
This study provides new information on the coastal current along the northern region of the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia. A self-recording S4 current meter, 3 m deep, from July to September 1996, about one nautical mile from the coastline of Kuala Terengganu, was used to determine the speed and direction of the coastal current. The results confirm the pres­ence of coastal current along the northern region of the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia, during the southwest (SW) monsoon season. The coastal current has a maximum speed of over 30 cm/s. Its direction off low is affected by tide. It flows northward (southward) during ebb (flood) tide. However, its net direction of flow is southeastward.
Kajian ini memberikan maklumat baru arus pantai di sepanjang bahagian utara Pantai Timur Semenanjung Malaysia. Meter arus rekod sendiri S4, telah dipasangkan di kedalaman 3 m, dari Julai hingga September 1996, lebih kurang satu batu nautika dari pantai Kuala Terengganu, untuk menentukan halaju dan arah arus pantai. Hasil kajian ini mengesahkan kehadiran arus pantai di sepanjang bahagian utara pantai timur Semenanjung Malaysia, dalam monsun barat daya. Arus pantai mempunyai halaju maksimum melebihi 30 cm/s. Arahnya dipengaruhi oleh air pasang surut. Ia mengalir ke utara (selatan) ketika air surut (pasang). Walau bagaimanapun, pengaliran bersihnya adalah ke arah tenggara.