
  • 1 Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre


Introduction : Quality is an important aspect in health care delivery not only because it is one of the most important factors in individual and community health, but it also influences lives in improving lifespan, health status and also reduction in disease and the burden of diseases.
Methodology : This is a systematic review on various papers, studies and articles based on studies and researches done by a few scholars, experts and organizations involved in quality, quality assessment and monitoring.
Results : Quality in health care delivery involves six main aspects including access to services, suitability to the needs, effectiveness, equity, social acceptance and efficiency. Quality is taken from the perspective of the consumers and the providers. Some of the issues surrounding quality assessment are identifying and balancing between the difference perspective among the stakeholders, producing accountable framework of assessment and also finding suitable criteria for outcome assessment. Health care services in Malaysia are provided both by the government and the private sector with each sector has its own advantages, disadvantages and challenges.
Conclusion : The challenges in improving and maintaining quality include balancing advances in science and technology with the available brainpower and human resources. Therefore all agencies should work together in order to provide the best health care delivery and to keep improving the quality in health care services.