the government is advised to emphasize on education and
    training as well as financial assistance to improve their abilities on human capital and emulous that is
    appropriate to support the women entrepreneurs need to increase their performance.
    MeSH terms: Data Accuracy; Creativity; Factor Analysis, Statistical; Female; Government; Humans; Leadership; Surveys and Questionnaires; Social Support; Staff Development
  7. Norita Kamaruddin, Nora'inan Bahari, Zanariah Dimon, Nurhayati Abd Ghani
    The awareness of the Muslim community on the importance of understanding breastfeeding according
    to Islamic perspective needs to be emphasized in promoting the implementation of breastfeeding in the
    best way. This proved that breast milk is the major food after birth and a mother should know the right
    and the regulation of breastfeeding in order to be in line with Islamic law. This article aims to discuss
    the level of awareness among the Muslim community in Selangor regarding breast milk donation. Data
    were collected through a questionnaire distributed to 400 respondents involving three locations in
    Selangor, namely in the northern zone (Hulu Selangor district), central zone (Klang district) and
    southern zone (Sepang district). The findings showed that the respondents had a moderate level of
    awareness regarding milk donation laws with average mean value of 3.26. This finding shows that the
    Muslim community in Selangor are concerned about the rights and the regulation of breastfeeding.
    MeSH terms: Animals; Awareness; Breast Feeding; Female; Humans; Islam; Milk, Human; Mothers; Pregnancy; Surveys and Questionnaires; Parturition
  8. Suzy Aziziyana Saili, Rosila Bee Mohd Hussain, Khairulnizam Mat Karim
    A plural society existence due to economic policy is an outcome of foreign colonization. Due to the
    British economic policy, Malaya saw the influx two foreign ethnic; Chinese and Indian, working in tin
    mining and rubber estates respectively. Early conflict involving the Malays and these foreign workers
    is inevitable which is evident during both the Japanese intervention and the British colonization. The
    objective of this paper is to review the role and responsibilities of Communities Liaison Committee in
    pioneering social cohesion between the three main ethnics in Malaya during the crucial time of
    Japanese intervention, British colonization, communist threat and the declaration of emergency. Before
    CLC, a cooperation was initiated by AMCJA-PUTERA coalition but was short lived due to the absence
    of support from the British and lack of bargaining between Malays and Non-Malays. CLC received a
    full patronage of the British as the pioneer of social cohesion in Malaya, especially when it was able to call upon the three main ethnic in its discussion of bargaining and negotiation or what is widely known
    as the social contract, as well as practicing political power sharing.
    MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups; Humans; Interpersonal Relations; Malaysia; Rubber; Tin; Negotiating; European Continental Ancestry Group; Asian Continental Ancestry Group
  9. Mohammad Haafiz Ahmid, Mohd Khairuddin Abdullah, Khalid Johari
    Arabic learning among religious-oriented students is a must and should be studied as it is included in
    public examination such as PT3, SPM and STPM. To learn it effectively, students need to have high
    level of motivational beliefs because Arabic language is a rather difficult and challenging subject for
    students who are non-speakers. Previous studies recorded a low level of motivation for Arabic
    language because it was difficult to master it. Hence, this study will explain the possibility of teachers'
    teaching influence students’ motivational beliefs in Arabic language. A quantitative approach used in
    this research and conducted using the Student's Evaluation of Teaching Effectiveness Rating Scale
    (SETERS) and Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ) questionnaire as an
    instrument that was responded to by 542 form 4 religious-oriented students. The data was processed through Pearson correlation analysis. The findings show that the moderate, but significant and positive
    relationship between teacher’s teaching and motivational beliefs of religious-oriented students in
    learning Arabic language. In this regard, teachers need to diversify their teaching strategies in terms of
    delivery learning materials, interaction and the provision of conducive learning environment. This
    effort will increase the student's motivational beliefs to Arabic language while developing more
    effective and comprehensive Arabic language mastery potential.
  10. 'Adlina Abdul Khalil, Rosfazila Abd Rahman, Hairol Anuar Mak Din
    This is a case study research that is trying to identify a social interaction among multi ethnic students to maintain national integration. This research is concern on the factors that influence social interaction among students through co-curriculum activities like participate in sports and clubs at school. Findings from interview session individualy and grouping at two secondary schools at Kuala Ketil, Kedah shown there is a conflict and stereotype among students, however feeling to learn and accept the differences within ethnics still exist. Throughout the research, it shows that factors from external influence comes from school and peer groups. However, in the part of internal influence it is from student’s intrapersonal factor. In order to maintain social interaction among students, strategies had been taken by school through co-curriculum activities like sports and clubs. As a conclusion, a good social interaction among multiethnic students very important and need support from school’s administrator to maintain and sustain the harmonius and glory of the nation.
    MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups; Humans; Interpersonal Relations*; Malaysia; Students*
  11. Donney Fred Desmond, Norjietta Julita Taisin
    This article explains about the culture of Kadazandusun in the contexts of local knowledge on
    agriculture. The article also explains the role, practice, taboo and local knowledge of preserving the
    environment through traditional agriculture before, during and after they open new land for agriculture.
    As a result, it does affecting the soil, plantation, river due the poor management of agriculture.
    Although agriculture today focus on the use of technology in daily basis, agriculture based on the
    through the farmer’s culture on the agriculture are also important to preserve the balance of
    environment. This study had been conducted in Kampung Pulutan Keningau. It had been conducted
    through the method of review of area, interview, observation and library research.
    MeSH terms: Malaysia
  12. Suzei Mat Nurudin, Nor Suhaiza Md Khalid, Zarina Mohd Zain
    The local government is the closest government to the local community and identified as the third level
    of government after the state and federal governments. Each local government has their own power to
    enact by-laws under their respective administration. By-laws is a formulation of the law under the
    jurisdiction of local government in performing its duties and functions covering the administrative area
    that has been identified by the state government. Some of the by-laws play a part in shaping the
    personality of the community, especially in local government areas which are quite different approach
    such as Kota Bharu Municipal Council of Islamic Cities (MPKB-BRI). By-laws implemented by
    MPKB-BRI are very different compared to other states in Malaysia which is the provisions of the bylaws
    that suggests the aurat closure and appropriate clothing among traders, business premises owners
    and local communities. The purpose of this study is to review the extent of the by-laws implemented by
    MPKB-BRI to influence and shaping the personality of the local community in Kota Bharu district,
    MeSH terms: Cities; Clothing; Commerce; Constitution and Bylaws; Malaysia; Local Government; Personality; Personality Disorders; State Government; Federal Government
  13. Pan, Lee Ching, Chua, Bee Seok
    Work-life balance is a prerequisite, in the choice of contemporary work styles, but allegedly has deteriorated in the teaching profession. Affected work-life quality causes serious impacts including work-life conflict, decreased job ability and affects an individual’s psychological state. This distress wave affects on a global scale, due to extreme workloads which cause high job stress that eventually affect quality of life. In the Malaysian context, job stress is currently at a medium level, but workloads are expected to increase, hence, work-life balance is potentially at risk. Investigations into work-life balance among teachers in Sabah is scarce. In addition, studies have not adequately examined the issue with positive integration. Balancing is about strengthening the known gains, and overcoming the identified strains. Thus, present conceptual paper discussed about the relationship of workload, eustress and distress towards work-life balance. Ultimately, a conceptual framework is developed based on the reviewed literature.
    MeSH terms: Faculty; Humans; Work-Life Balance*
  14. Suzy Aziziyana Saili, Rosila Bee Mohd Hussain, Khairulnizam Mat Karim
    Racial polarisation issues in public higher learning institutions has long been debated and continues to
    exist even with the many effort for unity seen through nation’s education policies. Despite the
    existence of opportunities for students to interact with the other ethnic throughout their studies, their
    social relation was relatively moderate. Past findings suggested further studies be made to the factors
    contributing to racial polarisation and that there should be a platform which encouraged students to
    cooperate and enabled them to reached a common ground. The objective of this paper is to do a
    preliminary survey on inter-ethnic dialogue which could become a platform in enhancing good social
    relation between students of different ethnics in public and private universities. A successful interethnic
    dialogue must include the four dimension of social relation: assimilation, amalgamation,
    acculturation and accommodation, with which the social relation in Malaysia revolves, contributed
    primarily by its historical and political factors.
  15. Muhammad Dhamir Audi Azizul, Wan Munira Wan Jaafar, Azlina Mohd Khir
    This social psychology study sought to understand how the inability of former drug addicts controlling
    interpersonal conflict that occurs in the community resulted in relapse or back to their addiction. A
    qualitative phenomenological approach was taken to conduct interviews with former drug addicts that
    are participating in a rehab program in Cure and Care Service Centre, Kuala Pilah, Negeri Sembilan,
    Malaysia. Eight informants were consented and interviewed. Purposive sampling was used and
    responses were analyzed thematically. These themes included the issue of labeling drug addicts as
    convicts, isolation from the community and restricted from participating in community-based
    programs. Researcher suggests related agencies to work with rehabilitation officers in restructuring the
    rehabilitation learning module and improve the interpersonal conflict management module. Therefore,
    it is hoped that in the future, former drug addicts would be capable to manage interpersonal conflict
    and simultaneously avoid from recidivism in addiction.
    MeSH terms: Interpersonal Relations; Learning; Malaysia; Psychology, Social; Recurrence; Behavior, Addictive; Drug Users
  16. Jaggil Apak, Muhamad Suhaimi Taat
    This study was aimed at identifying the relationship of teachers’ creativity fostering behaviour with 21st
    century classroom management among teachers in normal daily government-aided secondary schools
    in Sabah, Malaysia. The non-experimental study utilised the observation method by combining several
    variable sampling techniques to obtain samples. Data was collected through a set of adapted
    questionnaires administered to 439 teachers. The data were analysed using the IBM SPSS Statistical
    21.0 software. Descriptive and inferential statistics such as percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test,
    and Pearson correlation were used to analyse the data to answer the research questions. Descriptive
    analysis teachers’ creativity fostering behaviour and 21st century classroom management being
    practised at a high level. Findings of the study also showed a significant difference in the min score of
    teachers’ creativity fostering behaviour and 21st century classroom management according to gender.
    Pearson correlation test indicated a moderate positive linear relationship for teachers’ creativity
    fostering behaviour with 21st century classroom management. The implications and suggestions for
    further study are also discussed.
  17. Ayu Nor Azilah Mohamad, Mohamed Ali Haniffa, Wayu Nor Asikin Mohamad
    This article discusses the impact of plurality on Malaysia-Singapore relations after the formation of
    Malaysia on September 16, 1963. The establishment of the Federation of Malaysia agreement was
    signed in London on July 8, 1963 by the representatives of the British government, the Federation of
    Malaya, Singapore, Sabah and Sarawak. All parties agreed to the change in name from Federation of
    Malaya to Malaysia. The declaration of Malaysia was made on September 16, 1963 simultaneously
    throughout the country. This study uses secondary sources and library research methods. The findings
    show that Singapore's existence in Malaysia was seen to have raised racial issues leading to the
    separation of Singapore from Malaysia on August 9, 1965. Ethnic-related problems need to be
    addressed wisely in order to not be a threat to racial relations among the plural society in Malaysia.
    MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups; Government; Humans; Libraries; London; Malaysia; Race Relations; Singapore; Continental Population Groups
  18. How, Cherish, Jariah Mohd Jan
    Students from foster care are highly known for their poor performance in school and retention in grade.
    Nevertheless, female students in general achieve better academic results than male students. Studies on
    gendered differences among foster children seem to be scarce. Therefore, this study examines the use
    of linguistics features among male and female foster children in expressing their needs to improve their
    academic performance. For this purpose, semi-structured interview questions are used to gather data
    from foster children in Malaysia. The narratives elicited from the interviews are qualitatively analysed
    using content analysis approach. The data reveal that the use of adjectives, direct statements and
    accusation are common in the responses of both male and female foster children. However, the female
    foster children are more expressive in their responses as intensifying adverbs were frequently used
    when highlighting concern on their poor academic performance. Female foster children’s willingness
    to share problems and concern about their academic performance makes it easier for the teachers to
    assist. The male foster children, in contrast, tend to use denial as a strategy to conceal their problems
    and avoid displaying any signs of weaknesses. Ultimately, not voicing their problems may result in the
    lack of awareness amongst teachers and making it challenging for them to attend to the academic needs
    of these children.
  19. Julianah Saguni, Puteri Hayati Megat Ahmad, Guan, Teik Ee
    Unemployment issue is becoming a factor which causes relapses especially among former drug addicts
    that has undergone rehabilitation. Therefore, this paperwork seek to unfold and discuss degree of
    relationships between introvert and extrovert personality with career interest according to six RIASEC
    major field to drug addicts. Research objective are to identify the relationship between introvert and
    extrovert personality with career interest among drug addicts in Sabah. Most of the respondent in
    treatment center has no knowledge about their own personality in career development especially after
    finishing treatment thus causing relapse due to failure of getting the right employment for themselves.
    It is considered serious due to economic and life instability are one of the factor which contribute to
    relapse among drug addicts. Occupation or career selection are constantly highlighted as one of the
    major problem in former drug addict life. This shows that a careful career selection needs to be done. Career process are also continuous process of involvement to help self-development especially in line
    of job they do. Therefore, it is hopeful that this research could give valuable impact and use to drug
    addicts rehabilitation authority with implementation of career guidance to clients hence assisting them
    in making effective career choice in the future.
    MeSH terms: Career Choice; Malaysia; Occupations; Personality; Personality Disorders; Surveys and Questionnaires; Recurrence; Unemployment; Vocational Guidance; Drug Users
  20. Aswadi Mohamad, Zaitul Azma Zainon Hamzah
    This article focuses in structure of language within the village society in Manik Urai Kelantan during
    the flood situation. The research was specifically to identify the structure of Speech Act use by the rural
    community to give information about flood. Besides, this research observes the application of
    linguistics methodology during flood situation using Speech Act Theory which is the categorization of
    Speech Act by Searle (1969). This theory was choose for the ability to detail linguistic's differences
    based on the structure of Speech Act categories such as representatives, directives, commissives,
    expresives and declaratives. For the purpose of the research, a video about flood situation was choose
    and transcribe to observe the the structure of speech act within the village society in the flood situation.
    The result of the research shows all Speech Act have their structure. The beneficial of this research is as
    a guideline and reference for the readers and language researchers especially those who were active
    participant of volunteer field.
    MeSH terms: Language; Linguistics; Research; Research Personnel; Societies; Speech; Volunteers; Floods
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