The interference of 235 U on 226 Ra concentration measured directly using the γ-ray energy of 186 keV and the interference of 228 Ac on the 40 K analysis by gamma-spectrometry system were highlighted and discussed. The interference of 235 U was demonstrated to be very significant, i.e. 45% of the 226 Ra concentration measured directly at 186 keV in natural samples containing uranium series in equilibrium. The interference of 228 Ac on 40 K concentration was particularly significant for samples containing high concentration of 228 Ac ( 228 Ra) such as radioactive minerals. Another important aspect discussed is the assignment of the right emission probability of the 583 keV and 2614 keV of the 208 Tl for the purpose of estimating the concentration of 232 Th or other radionuclides in the thorium series. Extra cautions are required in the interpretation of the measured 208 Tl concentration in samples of various natures. It is suggested that the emission probability used for 208 Tl be reported for comparison and verification.