
  • 1 Agensi Nuklear Malaysia
  • 2 Universiti Malaysia Terengganu


Accumulation kinetic trends of cesium and cadmium in the Penaeus monodon were studied using Cs-134 and Cd-109 as a tracer. The objective of this study was to quantify the uptake and loss/depuration kinetic of these two radionuclides in the Penaeus monodon. Uptake and loss/depuration kinetic of these two radionuclides in the Penaeus monodon were varied widely, displayed a simple double kinetic model of linear and exponential trend with time unless modified by moulting at the stage in the mount cycle. Therefore, the variation of Cs-134 and Cd-109 bio-concentration factor could be concluded considerably influence by moulting cycle, environmental and biological condition as well as physico-chemical that direct effects on their uptake and loss/depuration kinetic.