Introduction: In the course of their undergraduate training at
the International Medical University, students receive a
Basic Trauma Life Support course.
Objective: We wanted to test the long-term retention of
knowledge (after 16 months) of third year medical students
who had received training in Basic Trauma Life Support
Method: To assess the retention of knowledge one cohort of
students who received the training course were tested again
16 months later using the same 30 question One Best
Answer quiz.
Results: Seventy-three students who underwent the course
sat for the Retention test. The number of students who
passed the Retention test was not significantly different
from the test taken immediately after the course. The mean
scores, 62.5% and 59.5% respectively, were however
significantly different.
Conclusion: Our study involves a relatively long interval
between the course and retention of knowledge test shows
encouraging results.