Since the world’s first nuclear reactor major breakthrough in December 02, 1942, the nuclear power industry has undergone tremendous development and evolution for more than half a century. After surpassing moratorium of nuclear power plant construction caused by catastrophic accidents at Three-Mile Island (1979) and Chernobyl (1986), today, nuclear energy is back on the policy agendas of many states, both developed and developing nations, signaling nuclear revival or nuclear renaissance. Selection of suitable nuclear power technology has thus been subjected to primary attention. This short paper attempts to draw preliminary technology assessment for the first nuclear power reactor technology for Malaysia. Methodology employed is qualitative analysis collating recent finding of TNB-KEPCO Preliminary Feasibility Study for Nuclear Power Program in Peninsular Malaysia and other published presentations and/or papers by multiple experts.
The results suggested that the pressurized water reactor (PWR) is the prevailing technology in terms of numbers and plant performances, and while the commercialization of Gen IV reactors is remote (e.g. not until 2030), Generation III/III+ NPP models are commercially available on the market today. Five (5) major steps involved in reactor technology selection were introduced with a focus on introducing important aspects of selection criteria. Three (3) categories for the of reactor technology selection were used for the cursory evaluation. The outcome of these analyses shall constitute deeper and full review analyses of the recommended reactor technologies for the intended full feasibility study in the near future. Recommendations for reactor technology option were also provided for both strategic and technical recommendations. The paper shall also postulate or rather implore what could be the best way for Malaysian and also other aspiring new entrant nations to select systematically their first civilian nuclear power reactor.