This study was done to determine the anthropometric measurement patterns of Malay children from wealthy families in Malaysia and to make a comparison with NCHS reference population. A population of 900 children aged between 3-12 years old from Taman Tun Dr Ismail, Kuala Lumpur (TDI), were examined but only 871 of them were eligible for the study. Weight, height, mid-arm circumference and skin fold thickness were measured. The increment pattern of anthropometric measurements of TDI children was quite similar to NCHS except for having a lower median weight for age and height for age. There was prepubescent increase in skin folds thickness in both sexes, followed by a midpubescent decrease and a late pubescent increase. The study indicated that Malay children from a wealthy background have growth rates comparable to children in the West, hence NCHS percentile charts are suitable as a reference for comparing the nutritional status of Malay children in Malaysia.
There is an increasing prevalence of diabetes mellitus around the world associated with rapid sociocultural development and changing lifestyles. Increased prevalence of obesity, with a higher consumption of animal products and lower consumption of fruits and vegetables, increases the risk of diabetes mellitus and other chronic degenerative diseases. Insulin-dependent diabetes (IDD) is caused by insulin deficiency, whereas the main feature of non-insulin-dependent diabetes (NIDD) which accounts for more than 90% of diabetics, is hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance, which may eventually lead to actual insulin deficiency. Hyperinsulinemia is undesirable because it increases the risk of developing vascular disease. In Malaysia, the prevalence of NIDD in some communities now exceeds 5%, and of impaired glucose tolerance 10%. Along with these increases in prevalence of hyperglycemia are increases in prevalence of overweight (BMI>25) and almost certainly abdominal fatness. In terms of management, nutrition is given priority. Insulin and hypoglycemic drugs (sulphonylureas or biguanides), where required, may adversely affect body composition if overused. Newer therapeutic strategies require greater attention to the underlying problem in NIDD of abdominal fatness by attention to the relevant nutritional factors, physical activity and other lifestyle factors like cigarette smoking and alcohol. The greater impact of obesity and diabetes on Malaysian women as opposed to men also needs to be addressed.
Cardiac arrhythmias are common in patients with thyrotoxicosis. Conduction abnormalities have been seen in a few thyrotoxic patients, but these, in particular high grade atrioventricular (AV) block, often occur in the presence of other conditions. Three thyrotoxic patients with conduction abnormalities are described: two were associated with severe hypokalaemia and the third had congestive cardiac failure. Conditions predisposing to conduction abnormality should be identified when this occurs in a thyrotoxic patient as their correction may help resolve or explain the conduction abnormality.
A 42-year-old Chinese woman presented with transient confusional state and memory loss due to acute water intoxicational hyponatremia complicating colonic irrigation (enemas) used as an alternative medicine to promote health. Although there is no evidence that such "antiautointoxication" technique conveys true benefit in any condition, this form of "quackery" may actually cause harm, such as water intoxication as in this case.
The case of a 32 year old male with normal male adrenarchal hair pattern, bilateral gynaecomastia, a small phallus, hypospadias and bilateral poorly developed testes presenting with primary infertility secondary to azoospermia and a pelvic cyst is described. Repeated chromosomal analysis showed 46XX chromosomal constitution. Laparotomy revealed a simple cyst between the urinary bladder and the rectum. XX male syndrome is a rare cause of male infertility. The majority of cases is due to interchange of a fragment of the short arm of the Y chromosome containing the region that encodes the testes determining factor with the X chromosome. The presence of a simple cyst in the anatomical location of the uterus to our knowledge has not been reported in the literature.
Four cases of acute viral myocarditis were diagnosed within three weeks. The clinical features, electrocardiography, cardiac enzymes and other laboratory investigations are described.
The socioeconomic, social behaviour and dietary pattern of 100 Aborigines and Malays, aged 7 years and above from Kuala Pangsoon, Selangor Malaysia were studied by using pretested questionnaires. The individual's dietary intake was estimated using 24 hour recall for 3 days within one week which was chosen at random. The household's food consumption pattern was evaluated using food frequency questionnaires. There was no difference in the total income per month for both communities, as well as the educational attainment of the head of household and property ownership. The proportion of smokers among the Aborigines and the Malays was almost similar (33%) but the percentage of heavy smokers was higher among Aborigines compared to Malays. One third of the Aborigines regularly consume alcohol. The main energy source for both communities was rice, sugar and cooking oil whilst fish and eggs were the main sources of protein. More than 50% of the Aborigines take tapioca or tapioca leaves at least once a week compared to less than 20% among the Malays. There was no significant different in the intake of energy, protein and carbohydrate between the groups. However, the Aborigines take less fats and iron compared to the Malays. The difference in terms of smoking, drinking habit and dietary intake may determine the distribution of disease in both communities.
Thyroid eye disease is autoimmune in nature and associated with Graves' Disease. Autoantibodies to the 64 kDa antigen in thyroid membranes cross-react to the 64 kDa proteins in human eye muscle membranes. Antibody dependent cell mediated cytotoxicity against eye muscle cells are also found in patients with thyroid eye disease. The purpose of this paper is to review the treatment available and to share the authors' experience using cyclosporin A. In the majority of cases, thyroid eye disease is mild, manifest only as bilateral or unilateral proptosis, with/without grittiness of the eyes. This is usually treated conservatively with eye drops. If proptosis is more severe and there is incomplete closure of eyelids, epiphora and conjunctival injection, then lateral tarrsorrhaphy is usually effective, combined with use of eye pads and eye drops. The problem of diplopia can be treated conservatively with special lenses, or with surgical correction of tethered muscles. However when proptosis is severe, with raised intraocular pressure, severe chemosis and danger of blindness, then the choice of therapy is controversial: rapid decompression by surgical means or use of high doses of prednisolone. Most prefer prednisolone therapy initially, surgical decompression if it fails. Various other methods have been tried, aimed at the immunological nature of the disease, namely plasmapheresis, radiotherapy and immunosuppressive drugs such as cyclosporin, with variable success. Our experience with cyclosporin had been mixed and inconclusive.
This is a cross-sectional study to determine the prevalence of insulin resistance and its associated factors in Hospital UKM patients with schizophrenia using the Homeostatic Model Assessment (HOMA) model. Fasting glucose and insulin from 85 patients were obtained. Fasting glucose revealed 15% of the patients were diabetic, while another 15% had impaired fasting glucose. Using the HOMA model, 68% of the patients had insulin resistance. Univariate analyses found BMI (p < 0.001) and waist circumference (p < 0.001) to be associated with insulin resistance. The statistical significance disappeared after multivariate analyses. All patients with schizophrenia should be screened and managed as a group at high risk for development of diabetes with emphasis on body weight management.
Study site: inpatient and outpatients, Psychiatric department, Pusat Perubatan Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (PPUKM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
A patient with beta hCG-secreting germ cell carcinoma of the pineal and suprasellar regions presented with hydrocephalus, Parinaud's syndrome, hypopituitarism and polyuria. Central diabetes insipidus was strongly suspected although the water deprivation test was not diagnostic. The polyuria however, responded to ADH analogue when the hypothyroidism and hypocortisolism were treated. Pubertal development was evident and serum testosterone was normal despite the low FSH/LH, suggesting hCG stimulation of Leydig cells. This case illustrates that a beta hCG-germ cell tumour of the suprasellar region causing hypopituitarism can mask the presence of central diabetes insipidus and hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism.
This study determined the effects of palm vitamin E (TRF) diet on the levels of blood glucose, glycated hemoglobin (gHb), serum advanced glycosylation end-products (AGE) and malondialdehyde (MDA) of diabetic Sprague-Dawley rats. The rats received either control (normal rat chow), TRF diet (normal chow fortified with TRF at 1 g/kg) or Vitamin C diet (vitamin E-deficient but contained vitamin C at 45 g/kg). The animals were maintained on the respective diet for 4 weeks, made diabetic with streptozotocin (STZ), then followed-up for a further 8 weeks. At week-4, mean serum AGE levels of rats given TRF diet (0.7 +/- 0.3 units/ml) were significantly lower than those of control or Vitamin C diet rats (p pounds 0.03). The levels increased after STZ and became comparable to the other groups. At week 12, blood glucose (20.9 +/- 6.9 mM) and gHb (10.0 +/- 1.6%) of rats on TRF diet remained significantly low compared to that of control or Vitamin C diet rats (p pounds 0.03). MDA however, was not affected and remained comparable between groups throughout the study. This study showed that TRF may be a useful antioxidant; effectively prevented increase in AGE in normal rats, and caused decrease in blood glucose and gHb in diabetic rats. Further studies are needed to elucidate the mechanisms of action of TRF.
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of altered thyroid status on 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (11beta-HSD type 1) and type 2 (11beta-HSD type 2) bioactivity in rat kidney and colon. Male Sprague-Dawley rats (250 g) were treated with either L-thyroxine (T4) or propylthiouracil (PTU) for 4 weeks. Blood were then analysed for serum thyroxine, sodium (Na+) and potassium (K+). The kidneys and colon were assayed for 11beta-HSD type 1 and 11beta-HSD type 2 bioactivity. In T4 treated rats the serum thyroxine was significantly elevated (p<0.05) whilst PTU decreased serum thyroxine significantly (p<0.001) compared to controls. Serum Na+ and K+ were within normal limits. There were no significant changes in 11beta-HSD type 1 bioactivity in both treatment groups compared to controls. However, the 11beta-HSD type 2 bioactivity in rats given thyroxine was significantly higher in the colon (p<0.003) compared to controls. We conclude that altered thyroid status had no effect on 11beta-HSD type 1 bioactivity but 11beta-HSD type 2 bioactivity was elevated in the colon of rats given supplementary thyroxine.
Although some form of commercial instrument mounting arm is available, a paucity of information in the literature may cause problems in selecting the most appropriate model for an ENT department wishing to trial their invention for use in the clinic or operating theatre. The instrument mounting arm described here is based on existing designs used by hobbyists and model makers for many years but the main benefit of this innovation is its multi-purpose use in the operating theatre and cost effectiveness since it is made of aluminum alloy. It is compact, stable and easily adjustable and can incorporate an endoscope holder or an operating end piece to mount various ENT instruments that offers considerable advantages to the unassisted operator.
Vitamin E has been shown to affect bone metabolism. In this study we determined the effects of palm vitamin E and alpha-tocopherol on bone metabolism. Sprague-Dawley female rats fed with normal rat chow were divided into 4 groups and supplemented with either palm vitamin E 30 mg/kg rat weight, palm vitamin E 60 mg/kg rat weight or alpha-tocopherol 30 mg/kg rat weight. One group was not supplemented. Half of these rats were ovariectomised before supplementation was given for 10 months. As expected, bone mineral density of the ovariectomised rats fed on normal rat chow diet was lower compared to the intact rats. However, these changes were not seen in the supplemented group of rats. Both intact and ovariectomised rats supplemented with palm vitamin E 30 mg/kg rat weight had a lower bone calcium content in both femoral and vertebral bones whilst rats fed palm vitamin E 60 mg/kg rat weight or alpha-tocopherol 30 mg/kg rat weight were able to maintain bone calcium content. Alkaline phosphatase activity was elevated in ovariectomised rats supplemented with palm vitamin E 30 mg/kg rat weight and alpha-tocopherol 30 mg/kg rat weight compared to the intact rats. Alpha-tocopherol also reduced the activity of tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase post-ovariectomy. These findings indicate that both palm vitamin E and alpha-tocopherol maintained bone mineral density in ovariectomised rats but caused conflicting effects on bone calcium content. Further study is needed in order to determine the mechanisms involved.
1. Sex steroids have been shown to regulate the biosynthesis of 11 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (11 beta-HSD). 2. In vitro studies showed that oestradiol (E2) or testosterone (T) can interfere with the bioassay of enzyme activity, but not progesterone (P4). 3. For in vivo studies, the activity of 11 beta-HSD in the testis of normal and adrenalectomized (ADX) adult male Wistar rats was determined following a daily IM injection of sex steroids for 7 days. 4. The 11 beta-HSD activity was significantly reduced (P < 0.01) either by E2 or T in normal and ADX rats. The enzyme activity in normal rats given both T and E2 was even lower (P < 0.001) than when E2 was given alone. 5. P4 given to normal and ADX rats increased the enzyme activity higher than normal (P < 0.001). 6. The presence of corticosteroids influenced the effects of E2, but not of T and P4, on 11 beta-HSD activity. 7. E2 and T downregulate 11 beta-HSD activity, whereas P4 increased it. E2 did not act through lowering T level.
Sixty three and fifty nine non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) patients in rural (land resettlement scheme) and urban areas respectively were studied to determine factors associated with diabetic control. The anthropometric and metabolic data (HbA1 and fructosamine levels) were analysed. After adjusting for gender, age, body mass index (BMI) and food intake, the fructosamine level which correlates with short term diabetic control, was significantly lower among patients in urban areas compared to patients in rural areas (p < 0.05). However, for longer term diabetic control (HbA1 level) the difference was not statistically significant (p > 0.05). The socio-economic status, level of education, BMI and types of food did not correlate with diabetic control in either group of patients. More diabetes education is needed together with socio-economic development and changes in lifestyles to enhance compliance towards health and dietary regimens and to achieve better metabolic control.
A cross-sectional study was carried out to determine the prevalence of diabetes mellitus and its relationship with age, physical activity, nutritional status and diet amongst rural Malays in Kuala Selangor. By simple random sampling 360 subjects were selected for the study. Besides guided questionnaires, subjects also underwent a 2 hours post prandial (2HPP) test to determine the diabetic status as recommended by WHO. The crude prevalence of diabetes mellitus was 14.6% which increases with age. The prevalence of diabetes adjusted for age was 12.2%. Physical activity status seemed to be a significant risk factor for diabetes. A greater proportion of diabetics was obese and their mean fat intake was higher than normal subjects (p < 0.05). The prevalence of diabetes mellitus in this study was significantly higher compared with data from 1984 (3.9%), representing a marked increment of 212.8 per cent over a 10-year period.
In this study we examined the incidence of hypercalcaemia among patients with tuberculosis in Malaysia. Serum calcium concentration and other calcium metabolism parameters were studied in 43 newly diagnosed tuberculous patients from the Kuala Lumpur General Hospital and the National Tuberculosis Centre. Forty-four patients admitted to the medical wards of the General Hospital, Kuala Lumpur were recruited as controls. The incidence of hypercalcaemia was found to be only 1/43 (2.3%). There was no significant difference between the mean serum calcium and other calcium metabolism parameters between the patients and the controls. Despite earlier reported incidences of 30-50%, this study showed that hypercalcaemia in tuberculosis is uncommon in Malaysia.