A secondary dataset was generated from the Euldph-λ semi-automatic Algorithm, (ESA) developed to automatically computes various depths to the magnetic anomalies using a primary data set from gridded aeromagnetic data obtained in the study area. Euler Deconvolution techniques, (EDT), was adopted in the identification and definition of the magnetic anomaly source rocks in the study area. The aim is to use the straightforward technique to pinpoint magnetic anomalies at a depth which substantiate mineralization potential of the area. The ESA was integrated with the imaging function of Oasis Montaj 2014 source parameter from Geosoft® Inc. From the data, it could be summarized that similar tectonic processes during the deformation and metamorphic activities, the subsurface structures of the study area produce corresponding trending form.
The southern South China coastal oceans within the South East Asian region are much lacking in the perception of the surface energy budget and evaporation over the ocean waters in response to climatic changes. The eddy covariance method was used to measure the energy fluxes, microclimate variables, and surface water temperature from November 2015 to October 2017 at the Straits of Malacca, South China Sea; Pulau Pinang, Malaysia, situated at latitude 5°28'06″N, and longitude 100°12'01″E. This work focused on the methodological approach to the air-sea energy fluxes data collection and analysis. In this regard, the method applied for the direct measurements and analysis of energy fluxes and other meteorological parameters in the site is considered and reported. •The paper summarizes the analysis of energy fluxes, microclimate variables, and surface water temperature data in a tropical coastal ocean station using the eddy covariance method.•The methodological approach illustrates the method of analysis applied in this study which can be compared and used for similar studies in other places.•The reproducible data analysis technique matches similar comparative methods such as Matlab and Python.
Air-sea flux exchanges influence the climate condition and the global carbon-moisture cycle. It is imperative to understand the fundamentals of the natural systems at the tropical coastal ocean and how the transformation takes place over the time. Hence, latent and sensible heat fluxes, microclimate variables, and surface water temperature data were collected using eddy covariance instruments mounted on a platform at a tropical coastal ocean station from November 2015 to October 2017. The research data is to gain the needful knowledge of the energy exchanges in the tropical climatic environment to further improve predictive algorithms or models. Therefore, it is intended that this data report will offer appropriate information for the Monsoonal, and diurnal patterns of latent (LE) and sensible (H) heats and hence, establish the relationship between microclimate variables on the energy fluxes at the peninsular Malaysian tropical coastal ocean.
Data on the micrometeorological parameters and Energy Fluxes at an intertidal zone of a Tropical Coastal Ocean was carried out on an installed eddy covariance instruments at a Muka head station in the north-western end of the Pinang Island (5°28'06''N, 100°12'01''E), Peninsula Malaysia. The vast source of the supply of energy and heat to the hydrologic and earth׳s energy cycles principally come from the oceans. The exchange of energies via air-sea interactions is crucial to the understanding of climate variability, energy, and water budget. The turbulent energy fluxes are primary mechanisms through which the ocean releases the heat absorbed from the solar radiations to the environment. The eddy covariance (EC) system is the direct technique of measuring the micrometeorological parameters which allow the measurement of these turbulent fluxes in the time scale of half-hourly basis at 20 Hz over a long period. The data being presented is the comparison of the two-year seasonality patterns of monsoons variability on the measured microclimate variables in the southern South China Sea coastal area.
A novel methodological approach was developed to quantified the volume of industrial waste desposal (IWD) site, combined with municipal waste materials (MWM), through the integration of a non-invasive, fast, and less expenssive RES2-D Electrical Resistivity Technique (ERT), using Wenner-Schlumberger electrode array geophysical method with Oasis Montaj software. Underground water bearing structures, and the eco-system are being contaminated through seepage of the plumes emanating from the mixtures of the industrial waste materials (IWM), made of moist cemented soil with municipal solid wastes (MSW) dumped at the site. The distribution of the contiminant hazardous plumes emanating from the waste materials' mixtures within the subsurface structural lithological layers was clearly map and delineated within the near-surface structures, using the triplicate technique to collect samples of the soil with the waste mixtures, and the water analysis for the presence of dissolved ions. The deployed method helped to monitor the seepage of the contaminant leachate plumes to the groundwater aquifer units via the ground surface, through the subsurface stratum lithological layers, and hence, estimation of the waste materials' volume was possibly approximated to be 312,000 m3. In summary, the novel method adopted are as presented below:•The novel method is transferable, reproduce-able, and most importantly, it is unambiguous technique for the quantification of environmental, industrial and municipal waste materials.•It helps to map the distribution of the plumes emanating from the waste materials' mixtures within the subsurface structural lithological layers that was clearly delineated within the near-surface structures underlain the study site.•The procedure helped in the monitoring of leachate contaminants plumes seepages into the surface water bodies and the groundwater aquifer units, via the ground surface, through to the porous subsurface stratum lithological layers.
Industrial, and municipal wastes are part of the main sources of environmental hazards as well as groundwater and surface water pollutions. If not well composed, treated, and safely disposed, it could permeate through the subsurface lithologies by reaching down to the underground water aquifers, particularly in zones of unprotected aquifer units. Pollutants, most especially the landfills leachates that encompassed organic contaminants, ammonia, nitrates, total nitrogen, suspended solids, heavy metals and soluble inorganic salts, i.e., soluble nitrogen, sulphur compound, sulphate and chlorides, could posed undesirable environmental impacts due to inappropriate disposals that may give rise to gaseous fumes and leachate formations. An electrical resistivity geophysical technique utilizing the RES2D no-invasive, cost-effective and rapid method of data collection was integrated with the 3D Oasis Montaj software to approximate the volume of the generated rectangular prism model of the contaminants delineated from mixtures of the industrial, and municipal wastes plumes to be 312,000 m 3.
Environmental hazards, industrial, and municipal wastes geochemical and geophysical assessments were carried out at an industrial waste disposal (IWD) site at Bukit Kepong, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. RES2-D geophysical method was applied, capable of identification and quantification of the industrial wastes; buried hazardous materials (BHM) and their effects on the subsurface stratum, from the moderately saturated zones, to fully saturated zones housing the aquifer units underneath the water table. Six RES2-D survey profiles were respectively acquired along E-W, and N-S directions. The perpendicular arrangement of the RES2-D survey lines, was tenaciously designed to make possible, the industrial waste materials (IWM)and municipal solid waste (MSW) quantification, with sufficient length of survey lines set at 200 m, and electrode spacing of 5 m, to cover as much details segments of the IWM and MSW as possible. The six RES2-D inversion results, helped in the subsurface stratum classification into three layers, namely; soft layers, which encompasses the waste materials, with varied resistivity values i.e., 0-100 Ω-m, at 10-15 m depths. The consolidated layers produced varied resistivity values i.e., 101-400 Ω-m, at 15-20 m depths. The bedrock has the highest resistivity values i.e., 401-2000 Ω-m, at depths > 20 m. The estimated volume of the waste materials was 312,000 m 3, using 3-D Oasis Montaj modeling via rectangular prism model generated from the inverted RES2-D. Results from the geochemical analysis helped in the validation of the site as a potential contaminated zone with severe health effects.
The paper presents the data from the surface and subsurface mapping of this area for the purpose of siting industrial city in the area. The field data collected combine with the borehole data was to successfully apply these to solving geological, environmental and engineering complications posed by the complexity of the subsurface geological structures underlain this area. The Electrical Resistivity, (ER) and Induced Polarization, (IP) data were initially processed using RES2DINV software model to generate the depth to the lithological units together with topographic correction. The 2-D ER and IP data were collected from 23rd April 2017 up until 7th May 2017 covering a total of about 17.6 km along 44 survey lines using ABEM Terrameter SAS4000 for the field measurement. A total of 20 Borehole logs data were recorded to better characterized in-situ, the subsurface geological formations emplaced in the study area. The study area is located at Bagan Datuk, Perak Darul Ridzuan situated on Latitude 2° 44.653'N and Longitudes 104° 28.79' E along the west coast Peninsula Malaysia. The topography of the area is generally flat low-laying and elevation range from about 0 m to 32 m above mean sea level (MSL).
Energy Dispersive X-ray Analysis, EDX mapping, Scanning Electron Microscope, SEM, together with X-ray Fluorescence Analysis, XRF, was carried out to extract the needed data from some metamorphic rock samples in part of the Nigerian Southwestern Precambrian Basement Complex, NSPBC. The foremost aim is to obtain the detail subsurface geological structures of the rocks within the area and to enhanced understanding of the processes and the types of metamorphic evolution in the area. The techniques involved qualitative and quantitative data analysis of the major, minor and radioactive elements present in the samples of rocks analyzed. The data helped to experimentally evaluate the rocks microstructures, and to also explore the development of magmatic and metamorphic mechanisms for the recognition of textual associations in the area. Applications of the EDX, SEM, and XRF data analysis are effortlessly done to determine the varied mixtures of Si, Al, Ca, Fe, K, Mg, and Na, in the presence of O existing in the rocks samples.The data helped in the classification and perceptive of these rocks and it was considered as a necessary tool in the knowledge of the metamorphism and origin of the Basement Complex rocks through measurement of the intensity of the emitted X-ray and its characteristics.
To identify the potential zones for gold mineralization at the Felda Chiku 3, Gua Musang, Kelantan, East coast Malaysia, twenty-one (21) geophysical survey lines were conducted at the proposed mineral exploration site using the pole - dipole of the electrical resistivity and induced polarization arrays to get the maximum depth of 150 m with 400 m survey length. From the resistivity and chargeability concentration maps, the potential mineralized zones as delineated, was observed to be dominantly concentrated towards the southwest and northern part of the area. The 3D resistivity and chargeability slice model present low resistivity values and high chargeability values that are well correlated which is palpable especially at the depths of 25 m and 50 m respectively. The data showed that the potential mineralized zones are trending approximately north-south directions. Forty (40) drilling locations were proposed for follow-up drilling based on the resistivity and chargeability models.
Understanding of the climate-water nexus for sustainability, required good knowledge of the climate effects on groundwater aquifer units, particularly in rural communities. The studies were achieved using RES2-D modelling of the subsurface structures at the study site. Geophysical exploration with the application of 2-D Electrical Resistivity Imaging (ERI), combined with Induced Polarization (IP) method, were carried out to identify groundwater aquifers during extreme weather at Kampung Kuala Pajam, Beranang, Selangor, Peninsular Malaysia. The signatures obtained from geophysical explorations were used to better understand the phenomena that are responsible for groundwater depletion in the area. In recent times, there had been seasonal fluctuations in the water supply from boreholes serving the community. During the drought season, subsurface underlain this area experienced perennial acute shortages of groundwater supplies due to annual climatic variations that call for immediate solution by meeting the agricultural, domestic, and industrial water usage of the State of Selangor. A Pole-dipole techniques, using seven parallel lines of 400 m each at 5 m inter electrode spacing deployed to study the groundwater accumulation/aquifers within the area. Saturated groundwater occurrences zones were delineated as areas with average resistivity values of about 125 Ω-m, with corresponding chargeability of 30 ms. The methods used identified major faults along the northeast-southwest (NE-SW) directions, suitable for groundwater occurrences with approximate volume of about 2.86 Mega cubic metre (CBM), to proffer lasting solutions to the challenges being experienced by the community using a climate-water nexus sustainability.