In order to prepare Malaysia to be nuclear ready, the Malaysian 1 MW TRIGA MARK II research
reactor (RTP) located at the Malaysian Nuclear Agency was premeditated with the aim to effectually
actualize the multitude areas of basic nuclear research, labor training and education. To meet the
modern safety standards, analyses of a strong interaction between the thermal-hydraulic system
behavior and the space-dependent neutron kinetics are needed as mere thermal-hydraulics codes are
said to be incapable to succeed the present safety standards. This could be achieved through the
coupling of neutronic and thermal-hydraulic codes of the reactor. Previous studies had shown that the
coupled codes are able to successfully be employed for the correlation between thermal-hydraulic
analysis and neutron kinetics at transient and steady state. In this study, the coupling was achieved
through MCNP and TRIGLAV codes for neutronic and thermal-hydraulic respectively. Core-15 of
RTP was modeled for both of the codes; hence calculating the criticality, analysis of power and
neutron flux distribution. The consistency and accuracy of the developed Core-15 MCNP model was
established by comparing calculations to the experimental results and TRIGLAV code. The criticality
predictions for both codes are in very good agreement with the experimental results. The core reached
its criticality after 66 fuels. The highest hot rod power peaking factor was found to be 1.28. The
results are conservative and can be applied to show the reliability of MCNP and TRIGLAV codes.