The Diamond Dialogue has previously been used as a research tool, as a way of evaluating the effectiveness of development of interventions in changing quality of life in a variety of contexts. This paper aims to describe the development of the Diamond Dialogue as a community intervention tool to reduce alcohol-related harm. This was part of an action research study. Focus groups, using the Diamond Dialogue, were conducted during workshops to reduce alcohol-related harm in two different villages. The Diamond Dialogue was initially used as a tool to better understand how drinking was affecting their quality of life. The Diamond Dialogue was intentionally used as part of the intervention in one village, with the discussion on alcohol and quality of life leading into discussion on community level change to reduce alcohol-related harm. The discussion notes were analysed for themes related to quality of life and alcohol use. Alcohol was seen by community members to have both positive and negative effects on the community. Using the Diamond Dialogue as an intervention lead to greater levels of engagement, created a collective motivation to change and led to community level action planning. Exploring community ambivalence towards alcohol, acceptance of both the positive and negative effects and validation of the community’s views provided a platform for engagement. This then lead to “change talk” about adopting low-risk drinking and ownership of possible solutions for alcohol related problems.
Sabah, located in Southeast Asia, hosts the highest number of non-Malaysian citizens (27.7%), predominantly the Indonesian and Filipino migrants in comparison to other states in Malaysia. Sabah has inadequate data on migrants' sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHRs). Various migrant-related policies and laws are present, but they do not offer full protection and rights to legal migrants in terms of their SRHRs. The aim of the laws and policies appears to be controlling the migrants from having any negative impact on the locals, rather than protecting migrants' health and rights. This affected their rights to marriage, having children, increase their vulnerabilities to labour trafficking and sexual abuse and access to health-care services. Female migrant workers and undocumented migrants form the most vulnerable subgroups of migrants. This narrative review highlights the status of SRHRs of migrants in Sabah and the migrant-related Malaysian laws and policies affecting their SRHRs.
Obstetric haemorrhage is the leading cause of maternal death worldwide (27.1%) and more than 66% of its deaths were classified as postpartum haemorrhage (PPH). The most common cause of PPH is uterine atony. Obstetrician should be skillful in managing obstetric emergencies; especially pertaining to PPH. Application of the B-Lynch suture on an atonic uterus is one of the surgical options in PPH patients who wish to conserve the uterus and it has a very high success rate.We present a primigravida patient who developed massive primary PPH followed by disseminated intravascular coagulation, which was successfully managed with B-Lynch suture and bilateral internal iliac artery ligation. We described in detail regarding the management of massive PPH and application of these surgical procedures on the atonic uterus with an attempt to preserve the uterus and future fertility in this young patient.
Summary: Alcohol is the number three contributor to the burden of disease worldwide so must remain a priority health promotion issue internationally. Malaysia is a Muslim country and alcohol-related harm was not seen as a priority until recently, because it only affects a minority of the population. Sabah has more than 30 different ethnic groups, and alcohol has a traditional role in the cultural practices of many of these groups. In 2009, the Intervention Group for Alcohol Misuse (IGAM) was formed, under the umbrella of Mercy Malaysia by a group of healthcare workers, academics, members of the Clergy and people who were previously alcohol-dependent concerned about the harmful effects of excessive alcohol consumption. IGAM in collaboration with other bodies have organized public seminars, visited villages and schools, encouraged the formation of a support group and trained healthcare professionals in health promotion intervention. The focus later changed to empowering communities to find solutions to alcohol-related harm in their community in a way which is sensitive to their culture. A standard tool-kit was developed using WHO materials as a guide. Village committees were formed and adapted the toolkit according to their needs. This strategy has been shown to be effective, in that 90% of the 20 committees formed are actively and successfully involved in health promotion to reduce alcohol-related harm in their communities.
Alcohol consumption has been a central practice in Sabah, Malaysia. However, this region has witnessed a nuanced shift in drinking habits over the last decade, raising concerns about the health, economic, and social implications of alcohol use within the community in Sabah. This study explores the impact of gender narratives and cultural transformations on alcohol consumption within Sabah over the last decade. The objectives of this research include 1) assessing the shifts in alcohol consumption patterns over the last 10 years, 2) understand the role of gender differences in shaping these patterns, and 3) identify the economic consequences resulting from the changes. Employing a qualitative approach, we conducted focus group interviews with members of the native community, each group consisting of up to 7 participants. Thematic analysis was used to identify key themes pertaining to gender roles, cultural practices, and socioeconomic influences of alcohol consumption. The data were then contextualized using Bronfenbrenner's social-ecological model and social role theory. The study reveals a significant shift in drinking habits. Historically, alcohol was mostly consumed by men, but now more women are drinking, changing long-standing gender roles related to alcohol use. Children often copy their parents' drinking behaviors, and with alcohol being more easily available, more people are drinking than before. Our findings also expose the complex consequences of alcohol use, which extend to health concerns, familial tension, and economic hardship. Despite the entrenched cultural status of alcohol, these negative outcomes are exacerbated by a lack of supportive healthcare services. In light of these insights, the study suggests the need for intervention plans that respect the cultural background of Sabah and account for gender dynamics while tackling the current issues of alcohol misuse. The research adds to the wider conversation about managing alcohol in different cultural settings and also recommended strategies based on the findings, such as cultural and gender sensitive community programs, youth centered programs, community-based healthcare services, employment support and training and development of laws and policies.