
  • 1 Department of Anaesthesiology, Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur
Med J Malaysia, 1990 Dec;45(4):349-52.
PMID: 2152060


A case of tetanus occurring after induced abortion is reported. The patient gave a history of low grade fever with chill and rigors, headache, neck pain and Trismus. She subsequently developed respiratory distress. However, incorrect information from the patient resulted in the delay to locate and eradicate the source of infection. Early referral to an intensive care unit for ventilatory assistance was the most appropriate step to save the patient. Complications which occurred during the course of the disease were sometimes difficult to overcome. These complications were probably related to the duration of stay in the intensive care unit. Their incidence could be reduced by more meticulous patient care.

* Title and MeSH Headings from MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.