The purpose of this study is to determine the visual status and effectiveness of low vision devices among visually impaired school children. One hundred and thirteen students from the special education schools took part in this study. Distance and near visual acuity were measured both with and without low vision devices. Students needing further assessment were referred to the Low Vision Clinic (LVC) Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. On presentation, 31% of the students were catagorised as low vision with distance acuity between 6/18 and 6/95 whereas 67% were blind. 2% were found to have distance acuity better than 6/18. The range of near visual acuity of these students was between N4 and N64. Low vision devices such as hand held magnifier, stand magnifier and telescope, were owned by only 17% of low vision students. This study showed that 85% of the students that were referred to the LVC benefited from low vision devices. Access to visual examinations and eye care for students with needs to be provided so that these students can be identified early and suitable low vision devices prescribed. This study emphasises the importance of the role played by parents, teachers and optometrists in the management of vision impairment in school children so that their visual impairment can be rehabilitated effectively.
Keywords: Low vision assessment; low vision devices